God Card

Chapter 544 553: The reputation is passed on to the world, and no refutation is accepted

A typical Narcotics Bureau team can consist of up to five members.

Elite squads can consist of eight people.

After Tang Jian included Xie Xinxue and other new members into the team, the entire Miracle Team was enriched, and there were exactly eight people including him as the captain.

Except for Xie Xinxue and Pan An who looked normal among the new members, each of the other members seemed to be not good.

Especially An Musi, a fat man who smiles all day long, is a murderous maniac, who often kills the target under the guise of the wanted mission of capturing the mission target.

This is purely a thorn in the side.

However, Tang Jian decided to observe and test this guy for a while.

After all, despite this guy's perverted hobby of killing people, the speed of this guy's search for wanted targets is also amazingly fast.

Tang Jian thought that maybe Pan An, the quest maniac, could be arranged to form a team with this guy.

The combat power of these two people is similar, and they can contain each other. Anmusi finds the wanted target, and Pan An quickly takes it down, without giving Anmusi a chance to kill the target at all.

After thinking about the countermeasures.

Tang Jian looked at the crowd with a smile and said, "You newcomers, I ask each of you to complete at least three two-star missions or one three-star mission in the next month, as a warm-up test.

Unless someone like Xie Xinxue has a major mission, there is no reason for others to shirk, what do you think? "

Pan An, the number one brain fan, immediately came out and said, "No problem, boss!"

Anmusi and the three of them looked at each other, and they all said that there was no problem.

Although it is a bit urgent to complete three two-star missions or one three-star mission within a month, it is no problem to work hard.

The most important thing is that this is the first test after joining the elite team. Obviously Tang Jian wants to measure the weight of each of them.

If the task is performed well, maybe it will also be favored and appreciated by the captain.

An Musi and the others are all the elites among the elites, so they could definitely join the elite team, but due to various reasons, they were not taken in by other elite teams.

But it's not that they don't want to join the elite team.

Once you join the elite team, the rewards for each completed task will increase by 20%. Although 10% of the rewards will be distributed to the captain, it is still profitable in general, and no one doesn't like it.

Therefore, when Tang Jian released the test mission at this time, they did not have any resistance. They would also be rewarded for completing more missions.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Tang Jian was so happy from ear to ear.

These new team members are really pleasing, all of them are hardworking bees.

He immediately lowered the standard one more level, and ordered Mi Cheng and Qi Luo to complete at least three one-star missions or one two-star mission within a month.

Mi Cheng and Qi Luo felt the observation eyes cast by An Musi and other team members, as if they were all stimulated, and they all shouted and promised to over-fulfill the task.

These two are also geniuses, and they are energetic. Even if their strength is still weak, they don't want to be compared with An Musi and others, who are also members of the team, and become a dragging existence.

The benign competition within the team established success in this way.

"Okay, I don't care how the rest of you complete the mission, but Anmusi, you must complete the mission with Pan An. From now on, the two of you will be a duo."

Tang Jian clapped his hands and finally gave the order, then announced the disbandment on the spot, and left alone with Xie Xin to the captain's office.

"The captain has taken a fancy to Xie Xinxue? It feels like she is protecting this woman." Qi Luo muttered.

Mi Cheng snorted, "He's a humanoid pile driver, watch one hit another, Luo Luo, be careful, don't be attacked by him like last time."

Qi Luo's face darkened, and he scolded angrily.

"Get out of here!"

"Team, captain, what would you like to drink? I'll prepare it for you."

In the captain's office, Xie Xinxue looked at Tang Jian with a little nervousness and inexplicable excitement and asked.

Being able to have such alone time with Tang Jian, she will have some fantasies inexplicably.

After all, Tang Jian is now the hottest young man in the arrest bureau. He is handsome, strong, and rich in money. He can meet all the spiritual and material needs of women, and he is the most perfect target.

"Just make me a cup of oolong tea."

Tang Jian sat down behind the desk and said.

"Okay, okay! Wait a moment." Xie Xinxue said hastily, and immediately turned around to get busy at the drink machine in the office next to her.

She has an apple face, big and bright eyes, and she is wearing a white shirt, which is held up high by her huge breasts, and is so tight that the buttons seem to be popped at any moment. The lower body is a pair of light blue trousers, and the buttocks are outlined round, which is quite attractive.

From the angle where Tang Jian sat down, he could just see the perfect curve of Xie Xinxue's back when his back was facing him.

But for Tang Jian, as long as it's a woman who doesn't wear a skirt, it still doesn't have the temptation to make him lose his composure.

He just took a look, then retracted his gaze and said lightly.

"You sort out some of the things that have been reviewed recently and then report to me. During this period of time, you are exclusively responsible for the review, and you don't need to do the assessment tasks in the team."

Xie Xinxue poured the tea, and immediately responded to the words.

"Thank you." Tang Jian took the tea and said, "Have you found out the whereabouts of Bai Ningbing and Bai Yu recently?"

After getting the card group yesterday, he was attacked by the Thunder team, but he was very sure that Bai Yu must have been where he was yesterday.

However, Bai Lu seemed to avoid him deliberately, which made Tang Jian hesitate to report his whereabouts after a long time.

