God Card

Chapter 384 Chapter 393: Eight Buddhas


Unparalleled domineering.

Wan Ling's strong speech seemed beyond doubt!

Even from his flat tone, it can be seen that saying this sentence seems to be a matter of course, not a posturing at all.

This is Wan Ling's consistent style.

Immediately, Tai Yuan couldn't help laughing back with anger, his eyes were cold, "Wan Ling, Wan Ling, you still have the same bad temper as before.

You used to be my senior, when you claimed to be invincible among your peers, I felt like you had a taste of your demeanor.

But in the end I became a card god, and you are still a card master, so I didn't want to argue with you.

I didn't expect you to come to me and talk nonsense just after you became a card god? do you really think"

The voice hasn't finished yet——


A sound so vast that even gods would tremble with fear exploded from the void, and the source of the sound was the inside of the big black sun behind Wan Ling.

That big day turned into a black hole that exudes terrifying suction power, and even erupted with incomparably powerful sound waves.

Where the sound waves sweep, the eight giant peaks protected by the blue light formation are cracked.

Rocks collapsed with a loud noise and buildings crumbled.

Many disciples of the Taiyi Sect who knelt on the ground under strong pressure screamed and vomited blood.

Some people were even forcibly squeezed into the ground, their bones cracked and blood flowed out.

However, these are just a tiny bit of power spilling out.

The more incomparably condensed, transparent and void-like fluctuations directly enveloped Taiyuan's body.


Tai Yuan let out a wild roar, and a faint golden card suddenly appeared between his forehead and eyebrows.

This card exudes a faint but extremely majestic and powerful rule power, covering Taiyuan's whole body.

Suddenly, a lifelike image of a giant python with cold eyes was formed, exuding an extremely strong sinister aura, forming a formation to protect its figure.

【Northern Kuiyin Python·Demigod Card】

A layer of cold air flow, like the yin water of Beikui, converged into a formation of giant python disks, twisting and freezing a space.

However, when the wave that was as transparent as nothingness hit, cracks suddenly appeared in the frozen space, and it began to collapse, showing a series of terrifying black space crack patterns.

"The law of Tianlongyin!"

Taiyuan's expression immediately became incomparably solemn, and surprise flashed in his eyes, and the image of the giant python emerging from his body was suddenly reflected in his pupils.

His whole person suddenly began to undergo a huge change.

The cells of the whole body are changed under the power of the law.

Scarlet and cold scales grew out of the whole body, entrenched in the clouds, propped up the upper half of the body, and the forked snake core was like a red cloth.

It turned into a creature like a snake in a moment.

Layers of cold, watery but non-watery, dense law power condensed in the frozen space like fog but not fog, turning into a large swirl of strange power that suddenly surrounded his body.

Looking down from the sky, it seems that one space suddenly becomes a strange world like a space vortex where space collapses.

And Taiyuan's body was sheltered in the center of the vortex.

"Wan Ling, you do have some skills, but that's all.

You don't have a demigod card in your hand, and you just comprehend the law of Tianlongyin by yourself, but you can't break my law of Beikui Yinshui, so what can you do to me? "

Taiyuan sneered at the law of Tianlongyin, which was blocked layer by layer outside the water vortex, feeling confident.

After the sound travels from the air to the water, no matter its speed or intensity, it will be weakened, and the energy will be continuously dispersed layer by layer.

The law of Tianlongyin is also restrained by the law of Beikui Yinshui.

Wan Ling stared at Taiyuan below, and said calmly, "It's just a small pond. If your small pond is blown up, you will be a small fish that was blown ashore and will be slaughtered."

Taiyi laughed loudly, "It's up to you?"

Wan Ling said calmly, "Since you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, I'll take the Taiyi Divine Crystal myself!"

A purple card with eight dragon shadows flashing between his eyebrows suddenly exploded.

The breath of the whole body suddenly boiled.

The big black sun above the head suddenly rotated at a high speed, as if changing from extreme motion to extreme stillness, and suddenly stopped still, as if opening a passage to an unknown field.

A series of runes like dragon scales suddenly sprinkled down, causing a thick layer of dragon scale-like patterns to condense on Wan Ling's body.

His whole body turned into a dragon, with eight dragon tails growing out of his back.

The dragon tail is as strong as Xingxuan's arms, and it is connected with eight lifelike dragon bodies with layers of scales that leap out from the black sun.

Taiyuan's eyes froze suddenly, and his smile froze suddenly.

Somehow, Wan Ling seems to have a connection with the Law Realm of Tianlongyin in the distant galaxy.

The indescribable sound of the dragon roared and exploded directly in the vortex of the sunflower water.

"This is the Eight Buddhas Dharma Realm!?"

Taiyuan's expression suddenly awakened, and he shouted in horror.

Boom! ——

The vortex covered the frozen space and suddenly collapsed.

Tai Yuan let out a scream, and the shadows of the dragon and python in his pupils collapsed, and the body like a dragon and python suddenly felt severe pain, and was bombarded by layers of sound waves penetrating through the body, causing the body to burst into blood mist. The demigod card must be forced out of the body.


Wan Ling snorted softly, Eight Tails was dragging eight powerful dragon bodies, and rushed down wildly.

Boom! ——

The clouds shattered and the thunder scattered.

A body of law that is clear, blazing, and shatters small cracks in space, directly smashes into the vortex condensed by the law of sunflower water below.

There is no sound.

When the deafening sound reaches the limit.

