God Card

Chapter 485 494: The Contempt of Humans in the Galaxy, the Nightmare of the Fifty Floors (Two in One

"Hi, hello, is this Captain Tang? I'm Lin Yu from the Salary Division of the Apprehension Bureau."

From the other end of the communication card, there came a female voice with a calm tone and a little cheerfulness, which made people feel good after hearing it.

"Oh, hello. Just call me Tang Jian." Tang Jian smiled casually.

"Hehe, that can't be done. Captain Tang, you are such a big man, I don't dare to call you casually. By the way, I contact you this time to reward you for your contribution this time.

listen to me"

"Go ahead."

"The former officer of the Arrest Bureau that you sent three days ago is now the body of Alan Hebrew, a traitor of the Arrest Bureau.

This has been established as a meritorious service to clean up the portal. It can reward you with 100 reputation points or 500 federal contribution points. Which one would you choose? "

"Just contribute." Tang Jian said.

"Well, after you get these 500 federal contribution points, the current accumulated contribution points will total 5800 points."

Speaking of this, Lin Yu's tone also changed slightly.

Even though she already knew, she was still a little surprised.

Tang Jian, a newcomer who just entered the arrest bureau, has accumulated so many contribution points so quickly.

This is indeed surprising enough.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was not allowed due to insufficient authority, Lin Yu really wanted to know what tasks Tang Jian had secretly completed to obtain so many contribution points.

"5800 points?" Tang Jian nodded slightly.

Being able to accumulate so many contribution points is mainly due to the investigation of the undercover identities of Alan and others before, and the settlement of part of the reward of 300 contribution points.

In addition, there are 5000 contribution points, but it is mainly due to the secret rewards he received for the information he reported about the evil god warriors.

In terms of rewards, the high-level executives of the arrest bureau are quite generous.

When Tang Jian received the 5,000 contribution point reward, he understood the decision of the arrest bureau's high-level executives, and a big stone in his heart was dropped.

Yinren succeeds, it feels like TM's steadfastness!

"Uh, may I ask Captain Tang, do you want to exchange these contribution points for some cultivation resources?" Lin Yu asked.

"Oh? What suitable resources are available for me to exchange?" Tang Jian asked.

He naturally knows the preciousness of federal contribution points.

Not only can it be used to exchange for the official title of the Federation, but it can also be used to apply for a place to immigrate to an alien galaxy to become a galaxy citizen, and it can also be used to exchange for some precious purple card production plans or precious materials.

Three minutes later.

Tang Jian got a list of lists.

"A copy of the advanced card making experience of the famous card making god Mr. Huo Zhong (for personal use): 2000 contribution points."

"A set of Kashen Xi'er's old card group production plan (for personal use): 5000 contribution points."

"Blue seven-star rare card [Midnight Butcher Card] (one piece): 1000 contribution points."

"One blue five-star card [Psychic Power Card] production plan (for personal use): 500 contribution points."

"A purple three-star card [Bian Que Triple Card] production plan (for personal use): 3000 contribution points."


The choice of 5800 contribution points is very large, and there are many items that can be exchanged. Many Tang Jians are greedy, but they are reluctant to exchange them.

"This [Midnight Butcher Card] seems to have a good effect, but it's a bit too expensive. Uh, the card group in my hand is enough for the time being, so I don't think about it."

Tang Jian was dazzled by the choices, and finally decided to keep the contribution points and not exchange them.

"By the way, why didn't I see the exchange quota for immigrants?"

Tang Jian asked curiously.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Captain Tang, emigration is not that simple. Although our planet has the ability to send Federation citizens to leave the planet, it is limited by the treaty restrictions of the Kelton galaxy civilization.

In addition to the fact that Kashen-level powerhouses can leave the Earth Star with their families and go to outer galaxies at will, our Federation can only send a certain number of Earth Star Elites to the galaxy every year.

This kind of quota is limited, so if you want to exchange it with contribution points, you need at least 10,000 contribution points at present.

And federal citizens who quietly go to outer galaxies through other channels are regarded as smuggled immigrants. Once caught, they will be deprived of their citizenship. If they are caught by the Kelton galaxy civilization, the fate will be even more miserable."

Tang Jian couldn't help being silent when he heard the words, and said in surprise, "This is the first time I've heard of this news. I don't know why the civilization of the galaxy restricts our star people from freely going to the galaxy?"

Lin Yu lowered his voice and said with a wry smile, "There are many kinds of theories, but the one I believe at present is that the people from galaxy civilizations consider themselves superior people, and look down on people who come out of lumps like our earth and stars.

Therefore, those who restrict our earth and stars from going out must be elites, so they are barely worthy of breathing the same air with them and living with them.

In fact, there were such sayings many years ago.

