God Card

Chapter 529 538: Secret Diffusion (Take a day off tomorrow)


"What a terrible guy, I have designed such a meticulous plan, but I still can't kill this guy.

Now No. 13 He Dongshen has been exposed, Li Zeyun has been exposed and died, and even Bai Ningbing has been exposed, the loss is incalculable."

In the base camp of the old country organization, the prince's expression was extremely ugly, his fists were clenched tightly and his joints creaked, and he quickly issued the instructions he had prepared long ago.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace and plan for a rainy day.

Long before the plan to assassinate Tang Jian was carried out, the prince had already thought about the possible serious consequences of the failure of the plan, and made preparations in advance.

He Dongshen hasn't contacted the organization for 30 years.

Maybe the other party may have accumulated some useful information, or maybe not.

In this regard, the prince has sent someone to check immediately.

Li Zeyun was an accident. Li Zeyun joined the old country organization through He Dongshen, and only the leader knew his identity.

The same is true for Bai Ningbing. Only the leader knows the identity of the Baiyu Sect's suzerain in the old country organization.

Now that they have all been exposed, more follow-up arrangements have also been handled by special personnel.

Originally, these people may have played a huge role in the critical period, and may even determine the gains and losses of a city or a place.

But now these people are all used on Tang Jian's body, and all of them have been smashed into the sand, without an inch of merit.

"If Tang Jian is killed and the card that fell into the world of mortals is taken back, then these losses will be worth it, what a pity"

The prince sighed lightly.

"Not so many ifs."

A dimly lit figure suddenly appeared in the empty room.

The prince was startled, and immediately stood up and bowed, "Leader!"

The leader of the fuzzy figure said lightly, "There is nothing wrong with the plan. Use the people he trusts to lure him to the occupied area. Even if the group of trash can't kill him, Qingshen will kill him.

If Qingshen couldn't kill him, Yong Ye would also attack him, and he would definitely die.

But you and I have misjudged his strength. He has already realized the ninth sense, avoids danger, avoids danger in advance, and makes our plan go bankrupt. "

"Ninth sense!" The prince gritted his teeth, "Damn it!"

"Let this kid go for a while, but it doesn't mean letting him go completely. I have already disclosed to the federation that he has the card that falls into the world of mortals." The leader said.

"What? Wouldn't this make more people pay attention to this card?" The prince was surprised.

The leader said, "Dude, take a long view from thousands of mountains and rivers.

We don't have so much energy to focus on this kid, so we might as well muddy the water and use this kid as bait to stir up more serious internal friction in the Federation.

The six branches of the Federation are not in harmony. There will always be people who want to get the card in Tang Jian's hand, but Tang Jian will not hand it over, which will inevitably lead to conflicts.

Given the personality of the butcher, the birth of the conflict would just be a mess, and that gave us a lot of opportunities.

Besides, that card might not fall into our hands in the end. "

The prince woke up, "I was too obsessed with the gains and losses of a city and a place. Now that I have lost it, I should withdraw quickly to make a game, lose small profits, and fight for the big picture, but I can't get stuck in the quagmire and cannot extricate myself."

The leader said, "Children can be taught. I'll tell you some more information. You should remind your subordinates not to meet Tang Jian easily. If you do meet, don't arouse his suspicion.

If this person becomes suspicious, immediately terminate all contact and actions with the organization to prevent being predicted by this person with the function of that card."

The prince immediately took note of it.

The lake is shimmering, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Even in winter, the willow trees on both sides of the lake embankment in the school are still fresh and fresh, like jasper silk ribbons in the bursts of psychic breath.

Tang Jian held a fishing rod and sat on the bank fishing very leisurely.

His body is in the posture of lying on the beach chair, but his eyes can "turn" to see the fish float floating on the lake, and even directly see the bottom of the lake sneaking up to eat the bait carefully, then quickly avoid it, and then cautiously A wary fish that goes to eat the bait.

"This fish is alert, but if I want to catch it, I can catch it anytime"

Tang Jian calmly grabbed the fishing rod and pulled it casually. Suddenly, a carp was caught and pulled out of the water. It was pulled by the hook and line in the air and kept jumping, and its scales reflected light in the sun.

"I feel like this fish. Although I am alert, I may be in danger of being caught at any time."

Tang Jian was thoughtful, "My strength has improved fast enough recently, but it is still not enough to deal with the handful of people at the top of the federation.

If I can grow to that point, like the fish on this hook, weighing fifty kilograms, the line of my fishing rod will break, and fishermen will not be able to catch me. "

Shake the fishing rod casually.

Immediately, the carp on the hook was shaken into the water and fled away.

Tang Jian was about to get up, but suddenly lay back down again, and said lightly, "What are you doing sneakily?"

Tang Yueyue, who was walking quietly behind Tang Jian and was about to jump out suddenly and shout to scare Tang Jian, was startled, rolled her eyes and ran over in boredom.

"Brother, do you have eyes behind you? You noticed me before I was ten meters away from you."

