God Card

Chapter 321 330: Insidious, Bartheth's counterattack (for subscription)

The snow stopped, and so did the fighting.

A group of ignorant people from the Tibetan tribe fled in a panic after leaving behind fifty or sixty corpses.

Tang Jian chased and killed for several thousand meters, and finally stopped in his tracks and did not continue to chase.

Even if some foolish people were clearly beside him, he didn't bother to kill them.

The fools whose energy level threatened to exceed 100 basically died, and the remaining small fish and shrimps Tang Jian had no interest in hunting.

Although any uncivilized colonized sinkhole creature is the enemy of the Federation, this is only a textbook approach that is biased towards brainwashing.

People who are truly thoughtful and intelligent will certainly not accept this kind of brainwashing so paranoidly.

The process of Tang Jian killing the foolish people was completely recorded by the photo beads.

Preliminary estimates are that more than 30 fools with strong vitality were killed, which is more than that of Johnson and other hired members combined.

Card masters are good at weapons.

This device is a card.

Compared with the crude longbows and spears in the hands of foolish people, the combat power of a card master who can use cards is often several times that of foolish people with the same vitality.

Therefore, the Federation's control over card technology has always been very strict.

It's not that there have been sinkhole creatures who have set their minds on the card civilization of the Federation, trying to learn to master it, and use the weapons of the Federation humans to deal with the Federation humans in turn.

However, most of the worlds in the tiankeng have different power systems from the card civilization.

The skill tree is different, and it is really strenuous to research. It is better to use your own power system to cultivate more gods.

However, there are also some civilizations that have successfully used the "infiltration plan" to steal a lot of information and technology from the card civilization, and have made some research results. These civilizations have become the key targets of the Earth and Star Federation.

There are too many uncivilized barbaric tribes like the Tibetan tribe in Tiankeng World, and they are basically treated like savage beasts.

In fact, the Federation doesn't pay much attention to this kind of tribe, but still wants to educate and use it to dig out more resources.

Ignorance is sometimes a good quality, which means easy to control and squeeze value.

When returning to the guardian camp.

Johnson and the other six surviving hired members immediately gathered together.

Several of them were seriously injured, but under the treatment of the healing series of cards, their injuries were basically stable.

"Boss, these are spoils of war. Let's discuss and let you distribute them."

The black Johnson grinned and approached Tang Jian to hand over the spoils he had collected, appearing to be quite amused.

The so-called trophies are actually mostly contributed after the death of the original companions.

All the foolish people who came to attack came for the battle.

Apart from carrying weapons and simple healing medicines, they didn't carry any valuable items at all.

However, the fool's weapon is the worst weapon for a card master.

This kind of small tribe doesn't have any superb steel smelting technology, and the weapon manufacturing is very simple and completely worthless.

However, a few medicines contain some rare herbs from Tiankeng, which have the potential to be used as card materials.

It can be said that if the cards and other things left after the death of the companions are excluded in this battle, it is a complete loss-making business.

Tang Jian saw the old black [portable small electromagnetic gun card] at a glance.

Blue Samsung's mechanical technology kinetic energy weapon card.

This kind of card is just a trial version. Although the power is acceptable, but the launch speed is as slow as 10 seconds, which is rubbish to Tang Jian.

But the market price of this card has reached 500,000, making it the most valuable card in Lao Gu Hei's hands.

Looking at some other cards, Tang Jian found that they were really worse than rubbish.

For example, the mechanical defense battle suit card that has become a pile of debris, this green 6-star mechanical defensive weapon series card, was directly shot by a powerful fool, garbage.

Tang Jian picked and picked from left to right, and directly picked three cards worth more than one million federal coins and took them away. He didn't bother to look at the other piles of garbage cards.

Although the value of that pile of garbage cards is almost one million federal coins, they still leave some for Johnson and others.

If these people are very ignorant, don't take the initiative to greet him with a smile and share the spoils with him.

Tang Jian wouldn't be polite either, and just grabbed it clean.

But since they all greeted each other with smiles, Tang Jian was not good at overpowering others, he always prided himself on convincing others with virtue.

Johnson and the others were relieved to see that Tang Jian was approachable and did not act very aggressive after a little refusal, and they all thanked Tang Jian after sharing the spoils.

"Thank you, boss. If you hadn't turned the tide this time, I'm afraid we would have suffered more casualties. Don't take the previous offense to heart, boss."

The black Johnson thanked and apologized again and again, and his attitude of admitting his mistakes was very sincere.

Tang Jian shook his head to show that he was fine.

Listening to such a black man speaking in ancient Xia language, he still felt strangely uncomfortable. Aren't all black people very talkative and long-winded like Jack.

After solving this battle, some people were already frightened due to serious injuries. Although they all analyzed that the Tibetan tribe should not have much fighting power after going through so many battles, but after all, the powerful divine creature is still Very dreadful.

As a result, two people immediately chose to quit the mission halfway, unwilling to continue guarding here.

The employer doesn't care about this kind of quitting midway, and Tang Jian naturally doesn't care about it either.

After the two exited, another hired member who was not injured exited and left quickly.

Black Johnson sneered twice, looked at the people who left, and said to Tang Jiandao, "Some people pretended to be seriously injured and left, and some really believed and followed. Greed is the original sin."

Tang Jian's eyes flickered, and he looked at the three people left behind by Johnson and the others, with a faint smile, "Isn't it because of greed that the three of you stayed?"

The hearts of the three tensed, and Johnson smiled and said in a low voice, "Boss, you are a sensible person, there are still nine hours before the employment mission will end.