It is the quince sound of the big sound.

The world is in turmoil.

Seen from a very far distance, it looks like the colorful clouds are suddenly stirred by a pair of big hands.

It seemed that there was a ring-shaped rainbow suddenly in the sky, spreading out in all directions from the collapsed space in the center.

In the irresistible force, space and time seemed to start to condense.

hundreds of miles away.

The two Kashen who hurried to stop them all suddenly hovered in the air, and felt the powerful impact of law power constantly agitating between their brows.

The two of them were startled, their hearts beating violently, and they looked at the dark sky over there, as if the space had collapsed.

It was like a huge mouth of a silent giant suddenly appearing on the surface of the clear sky. It was terrifying, and it was slowly healing and shrinking.

"We're late."

"Madman, Butcher Wan is back again, this Taiyuan is too blind. Why don't you make an apology, why do you want to provoke this madman?"

"Quick, hurry up and stop it. Otherwise, the butcher will really kill him, and Taiyuan will be seriously injured if he doesn't die.

He has actually comprehended the law of Tianlongyin to the point of opening the eight buddha dharma realms. This mother is still a newly promoted Kashen, and we will not be opponents. "

Taiyizong's world was in turmoil.

B44 In Tiankeng Rin Kingdom Royal Garden, the literary competition among the three top sects of Taiyi Sect, Shimen Sect, and Qingxu Sect has come to an end.

Inside Wendou's room.

Taiyi put on the last blue patent card, looked at five blue cards and one green card, and sighed slightly.

"Kela, if I still lose in this situation, it is not a crime of war, but a loss of life."

In the depths of my mind, a deep voice came out, "My spiritual state is hidden in your mind. In your Human Federation, except for a few card gods with spiritual talent, it is difficult for normal card gods not to directly attack. aware of my presence.

But just now I felt a faint feeling of being spied on. It is very likely that the other party's prophecy card has noticed something.

If that's the case, you may not be able to win this time. "

Taiyi frowned and said, "This is the end of the matter, I have tried my best, and the resources and patents I have devoted are more than double that of the previous Zongmen Association. If I pay more, even if I win Yes, also lost."

After saying that, Taiyi turned around and walked out of Wendou's room resolutely.

Following Taiyi's figure, he walked out of the imperial garden.

Immediately, a pair of gazes intertwined back and forth and fell on Taiyi, Shibatian, Qingxu and the other three, as if they wanted to see the final result of the Wendou from the faces of the representatives of the three top sects.

Taiyi's expression was calm, smiling as always, and he seemed to be winning.

Shi Batian had a cold face, as always, making it hard to see the depth.

Qingxu looked indifferent, neither happy nor sad, as if he didn't care about the result of Wendou.

In fact, Qing Xuzong never seemed to care much about the victory or defeat of civil and military battles.

But it is their indisputableness that makes them rank among the top three in civil and military battles every time, which is not to be underestimated.

At this time, Huo Jiaxian entered Wendou's room personally under the watchful eyes of everyone, took away the patent cards placed in each room, and made the final statistics and judgment of the results.

As the commander of the garrison troops in Yujing, he enjoyed a very high reputation, which symbolized authority. In addition, he was also a five-star card maker, so he was naturally qualified to judge the results of patented cards.

In comparison, both Xi Lengyan and Ye Xunhuan are only five-star card masters, but not card creators, so they are not qualified to judge the results of Wendou.

Taiyi Sect may be able to bribe Xi Lengyan and Ye Xunhuan to play tricks on some small sects, but it is difficult to bribe Huo Jiaxian, a big man.

Because this great man has always been upright and jealous of evil, and his own energy may not be smaller than that of Taiyizong. Three of his former subordinates are Kashen, so even Kashen should be afraid of him three points.

Under the attention of Dao Dao, Huo Jiaxian took away all the patent cards in Wen Dou's room, and then went to the podium expressionlessly, ready to announce the final result.

Luoyunzong, Chunqiuzong and other sects didn't care much about the final result.

Because they all knew that with Tang Jian as Xiaoyin in the way of dragons and tigers, they would definitely win and there was no suspense.

Luo Yunzong even sold the authorship rights of the two blue card patents to Taiyizong in advance in order to stop the loss, so as to avoid competing with Longhudao.

Therefore, people from these sects were too lazy to listen to the embarrassing results, and they whispered to each other in order to hide their face, or simply closed their eyes and rested their minds.

In comparison, the situation on Longhudao was a different situation. Almost everyone was smiling, waiting for Huo Jiaxian to announce the result of victory, and didn't listen to Tang Jian's misfortune at all.

Luo Yunzong Ningxue looked at the smiling scene on Longhu Dao from afar, and groaned in his heart, "What a bunch of clowns, it's too early to be happy, even if Tang Jian is good at making cards, so what, there is still a fight, You may not have the last laugh.

And I was smart enough to sell the authorship rights of two patented cards in advance, minimizing the loss of the sect in time.

As long as the martial fight can be won, this Zongmen civil and military fight is definitely not a victory, and there is absolutely no loss.

On the contrary, you are mere dragon and tiger, and offended many sects such as Taiyi Sect, Spring and Autumn Sect, Sanyuan Sect, etc. in a fraternity party, hmph, ruin your future! "

Right now, on the podium.

Huo Jia said loudly, "Luo Yunzong Wendou did not invent any patents in the second round, and Dragon and Tiger Dao Wendou did not invent any patents in the second round, so the two are tied!"

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