God Card

Chapter 352 Chapter 361: Calling for help in the insect nest

The life in the tiankeng is a life away from the hustle and bustle of the city and returning to the original state.

Tang Jian was cultivating in the ruins for a while, besides the high-grade nutrient solution he had prepared, he also ate the strange insects in the Tiankeng that lived near the death desert every day.

The tiankeng monster is also a powerful tiankeng creature whose energy level exceeds 100, and even reaches between 300 and 600, and lives in groups.

More than ten days ago, when Tang Jian rushed to the Death Desert for the first time, he encountered this kind of strange insect.

At that time, he also hunted and killed a strange insect, and hid the body in the storage ring card. After eating this insect meat, he found that a kilogram of this insect meat was equivalent to a bottle of high-grade nutrient solution.

And the meat of a strange insect weighs at least one hundred and fifty catties.

After so many days of training and nutritional supplements, Tang Jian completely relied on these Tiankeng monsters.

The brother Norman Blackhand has done a very good job, he can be called an expert insect catcher, and he didn't want to disturb the original life of Tang Jian and Sun Yiying, so he borrowed the [Three No Ape Card].

Every two or three days, Norman's black hand would catch a strange insect and send it to Tang Jian to supplement his nutrition. This really proved that men know men best.

So after so many days, Tang Jian's vitality has become stronger and stronger, his waist is not sore and his kidneys are not painful, and his nutrition and health care are very sufficient.

"Brother, I have hunted and killed all the strange insects around here during this time, and there are very few strange insects here anymore."

Norman black hand was eating a high-protein worm leg, and skillfully squeezed it with his tongue, pushing out the cooked meat in the thick worm leg and chewing, he said vaguely.

Sun Yiying said, "The energy in the ruins is almost exhausted. We can change places. After Xiaojian kills the remaining 50 or so tiankeng creatures, let's leave the tiankeng."

"I've almost finished my cultivation, and I immediately solved the remaining 50-odd targets, and then I went out."

Tang Jian was also tired of eating insect meat.

These worms are good to eat for the first time, just like eating crabs, it feels delicious, and some female worms even contain high-energy worm yellow in their bodies.

The energy contained in 100 grams of insect yellow is almost equivalent to a bottle of super nutrient solution, which can be said to be priceless.

This means that they can be killed and eaten in the wild.

If you take it to the colony, you can only secretly hide it in the storage ring card and eat it yourself. If you take it out and sell it, it is equivalent to smuggling.

But this kind of insect meat is getting tired after eating for more than ten days.

Norman Black Hand hesitated and glanced at Tang Jiandao, "Brother, I found a lair of these bugs yesterday, there were about twenty similar bugs there, I didn't provoke them, but I heard that there was a nest in the lair over there. There are human cries for help"

"What?" Tang Jian was eating a lump of worm yellow, and his mouth was full of yellow when he heard the words.

Norman Mafia said, "Really, there are voices of human beings calling for help, both men and women. It seems that there are quite a lot of people. I dare not get too close to investigate the situation. [Three No Ape Cards] Although it can make the insects ignore me, I can vaguely sense it. There should be a few extremely strong bugs over there."

"You feel very strong, so how strong should it be? The vitality exceeds 3000?"

Tang Jian frowned.

"How is it possible? The vitality should be only about 1500. It is too far away to sense clearly, but it should be this value. I think it would be very dangerous if I shot alone."

Norman Mafia.

Sun Yiying looked at Tang Jian, "Are you going to see it?"

"There are so many bugs, didn't they eat those people?" Tang Jian asked strangely.

Norman Mafia said, "There should be bugs that were eaten, but some humans may have been preserved as reserve food and not eaten."

Tang Jian looked at the fragrant worm meat roasting in front of him, and thought that this worm might have eaten people, he couldn't help feeling nauseated.

"Take me to have a look. Teacher, you should stay at the ruins first, and be careful."

Tang Jian got up and said.

"Okay." Sun Yiying nodded, but did not indicate that she insisted on following.

Even though her cultivation speed has been extremely fast these days and her vitality has reached more than 140, she still knows that there is still a big gap between her and Tang Jian.

This gap is actually not mainly a gap in vitality, but a gap in actual combat power.

There are many factors that affect the actual combat power of a card master.

For example, combat awareness, mental strength, card group in hand, etc.

Sun Yiying's combat awareness is actually as good as her card making talent, but her mental strength is a little mediocre like ordinary people, and the card group in her hand is also very mediocre.

Although Tang Jian, the wife-loving madman, gave Sun Yiying some elimination cards he didn't need, but with those cards, Sun Yiying still couldn't deal with a bug with more than 500 HP.

However, in the past ten days, Tang Jian also successfully collected the materials for making a beautiful Asian girl card, and made a Xiaomei No. 2 for Sun Yiying to save her life.

Leaving Sun Yiying alone in the ruins, Tang Jian followed Norman's black hand to immediately go to the worm's nest to save people.

He opened the task list of Hidden Kill midway, searched for the task of B65 Tiankeng, and found no special rescue task.

If you think about it, Hidden Killing is just a killer organization, not a savior. Although it also has many other tasks, it is not as comprehensive as the bounty hunter organization. It mainly accepts assassination tasks.

