God Card

Chapter 516 525: Sending you an assassination spree

"The people gathered here are all the people Miracle has recently recruited."

"Besides me, there are three four-star card masters, four three-star card masters and card creators, and the rest are basically two-star card masters or card creators."

Kelly secretly observed the surrounding "colleagues" in the interview hall.

He only joined Miracle Company more than 20 days ago, and with the strength of a four-star card master, he was quickly entrusted with important tasks, and was assigned to Wujing Base City to serve as "Wujing Chief Noble Officer" (valuable goods transportation officer).

Although this errand seems high-ranking, it is nothing more than a high-level errand, not even the middle level of Miracle Company.

So Kelly has been waiting for an opportunity.

He has long heard that if he wants to be promoted in Miracle Company, he must be appreciated by Tang Jian.

It just so happened that his purpose was for Tang Jian.

As a result, the wait lasted for more than 20 days.

Today, after finally waiting for news from Tang Jian, the organization's plan has changed again, and the content of the change is even more astonishing.

But Kelly's loyalty to the organization never wavered.

Even though the content of the plan has become more dangerous than before, he finds it more straightforward and exciting.

At this time, Kelly secretly observed these colleagues around him, analyzed who might hinder his next actions, and analyzed who might be his colleagues.

Kelly knew how many people in this group had been placed by the organization like him.

It's just that he doesn't know who it is.

But once the assassination starts, all members of the organization will definitely jump out and launch a thunderous strike.

At that time, he will not be fighting alone.

Time quickly passed by every minute and every second.

In the topmost office of Miracle Company.

Tang Jian and Norman Black Hand were sitting in the office, watching everyone gathered in the interview hall through the holographic projection screen.

It can be seen that these elites are all sitting upright. Even though some people are smiling and chatting with each other in a reserved and low voice, none of them feel impatient because of the waiting time.

Just this ability to hold one's breath is better than many people.

Norman Black Hand looked at it for a long time, then turned his head and asked Tang Jian in doubt, "With so many talents, how are you going to test them? How do you reuse them?"

Tang Jian withdrew his gaze and said with a smile, "I'm ready to start the test now, Black Hand, remember our cooperation?"

Norman's black hand was startled, and then he was surprised, "Are you going to sleep again?"

Tang Jian had already closed his eyes with a smile.

There are not many people in the world who can let him fall asleep so peacefully and enter the dreamland in front of him.

The Norman black hand counts as one.

And he also knew that when he fell asleep, Norman Blackhand would definitely stand by his side and be the strongest shield.

Up to now, most of the weird toxins in Norman's black hand have been eliminated with the help of many friends entrusted by Tang Jian.

There are still a small half of stubborn diseases that need time to get rid of slowly.

But even so, the strength of Norman Black Hand has recovered 60%, comparable to the average five-star card master, and can be regarded as the strongest player in Miracle Company except Tang Jian.

When Tang Jian fell asleep, a special test for the interviewer had already begun.

No one expected that Tang Jian, the interviewer, would carry out an in-depth interview test without showing his face.

Even the prince who personally arranged the assassination plan didn't expect it.

Although he guessed that the red card held by Tang Jian might have some kind of means to see through people's secrets, or even predict them.

However, he has no idea how this method is actually displayed.

five minutes later.

Tang Jian woke up from the dream.

There was a hint of surprise in his strange expression.

The Norman Black Hand was about to speak, when he saw Tang Jian closed his eyes again, and seemed to have fallen asleep soon, so he couldn't help being speechless.

"Sleep inspector. What kind of special ability is this?

I have seen many alien races on the planet Dune before, but I have never heard of any race that has some kind of super power to sleep."

The alien world is more diverse and colorful.

Even though it is possible that the mainstream power system in this universe is cards, there are still many strange races that do not use cards as their power system.

For example, most of the tiankengs around the earth star, almost none of them use cards as their power system.

Tang Jian woke up faster this time.

Tang Jian woke up in just three minutes.

"Brother, how is it?"

Norman asked curiously, he has always been interested in Tang Jian's strange ability.

"It will probably be lively later. You come with me to prevent someone from committing suicide or escaping."

Tang Jian stood up and smiled easily.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Norman's face changed slightly.

Tang Jian smiled, "Among the newly recruited guys, there are a group of lunatics. It's just a pity that none of them seem to be particularly important chess pieces."

Speaking of this, Tang Jian felt both horrified and funny.

The old country organization was like his little daughter-in-law who had been abandoned by him all the time, and the revenge came so quickly.

Moreover, the four people who suddenly assassinated him like they were going crazy in the dream just now were all arranged by the company when it was recruiting people.

The high efficiency and ruthless means of the old country organization are really frightening.

However, Tang Jian really wanted to laugh at this assassination of delivering dishes.

Even if he didn't detect it through dreams, it would be very difficult to die in an assassination operation without a top five-star card master.

It seems that the assessment of his strength by the old country organization has not been updated in real time.

A few minutes later.

The ceiling at the top of the interview hall suddenly split to the sides, revealing an elevator platform.

Tang Jian stood on the lifting platform in a straight silver-white suit, and slowly landed in front of the thirty-three elites who came to participate in the interview and selection.

