God Card

Chapter 508 517: Miracle Master Tang Brand Green Tea

The weather is stuffy and the clouds are billowing, as if there is going to be a heavy rain.

The moisture in the air can squeeze out water when it is stuffy.

Sun Yiying is wearing a heroic military uniform, which sets off her pretty figure and looks extraordinarily upright, giving her a heroic look.

She was wearing a military uniform these days, and Tang Jian often asked her to do some hateful things in front of the video.

Looking back she felt ashamed.

But when she walked out of the barracks, saw the soldiers rushing to clear the battlefield around her, and smelled the stench in the air, her pretty cheeks immediately tensed up.

"Xiaoying, we are going to area 7 for pre-war defense preparations."

At this moment, a rather handsome man full of masculinity came over and said softly, looking at Sun Yiying's beautiful figure with a flash of fire in his eyes.

"Oh. Alright, Senior Xin, you go first." Sun Yiying looked at the man lightly and smiled.

"No, I'll wait for you. Is there anything else you haven't prepared?" Senior Xin said with a concerned smile.

Sun Yiying frowned slightly.

Her character doesn't like rejecting people too directly.

But when her attitude is flat, it actually indicates that she is not interested in a certain opposite sex.

She naturally knows what Senior Xin thinks, but many times her euphemism seems to be taken by the other party as "half push and half agree?"

"No need, I"

Sun Yiying was about to speak when suddenly her eyes lit up, and her voice was interrupted by dull thunder.

A bolt of lightning tore the sky apart.

A series of heavy thunder erupted, and raindrops as big as copper coins scattered from the clouds.

The scorched earth with thick smoke everywhere on the battlefield was hit by the rain, and the smoke immediately dispersed and steamed.

It was already the body of a weird, hairy alien creature strewn across the field. When it was drenched by the heavy rain, the ground under it was immediately washed out with more blood mixed with rainwater.

Even in the blood, traces of black smoke flew out and gradually disappeared in the air.

The smell of blood and rain lingered.

The piercing sirens suddenly sounded throughout the entire War Fortress.

"There is another round of attack!"

Sun Yiying's pretty face changed.

The card fighters lined up in the air roared, and one after another suddenly flew out, and the chains of bullets like fire whips rattled far away.

Farther away, two tiankeng entrances exuded a strong psychic atmosphere in the rain curtain, like two small ponds, like two barracks.

A number of strong and savage alien creatures rushed out of it one after another, including savage beasts with thick limbs like tigers and lions, and apes running upright and holding thick stone sticks.

Almost all of these creatures are covered in black smoke, revealing a strong vitality and evil breath. They are galloping fast in the rainstorm, trampling mud and water with their thick hooves and claws, regardless of the bad weather.



The brutal fight started again.

There was even a terrifying ape-man creature roaring violently and throwing the stone stick in its hand, smashing the fighter plane into sparks, forcing the card masters inside to use defensive means to land.

"Xiaoying, be careful, let's go to area 7 first!"

Xin Li exclaimed, reaching out to grab Sun Yiying's palm.

He shot extremely fast, with his strength of more than 600 vitality, he almost didn't want to give Sun Yiying a chance to avoid it.

He knew very well that in this time of war, a girl's soft heart is most likely to be captured by a man who is strong and protects her.

And he definitely wants to seize such an opportunity.


With two palms clasped together, Xin Li was ecstatic, and with a heroic look on his face, he was about to speak.

Suddenly he turned around with a startled expression.

The face of a serious man in military uniform appeared in front of him, and his rough palm was tightly grasped by him.

"Comrade, what do you want to do?"

The serious man stood in front of Sun Yiying and stared at Xin Li.

"Who are you?" Xin Li let go of his palm.

The serious man's eyes were sharp, and he ordered, "I am Lynch, the deputy commander of the Eighth Military Region. I order you to rush to your mission area immediately to carry out defensive operations!"

"I" Xin Li shuddered, suddenly remembering the serious man's face in front of him.

"Immediately!" Lynch shouted.

Gritting his teeth, Xin Li didn't even dare to look at Sun Yiying, turned his head and hurried to the seventh area in desperation.

"Commander Lin, thank you. I have to go immediately." Sun Yiying looked at Lin Qi and smiled.

Lynch turned his head back, with a smile on his serious face, "Xiao Sun, you should have let this useless boy get out of here a long time ago. This kid doesn't know how to be tall and the earth is so powerful, but he still wants to marry Master Tang's woman."

Sun Yiying blushed slightly.

Lynch glanced at the battlefield that was once again fighting in the distance, frowned and said seriously, "This endless war can only be terminated by beheading.

I came to you this time because someone from above wants to see you, and I hope you can help me. "

Sun Yiying was curious, "Who?"

Lynch said, "I'll take you to see him right now, maybe the higher-ups also hope to ask Master Tang to take action through you.

If you ask me, master Tang is a card-making genius, just stay behind and make cards.

The [Heaven Demon Card] he made for me has greatly improved my survivability. "

Lynch's tone was a little dissatisfied.

He was born in the military camp for most of his life, and he admired the strong most.

The [Heaven Demon Card] made by Tang Jian is better than that made by the five-star card maker Master Gao, and he is undoubtedly the strongest in his heart.

