God Card

Chapter 527 536: Bullshit organization, shit god! (Readers who raise books are slaughtered)


A cloud of air turned into white waves in the giant cyan palm and was crushed, causing the ripples in the space to be slightly distorted.

However, it suddenly caught empty air!

There are only cards, instruments, etc. scattered all over the ground.

"One step too late!"

The deity exuding terror and majesty and fluctuations murmured, and the sound was like a drum shaking the air.

"Bastard! Old He Bai is dead!"

Li Zeyun roared.


Cruelty flashed in the god's pale pupils, and the huge body floating in the air suddenly disappeared in a blur.

Hurrah! ——

The air exploded and trembled!

Li Zeyun's complexion changed and before he had time to react, he felt severe pain all over his body, almost suffocating.

Ka Ka Ka——

Several bones in his body were shattered, and he was directly grasped by the giant blue palm of the god. Even the card energy in his body could not be mobilized, and his spirit was also frightened by the strong divine power. The whole person was like falling into a tiger. The elk under its paws was so weak that it could not move.

"Wait! Lord Qingshen, don't hurt him!"

Bai Ningbing's pretty face changed drastically and she shouted.

Qingshen's pale pupils flickered with ice-cold brilliance, and the divine power accumulated in his giant cyan palm increased instead of diminishing, causing Li Zeyun to groan miserably.

"You want to stop me?"

Bai Ningbing bowed respectfully and said, "Lord Qingshen, please spare his life. If we failed in this mission, the leader will punish us severely. Please leave us as guilty and go back to receive the punishment."

"Leader." Qingshen's pale eyes flickered, snorted and scattered his divine power, throwing Li Zeyun to the ground like throwing garbage.

"This human being is too presumptuous. He ordered me just now. How can you order me? There will be no next time."

After Qingshen spoke arrogantly and disdainfully, his body exuding strong and terrifying divine power suddenly lifted into the air, squeezing the air and disappearing in an instant.

The majesty in the air gradually faded away, and some tiankeng creatures farther away who were originally watching here trembled in fright and quickly moved away.

"Ahem, I failed."

Li Zeyun coughed up blood, lying on the ground with his head up, looked at He Dongchen whose corpse was gradually poisoned and pus, and smiled miserably.

"Old He, you really died for nothing, and you lived for nothing. The first time you performed a major mission of the organization, it was to deal with the kid you carefully cultivated and hoped for. It was a fucking failure."

He smiled and shed tears, took out a cigarette from his arms, lit it and took a puff, coughed loudly, then crawled to He Dongchen's side, stuffed the cigarette into He Dongchen's mouth, panting.

"If you fail, you fail. Don't worry about the other things of your mother. You can sleep peacefully now. I don't want to live a miserable life."


Bai Ningbing suddenly shouted angrily, and picked up Tang Jian's slightly flashing and fluctuating communication card from the ground, "This kid has discovered something, he must have discovered something, it may be dangerous to go to his cemetery to intercept his adults now, We must report to the leader immediately!"

Li Zeyun turned over and lay on He Dongchen's body, staring at Bai Ningbing and roaring, "Get lost!"

"What did you say?" Bai Ningbing was stunned.

Li Zeyun sneered, "What bullshit leader, what old country organization, do you think I really take you seriously?

If it wasn't for repaying Lao He's kindness, how could I come to Jiangbei, and how could I do things for you?

Now that Lao He is dead, you still want to enslave me just for the glory of the old country?


And the false god of the Gouri Tiankeng just now, he is just a dog of the leader, a dog instructed by the leader to bite bones! "

"Shut up!" Bai Ningbing's expression changed drastically.

The divine power that had been weakened in the air began to grow rapidly again.

Li Zeyun looked crazy, and pointed at the sky and cursed angrily, "Dogs, they are all a bunch of dogs, what kind of shit, false gods, what kind of shit organization!"

"Shut up—" Bai Ningbing shouted angrily and was about to strike.

However, there was a huge earthquake in the void.

A huge pale pupil suddenly appeared in the sky out of thin air, and the moment that pupil locked onto Li Zeyun, a terrifying and tyrannical divine power surged, and a sharp white glow flickered.

Chi! ——

Li Zeyun and He Dongshen's body under him trembled, and suddenly turned into pieces of white powder that collapsed and dissipated with the wind, not even the cards and other things remained.

Bai Ningbing's expression froze.

"You humans are too presumptuous!"

In the air, the pale pupils contained strong anger and murderous intent, and suddenly glared at Bai Ningbing again, and the sharp pale light condensed and exploded again.

"Master Qingshen!"

Bai Ningbing exclaimed, and the cards in the instrument activated.

The phantom of a huge cyclops body appeared, with its arms outstretched to protect her.

However, the moment the sharp pale light fell on the phantom of the cyclops, there was only a pause, and then the phantom of the giant howled and collapsed.

