God Card

Chapter 533 542: The Qiongqiong White Rabbit, Running Around (7,000 Subscriptions)

late at night.

The suburbs outside Yujing, the grass paths on the ridges of the fields, and the continuous farmhouses are covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost.

The leaves of some evergreen pines and cypresses around the street are also as dazzling as if sprayed with silver powder.

The two figures rode together on a heavy-duty flying motorcycle with a sense of technology, and galloped across the high canopy of the tree. The strong wind and waves driven by it blew away the hoarfrost that had condensed on the surface of the canopy.

"To the east, speed up. I feel that the card seems to be moving. The moving speed is about 200 meters per second. It seems that the person holding my card should be aware of it and not be thrown away by the opponent."

Tang Jian's Salamander clone sat on the motorcycle, almost squeezed together with the tall and strong body of Norman's black hand who was driving, and quickly pointed out the direction.

At this time, he was sensing the specific position of the [Wave Card of Killing Intent] from afar through the activated [Mind Power Wave Card].

According to the analysis, when the [Wave Card of Killing Intent] is beyond the range of 500 kilometers, even the [Mind Force Wave Card] can no longer capture the specific position.

Hearing the words, Norman Black Hand snorted, "Okay brother, sit still, the God of the Dune Star Tribe will take you after him immediately."

His thick palm twisted the accelerator violently.

The remaining two unlit exhaust pipes of the flying motorcycle suddenly lit up with blue gas flames like torches.


The cool six tailpipes all light up with a whine.

Tang Jian only felt a huge centrifugal force acting on his body, and his body almost floated up, but was forced back on the car by the strong body of Norman's black hand that suddenly pressed down.

The entire flying motorcycle galloped out at a more violent speed like a beast that devoured people. The buzzing sound tore through the night sky, and rows of white air waves were born around the speeding motorcycle.

Tens of kilometers away.

Bai Yu suddenly stopped the shuttle car, looked back, the surface of the tactical glasses flashed slightly, and a blurry scene was transmitted through a photo card that was arranged earlier.

In the picture, the shadow of a heavy motorcycle that was so blurred that it was almost invisible was quickly slowed down, and then the faces of the two people on the motorcycle were also quickly zoomed in and identified.

"Tang Jian!"

Seeing the appearance of one of them clearly, Bai Li's heart beat slightly and his expression changed.

She originally wanted to sneak to Yujing to deliver the cards to Tang Jian and leave quietly, but halfway through, she noticed that the cards in her hand seemed to be being tracked. Now it seems that the tracker was actually Tang Jian.

"Hmph. It's really this kid. I thought he was doing something wrong with these cards, but I didn't expect him to be the one following him."

Bai Ningbing's voice suddenly came from the video projection in the car.

Bai Yu hesitated, looked at the card pack in his hand, and paused when he touched the button of the shuttle to accelerate forward.

Bai Ningbing looked at Bai Lu's appearance and snorted coldly, "You still can't forget this little boy? What's his use other than being handsome? The more handsome a man is, the more unreliable he is. He already has a girlfriend. Why are you so unloving?"

"Mom!" Bai Lu frowned.

Bai Ning said with a cold face, "If he doesn't have that card, he is nothing now. You promised me not to see him again, have you forgotten? If you want to see him now, we don't have to leave this place of trouble. "

"No." Bai Yu shook his head, his expression full of helplessness, "I promise you, I don't want to see you doing so many things for that organization, let alone seeing you hostile, General He is dead, I don't want anyone else die."

After saying that, Bai Le glanced at the card bag in his hand, and he seemed to think of someone's cheap figure in his mind, and thought of the one who once held her waist in the royal court of the Zongmen Association and claimed to be green with Taiyi. People, the corner of her mouth raised a slight arc, and she stretched out her hand out of the window.

The light blue card case fell from the sky.

hum! ——

The shuttle car spewed out red flames and quickly disappeared into the sky.

"Brother, the detection radar caught the target that stopped in front and suddenly accelerated away. Don't worry, I will catch up immediately!"

Norman Blackhand shouted in a low voice.

Tang Jian frowned and said, "Don't worry, be careful, I feel that my card is still three kilometers away without moving."

Norman Black Hand was startled, raised his vigilance and slowed down a little.

at the same time.

In the night sky dozens of kilometers away, a large translucent reddish octopus gallops fast, as if the air is water, and the sky is the sea. Every time dozens of octopus tentacles shrink and arch, they can glide very far.

This big octopus seems to be invisible, and it is completely integrated with the surrounding environment when it moves. Except for the strong wind, it is invisible to the naked eye.

At this time, in the cockpit behind the two huge black pupils of the octopus, all the members of the Thunder Squad, the famous killer team from Hidden Kill, were sitting.

Captain Varosha's light blue pupils stared closely at the life data displayed on the detection instrument table, and two of the life data were particularly strong, far exceeding the surrounding life forms displayed on the detection instrument table. Tao life data is moving forward at an extremely fast speed.

"It's more than 50 kilometers away from Yujing City, captain, we can start! This is a rare opportunity. The target doesn't have a strong card group, and it happens to leave Yujing Academy during this time. No matter what his purpose is, we It must be intercepted in advance."

Hadaway, a member sitting in the co-pilot's seat beside him, reminded in a rough voice.

Varosha's eyes flashed sharply and he nodded, "Everything is ready. Even if the target doesn't have a strong card group, but after all, it can easily kill a four-star card master. The danger level is extremely high, so we must be extra vigilant!"