"The higher-ups still want to invite Tang Jian through me?"

Sun Yiying's heart skipped a beat.

I don't know what will happen.

Although she is kind-hearted, as long as Tang Jian is involved, she will inevitably become selfish and sensitive.

And unknowingly, the student who once needed her protection had grown up now.

Although sometimes she still acts like a naughty student and does things that make her very ashamed, but after all, she has grown up and has a strong influence, which can protect her from wind and rain.

A small flower snake slithered across a corner of the pond, and quickly disappeared into the water, leaving only rippling ripples on the water surface.

Tang Jian moved his ears and heard the clear sound of water.

Even the sound fluctuates in his mind, and outlines a roughly clear picture, making the things he hears just like what he sees, with specific outlines.

He opened his eyes and woke up from the dream.

At this moment, his mental strength has quietly strengthened to another limit, reaching a terrifying level of 714 points.

The life force is as high as 2880 points.

According to the law of improvement in the past, the mental strength should be at least half of the vitality comparable to 1440 points.

But the actual situation is that it has only been raised to 714 points, and Tang Jian feels that he has reached the limit.

If it goes any further, the brain may not be able to bear it.

"Now the limit of mental power should be 720 points, comparable to a quarter of vitality.

However, if I continue to increase the threshold to reach the limit, it will put too much load on the brain, and it will be completely tense, which will do no good."

Tang Jian secretly judged.

Now his internal organs have been strengthened a lot.

Among the various organs, only the enhancement of the brain is relatively insufficient.

Perhaps when the power of life breaks through to 3000 points and enters the level of a four-star card master, the third rebirth is completed, and the brain will be strengthened by another leap.

However, Tang Jian was already satisfied with being promoted to this point.

Because with 714 points of mental power, Tang Jian was able to form a mental impact on Li Qing by relying on the [Wave Card of Killing Intent].

With that momentary mental shock, he could calmly commit suicide in front of the opponent and escape.

This is indeed a very ironic result, which requires suicide to escape.

However, Tang Jian felt proud enough.

It is estimated that 99% of the four-star card masters would not even have the chance to commit suicide when facing a perverted powerhouse like Li Qing.

"Li Qing's mental power is probably around 700, which is stronger than mine, it should be around 760.

The only thing I can compare with this person is spiritual strength.

But if I escape by suicide, I will lose all the cards except [Demi-human girl card] and [Tianwang tomb card]”

Tang Jian pondered, but still got up and told the maid to prepare the itinerary to meet the Great Elder.

Now that he is in the tiger's den, even if he doesn't want to see Li Qing, it is impossible to leave here, because it will easily cause bad things.

After all, if you miss this time, if you want to approach this person next time, you may face more troubles.

Suicide is the last resort after all.

Compared with the lost cards, at least life was saved.


The maid reported that the chariot was ready.

When Tang Jian went out, his perception, which had become stronger, vaguely sensed something was wrong.

"It seems to be a feeling of being spied on"

He kept a secret in mind, and tried his best to hide his much stronger mental strength, so as not to show the mountains and not reveal the water.

Ten minutes later, Shentingju.

Li Qing sat in the courtyard of the water pavilion, beckoned, dismissed all the servants and maids around, and thought to Luo, "You go down too."

Luo Xiang's eyes flickered, and he bowed and stomped.

A circle of ripples appeared under his feet, and his whole body disappeared instantly.

Li Qing looked at the table of drinks on the table in front of him blankly, thinking about the next specific steps to deal with Tang Jian.

Tap, tap——

There was a sound of footsteps along the garden path.

Soon, Tang Jian's figure appeared in the direction opposite Li Qingleo's path.

Li Qing pondered in his heart, but with a smile on his face, he got up and walked out of the small pavilion in the garden, stepped on the stone steps embedded in the water pavilion, and walked far away.

"Elder Tang, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Tang Jian smiled apologetically, "After so many days of practice, I'm a little tired when I come back, the Great Elder forgive me."

"It's right to rest when you're tired, but I interrupted you. Come, come and sit with me."

Li Qing nodded and smiled.

What Tang Jian said was similar to what he showed in the monitoring.

At least in her opinion, most of Tang Jian's time in the room was spent sleeping, even though he often woke up inexplicably.

Tang Jian walked up the steps, and soon sat opposite Li Qing and the other two in the small pavilion on the waterside.

On the table in front of you, there are four dishes of side dishes, two plates of pastries, and a jug of wine.

It looks quite delicate.

"You have come to my Shinto for so long, I have never entertained you, this time, count it as my banquet."

Li Qing Weiyi showed a rare generosity and politeness on his face. He picked up the jug on the table and poured wine for Tang Jian himself.

"Hey, Great Elder, I never drink alcohol, why don't we change to tea.

In fact, I brought good tea, which is produced by my company, and there will be a prize for opening the lid, so you can try it.”

Tang Jian quickly smiled and stretched out his hand to stop it.

Believe me you fucking old woman.

It's not that I don't know that you are from the old country.

You are so polite to invite me to drink, the ghost knows if there is poison in your wine.

He quickly activated the storage space card, and under Li Qing's slightly stunned expression, he took out a bottle of Miracle Master Tang brand green tea.

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