And at that time, a Kashen who returned to the planet once said that the people of the galaxy are friends with our planet! The same kind that mates and reproduces is a heretic and is very despised."

"very contempt. contempt"

Tang Jian's heart shook.

Perhaps this news may not be true.

But he still believes a little, even though the reason is absurd.

But in fact, in the old country before the Federation, some countries would be extremely discriminated against people with unique skin colors. They thought it was a shame to stand under the same sky as people with a certain skin color, and it was also very contemptuous.

Then, when this discrimination is magnified between a galaxy civilization and a race of surface civilization, it seems to become more obvious.

Even though everyone is human, Homo sapiens, Homo erectus and Neanderthals belonged to the human race at the beginning.

As a result, Homo sapiens wiped out these other races, saying that the younger brother only needs the one under the crotch, and you younger brothers should all disappear, lest the younger brothers have too many resources and insufficient nutrition.

The people of the Kelton galaxy did not destroy the earth-star humans, and they may be disdainful, but it does not mean that the galaxy people look down on the earth-star humans.

End the conversation with Lin Yu.

Tang Jian opened the communication card and replied to some messages from the company, with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

In the past three days, the prices of materials such as Yama flower materials have begun to rise, and even a tiankeng in another area was blocked due to the impact of the war, which caused Tang Jian to hoard another material that also tended to increase.

As for the recruitment of manpower, it is indeed progressing rapidly, and there are many responders.

Even if Miracle Company splits with Jane Sugar Company, Tang Jian, the person who created miracles, is still there. With his name, Miracle Company also offers a lot of salary, and there are still many card makers including card masters to vote for. .

Everything is going in a good direction.

However, since the teacher Wan Ling got the information of the subpoena, he only replied with the word "good", and there was no other news, which made Tang Jian feel very strange.

"Maybe the teacher is on the battlefield?"

Tang Jian secretly figured it out.

A card god like Wanling may have gone to the battlefield as a deterrent force in today's war.

Even if you get his information, you may not do anything yourself.

Tang Jian did not communicate with Wan Ling again, but went straight to the outer building of the card making building.

As long as you pass through the fortieth floor of the outer building of the card making building of the academy, you can get a purple card or a special item as a reward.

And if you pass the fiftieth floor, you will also get treasures or experience notes, card making plans, etc. left by the major deans of Yujing in the past.

Tang Jian now has the confidence to pass the fortieth floor and get a reward of a purple card.

As for the fifty floors upstairs, Ka Xiutian can also go for a break.

It was five days that passed in the blink of an eye in the ordinary days when I couldn't pretend.

During these five days, although Yujing was calm, the various places in Guxia were tense.

Several base cities that have been occupied are fiercely fought.

Some gods even entered the home court and played against the earth and stars.

It is rumored that the two base cities of Beiyu and Lunshan have been razed to the ground, two gods of the Tiankeng died, and two Ka gods in Gu Xia were also severely injured.

At the same time as the alien war was raging, the Federation also made a sudden effort.

The military headquarters in the east, west, north, south, and four places all pulled out elite troops to make a surprise attack, and pulled out many sub-bases of the old country organization.

This surprise attack caught the old country organization by surprise.

Some of the sub-bases of the old country organization had spied information in advance, and they were planning to counterattack with secret weapons such as evil god fighters.

However, they did not expect that the evil god fighters, which had been painstakingly researched by manpower and material resources, seemed to be targeted by the enemy long ago through their weaknesses.

Therefore, in just a few days, the old country organization suffered heavy losses in this federal raid, and some exposed sub-bases were all pulled out.

The evil god warrior plan hadn't started to take effect, but it was hit to the ground.

No matter how fierce the war outside was, it did not affect Yujing, the ancient Xia capital.

But the battle reports that stimulated the nerves touched everyone's heart.

Nie Dong, the dean of the card making academy, has never left the academy since his return from the battlefield. He personally sits in the academy, suspected to be suppressing the A35 tiankeng under the academy to prevent riots.

Yujing Academy was gradually shrouded in a dignified atmosphere.

Many Yujing students whose strength has reached the level of two-star card masters have already taken the initiative to go to other frontline battlefields to kill the enemy.

Those who are still on campus are basically freshmen who are not yet strong.

Tang Jian, the rookie king of Yujing Academy, was rarely mentioned in the commendation list of the battle report because he had never been active in the front line.

So during this period of time, Tang Jian gradually faded out of the sight of many people.

Occasionally, when some students in the academy mentioned him, they were also puzzled and slightly disdainful, thinking that Tang Jian was afraid of the battle and was unwilling to risk himself.

Tang Jian didn't pay attention to the external affairs, and was completely consumed by Kaxiu's upstairs.