At that time, the employer will come out of it, and our employment task is completed.

Aren't you curious about what's in that hill? "

"I'm curious about the fart, except for a tricky wanted criminal, there is a fart benefit."

Tang Jian rolled his eyes in his heart, but said flatly on his face, "If it is beneficial to say so, do you want to share a piece of the pie?"

The three of Johnson looked at each other and said, "Boss, since the employer dares to hire us, it must be unusual. Otherwise, hiring us would be like inviting wolves into the house.

I guess he must be unable to separate himself now. Once he completely solves the matter in hand and the mission is over, we may not be able to succeed if we want to deal with him again.

But boss, your strength is probably beyond his expectations, or we"

Tang Jian glanced at the three of them lightly, "No matter what you think, I just warn you not to act rashly. I just want to complete one employment mission, and I don't want to cause extra problems. If you want to sabotage the mission, then be prepared to be my enemy!" "

An undeniably domineering tone.

Immediately, the three of Qiang Sen's hearts trembled, and they quickly smiled and said they dared not dare, so they had no choice but to disperse.

"Johnson, what should we do now? I think this is the most suitable time to attack the employer, otherwise after 9 hours, it may not be possible to succeed."

The three hired members retreated to the side and got together, pretending to chat, but actually discussing with communication cards in an extremely cryptic manner.

Johnson said solemnly, "No, that guy is too strong, and the cards he uses are extremely powerful, the three of us will definitely fight together.

The key point is that the energy cards used by this guy are very good, at least they are purple. I haven't seen him change the energy cards, and use them recklessly.

And his spiritual power is definitely stronger than ours. Such a person must have a big background, and he does not allow us to act rashly. "

The other two were a little unwilling and helpless when they heard the words.

Thinking back to the battle just now, everyone shuddered.

Indeed, Tang Jian is too strong.

If Tang Jian wants to complete the employment mission, if they destroy it, it will be an enemy of Tang Jian.

The problem is, they simply don't have the strength and courage to fight against Tang Jian.

"Now we have to wait until the task is over, and it's just our guess that the employer is strong. Maybe it's not strong. We will go our separate ways after the task is over."

Johnson sighed helplessly.

Tang Jian opened the Card Creators Association card on the other side, not bothering to care about the discussions of Johnson and the other three.

Even these three guys dare not play tricks in front of him.

If you really have the guts to sabotage his mission, you'll kill them all.

Anyway, he has already done it once in the dream, and Tang Jian is not some soft-hearted and faithful man.

If it weren't for the fact that he was not sure about leaving the devil to wish Yu Sheng, Tang Jian would have even thought of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge to kill this employer.

The other party is not a good person either, he is a bit hypocritical in the name of eliminating demons and defending Taoism, and if he kills him, he will kill him.

But now I'm not sure, Tang Jian forgets, just wait for the task to be completed honestly.

Of course, as a three-good citizen of the Federation and a red scarf who kept himself safe, Tang Jian was very upright and directly reported the current location of Zhu Yusheng, a wanted criminal.

Report messages are sent periodically.

In another five hours, it will almost be sent out.

This is also to ensure that the employment task can be successfully completed.

The insidious Tang Jian didn't want to shoot himself in the foot.

Open the Card Creator Association card and take a look.

Tang Jian found that many emails had been sent.

They are all message prompts for material collection.

In order to collect materials, Tang Jian's contribution value has been in a state of consumption.

Although some people bought patents one after another later, the 5% share was not enough to make ends meet.

Up to now, his contribution value has dropped to more than 85,000 points.

Suddenly, a message caught Tang Jian's eyes, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Quickly opened the leaderboard of the Newcomer King Card Game to check, and suddenly saw that Barthias had returned to the number one position on the leaderboard, with a potential value of 26,000 points, which was more than 8,000 points ahead of Tang Jian.

"Batheth actually invented a new patent?"

Tang Jian frowned slightly, and opened the file to have a look.

Sure enough, it was discovered that Bartheth had invented a new patent again, and the patent was a blue card patent, which gained more than 8,000 potential points in one fell swoop.

This patent was just invented today.

At this time, many fans of Basseth had already started to celebrate on the Internet, and even because of the competition with Tang Jian, the fans of Basses and Tang Jian's fusion fans had once again set off a scolding war on the Internet.

Western Europe.

After attending the celebration banquet, Bartheth enjoyed the honor of being on the top again, feeling elated.

He looked at the group of fans fighting for him on the Internet, and at the fans who kept defending Tang Jian, he sneered.


Just relying on you Tang Jian, you were almost killed by someone I hired last time. If you were not lucky and died early, you still want to continue to fight with me?

This time I created another patent, which is more than 8,000 potential points ahead. Do you still want to beat me?

Eat dick.

Bartheth was in the best of moods.

However, he did not relax. After listening to his cousin's suggestion, he felt that Tang Jian would really be able to research a new patent in a month's time.

So he also prepared a trump card but didn't use it.

At the same time, in order to prevent Tang Jian's rabbit from jumping over the wall, Basseth didn't dare to go out in a high-profile way, let alone go to Gu Xia.

He just stayed in his family's territory, waiting until the end of this card making competition, completely defending the crown, which made Tang Jian desperate, but at the same time, he also wanted to find something for Tang Jian, an immature opponent.

【Seeking Wave Automatic Subscription~】

Thanks to Leng Yue and book friend 1411011246002 for their rewards! This year is the last day of 2018, I wish you all good luck in the new year!

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