God Card

Chapter 446 Chapter 455: Top Fusion Card

Yeludong is a smart man.

Although what is about to be faced is as absurd as a novel.

It was as if he had become the protagonist in a novel. He was fished out of prison and then invited to be the president of a very famous company. It was like a child's play.

But since Yeludong can be selected by Tang Jian, he is naturally not an ordinary person.

Ordinary people are singled out to serve as the president of a large company, and they may feel panicked at first, thinking that it is completely impossible for them to do so.

Or, with the idea that it is a bastard not to take advantage of the advantage, you plan to take advantage of the trend.

But Yeludong is different, he is very aware of his abilities.

He knew more clearly what Tang Jian valued in him. Although there was a little tension and doubt about himself, this tension and doubt was quickly squeezed out by his strong self-confidence.

He quickly calmed down and chose to meet Tang Jian first before making any plans.

The card research room of Miracle Inc.

In Tang Jian's hand, there are as many as five nibs, and the purple-quality outlining brush worth millions is swimming rapidly with the palm of his hand like a spiral drill.

Even the pen tip sometimes changes its orientation and angle under Tang Jian's control.

It spreads out and rotates like a kaleidoscope, and sometimes it will completely condense at one point.

Complicated and unique card patterns with different strokes are drawn by Tang Jian, extending rapidly on the surface of the card under the pen, and gradually blending together perfectly.

"Pervert, draw five different strokes at the same time, and all of them can draw clear meanings, won't this guy's brain explode?"

"What a stroke genius, 97 different strokes are completely melded and outlined on one card. Completely condensed and integrated, it is worthy of being the top fusion card.

I'm afraid that even a five-star card maker would have to spend a lot of hard work if he wanted to learn how to make this kind of card. "

Mi Luo and the others, who were watching and admiring Tang Jian's card making, held their breath deeply, and they all screamed in their hearts that they were abnormal, and they were shocked by Tang Jian's amazing talent for writing.

Among these people, Yeludong, who had just arrived, was the most affected.

Before meeting Tang Jian, he had heard about Tang Jian's name and deeds more than once in prison.

Especially recently, Tang Jian beat the master card maker Yuan Sanfeng in a pen competition.

It also made him feel like a thunderbolt to Tang Jian, knowing that Tang Jian is good at making cards.

However, those deeds, after all, are deceptive. Before I saw them, I didn't have a general concept in my heart.

But now standing in front of Tang Jian and witnessing Tang Jian's astonishing card-making skills, he was shocked and completely overwhelmed.

"Having such a strong card-making level at such a young age, he is indeed a worthy man with a high reputation. No wonder he can become a son of the times, a young man of the age!"

Yeludong watched Tang Jian's strokes gradually come to an end, feeling emotional in his heart.

After half an hour.

A burst of clear energy fluctuations appeared on the self-made card table, and the top-level fusion card written by Tang Jian quickly exuded a strong blue brilliance.

Everyone who witnessed it was slightly taken aback.

"It's such a high difficulty, but it's just a blue-level card?" Gu Qiuquan whispered, a little disappointed.

If the star product of the top fusion card is purple, it will be a huge gain and improvement in terms of commercial value and the reputation of Miracle Company.

But if it is only blue, even the star grade of the blue seven stars will not cause so much sensation.

Even if the top fusion card is a purple star card, now Tang Jian can be directly promoted to a 4-star card maker with this card, which is also a great honor.


Miluo sighed with regret, but as a talented card maker, he could have expected such a result.

Every purple card is not simple.

Production difficulty, production materials, and card usage are just a few factors to evaluate its value.

But the ultimate factor that finally determines its value is the power of the law given by the Supreme Law.

If the law only gives this card the power of the blue star.

So even though it may be comparable to some purple cards in terms of difficulty and preciousness of materials, it will not be comparable to purple cards in terms of star products and certain energy efficiency.

Apparently, Glory Star didn't believe that the top-level fusion card made by Tang Jian had reached the level of Purple Star.

Tang Jian was not surprised by such a result.

During so many days of studying the method of making top-level fusion cards, Tang Jian already knew very well that after making top-level fusion cards, it might be difficult to reach the height of purple star grade.

After all, the special performance of the fusion card determines that the height of this card is difficult to surpass at one time.

For example, the top-level fusion cards at this time may not have the possibility to fuse some purple pet cards in terms of the rules of Glory Star.

Therefore, it cannot be recognized as a purple card in terms of rules and effects.

"I will leave this card to you. Don't be disappointed. Even the blue seven-star fusion card has reached a new height. The overall value of the cards in the fusion card series has begun to rise. Even the card god may be used.”

Tang Jian handed the fusion card in his hand to Gu Qiuquan, and said with a smile, "Next, you need to cooperate with Brother Yelu to maximize the commercial value of this card."


Gu Qiuquan took the fusion card from Tang Jian's hand, but looked at Yeludong who was frowning like everyone else.

Everyone who came here had known in advance that Tang Jian planned to appoint Yeludong as the president of Miracle Company.

That is second only to Tang Jian, the chairman of the board and the company's CEO, who has great power and can cut off the company's personnel.

If it weren't for Miracle Company being founded by Tang Jian from scratch, the miracles of Miracle Company would also have been continuously created by Tang Jian.

At this time, even if Gu Qiuquan didn't question it, Xu Nana, including Miluo and others, couldn't help but question it.

"You have so much faith in me?

You trust a stranger like me that much?

If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, then I won't accept it even if I think I'm qualified for the job. "

Yeludong frowned and stared at Tang Jian, "Because I don't understand you, I don't know if you are stupid or crazy.

I don't know if you, a boss who randomly handed over a huge company to a stranger who just met for the first time, are really qualified bosses.

In business is business, there is no child's play in the business field.

If you treat running a big company as a child's play, then even if I am willing to help you repay your favor, I can't manage a company that has lost its soul. "

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

This idea has actually been spinning in their hearts.

Regarding some of Tang Jian's recent actions, he hastily invited strangers from outside to directly serve as the company's leader. In fact, including Gu Qiuquan who has already agreed to work for Tang Jian, they still have doubts, and even faintly take a wait-and-see attitude.

If Tang Jian's accumulated reputation had not gradually formed a kind of prestige, making everyone willing to choose trust silently even if they had doubts in their hearts, I am afraid that various rumors would have been prevalent in the company.

But now, Yeludong asked everyone's doubts.

This prisoner who has just been released from prison and has not fully entered the company is really not a simple person.

Being able to keep sober in the face of the huge benefits at his fingertips, he even questioned Tang Jian.

This is commendable.

But it also proved from the side that Tang Jian's vicious vision could accurately fish out such a talent from a prison.

Tang Jian stared at Yeludong with a smile on his lips.

Thank you Wen Rou and YY Ye Yu for your rewards!

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