If those who were captured by the bugs asked for help, they would not send missions for help in the killer organization, and they might not even have the chance to ask for help.

After all, this place is close to the Death Desert.

"The worm's nest is in a Gobi area about 300 miles away from the Death Desert. There is a small oasis there, and there is a lot of wind and sand."

Norman Black Hand said, and handed the [Three No Ape Card] to Tang Jian.

【Three No Monkey Cards】Not only can people not hear, see, or say, but also has the characteristics of restraining Zerg creatures, which can block the perception and smell of Zerg creatures, making it extremely difficult for Zerg creatures to detect prey.

The Norman Black Hand has used this card to hunt monster bugs for a while, so that the group of monster bugs can't do anything to him. Under the warning of the crisis, they voluntarily avoided the range of the Norman Black Hand's activities.

In order to save time on the road, Tang Jian summoned the mutated true red-eyed worm.

Amid bursts of distorted energy, a two-headed worm with black and red scales and a terrifying aura appeared out of thin air.

Its body is twisted and coiled, just looking at its body, it already looks a bit like an oriental dragon. The venom dropped from the mouth of the ferocious giant teeth dripped on the ground, easily corroding and penetrating the ground.

Although the Zun Chong with a body size of more than ten feet has a huge target, with the improvement of Tang Jian's vitality, the Zun Chong's vitality has also increased to 870, and the corresponding attack power and toxin power have increased.

"Brother, even if your pet card is in the interstellar world, it should be considered an extremely rare growth card."

Norman Black Hand sighed enviously.

The two turned on the back of Zun Chong.

Violence flashed across the scarlet eyes of Zun Chong's dark and evil head, and he turned his head coldly to glance at Norman's black hand, spitting out a venomous tongue as if warning.

"Okay, red eye, let's go, you have to do me a little favor later."

Tang Jian patted Red Eye's dark and hard head.

There was a slight fluctuation in the eyes of the red eyes, and a pair of fleshy wings flapped suddenly, whipped up a strong wind, and went away in an instant.

Three hundred miles away, an oasis is in the middle of the yellow sand, as if it is far away.

In the sky above the oasis, there are sometimes quite large strange insects passing by, accompanied by the howling wind, making a sharp neighing.

When there were still ten miles away, Tang Jian collected the mutated true red-eyed worm, and approached quietly on foot with Norman Black Hand.

The area here is very special, and the psychic atmosphere is very chaotic.

The yellow sand rolled wildly in the strong wind, covering the sky and the sun.

The gravel swirls under the blowing of the wind. After thousands of rounds, the power is so powerful that it even smashes the ground.

"I couldn't hear anyone's cries for help at all."

Tang Jian looked at Norman Mafia.

The wind is too loud.

The voices of those monster insects with strong vitality can be transmitted through gold and cracked stones, but the cries of human beings for help cannot be heard at all.

Norman Mafia said, "Maybe they are all dead, you decide, do you want to do it?"

If you do it, there is a certain risk, but both of them are sure to get rid of the risk.

At best, they are just a group of savage beasts in the sinkhole. Although their vitality is very strong, if they are not card masters, they are not too threatening.

The power of the cards is ever-changing, and they restrain each other. If you don't know the opponent's cards, there may always be danger.

However, wild beasts don't know how to use cards, and even the use of vitality is very barbaric and primitive.

Therefore, for experienced and powerful card masters, the savage beasts in the sinkhole are actually just prey.

"Do it, but I need to investigate first." Tang Jian said.

Norman Mafia was not surprised by this.

He knew that Tang Jian should have a special card, and he didn't know where it was hidden, but that card should be an extremely powerful investigation card, which could detect the enemy's information in extremely detailed and clear.

Sure enough, the next moment Tang Jian gently closed his eyes, as if he was sleeping.

"The activation method of this investigation card is really weird, it really looks like he is asleep."

Norman grumbled in black hands, guarding Tang Jian's side, vigilant about the movement around him.

Tang Jian has naturally entered the dream at this time.

There is nothing more direct and clear than using the face to detect the way, and the dream is the best way to detect, and there is nothing to be afraid of if you die.

Ten minutes later.

Tang Jian opened his eyes.

"How?" Norman Mafia said.

Tang Jian suddenly looked at a small soil bag not far away, and said in a low voice, "Friends across the way, don't hide, come out."

Norman Black Hand was startled, and immediately activated the electromagnetic shield card, and the two electromagnetic shields firmly protected him and Tang Jian.

The small dirt bag on the opposite side didn't move.

Norman Blackhand was frowning.

Tang Jian's fists suddenly exploded with electric arcs, and a thunderbolt fist appeared, and suddenly he threw out an electric spear and went straight to the soil bag not far away.


Before the electric spear penetrated the soil bag, a layer of gray-black soil vortex appeared on the surface of the soil bag, directly swallowing the electric spear, and the surface layer of soil was blasted by the electric arc, emitting green smoke.

"Bah, bah, bah—"

After the dust bag, three people jumped out, each with a disheveled face, looking at Tang Jian and the other with surprise and vigilance in their eyes.

"who are you?"

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