But after breaking through the forty-ninth floor of the Tianshang Building, facing the rare and perverted fiftieth floor of the Tianshang Building, with his strength, he couldn't even make an inch of progress.

On the forty-ninth floor of the Tianshang Tower, there is a galaxy human with the strength of a four-star card master.

The human vitality in this galaxy has reached 8000, the spiritual power has reached 400, and the card group in his hand is also very powerful. Among them is a [Sticky Demon Card] similar to the [Demi-human Pretty Girl Card].

After this kind of galaxy human merged with the stickman, it is very difficult to kill.

Often after being killed by a powerful attack, it will split into hundreds of green mucus liquid clones and flee in all directions.

If not within a short period of time, all mucous membrane liquid avatars will be wiped out.

Then the opponent will be resurrected again, and all the previous consumption will be quickly restored.

Such an opponent is undoubtedly difficult to deal with.

According to some powerful students of Yujing Academy, after the forty-fifth floor of Kaxiu Tianwai Building, every level is abnormal, especially the forty-ninth floor.

However, the galaxy humans on the forty-ninth floor have no ability to resist Tang Jian, a spiritual card master with high spiritual strength.

Tang Jian can directly confuse him with 540 points of spiritual power, and then kill him, without giving the other party a chance to use the magic stick talent to split and escape.

With this kind of method, four-star card masters at the same stage, except for a very small number of spiritual power talents, almost no one can do it.

Because even some peak four-star card masters with a vitality of 9000 have a maximum spiritual power of about 350. If they cannot psychedelic humans in a galaxy with a spiritual power of 400, they are doomed to be unable to avoid the result of using their talents.

This level is difficult for others, but it is very easy for Tang Jian who restrains the humans in the galaxy.

But the alien creature that appeared on the fiftieth level of Ka Xiutian's upper floor became Tang Jian's nightmare.

at this time.

In the fiftieth level of Tianshanglou, there is an empty simulated world covered with yellow sand.

Tang Jian was in the atomized state after merging with the beautiful Asian girl, ignoring the huge boulders that had condensed into hard stones and was thrown, instructing the true red-eyed Black Dragon King to keep attacking and harassing a giant shining brightly in the distance.

The giant seemed to be made of diamonds, it was five feet high, and the outline of the facial features was vague, as if it had been sculpted by a crude craftsman at will.

Its punches and kicks caused the ground to shake.

Even a punch on the body of the really red-eyed Black Dragon King can blow the 60-ton Black Dragon King into the air, causing the scales to burst and blood to drip.

On the contrary, the true red-eyed black dragon king can reach the maximum claw strike force of 50 tons, and when it bombards the giant, it can only shake the giant slightly at most, but it seems to be unharmed at all.

This giant's physical defense, including its strength, is abnormally strong, and it also has another kind of ability, which condenses the surrounding sand into a huge boulder and then throws it out, like a meteorite falling. Tang Jian's strongest advantage.

If it weren't for the only weakness of slow fists and feet, the true red-eyed Black Dragon King would have been beaten to the ground long ago.


Suddenly, Tang Jian found an opportunity, and blue light bloomed in his eyes.

The moment a swift flame flew out from the blue light beam, it was quickly born in the air.

At the speed of light, the blue beam of light had already shot at the body of the diamond giant.


The diamond giant seemed to be in severe pain. Where the blue light beam hit its bright body, it quickly condensed high temperature and emitted gray black.

In an instant, the giant seemed angry, his blurred facial features looked at Tang Jian and roared, and he stepped on the ground with both feet and rushed towards Tang Jian madly.


Pieces of stones as big as human heads condensed from the yellow sand, floated up, and flew towards Tang Jian at a rapid speed.


In front of Tang Jian, a beautiful Asian girl flew out with a "Yahhoo", her exquisite body exuded a gleaming light, circled in mid-air, and suddenly turned into dozens of black mist clones.

The black mist clones held hands with each other again to form a big net, which suddenly encircled all the boulders that hit, and then bounced hard.


At this moment, the true red-eyed black dragon king also let out a violent roar, rushed out, and entered the state of talent offensive, turning into red energy emitting a strong poisonous aura, wrapping around the neck and legs of the diamond giant.

Immediately, white smoke began to emit from the place where the diamond giant's neck was wound, but compared to its huge body, it still seemed to be slightly injured like a layer of skin torn.

"Hoo hoo!!—"

The giant roared wildly.

Under the entanglement of the true red-eyed Black Dragon King, it still struggled to move forward. An extremely powerful energy wave burst from its body, and its legs and hands began to emit light.

Its diamond-like body gradually scatters endless radiance.

All the surrounding yellow sand and stones seemed to be rolled up by an invisible and violent force, quickly condensed, and suddenly turned into two huge arms.

"Ahhh——die to me!"