The three members sitting behind all responded in unison.

The nerve chain connected by Varosha and the mechanical octopus quickly issued an order, and all the tentacles of the big octopus that was flying at high speed suddenly became entangled and spun suddenly.

When rotating, the huge octopus-headed cockpit also rotates at high speed like an auger, and the flight speed increases greatly. However, the space inside the cockpit is like a sphere with a constant position, which always remains motionless.

When the speed value broke through a threshold, the entire giant octopus radiated energy highlights, spanning a distance of more than ten kilometers in an instant, and quickly approaching Tang Jian and the two in front at an extremely exaggerated high speed.

The distance of three kilometers was quickly crossed by the flying motorcycle.

Norman Blackhand's scouting card did not notice the abnormality ahead for the time being.

Circles of invisible Nianli waves spread from Tang Jian's eyebrows.

In the sensing range of Nian Libo, the [Wave Card of Killing Intent] is also transmitting weak signal fluctuations like a signal source.

His Nian Libo quickly locked on to a certain place on the grass in front of him.

"where to!"

The flying motorcycle landed under the control of the Norman black hand.

Tang Jian turned over and swept down, looking at the light blue card case lying quietly on the grass in front of him with vigilant eyes mixed with surprise.

"My card bag."

Tang Jian's heart was beating violently, and he could already clearly sense the fluctuations belonging to the [Wave Card of Killing Intent] in the card pack.

His mental strength moved.

The card bag immediately floated up under the influence of spiritual power.

"This mental power." Norman's black hand stared wide-eyed.

How much spiritual power does this have to directly affect the material world to grab an item through spiritual power?

At the peak of his strength, his spiritual power of more than 500 was unable to do it. At most, he could only form a simple mental energy impact, but he could not use his spiritual power to control things like Tang Jian.

Tang Jian used his spiritual power like an invisible palm, and opened the card bag vigilantly to check.

The card packs in the card pack were all floating in the air, and all his precious cards were unexpectedly full, and there was even an extra card.

"This card is."

Tang Jian's eyes fell on one of the blue cards, and his body trembled slightly.

Under the control of his spiritual power, the blue card quickly flew in front of him, the card pattern on the surface was as clear as two crossed feathers.

Tang Jian instantly recognized that it was the [White Feather Wings Card], the inheritance card of the Bai Yu Sect, and a commonly used card that Bai Yu used to equip.

"Bai Lai!"

Tang Jian turned around and looked around.

There still seems to be a hint of familiar fragrance in the air.

Tang Jian, the salamander avatar's super sense of smell, immediately caught the source of the fragrance, which was more than 500 meters in the air, but the fragrance at the source was fading at an extremely fast speed, and was blown away by the night wind. open.

"Since you came, why did you leave again? Are you refusing to see me or not daring to see me?"

Tang Jian vaguely judged the direction where Youxiang had finally dispersed, looked to the front and south, and muttered to himself.

The night sky is vast, and there is nowhere is the figure of the person in memory.

During this period of time, the person who was looking for came here, dropped his card bag and left quietly.

Tang Jian's mind guessed the other party's general intentions like lightning, and he couldn't help but feel complicated.

It seems that Bai Le wanted to come to Yujing to return his card group to its original owner.

Otherwise, as long as the [Wave Card of Killing Intent] is within 500 kilometers of Yujing, Grandma Yu won't have a chance to sense the location of the card.

But looking at the other party's appearance, it was obvious that he did not intend to see him.

Tang Jian guessed that Bai Ningbing's influence might also be involved.

Maybe after the other party avoids this, if they want to meet again in the future, it is basically a fate arrangement that only depends on the close relationship.

Maybe it will be indefinite.

"Brother, don't be sad, Miss Bailu may have other things, you still have me!"

Norman's black hand approached, and he lightly placed his palm on Tang Jian's shoulder and said caringly.

Tang Jian's face darkened, "Get your hands off me!"

Norman Blackhand was stunned, "Don't you need comfort?"

"I don't need comfort from you, a rough man."

Tang Jian rolled his eyes, and suddenly raised his head to look into the sky if he felt something.


The Norman black hand also noticed and looked into the air.

A violent energy fluctuation accompanied by a fierce hurricane suddenly descended from high altitude, and the leaves on the roadside were rolled up and fell one after another, and were spun into the air, spinning round and round.

A giant octopus flying vehicle with a size of more than ten meters long suddenly emerged out of thin air, with a faint red halo all over its body, and dozens of long tentacles floating in the air.

Five burly and powerful figures suddenly appeared in the octopus's dark eyes, each staring at Tang Jian and the others with cold expressions as if they were staring at prey.

Varosha's voice came slowly from the cockpit, "Master Tang in Guxia, it's an honor to meet you, I think if you are a smart person, you should give up resistance now and don't make unnecessary struggles , so as not to suffer more.”

Holding the card pack in his hand, Tang Jian looked at Norman's black hand lightly, "Can you solve this group of idiots?"

Norman frowned and hugged his chest, "It should be no problem to beat them away, but it may be difficult to bind them with a snake spear."

Tang Jian flicked his fingers and said, "Then you try first, I will give you a chance to create a bondage!"

In the big octopus cabin, Varosha and others all had ugly faces when they heard the words.

They are quite well-known for stealth killing the Thunder squad, this is completely underestimated!

Thank you gentle brother for the reward!

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