God Card

465 Chapter 474: Muddy Waters

A black pod followed inconspicuously in the traffic, driving slowly along the flight path.

There is already a traffic jam ahead, and there is a long queue to be carefully inspected by highly intelligent flying robots.

This kind of inspection speed is far faster than some manual inspections for drunk driving in small counties.

The flying robots share information with each other through the Internet, and quickly spread the information to the main network. Once there is an abnormality, the controller will be alerted immediately.

However, this kind of efficient inspection seems to be powerful, but it can't cause trouble for Alan Hebrew, the executive officer of the old country organization who has penetrated extremely deeply.

He has been lurking in the Guxia Federation for more than 20 years, and has sneaked into the important agency of the Federal Police.

Although as a Tianmei person, he has not yet come into contact with real power, but it is enough to ensure that he is unimpeded in various regions of Guxia, and no one will suspect him.

However, Allen was in a very bad mood at this time. Although he never showed it on the face, he was still uncontrollably irritable. As if growing hair, the air comes out of the pores.

Originally, there were basically no major surprises in the mission, but this time there was an accident.

The main reason is that Sear, a pig teammate, is too turbulent and too deadly.

The "panic plan" against Yujing this time should have only been shot by four dead men.

Sear is only responsible for supervising and preventing the dead from being killed by masters before the panic is caused.

As a result, the dead man had already caused panic, but Xier discovered Tang Jian's new target outside the plan.

As the heir of a member of the organization, Seale has always been used to being conceited. He has also heard of Tang Jian's name, and knows that the organization has launched hijacking and assassination plans against Tang Jian, but they all failed.

Therefore, after discovering Tang Jian, Xier decided to attack Tang Jian on his own initiative and did not follow orders.

It can be said that his death was completely done.

Even as long as Schiller is not so careless and detonates the [Fake Self-Explosion Card] in advance carefully, he can avoid death, and the power of the law card blessed by the councilor will help him resurrect at a specific location.

However, Xier underestimated Tang Jian too much. Tang Jian frightened his soul with the shock wave of fear. After waking up, he was directly bewitched and controlled by the [Dream Qianqiu Card]. His consciousness was restrained from the beginning to the end. Opportunity, unjustly killed.

Thinking that he was about to face the questioning of that high-ranking congressman, Alan felt restless for a while, and his murderous intent was also churning.

"Tang Jian! Tang Jian! Why are you everywhere, why are you disgusting like a fly!?"

"I didn't want to provoke this troublesome and tricky kid, but since I bumped into him on my own initiative."

Allen paused for a while, turned his mind for a long time, and found an embarrassing thing that was even more headache.

With Tang Jian's current strength and background, unless he wanted to expose his identity, he would not want to take revenge on Tang Jian himself.

And even if he did it himself, he might not be able to take down this boy with strange strength.

"Fuck! Useless!" Allen scolded in a low voice, "Even if I can't take revenge, Senator Logan will never let this kid go, just wait!"


In the bedroom of the villa.

Tang Jian suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at the pendulum clock on the table beside him, and let out a long breath.

An hour and twenty minutes.

After entering the dreamland 9 times, he was finally possessed by Xier, and found out the general information about the online contact he secretly contacted.

However, it is only general information.

Starting from the very few contacts in the communication card that Sear carried with him, after several failures, he could only get some sporadic information.

"The other party is an undercover agent who lurked into an important institution of the Federation Guxia more than 20 years ago. His voice may have been processed, but he is indeed Tianmei.

The strength is probably between four-star and five-star card masters.

It is indeed possible for a strong man of this strength to sit in a high position as a cadre.

Moreover, it can also provide the movements of some important figures in Yujing and the weak points of the security arrangements. "

Tang Jian frowned after thinking about this.

Judging from the analysis of these messages, the undercover organization of this old country organization is not simple.

The other party can closely grasp the movements of some important figures and know the plan for the city's security layout. It seems to be someone from the military, but it may also be the police department or the arrest bureau.

"Although there are many four- and five-star powerhouses in several important institutions in Gu Xia, they are not too many, and there are probably hundreds of them.

However, if some Tianmei people are selected out of hundreds of people, the scope of targets will be much smaller, and the scope may be narrowed down to a dozen or so people.

Well, this information has to be reported, but the information I have about several other people is also very important, and it may be used as another breakthrough! "

Thinking of this, Tang Jian immediately picked up the ID card of the Narcotics Bureau, clicked on the delivery channel for the task of "Undercover in the Old Country", and reported all the information he had just investigated.

Because these messages were only investigated by means of dreams, Tang Jian could not provide physical evidence or witnesses. He could only fabricate part of the information he had detected from the opponent's mouth through the spirit series cards during the fight with Schill.

Schiller is now dead and cannot be corroborated.

However, the information provided by Tang Jian is also of great importance, and it is very important in such a sensitive wartime. I believe that after the arrest bureau gets the news, it will not sit idly by.

I would rather kill the wrong one than let it go!

Yujing arrest bureau.

Lu Ming, who was sorting out the materials in the office, paused, frowning and opened the communication card, and saw an important task message report.

The person who reported it was Tang Jian, but the mission information had been encrypted.

Limited by the memory being banned, Lu Ming saw the encrypted message from Tang Jian at this time, frowning and thinking.

"This Tang Jian also joined me recently, and he actually accepted the encryption task? And it seems that he has obtained some clues?"