Tang Jian let out a low growl, and the socket of his left eye quickly turned red and hot, and the flesh and blood were just blurred and scorched, and blisters began to appear.

And the blue laser beams were constantly projected from his eyeballs on the body of the diamond giant, causing the giant's body to rapidly transition from gray-black to orange-red, even showing signs of cracking.

The high temperature of 80,000 degrees Celsius caused the air in this space to burn greatly, and the sand turned into magma.

The sand under Tang Jian's feet was like iron scalded at high temperature. His shoes were burned and his clothes were burned quickly.

But instantly.

The two big hands condensed by yellow sand and stones were like giant palms covering the sky and the sun, and they attacked frantically.

"Red eyes!"

Tang Jian quickly replenished his energy and roared.

The Black Dragon King turned into a ball of blazing red light, and suddenly recovered his shape, hitting and tearing his two big hands hard.

However, just as the Black Dragon King rushed out, the giant with glaring eyes roared angrily and punched the ground hard.

bang bang!

The entire ground twisted, like an angry dragon overturning the ground, a huge force hit the ground, all the yellow sand rolled up and exploded.

The tyrannical impact came from afar, like a 100,000-jin sledgehammer viciously shaking Tang Jian's body.

Tang Jian only felt his legs tremble violently, his internal organs were hit by the impact from the soles of his feet, and his whole body was thrown into the air.

But before he could react.

A large piece of yellow sand suddenly condensed into a big rough hand, which rubbed against the air and made a loud noise to grab it hard.

Pinch him whole with a bang!

Pinch it together with the air!

Boom! ——

The yellow sand is squeezed together with a watermelon juice-like liquid.

It was dark.

When Tang Jian woke up again, he was already in the examination room in the Tianwai Building.

"Di—Tang Jian, a first-year student, I regret to remind you that you failed to pass the fiftieth level of Tianwai Building!"

Tang Jian heaved a sigh of relief, took off his helmet, sat up from the virtual cabin, and frowned.

"Too strong, the physical defense is estimated to be comparable to the strongest five-star card master, that is, the state with more than 20,000 vitality.

Even if the blue laser card, a card with more than 15,000 energy levels, can cause damage to it, it cannot be finalized.

It's not okay to play the summoning style now.

It seems that we still have to improve our vitality. "

Tang Jian shook his head.

The summoning style of play that I just tried is the one that has the lowest damage to giants among the many attempts of play.

Before, he tried to combine with the Black Dragon King, and then used the blue laser card to kill.

Relying on the powerful body of the black dragon king, the giant couldn't kill him in a short time.

But he can continue to use blue lasers to kill giants in a detour.

That time it caused extremely strong continuous damage to the giant.

However, it also completely enraged the giant, and even triggered the wind and sand power of half of the small world, directly sealing him in the condensed wind and sand, and was killed by the sandstorm.

It can be said that the fiftieth floor of the Kaxiu Tianwai Building is completely a difficulty that people don't want to pass.

Tang Jian judged that even some five-star card masters would find it difficult to overcome such a terrifying level without finding suitable cards.

"Captain, when will you finish your mission, we are at the military fortress on the Chongshan side recently.

There are a lot of military missions here, but it's too chaotic, and alien creatures are flooding, we're in a panic. "

At this moment, the communication card lights up, and the message is read by Mi Cheng's voice.

Tang Jian glanced at it and replied, "You guys just hang on to your development. I'm still waiting for an opportunity. If there's no news in another month, I'll come and join you."

Although the strength of Mi Cheng and Qi Luo has improved rapidly, they are still too weak to help him.

Tang Jian felt that going to these two teammates for military missions was also a small fight and he had no interest.

He is still waiting for news from Shinto.

In another half a month, the end time of this newcomer king card game will also come.

At that time, there was no news from Shinto, so Tang Jian planned to go to the Card Creator Association to receive the reward of the Newcomer King Card Competition, and use the resources to quickly increase his vitality.

Soon, another two days passed.

this day.

After several times of value increase, the two card making materials of Yama flower materials have gradually reached the daily limit of the first stage.

After discussing with Tang Jian, Yeludong decisively sold the first batch of materials in a bundled manner, and sold them on a large scale in Miracle card making rooms in various places.

At the same time, Tang Jian finally received the good news from Yan Qi, the Shinto sect.

"Tang Jian, our Great Elder wants to meet you in person. He proposed that if you are willing to sign an agreement to withdraw from Dragon and Tiger Dao and formally join our Shinto, you will be trained by our Shinto that exceeds three times the resources provided by Dragon and Tiger Dao, and will support you Be a youth elder of our Shinto youth generation.

If you agree, I will take you to our Shinto! "

A chapter of 5,800 words! One chapter is worth two chapters. O**K, today's update is complete. Tomorrow's update will be earlier.

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