Tang Jian turned his head and looked at Tang Yueyue, who was wearing a skirt and black stockings of a student girl, and asked, "Why are you wearing a skirt today? Is it very hot in winter?"

Tang Yueyue asked strangely, "What's wrong with wearing a skirt? I'm still wearing thermal stockings, and there is a card constant temperature array in the school, so it's not cold at all even in winter."

"Excessive words! This is too revealing." Tang Jian snorted.

Tang Yueyue looked at Tang Jian as if she was insane, and then looked down at the skirt that had reached her knees and the black socks that tightly wrapped her calves, only two white and tender thighs were exposed.

Can this also be called exposure?

"What are you doing here?" Tang Jian frowned, "Your vitality has not yet reached 100. Your cultivation speed is too slow."

Tang Yueyue pursed her mouth and said aggrievedly, "I've been practicing all morning today, and now I want to come over and write next to you. You often run around outside, and you rarely accompany us like you are now."

Tang Jian was startled, and his frown couldn't help but relax.

Yes, I haven't been with my family for a long time.

Since his rebirth and return, he has been practicing like a race against time, making cards, busy making money, busy improving his strength, and busy attacking the old country organizations.

But how much time in a person's life is spent with his family and the people closest to him?

Tang Yueyue took a good look at her words and continued, "I feel like you are a superstar with infinite brilliance now, no one in this school doesn't know you, and even some teachers respect you very much.

When I go out, everyone knows that I am your sister. A large part of the readers who read my book read your book because they know that I am your sister. "

She sighed, "You are like the protagonist in my novel, you are so radiant, you seem to be omnipotent in my mind, you are so outstanding from the beginning to the end, you have always been ahead of everyone, and you are better than everyone. Strong are excellent.

But brother, you are not the protagonist in my novel.

Every good protagonist is generally an orphan, with a younger sister or older sister who is not related by blood.

But you have relatives.

I'm your own sister, and you're not an orphan, I think you might be an excellent protagonist, but you should spend some time with us."

Tang Jianxin was touched, and was shocked by Tang Yueyue's words, but suddenly he noticed something, glanced at Tang Yueyue, and snorted coldly.

"Okay! You have said so much, but you just don't want to practice and want to write. I allow you to write with me for a while today, so you don't need to practice, okay?"

"Brother, how can you think so? What I just said is from the heart."

"A lie!" Tang Jian interrupted, "It's a lie from the heart. You are really good at writing now, and your eloquence is also good. I almost believed it.

But do you think you, a little carder, can fool your brother? "

Tang Yueyue's eyeballs rolled around, and she suddenly snorted and laughed, "Brother, you are so powerful, you saw me through so quickly."

"As soon as your butt poked out, I knew you were going to shit!" Tang Jian snorted coldly.

Tang Yueyue smiled dryly and immediately lifted up the small bench and sat beside Tang Jian, took out the optical brain card and prepared to write.

What she just said was indeed just to let Tang Jian let her stop practicing for the time being.

But it's a lie.

At this time, Tang Jian also had feelings in his heart, and he didn't want to force Tang Yueyue any more.

He was indeed busy all the time and rarely accompanied his family, so what qualifications did he have to ask Tang Yueyue to be like him.

If Tang Yueyue ran around every day like him and rarely returned home, wouldn't her parents and elders be even more lonely.

Tang Jian sat back on the beach chair, watched Tang Yueyue skillfully open the document, edit chapters and start writing, showing off to him while writing.

"Brother, do you know how hard and difficult it is for our authors? In order to earn a little subscription money, I really want to break my head every day and have to raise my hairline.

In order to write novels to pretend to be aggressive, I studied science and technology, psychology, and read all the settings of ultra-modern technology in the future.

Learned medicine, physics, biology, botany, theology, chemistry, history, Ryukyu and Eagle language, mathematics Taylor's formula, Euler's formula, variance formula, induction formula, integral formula, hairless theorem.

In order to write the protagonist going to the universe, I also studied the manifestation device, psionic energy, positron cannon, dark matter, learned about various drugs for anesthesia, studied Akasha roulette, world consciousness Gaia and the Kabbalah tree of life paternal society matriarchal society A series of shitty things like mechanics.

In fact, I don't want to write anymore, it might as well be as easy as learning to make cards. Sometimes there is no reward, no monthly pass, and even being scolded by readers.”

Listening to Tang Yueyue's chatter, Tang Jian smiled and said nothing.

He didn't want to break this warm feeling.

However, Tang Jian's mood became gloomy again when he thought of Bai Li who could not be contacted all the time, and thought of the pile of cards that had not been retrieved, among which was the most important [Red-Eyed Black Dragon King Card].

Thanks for the pre-sleep rhythm, Xue Wu's reward. Tomorrow Sunday, you may have to take a day off to travel far away. If you don't update tomorrow, you will be on leave. It will be updated when I get back in the afternoon. If you can’t make it back in time, if you have the guts, just blow it up! Don't throw the Golden League, I'm afraid that little Yueyue will hit me.

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