God Card

Chapter 512 521: Sudden and directly confused!

Fly, fly!

Li Qing flies like a hardworking bee!

In less than ten minutes' journey, she will be able to go to the sub-base in Beidi to meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Presumably she has completed the task so smoothly this time, she should be recommended by the organization to go to an alien planet for further training, and there is a 70% to 80% chance of being promoted to Kashen.

At that time, she will be the same as the other dozen or so Kashen adults in the organization, with a high position and power, and go a step further.

To avoid being exposed, Li Qing also used a very camouflaged invisible card when flying, so that no one could see her flying traces in the air.

But at this moment.

Li Qing felt the communication card tremble slightly.

She thought to herself that the prince was really anxious and valued Tang Jian too much.

Move the communication card to take a look.

The whole body trembled, and the body almost collapsed out of the energy state.

"The implementation of the Ratukhi City plan has failed, so get out of here immediately."


"How could it fail!?"

Li Qing was full of fear and uneasiness, all kinds of emotions rushed into his mind, even when his body was in a state of energy, he was so anxious that he was almost sweating.

The plan of Latu Base City is especially important, even more important than Zhao'an Tangjian, which should be her greatest contribution.

At the beginning, it was the energy of her, the elder of the Shinto, who was used as a cover-up, so that the talents of the old country organizations were secretly placed in the military area of ​​​​Latu base city.

When the war breaks out, these talents will be mobilized immediately, and if they strike back at a critical moment, it will cause extremely terrible damage to the Federation.

But now the plan has failed.

Wouldn't all her credit be obliterated?

Li Qing was so confused that she didn't even notice that Tang Jianjiang, who was also in an energyized state, noticed her abnormality at this time, and she knew what might happen in her heart.


Li Qing shuttled with all his strength, and rushed towards the secret sub-base at an even more terrifying speed.

She didn't notice at all.

A sound wave power that completely merged with her flying sound wave followed closely.

This sonic power approaching the law is indeed difficult to detect.

And at the same time.

Within a peak near Biluo Mountain in Beidi.

Wan Ling's body turned into waves of sound waves that were difficult for human ears or even instruments to capture, and quickly sneaked into the mountain.

He easily passed through the portal of the sub-base of the old country organization disguised as a rock wall, and entered the base with many card traps inside and an astonishing number of detection methods.

However, most of the card mechanisms and detection methods are useless to the state of the incarnation law.

Those with a little effect were easily avoided by Wan Ling early on.

Except for the base camp of the old country organization, the defense system of no organization sub-base will be established based on the standard of defending against the strong card gods.

The cost would be too high, and even if the card gods could be prevented from invading quietly, the outside world would not be able to defend against the thunderous attack of the card gods' law power.

When Wan Ling's deity sneaked into this sub-base quietly.

The prince also received intermittent bad news from the front line through the unexposed eyeliner in the base city of Latu in the base.

The B43 tiankeng in the base city of Latu was defeated on a large scale.

God Tianhe was severely injured by Mingboka God and another Zongmen Jieka God who came to help him, and was almost knocked out of his divine power, so he fled in a panic.

The agents placed by the old country organization in the military fortress, including the base city of Latu, were quickly pulled out one by one, and some of them were exposed during the dissemination of information.

In the end, the prince could hardly receive any news, and lost contact with all the agents placed in Ratu base city.

The destruction plan aimed at the city of Latu base was completely declared a failure.

"This is a huge loss!"

The prince clenched his fist violently, and the blue eyes under the wooden mask flickered like flames.

The air in the entire room trembled, the cups on the table shattered with a bang, and some paper files were cracked.

In a game played by masters, it may be that one careless move will result in a total loss.

The defeat of the base city of Latu means that the old country organization lost control of the Guxia Western Region.

Then it will affect the whole situation of Guxia and the Federation.

"Huh? Not good."

The prince suddenly raised his head, his eyes sharp.

"Latu's subversive plan failed inexplicably. The source of the exposure is still unknown. Li Qing is suspected of serious dereliction of duty or even mutiny. My position here may be at risk of being exposed."

He suddenly activated a control card.

Immediately, all the scenes in the entire base were imprinted in my mind like images. The monitoring equipment was all normal, and no one had invaded.

However, the prince still felt strongly disturbed, his eyes fell on the vast underground research room, and he resolutely issued an order.

"Peter, immediately transfer all the samples of the evil god warrior and transfer all the materials."

The leader of the base, Black Pete, was taken aback when he received the order, but he immediately replied, "Got it, I will follow your Highness's instructions!"

An ominous premonition was welling up in the prince's heart at this moment. If there was something wrong with Li Qing, then he might not be safe and had to be transferred immediately.

Just when he had this thought.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble violently.


The earth shakes and the mountains shake.

The whole base seemed to be shaking.

Rows of light bulbs embedded in the ceiling shattered violently.

The energy output by the energy array card in the base was in chaos, one by one energy lines were broken, and a chaotic energy burst out to wreak havoc.

This earth-shaking terrifying scene only happened in an instant.

At that moment, the prince's heart sank violently, and the body standing on the ground like a nail erupted with extremely tyrannical power fluctuations.

whoosh whoosh—

Rows of purple brilliance lit up on his belt, and even two of them showed orange brilliance.

"Who is it! Get out!"

The prince roared angrily.

His whole body released an incomparably terrifying blazing energy flame, which spread like an invisible shock wave with his roar.

