God Card

Chapter 394 403: The dead are not worth their lives, and the harvest is huge!

Countless eyes focused on the man who suddenly emerged from the arena.

Many male friends subconsciously looked at their lower body with a little inferiority complex.

Many female friends blushed and covered their cheeks, but continued to observe quietly and shyly through their fingers, scolding and spying in their hearts.

This moment.

After Tang Jian resurrected with the [Stand-in Baby Card], he only felt five words: "The wind is cool."

He lowered his head to look at his little brother, and then looked at many people who were paying attention to him, who were self-ashamed or hot. He couldn't bear it even with his thick skin, and his face turned black.



Mu Huo let out a sad and angry roar, and tried his best to push Huo Jiaxian and Wu Shixiong back. His eyes were frightened and angry, and he stared at Tang Jian at the ring below with strong murderous intent, and suddenly shot out a wave of nether energy from his palm.

However, with a bang, You Neng Bo was directly intercepted by Li Qiong.

Tang Jian looked up at the sky, and smiled lightly, "You want to kill me? Sorry."

After saying that, Tang Jian suddenly activated the [Asian Pretty Girl Card].

Xiaomei melted into her body after being atomized, and then he grabbed it out with one claw, and directly cut off his own neck under countless pairs of astonished gazes.


Tang Jian actually committed suicide.

But soon many people saw that Tang Jian had escaped from this dangerous area by means of suicide. The moment his body fell to the ground, it turned into a black mist and dissipated, leaving only cards scattered on the ground.


The figure of Bai Lai suddenly appeared on the ring, and he grabbed all the cards scattered on the ground with his palm, and then the figure quickly left the ring.


Mu Huo, who was suppressed by the four major five-star card masters in the air and could not break through at all, let out a mournful and angry roar. The space for moving became narrower and narrower, and the card energy and spiritual power in his body were also consumed in the fierce battle.

Taiyi and He Li witnessed the gradual capture of Mu Huo in the sky above, and their hearts were filled with sorrow, powerlessness, and anger.

As things stand now.

The assassination plan against Tang Jian was a complete failure.

Not only failed, but also took Taisheng's life, and took advantage of Mu Huo, the top elder of the sect.

Lost big.

Even if Tang Jian is really killed now, the loss will be heavy, not to mention Tang Jian is still alive and well.

He Li gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could eat Tang Jian's flesh and drink Tang Jian's blood, but he couldn't do it at all.

Mu Huo bought this shot at the price of being sentenced to the sect.

If he, He Li, also made a move, he must also be sentenced to the sect, draw a clear line with Taiyi sect, and he will be responsible for all actions.

But if that's the case, Taiyizong's loss will be even greater.

In Linlong Hall thousands of meters away.

In the empty hall, a tower-shaped building suddenly emerged from the void.

The moment this tower-shaped building appeared, extremely dense energy fluctuations gathered, and then the whole tower exuded a bright yellow brilliance, and the tower trembled violently.


Suddenly, the tower door opened wide, and a puff of black mist surged out from the tower door, condensing into Tang Jian's figure.

Using the [Tianwang Tower Tomb Card] and the [Demi-human Beauty Girl Card], Tang Jian successfully targeted the Linlong Hall, revived from the Linlong Hall thousands of meters away, and escaped from the battle circle of the Martial Arts Field.

Tang Jian lowered his head and glanced at his naked body, feeling a little helpless.

The resurrection result of [Stand-in Baby Card] was too shameless, it made him naked/under the eyes of so many people, and lost all his innocence.

In comparison, the innate resurrection ability of [Asian Pretty Girl Card] is more civilized.

But in that situation at that time, thanks to the [Stand-in Baby Card], Tang Jianfang was able to escape from the dead and resurrected smoothly, and by the way, both Taisheng and Muhuo were tricked.

Both of them focused on suppressing his 【Demi-human beautiful girl card】.

Mu Huo's [Chilong Tribulation Card] even banned the beautiful Asian girl, making it impossible for Tang Jian to use the power of the beautiful Asian girl.

It was also fortunate that Tang Jian had secretly activated the [Stand-in Baby Card], otherwise, even if he could use the [Detrimental to Others Card] to kill Taisheng, he would surely die.

Quickly found an ancient costume in the room and changed into it.

The next moment, Tang Jian suddenly felt the house vibrate, and soon heard a dull roar and a depressing long roar from the southeast.

His expression suddenly changed slightly, and he was about to walk out of the house when he suddenly received a communication from Bai Lai.

"What's the matter? Has that old dog Muhuo been captured?" Tang Jian asked hurriedly.

Bai Li said in a solemn voice, "No, this guy suddenly desperately injured Huo Jiaxian and Elder Li just now, but he also lost his life."

"Dead?" Tang Jian was taken aback.

If he hadn't known that Mu Huo had absolutely no cards that could be revived such as [Stand-in Doll Card] or [Demi-human Pretty Girl Card], Tang Jian would really have doubted the authenticity of Mu Huo's death.

A powerful five-star card master who is known as the little card god, he just let him die like this, maybe he will die with regret until he dies?

Such a result was beyond Tang Jian's expectation.

Originally, he thought that the most persuasive would be to catch the opponent without a fight, but he didn't expect this old turtle to be so staunch.

"Are you satisfied now? Just naked! Seems cool to walk the catwalk with your butt in front of so many people."

Bai Lu snorted softly, although the tone was teasing, but vaguely dissatisfied.