Bai Ningbing screamed, her delicate body trembled violently, her skin cracked and blood shot out, and the ground under her feet collapsed with a large number of cut marks.

Her whole body also fell into the huge pit on the ground, in an extremely miserable state.

"This is just a little lesson!"

The divine power dissipated, and the phantom shadows in the pale eyes disappeared into the clouds.

The smell of blood faintly emanates from the deep pit, and it spreads quickly when the wind blows.

However, this area is full of divine power, and even the tiankeng creatures who smell bloody aura from far away dare not approach rashly.

A few minutes later, a few white feathers between illusion and reality slowly floated over.

A faint fragrance suddenly wafted through the air.

The white feathers gradually fell to the side of the cracked and collapsed pit on the ground, and suddenly exploded into clusters of feather fluff.

Among the feather catkins, a graceful figure of a graceful woman emerged, her bright eyes fell on Bai Ningbing who was coughing up blood and crawling out of the deep pit with hesitation and suspicion.


"Hehehe, you actually appeared here at this time, so you forcibly terminated the wedding dress because of that Tang Jian? You are late, he is dead. Hehe cough!"

"Why? I thought it was a fake until I received a message from General He on the way here"

"Old He"

six minutes ago.

After Tang Jian's death, his body and soul were dragged into the tomb of the Heavenly King Tower.

In the room far away in the villa residence in District 11, Jingzi, Yujing Academy, the shadow of a card gradually emerged from the air.

The next moment, the card bloomed with blue light, and then released circles of energy ripples, turbulent waves.

The shape of the Tianwang Tower Tomb emerges from the energy wave.

The body of the tower shone with intense bright yellow brilliance.

The tower door opened gradually amidst the roaring and trembling sound.

On the first floor of the villa, Cai Jun, a first-year student studying card books, was taken aback for a moment. He felt the house tremble slightly. He suddenly took off the noise-proof earphones and looked at the upstairs where there was movement in astonishment.

"what's the situation?"

The tomb of the Heavenly King Pagoda was completely condensed into a body from the state of illusory energy, and the pagoda door was also opened with a loud bang. Tang Jian's body slowly emerged from the pagoda door, quickly outlined and condensed.

But at this moment.

All the light in the entire room, including the bright yellow light emanating from the surface of the Tianwang Pagoda's tomb, disappeared instantly, and the entire room was swallowed up by the darkness of eternal night.

This darkness is like ink that suddenly drips into a bowl of clear water, quickly staining a large area of ​​clear water black.

It even devours energy and all the matter in this space.

But seeing the furnishings of tables and chairs, floors, ceilings, etc., all seemed to be swallowed by an invisible big mouth in the darkness.

Tang Jian's body that had just condensed into shape also quickly disappeared in this terrifying darkness.

"It's really a bunch of trash. A few people plotted against a mere student and gave him a chance to be resurrected, forcing me to take a risk in this school. If this is the case, then everything will end!"

A hoarse and cold voice sounded, and the darkness expanded rapidly, and it was about to completely swallow Tang Jian's still blurred body.

But that's when.

A sound like broken glass came from a corner in the darkness.



The corner where the broken sound came from began to release light, and the darkness of the room was like a ball pricked by a needle deflated, and the large dark shadows flowed back towards the bright corner.

"Back in time and space!? Ling Xian?"

A hoarse and cold voice sounded in shock and anger.

In the room, time and space were distorted, and an orange brilliance card emerged.

A lazy woman came from the card, "Little Shadow, I haven't seen you for many years, you still like to sneak around and hide your tail."

"You ruined my good deed!"

Light came from the window of the room, and a hoarse and cold voice came from the corner of the room.

The whole room has also returned to normal from the darkness at this time.

The tables and chairs and other furnishings that had been swallowed by the distortion were restored to their original state one by one from the shattered state.

In the end, all the dark shadows retreated to a corner of the room, and suddenly condensed into a card that exudes lawful fluctuations.

There seems to be no light on the surface of the card, and there is a cloud of shadows, but if you look closely, you can see a dim orange light—[Eternal Night Dark World·Demigod Card]!

The voice of the lazy woman continued to come from the orange card in another time and space, "Okay, it was an accident that Ben Gong appeared here, and it was entrusted by others.

An old guy is coming soon, I don't want to see him yet, do you want to see him? "

"You ruined my good things this time, and next time I will come to your Shiting Palace to trouble you!"

The hoarse man's voice paused, and after dropping a scene, suddenly the Eternal Night Dark Realm demigod card shrouded in shadows flickered, fell into the shadow of the ceiling chandelier reflected on the ground, and instantly melted into the shadow and disappeared.

"Complete the task, and there is another enemy. Hey, Bengong is gone."

In the middle of the air, in the time-space retrospective demigod card, a line of sight was projected on Tang Jian's condensed Chiguo body, and then quickly retracted as if nothing had happened.

The air trembled, and the time-space retrospective demigod card disappeared instantly

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