Immediately, dozens of pairs of eyes focused on Tang Jian, each with curiosity, eagerness, excitement, and awe and excitement, just like the expression of seeing a big man.

With Tang Jian's current reputation, he is indeed a big man in the ancient Xia card making world, and he can also be regarded as a big man in the business world.

"He is Tang Jian, he is really young. The fluctuation of vitality is really about to reach the lower limit of a four-star card master."

Kelly's eyes were so dim that he observed Tang Jian as if observing prey.

He has already memorized Tang Jian's information by heart, and he is familiar with all the cards that Tang Jian has shown to the world so far.

But today it was the first time he saw Tang Jian in person.

Tang Jian glanced at the more than thirty people in front of him, and when he glanced at Kelly and other four members of the old country organization who thought they hadn't been discovered, he also smiled.

Comparing acting skills to pretending to be an actor like him, these people are too immature.

Tang Jian's eyes finally fell on Gu Qiuquan's body, and he nodded slightly.

Immediately, Gu Qiuquan stepped forward, facing more than 30 people, cleared his throat and said loudly, "Everyone, welcome to our Miracle Headquarters to participate in the selection of the most elite interviews.

You are already excellent members of our company, so today you have the opportunity to be promoted by Chairman Tang.

Next, our chairman, Mr. Tang, will ask you questions, and finally a group of people will be selected from you for promotion. "

After speaking, Gu Qiuquan bowed to invite Tang Jian, stepped aside, and acted as an assistant.

Tang Jian smiled, and landed directly on Kelly, "Mr. Kelly, you are one of the four newest four-star card masters recruited by our company. Please stand up."

Kelly was startled, and then delighted again.

He was still thinking about whether to launch an attack directly, or to launch an attack when Tang Jian asked him a question.

Unexpectedly, Tang Jian was so lucky to pick him out.

"Jie Jie Jie! It really echoes the old saying of your Gu Xia, if the King of Hades wants you to die in the third watch, you dare not keep yourself until the fourth watch!"

Kelly stepped forward with a big stride, and the prosthetic device hidden in the sleeve has slowly entered the ready-to-activate state.

At this moment, I saw Tang Jian pointing out several people one by one.

"And you, Mr. Huo Zhi, you are also a respectable four-star card master.

Mr. Lin Dong, you are a three-star card maker that I am very optimistic about.

Mr. Qu Desong, you are a very powerful three-star card master, you are all excellent, let's all come out. "


Under the slightly dissatisfied, scrutinized, and envious eyes of others.

Three more people walked out one after another and stood with Kelly.

In the eyes of other elites around, Tang Jian could name these four people so quickly, it must be something special that attracted Tang Jian's attention.

This is the formidable enemy they will face in the next interview.

However, to Tang Jian, these four people are nothing more than spies of the old country organization.

He called out all at once, ready to pack and clean up together.

Even at this time, these four guys didn't know each other's identities, and they said that they were really lucky to be picked out by Tang Jian so quickly, and the chance of assassination was coming.

"A three-star card master who has not yet become a four-star card master has not undergone a third rebirth.

His body is very fragile, I will attack violently later, use the [King's Hammer Card] first, now is the opportunity, five, four, three"

Kelly stared at Tang Jian closely, his eyes full of excitement and eagerness.

Those who didn't know thought that he was excited to be selected, but in fact, he had already begun to read the countdown to the assassination in his mind.

But at this moment.

Tang Jian smiled and waved again, "Don't stand so far away, you four, come closer to me. Come, come here!"

"What? Let me get closer?"

Kelly was ecstatic in his heart, and immediately stopped the countdown and stepped forward.

All four of them were excited, their eyes flickering slightly.

This Tang Jian is really deadly.

An absolute short-lived ghost.

Create an opportunity for yourself to pay your own funeral!

The four of them stepped forward together, and when they approached Tang Jian's body standing on the lifting platform, they were less than three meters away.


The four of them suddenly showed murderous intent, and they all made moves. Each of them chose the method of only attacking but not defending, and immediately urged the cards to launch an attack.

Even the momentum of the four of them attacking at the same time startled each other, but they quickly understood that they were all companions, and they were all overjoyed.

This Tang Jian is really good at picking, he actually picked out all four of their assassins.

Send you an assassination spree!


"For the glory of the old country!"

Kelly roared violently, and the tyrannical life force fluctuations broke out completely.

A huge sharp-edged sledgehammer exuding cold and heavy force fell into his hand, crushing the air and sending out explosive noises, engulfed in a powerful energy wave, and hammered hard at Tang Jian.

In addition to Kelly, there are three other fierce offensives.

Giant forks, big axes, and particle beams attack together.

"not good!"

Gu Qiu who was standing beside him was shocked.

The remaining 29 elite interviewees were even more astonished.

Some excellent card masters with rich combat experience immediately subconsciously activated defensive cards to defend themselves.

But in an instant they knew like lightning that someone was going to assassinate Tang Jian.

And the assassins turned out to be the four selected by Tang Jian just now.

Thank you Wenrou, TEUR for your reward!

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