Thinking of this, although Lu Ming was surprised, under the influence of certain instructions in the banned memory, he subconsciously avoided exploring these mission information, and did not want to delve into these mission information, so he directly continued to report the mission information sent by Tang Jian.

Somewhere in the dark space where the aurora's coquettish energy was berserk, there was a soft "Huh" suddenly.

After a while, a slightly relieved murmur sounded.

"Originally, I didn't want this kid to get involved, so I let him make the choice, but I didn't expect to bring such important information so quickly.

Although it wasn't the expected piece of information, it was a pleasant surprise.

It seems that my master's prediction is indeed correct, that thing is likely to be in the hands of this kid."

After saying that, a few orders were sent out, and actions were quickly launched to deal with it.

In the news channel of Jiangbei radio station.

A handsome middle-aged host with a solemn face and a pure federal accent is broadcasting:

"According to the information learned by our reporter, nearly 400 savage and powerful tiankeng creatures broke through the fire blockade of the Changshan military base.

They ran all the way for hundreds of kilometers with injuries, and more than half of them were killed by the rushing army.

But there are still a small half scattered in the surrounding towns, a few are lurking and hiding, and a very small number near Jiangbei City have been shot dead, and the safety of the citizens of the base city can be guaranteed.

Now please listen to General He Dongshen's speech..."

The screen switched to He Dongshen's speech.

After Tang Jian watched for a while, he heard a piece of good news.

"This is a war that will test our entire Federation. We in Jiangbei have made comprehensive preparations. Lord Kashen Mingbo personally sits in the base city of our Jiangbei City to ensure the safety of all citizens.

Miracle Company will also open up commercial activities with a 30% discount on all non-rare cards during this period, and is willing to exchange rare cards for the same value as the Ka Neng Crystal vein resources in another world to help the Jiangbei war! "

"It seems that Yeludong has already started to use his expertise. The exchange of rare cards for the resources of the Ka Neng crystal vein in another world is really a thorough implementation of what I said.

But I didn't mention the specific details, it's up to him and Gu Qiuquan to add. "

Instead of paying attention to the content behind the news, Tang Jian was a little happy to think about it.

After Yeludong was poached by the old country organization in the previous life, he used the chaotic battlefield to make a fortune in war, and he had excellent control and sense of the market.

Now Yeludong and Gu Qiuquan have launched a new commercial activity, which seems to be a comprehensive discount, but it is just a big and attractive gimmick.

Tang Jian believes that the business plan with more detailed rules added by the two will quickly start accumulating money.

In times of war, money and currency may depreciate.

But some things may not depreciate, but also skyrocket.

It just so happened that Tang Jian remembered some materials whose value increased rapidly during the war in the previous life.

After he informed the two of Gu Qiuquan of these supplies, they were only responsible for the purchase and hoarding, and Tang Jian didn't need to intervene in other matters.

At the same time, the Kaneng crystal vein that Tang Jian is eyeing is also a resource that should be depreciated rapidly based on the analysis of the situation in the previous life.

What actually needs to depreciate is not the mined Ka Neng Jing, but the unmined Ka Neng Crystal veins in the Tiankeng of the Alien World.

At this time, it will be a big profit for Tang Jian to use rare cards to acquire the depreciated Ka Neng crystal veins.

Of course, this is only for Tang Jian personally.

Both Gu Qiuquan and Yeludong were opposed to the acquisition of the Ka Neng crystal vein.

Nowadays, the Kanengjing mineral veins in the hands of many influential merchants are eager to throw them away quickly.

Because the depreciation of the Kaneng mine is a big trend, it is even difficult to determine whether the original value can be restored.

After all, during the war, all entrances to tiankengs are blocked by the military to avoid being caught off guard after riots in new tiankengs, and all of them are strictly guarded against.

Therefore, at this time, the Tiankeng is completely isolated from the Federation. Except for a very small number of forces or the military that may allow some members to enter the Tiankeng, almost no one can enter and exit the Tiankeng normally.

Under such circumstances, the caneng crystal veins held by some forces have basically become abandoned resources.

It is good that these resources are abandoned for a short time.

For a long time, there is no guarantee that it will not be occupied and plundered by other creatures in the sinkhole.

After all, Kanengjing is also an extremely rare resource for some powerful creatures in the Tiankeng.

When the war does not break out, these resources are blocked by the card formations arranged by their respective forces, and even if they are plundered, they can be quickly processed, and the ore veins can be quickly mined and realized.

But after the outbreak of the war, who can organize manpower and material resources to mine the veins, and can only stare blankly if they are occupied and plundered by the tiankeng creatures.

Tang Jian took advantage of this to seize these resources that were depreciated by the war restrictions.

Others can't enter the tiankeng during the war, so it's not necessarily impossible for him to be a member of the arrest bureau.

Even if others entered the tiankeng, they would not be able to mine the veins in a short time.

But he doesn't need to mine, he just needs to go in and hang up.

He took a look at the current energy stored in the red card cheat device, which is less than five million.

Tang Jian picked up the communication card, contacted Keke who was in Yujing, and ordered the other party to prepare to transport a new batch of energy cards and super nutrient solution to Yujing Academy for him.

But after the communication was established, Tang Jian explained his intentions, but Ke Ke's reply made Tang Jian frown.

"Is this what you mean or Master Tang Moyuan's meaning?"

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