God Card

Chapter 376 385: The Pursuit Order! The loss of massive energy value (subscription required)

Federation Gu Xia Yujing, Political Affairs Office of the General Central Committee.

This is a square long platform.

At this time, there are more than a dozen newly projected virtual figures floating above the platform to communicate.

The two sides have held meetings here for three consecutive days, and the topics discussed have always been around the four major base cities where the tiankeng riots occurred in Guxia.

Originally, three days ago, this issue was only a little exciting when Beiyu Base City was recovered, but it still hasn't been better resolved.

And yesterday, things had begun to develop with a newer development.

Wan Ling returns, officially breaks through into the realm of Ka God, and brings an extremely exciting news, the barbarian god has been killed by Wan Ling himself, and the corpse of the god has been transported to the Guxia Central Scientific Research Institute.

This not only means that the Tiankeng riots in Beiyu Base City have been completely disintegrated, but also means that the alliance of the Tiankeng gods in the four major base cities has been forcibly opened a gap and become no longer strong.

As early as when the Tiankeng riot occurred, Gu Xia quickly launched a suppression and investigated the cause.

A lot of information was obtained.

Among them are the shocking news that the old country organizations, including some forces with ulterior motives, have joined forces with the gods of Tiankeng.

There is also shocking news that the gods of the tiankeng have joined forces to form an alliance because of the leadership of the guardian gods of the barbarians.

When the tiankeng riots occurred, the invasion of all tiankeng creatures was only a small problem.

It is always the game of top figures that can determine the outcome of a war.

The alliance of a large number of tiankeng gods originally restrained almost all the card gods in Guxia, forming a stalemate situation that restrained each other, and the top figures fought inextricably.

At this time, if you want to break the deadlock, unless Gu Xia can establish a new advantage, whether it is asking for foreign aid or re-birthing a more powerful Kashen, it will be possible to reverse the situation.

However, when the riots broke out in Guxia, riots also broke out in the base cities of the various branches of the Federation.

The tiankeng gods from all over the world are almost twisted into one rope to attack, and all the veins are exhausted, and it is impossible to send out support.

And it is impossible for a new and powerful Kashen to be born casually in a short time.

At this time, Wan Ling, who had been silent for many years, a small chess piece that was almost ignored by many Tiankeng gods, suddenly rose up and powerfully killed the god of the barbarian Zerg.

This completely broke the stalemate and made Gu Xia quickly gain the upper hand in the game.

"On behalf of the Gu Xia Central Committee, I would like to confer the title of Wan Lingtong (God Slayer), the dean of the Yujing Kashi Academy, and the special meritorious badge to Comrade Wan Ling. And I will quickly punish the undermining of Gu Xia's lineage in the federal system. All the forces of Chinese interests, launch a pursuit order!"

A top leader of the Guxia Political Bureau finally gave a serious speech to announce the meeting.

Immediately there was applause, and all eyes focused on the virtual figure sitting next to the right hand of the top leader.

That person is Wan Ling.

Wan Ling said indifferently, "I don't care about these false names, but this time, for all the forces that have jumped out to trip me up, I will personally go to the door to ask for the explanation. I want a hunting order."

The top leader smiled and said, "If you are willing to take action yourself, it is natural to meet your requirements. But which ones are you going to deal with?"

Wan Ling said, "Lingnan Bajia, Guihu Yunyezong, Taiyizong, a small family called the Iwan family in Binghe, from Ryukyu"

Wan Ling reported the names of many forces at once.

Someone looked strange.

Many of the forces reported by Wan Ling are clearly no longer within the purview of the order.

Especially the Taiyi Sect, who was the leader of the ancient Xia sect circle, had also contributed a lot in the recent frontline wars.

Of course, Taiyuan of Taiyizong is also cunning and cunning. Although there is one person who restrains the strength of the two tiankeng gods, he has too many scruples and is only willing to paddle against one tiankeng god, but after all, he has contributed.

After Wan Ling reported a bunch of power names.

The top leader couldn't help but wondered, "Some of these forces are not within the scope of pursuit, such as the Taiyi Sect, which also contributed. Could it be that Dean Wan has some special news?"

Wan Ling said, "That's right. I suspect that Taiyizong colluded with the gods of Tiankeng and betrayed the Federation."


"How dare Taiyizong collude with the gods of Tiankeng?"

Wan Ling's words stirred up a thousand waves, and the entire conference hall was uproarious like a frying pan. Everyone was stunned by the news, and some couldn't believe it.

The top leader was also taken aback, and immediately asked seriously, "This matter is no small matter, what evidence does Dean Wan have? Tell me privately."

Immediately, Wan Ling used the virtual quantum communication method to inform the supreme leader of the evidence and speculative news.

"When I risked my life and death to break into the Tiankeng alone to kill the gods of the barbarian Zerg, Mu Huo, the elder of the Taiyi Sect, murdered my students, restraining part of my mind and causing me to almost die in the Tiankeng. I suspect that Taiyizong may have colluded with the Tiankeng gods."

When Wan Ling told this news, he also reported the thrilling situation when he was fighting against the poison of the barbarian gods.

With his strength, even though the matter has passed, even though no photo card was used to record the process at that time.

But you only need to intercept a section of your own memory of that time and send it to the other party.

This is not difficult for Wan Ling.

At that time, when he was fighting against the toxins of the barbarian Zerg gods, Mu Huo happened to attack Tang Jian, waking him up from the dazed state of fighting the toxins of the gods.