"It was an accident, ahem. Speaking of which, you also looked at my body. Are you responsible for me? For example... Let me look back?" Tang Jian smiled cheaply.

Bai Li said, "I think there's something on your body that's too obtrusive. I'll cut it off and let you see it later."

Tang Jian was shocked.

Want to sing "Smart One Rest"?

No way!

The development of a sect fraternity to the present stage has indeed exceeded many people's expectations.

Mu Huo suddenly went crazy and attacked Tang Jian, but ended up killing Taisheng by mistake.

Then Mu Huo was beheaded by Huo Jiaxian and others. Both Huo Jiaxian and Li Qiong suffered heavy injuries and almost died.

This sudden scene left many sects dumbfounded.

In the end, under the leadership of Xi Lengyan, Ye Xunhuan and others, Taiyi Zong He Licai announced that Mu Huo had already been sentenced to the sect, and everything he did had nothing to do with Taiyi Zong.

When the news came out, more people were astonished.

But the matter has come to this, Huo Jiaxian and others can only give up.

Mu Huo rebelled, and everyone died.

Tai Sheng also died.

It can be said that Taiyizong also suffered heavy losses and was the victim. Huo Jiaxian and others had no reason to make trouble.

However, this matter was caused by Taiyizong after all. After the final discussion, the three referees announced that Taiyizong was disqualified from continuing to participate in the civil and military battle.

The Zongmen Association is coming to an end.

The final champion will also be born between the Corpse Gate and the Qingxu Sect.

Tang Jian is quite satisfied with the result.

The only regret is that the person who was murdered by him was not Taiyi, but Taisheng.

Compared to Taiyi, an insidious old dog, Taisheng is not much of a threat at all except for his muscular build.

two days later.

The Zongmen Friendship Association has ended for two days.

In the end, the sect that won the first place in this fraternity's civil and military battle is the corpse sect.

Corpse Gate became the biggest beneficiary.

And Tang Jian, who has PYed many times, has also become a great beneficiary.

Because of the deal with the Corpse Gate, when the Corpse Gate allocated the resources of each sect after the Corpse Gate won the championship, Tang Jian could also select some educated countries with enough resources through the Corpse Gate as the selection targets.

In the end, Tang Jian, including Longhudao, obtained five good rights to freely trade in the Jiaohua Kingdom, and obtained three Ka Neng crystal veins.

"I only need one free trading right in the Jiaohua Kingdom, and the Zongmen will take care of it for me, but I want all three Kaneng crystal veins."

After leaving the B44 tiankeng, Tang Jian said to Wu Shixiong.

Compared with the free trade rights of the Jiaohua Kingdom, Tang Jian believes that the Kaneng Crystal Vein is more important to him.

The Kaneng crystal veins represent sufficient energy, enough to help him quickly increase his vitality.

Ordinary people still need to use various card tools such as [Protoss Engineer Card] and [Dwarf Miner Card] to mine the Ka Neng Crystal vein.

Tang Jian just needs to walk all the way to absorb the energy of the Ka Neng crystal veins, which is fast and environmentally friendly.

Wu Shixiong naturally has everything he can do.

If it wasn't for Tang Jian's efforts to turn the situation around this sect fraternity, perhaps Dragon and Tiger Dao would not only be unable to make a profit, but would also give away the free trading rights of the two Jiaohua countries. Tang Jian should take part of the benefits from it.

"After Deacon Yue and others collect all the resource points they have obtained, you can go and count them."

Wu Shixiong said, "Junior Brother Tang, you have made great contributions to Dragon and Tiger Dao this time, and I am going to propose to promote you as an elder of my Dragon and Tiger Dao. What do you think?"

Tang Jian's eyes flickered slightly, "What's the advantage of being an elder? You won't have a lot of affairs, right?"

Yue Buqing looked at Tang Jian's hesitant face, his smile was a little stiff.


Can you have a little respect and admiration for the elders of the Dragon and Tiger Path?

I, Yue Buqing, have been working hard for four or five years, and I am only a deacon. You have been promoted to an elder in an instant, what do you have to say?

Wu Shixiong was also a little helpless, and opened his mouth to say something attractive, but found that Longhudao really had no special benefits to attract Tang Jian.

If you talk about giving advice to Tang Jian, his teachers are all stuck, so how can they get advice from Longhudao?

If you talk about salary, they have mines now, how much salary can attract the other party?

If you say beauty.

Cough cough, Li Bingxin is the one who is more beautiful in Longhudao.

But Tang Jian was accompanied by Bai Le, one of the three beauties in the sect world, Bai Zongchuan.

Wu Shixiong said depressedly, "Forget it, forget it, be it if you want to be it, and be it if you don't want to be it."

Tang Jian scratched his head, "Let's talk about it later."

Li Ruoyan and other disciples were speechless.

This is really more popular than people.

After parting with Wu Shixiong and others, Bai Lai stayed behind.

"You still want to follow me? I said that I have a master." Tang Jian was surprised.

Bai Le rolled his eyes lightly, "You once promised me that you would accompany me to a place after the Zongmen Association is over."

Tang Jian was taken aback for a moment, and it seemed that there was such a thing when he remembered it.

"Okay, but I have to go back to Yujing first."

Thank you for your blessings on Jiajia's wedding, and thank you Wenrou/Yuhuahei/kandinsky/Chanhailan/Book friend 160308222/Oil hurts you/Kazh card/God-level Geraint/Ask and think for years of rewards! Another chapter will be posted later this afternoon.

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