God Card

Chapter 31 038: Stone Skin Card


Put a whiteboard energy card into the card slot of the meter in your hand, and immediately you can see some wire-mounted light strips that conduct energy on the surface of the rectangular meter light up.

This is a kind of equipment commonly used by card repairers. It is a special device that links energy cards with other cards. The purpose is to use energy cards to provide energy to activate and use other cards, so that the card repairer's own card energy will not be consumed.

If there is no speed meter, the card repairer can only activate the card by consuming his own card energy.

The measuring instrument in Tang Jian's hands is just the most common two-slot measuring instrument.

He quickly picked up another energy card and card that he got after killing one person. As for the speed meter dropped by the other party, he quickly picked it up and put it on the other arm.

At this time, some other students in the distance also got their initial props, and they all looked at the prop cards they got while being wary of keeping a distance from each other.

Tang Jian is no exception.

There is nothing to observe about the one-star energy card on the white board. What Tang Jian observed was the other two cards he got.

One of them is his initial card, and the other is the initial card of another person killed by him.

The faces of both cards are white.

This kind of white is not the color of the material itself, but a color given by the law of the four supreme stars, indicating that it is a card of white quality.

One of the cards has a gray texture inside, and the card pattern on the surface looks hard and rough, not round, but full of the beauty of hard lines, forming a pattern similar to a stone man.

Tang Jian could tell at a glance that this was a card from the battle-like body series - the Stone Skin Card.

The blunt lines on the surface of this card are not formed by the creator's unfamiliar techniques, but the blunt lines are the necessary elements to form this type of card.

The method used to make cards is not static.

It's not that the lines have to be soft to be the best.

Cards of different nature require different drawing techniques.

The grades of stone skin cards are different, from the lowest white quality of three stars to green quality of one star, and the power of different grades is naturally different.

The initial card he got was this kind of "reckless" card, and Tang Jian was also very helpless.

It's not a long-range combat card, which means that you have to fight close to people, and the risk factor is higher.

But since he can get the battle card, he is quite satisfied.

He looked at another card.

The inner color of this card is transparent, and the lines on the surface are extremely soft, and they are almost as thin as silk. It looks like strands of spring rain, and the pattern formed is also like a spring rain.

Auxiliary Healing Series Cards - Rejuvenation Cards.

It is also a card of different grades, ranging from the lowest white quality of 2 stars to the highest green quality of 1 star, with different qualities and different powers.

Tang Jian's observation and identification of cards was very fast. He almost just glanced twice to determine the card's grade, function, and nature.

The speed at which he loaded cards was also extremely fast. He only saw two arms waving at the same time, and he loaded all the cards for the other arm at the same time.

Two meters, one whiteboard, one star energy card and "action card" on each side.

"Action card" is a professional term, meaning the four types of cards that act on energy cards.

While Tang Jian loaded the card, his body was already running towards the classmate not far away, with a very clear goal.

At the same time, people began to appear on the standings above, and some even got three points at this time.

Tang Jian looked up, and it was Wu Chun from Class 1 who got three points.

In addition to Wu Chun, Wang Ba and other top students from the school also began to enter the list one after another.

And he is the only one in Class 32 of their high school who is currently on the list, and has gradually dropped to more than twenty.

The entire scoreboard only shows the top 30.

I don't know if this means that as long as you enter the top 30 in this level, you will be qualified, or it means something else.

In short, Tang Jian was determined to stay within the top 30.

When he rushed to one of the students, the other party quickly reacted.

"Join hands and kill him!"

Not far from that student, another girl with a ponytail came running up, and said decisively, the measuring instrument in her hand was already lit.

Obviously, these two people knew each other and sensed Tang Jian's threat, their eyes were eager to join hands to kill Tang Jian first.


The speed meter in the ponytail girl's hand flashed, and there was a sharp sound of breaking the wind, and in an instant, a light green air bomb tore through the air and shot at Tang Jian.

"Air bullet card, the green air bullet means that the grade does not exceed three stars of the white board, the standard rate of fire is 1.1 times/s, and the lethality can penetrate a one-inch thick wooden board, but cannot penetrate a one-inch thick stone board."

The moment he saw the light green air bomb shooting towards him, a card message flashed through Tang Jian's mind.

His movement speed didn't change at all, going straight.

The light green light beam passed by a foot away from him, without any threat at all.

"Hurry up, my card is an auxiliary wave cover card, it can add a shield for you!"

Seeing that Tang Jian charged straight over with a fierce aura, the two people on the opposite side immediately panicked, and the youthful-looking boy immediately put a shield on the girl with the ponytail.

As soon as the meter in his hand lit up, a cool breath instantly surrounded the girl with the ponytail, causing a circle of water waves to surround the girl instantly, forming a wave shield.

During this period, the ponytail girl fired air bombs one after another again, but the accuracy was too poor, Tang Jian predicted in advance and easily avoided it, and the distance was instantly shortened.

"You cover me." The ponytail girl screamed, and quickly retreated to distance herself from Tang Jian.

The boy gritted his teeth, put a wave shield on himself, and rushed directly to Tang Jian.

"Get rid of this assistant first, and the other one will be easier to deal with." Tang Jian didn't chase the ponytail girl at all.

The accuracy of the opponent's shot is really eye-catching.

During the battle, one had to react accordingly. If the opponent was a sharpshooter, Tang Jian would naturally choose to hang on to the opponent to defuse the threat.

But in this situation, the girl with the air bullet card is not very threatening, but the boy who can continuously add the water wave shield is very troublesome. Only by solving this guy first can he break the opponent's defense.

Break the line of defense first, then kill.

Tang Jian was extremely determined. The moment he came into contact with the boy, the stone skin card was activated, and he felt an unpleasant smell like lime powder emanating from his body. Immediately, his body became a little stiff and inflexible, but a powerful force And a sense of solidity, but burst out from the body.

Five-finger Zhang suddenly squeezed it!

The moment Tang Jian approached, he swung out a fist, which turned into a black-skinned fist the size of a bowl, and quickly magnified in the opponent's terrified eyes.


The water wave shield fluctuated violently and violently.

Tang Jian exposed most of his body seemingly inadvertently.

"It's now!"

The girl, who was always aiming nervously not far away, did not hesitate to push the air bullet to the maximum.

call out--

A light green gas bomb came quickly

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