An orange card spun continuously in this invisible shock wave, turning into countless terrifying phantoms of air law to wreak havoc.

Large areas of air ripples are distorted and rippling, like the illusion of air distortion caused by light refraction on asphalt roads under high temperature.

【Air is My Life·Demigod Card】!

All the people in the entire base city.

Even Pete, who is a five-star card master, and Mera, who is a four-star card master, and other executive officers all changed their expressions drastically.

Before they could react, their bodies were forcibly frozen in the air.

Even with every movement of the body, it feels like countless needles are pricking in the body, as if gas is about to come out of the body and tear their bodies apart.

The originally strong body turned so fragile in the air, like fishes pierced by a needle and thread, suspended and exposed to the sun, waiting to die.

Just as the large air ripples spread.

The entire base seemed to be shaken violently by a violent big hand, trembling crazily, and rising continuously in the violent tremors.

If you look at it from the outside, you can see an amazing scene.

Originally located in Biluo Peak, one of the peaks, like a writing brush protruding upside down on the ground, suddenly collapsed with a huge tremor.

Then the smoke dispersed.

A large base covered under the rock and dust actually floated up out of thin air amidst the violent roar.



Thunderous explosions continued, and pieces of huge rocks fell off.

Under the large base, there is actually a giant dragon claw made of countless sound waves capturing the base. The scales of the dragon claw are thick and lifelike.


In the base, an air ripple bombarded a domineering body.

Immediately, the unfavorable distorted air ripples directly hit the air, sweeping and impacting the surrounding rows of biological cabins containing the bodies of evil god warriors, detonating the air in the biological cabins with a bang, and the rows of biological cabins exploded.

That domineering body.

It is the body of the law of ten thousand orders.

He looked indifferent but cold, looking at the evil god fighters exposed in the biological cabin one by one, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Fly camp dog dog! All smashed!"

He followed suit.

The domineering and awe-inspiring voice began to spread in the entire base as sound waves.

bang bang! ——

The bodies of the evil god warriors were directly destroyed and collapsed in the sound waves.

Blocks of metal walls trembled and shattered under the bombardment of sound waves!


The sound of the dragon chant turned into countless small dragon-shaped sound waves that spread throughout the base.


The prince shouted angrily, and the whole wooden mask cracked with a "click", and the blue eyes flew up like flowing flames.

The second orange card on his waist was also activated.

In an instant, his whole body was blazed with ferocious flames.

Strong fluctuations of the law of flames erupted from him.

He instantly melted through the metal wall like a ball of fire, exuding extremely intense and terrifying high temperature, with extremely concentrated energy, killing Wan Ling.

However, one after another of tyrannical sound waves quickly condensed like a spider web.

Layers of layers covered his body, surrounding him like a cocoon.

His body, which was constantly spinning and breaking through like a fire wheel, turned more and more slowly.

Suddenly, he looked up in horror.

In the void, a pair of majestic and domineering cold eyes looked down from above.

"You are the prince? That's all!"


A thick dragon claw inlaid with dragon scales, as if passing through the endless void, connected to the eight Buddhist dharma realms, and grabbed the prince's body like a fire wheel.


The terrifying sound waves were released directly from the dragon's claws, forcibly dissipating the flame law that turned the prince's body into a phoenix-like phantom. The shock made the prince's body constantly illusory and disordered, and the wooden mask was completely shattered.

"I won't let you go!"

Suddenly, the prince yelled violently, his whole body released highlights, and suddenly collapsed.

Boom! ——

The prince's body dissipated in the violent sound waves, leaving only a pale yellow crystal and a gleaming belt of purple and orange lights, which fell into Wan Ling's hands.

"Huh?" Wan Ling was slightly surprised, "It's a bit of a skill, but it's just a fake body made by Shenjing?"


Li Qing scrolled back and forth with Tang Jian at a very high speed.

Suddenly her heart trembled, and her body abruptly exited the state of energyization. Holding Tang Jian in one hand, she looked at the base hanging in mid-air in the distance with a near-stagnant fear. .

"I. I."

Li Qing watched the disaster-like mountain collapse in the distance, and couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.



Prince also exposed?

The plan of Ratukhi City also failed?

She doesn't even know who the fucking traitor is!

Li Qing felt an unprecedented shock and panic in her heart.

Panic for unknown enemies!

Confused about the unknown future!

Even doubts about the glory of the organization!

All were subverted.

But at this moment.

Tang Jian's voice came from the side.

"Old mother, don't panic, you are tired after running with me all the way, I will send you to your soul!"


Li Qing was taken aback for a moment and suddenly turned around.

However, the next moment, a sleepy mental illusion suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Small skills, die to me!"

Li Qing shouted sharply, the tyrannical mental power instantly tore through the illusion.

Can be instant.

An astonishing and terrifying mental wave of killing intent was released from Tang Jian's scarlet killing intent eyes, piercing into her mind like a sharp bayonet.



Li Qing let out a shrill scream, her whole body trembling.

The tyrannical mental power was easily torn apart by this terrifying mental wave of killing intent.

The brain seemed to have been severely slashed by a knife, and it was so painful that it almost fell from the air.

Without the slightest precaution.

To Li Qing, Tang Jian's super spiritual power was like a knife stabbing him from behind.

Poke it to the core.

Thank you Xiaotian for the reward!

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