In that situation at that time, fortunately, he was strong enough to be awakened, otherwise, if he was a little careless and distracted, he would be directly burnt by the toxin and died of soul collapse, although the chance of this was very small.

Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Wan Ling's enmity on Taiyizong's head.

Even if Gu Xia went to investigate this matter, he would definitely be able to find out information, because Mu Huo did attack Tang Jian at that time.

Wan Ling intends to use this wonderful coincidence to make Mu Huo and those who think his Wan Ling's students are easy to bully, feel what pain is like.

At this time, B44 is in the Tiankeng Rin King's Palace Royal Garden.

The first round of Wendou has been going on for 15 minutes and is still going on.

Tang Jian was immersed in a dream, immersed in the body of the old man Ye Xunhuan and couldn't extricate himself.

At that time, after Xi Lengyan couldn't find any cards related to the "Huangquan Body" pen, Tang Jian immediately transferred the target to Ye Xunhuan's body.

Afterwards, Tang Jian successfully found a card with the "Huangquan Body" style——【Huangquan Shengqiao Card】.

This is a card from the Xianxia-like Immortal Law series.

Originally, Tang Jian was a little worried that even if he found a card with the "Huangquan Body", he might not be able to learn the four-star Huangquan Body.

Because there are not many people who can master Huangquan body to the four-star level and outline it on the card.

In case the card with Huangquan body carried by the referee is just an ordinary card, the proficiency of the pen has never reached four stars.

Then it would be difficult for him to learn the four-star Huangquan body through the recognition and simulation function of the red card cheater.

The recognition simulation function can help Tang Jian quickly learn a style of writing, and the price he needs to pay is krypton gold.

If you want to become stronger, just charge money.

But at the current assessment stage, it is not something that can be solved by charging money. It is also necessary to find the correct krypton gold posture for charging money.

Fortunately, the "Yellow Spring Body" outlined on the [Huangquan Shengqiao Card], after scanning with the recognition and simulation functions, is impressively four-star proficiency.

So Tang Jian was addicted to krypton gold learning and couldn't extricate himself. He spent more than ten minutes on krypton, and the energy value consumed was simply huge, almost consuming all the energy value stored in the red card cheating device.

If a low-level brush wants to learn to reach the four-star level, according to the calculation of the ten-fold increase in energy consumption for each star upgrade, it will consume 11.11 million energy points, and to upgrade to five-star level, it will consume 100 million energy points.

The consumption of mid-level strokes is twice that of low-level strokes.

The consumption of high-level strokes is twice that of intermediate strokes.

Therefore, when Tang Jian mastered such a high-level brushstroke as "Huangquan Body" to the four-star level through krypton gold, he directly consumed 44.44 million energy points, which is really auspicious and exciting.

"Fortunately, I asked Wu Shixiong to borrow a hundred purple three-star energy cards, otherwise the energy value would not be enough. But it is basically empty by now."

Tang Jian looked at the remaining energy value of more than 400,000 in the energy options of the red card cheating device, and couldn't help thinking that he was very dangerous, almost running out of energy.

Life is hard, if you want to live a chic life, you have to spend a lot of money.

A krypton gold costs money like running water.

When he came to participate in the fraternity, the red card cheater had stored more than 36 million energy points.

However, he used the functions of dream possession and wisdom tree cave many times in the middle, which consumed more than 20 million yuan.

If it weren't for Wu Shixiong's one hundred purple three-star energy cards to replenish, Tang Jian would never have imagined directly kryptonizing the "Yellow Spring Body" to the level of four stars today.

"I won this battle with difficulty. I won't return the 100 purple three-star energy cards. I have to tell Wu Shixiong later that it is impossible to return the cards. I borrowed them based on my ability, so why should I return them?"

I applaud the wise decision I made in my heart.

Tang Jian immediately withdrew from the dreamland, seized the time to absorb the universal card ink, and quickly sketched the high-level brushstroke "Yellow Spring Style" on the blank card of the card making table.

The pen is divided into one star to seven stars.

One or two-star strokes are called low-grade strokes;

Three or four star strokes are called intermediate strokes;

Five-star strokes are called advanced strokes;

Six-seven-star strokes are the top strokes;

Generally speaking, the seven-star pen touches the level of laws. It cannot be outlined simply with energy ink, nor can it be outlined by comprehending a certain artistic conception. It involves the comprehension of the card law.

As for the six-star strokes, most of them are strokes at the level of artistic conception.

Of course, among the five-star strokes, some also involve the level of artistic conception.

Huangquan body is the five-star pen.

This kind of high-level brushwork wants to outline, you have to understand the artistic conception of Huangquan.

For many card makers without talent and savvy, it is entirely up to the face to comprehend this kind of high-level writing skills, and it is even possible that they may not comprehend it in their entire lives.

Ye Xunhuan deliberately "randomly" shaken out the strokes of "Huangquan Style" in order to deceive people, mainly to deceive Tang Jian, but even the other contestants who were assigned to the strokes of Huangquan Style by Xi Lengyan were also unlucky up.

Tang Jian's ability to krypton gold to master the Huangquan body with four-star proficiency is destined to disappoint some people's calculations and shock everyone's attention.

On the surface of the card, there is a cold, deep, palpitating artistic conception like nine seclusions. When the long lines slowly extend, it is brewing and cohesive like gurgling water from a yellow spring.

Tang Jian finally stopped writing.

There were less than two minutes left in the 30-minute assessment.

at this time.

Yinghe walked out of Wendou's room quite satisfied, glanced at the direction of Tang Jian with the closed door on the other side, and showed a hint of sarcasm on her pretty face.

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