No matter what reason Bai Le didn't want to see him, Tang Jian felt that he still had to respect the other party's choice, and he didn't want to look for him anymore.

But at present, he still wants to know information about tracking intelligence.

Xie Xinxue hurriedly said, "For the time being, there is no whereabouts of Miss Bai and the others. However, a group of elders and deacons who were detained for investigation at the Baiyu Sect will be released today. Except for those who have already disappeared and fled, these elders and deacons There seems to be no problem."

"Oh." Tang Jian nodded and pondered, "How's Huang Zhifu?"

Xie Xinxue said, "Although prefect Huang Hu got rid of the suspicion after being investigated, he was still implicated. After the battle situation in Beidi stabilizes, he may be transferred to Linshan City as the secretary."

"That's it." Tang Jian sighed.

Huang Hu is about to be demoted. From the base city to an ordinary urban area, the size of the position does not seem to have changed much, but the prefect of the base city is compared with the secretary of an ordinary urban area, regardless of future or influence. Same day.

"If you have the ability, I will still give Huang Hu a hand in the future. Repay the kindness of knowing you back then."

Tang Jian thought secretly, looked at Xie Xinxue who was still standing aside, and waved his hand, "Okay, you go down first."


Xie Xinxue was a little disappointed, but she quickly turned around and left the office, thinking to herself that the captain still couldn't forget about Bai Lai, and asked her to follow her specially, as if he was specifically asking about Bai Lai's news.

Tang Jian took a sip of the tea and found that there happened to be a newspaper on the table, which seemed to have just been published recently.

The newspaper sign is Quanmin Daily.

This is a newspaper with extremely high influence in the Federation Guxia area.

Tang Jian picked up the newspaper and flipped through it.

"On January 14th, the two riot sinkholes outside the base city of Latu were completely flattened. This is an exciting news. Lord Kashen Hu Wen, who was originally guarding the base city of Latu, may secretly transfer support to other surrounding enemy-occupied areas. "

"On January 15th, the Guxia reinforcements arrived at Binghe, realizing the two armies' pincer combat plan, and have successfully rescued two enemy-occupied areas."

"Genius or lucky? Master Tang turned out to be such a person!"

"Success is not a fluke, Tang Jian - the miracle worker!"


Tang Jian couldn't help being a little confused when he saw these two headlines about himself, and they were still in a prominent position in the newspaper.

When did he become so famous?

It even went to the People's Daily.

He browsed quickly, his face gradually clouded, and finally he let out a sigh of relief.

These two newspaper sections about him.

The first headline reported that some experts analyzed the secret that he might have a magical card. It was with that magical card that he could achieve today's achievements, and his strength increased at an astonishing speed.

However, the report did not cite detailed data comparisons, and there was no real evidence to prove that Tang Jian had any magical cards. It seems that the newspapers still have reservations.

And in the second title section, someone refuted the report in the previous section to a certain extent, and listed examples of how Tang Jian worked hard and how talented he was.

These two contradictory reports should not be published together, but perhaps because of the special nature of the interviewees, they chose to publish together.

Tang Jian couldn't help but read the message in the second title again.

"Four-star card maker Yue Luo, a senior card maker, said in an interview: Master Tang and I got acquainted very early in a research work.

At that time, we were researching his [Blaster Card] together, and we wanted to make the research of [Blaster Card] into the [Superloaded Blast Card] that is currently used in multiple battlefields.

I remember that the research work was very difficult at that time, and Master Tang was obsessed with cultivation every day and rarely communicated with us. At that time, I was unhappy because he practiced so hard but ignored the research.

The result is that the master is the master.

When we were stuck in the difficulty of research and couldn't solve it at all, it was Master Tang who casually revealed the solution, which made the whole research and development process completely unimpeded, and that's how the [Overload Storm Card] came out.

I would like to ask those so-called experts who said that Master Tang's rapid increase in strength is entirely due to some magical cards, won't your conscience hurt?


Master Tang's diligent attitude towards cultivation is something I have witnessed with my own eyes. I admire his profound knowledge and infinite inspiration in card making all my life! "

"Good! Well said!"

After reading this interview report for the second time, Tang Jian felt extremely comfortable. If he saw his confidant, he slapped his thigh and applauded himself with a loud slap.

"This is a complete reproduction of my true face in front of the world. It is a proper positive energy that inspires the world to learn from me. Yue Luo, I almost didn't remember you. I didn't expect you to worship me so much."

This Yue Luo is very good.

Originally, Tang Jian was a little surprised who the opponent was.

But when the other party mentioned the experience of researching the [Overload Storm Card] together, it reminded him instantly.

This guy was the one with the highest card-making star rank in the entire research team back then. It was true that he had conflicts with him because he was lazy to practice every day and did not participate in the research.

But at that time, Yue Luo was not as good at talking as he is now.

So people are subject to change, you should look at each other with admiration after three days, and you should shave off birds after three years.

This Yue Luo not only can say some pleasant words, but also has been promoted to a four-star card maker, he is a fat leek that can be cultivated.

Tang Jian murmured, "Being a four-star card maker also has some potential in card making. This should be inspired by me. Let Yeludong contact me later to see if I can recruit the company. Now the company There is also a shortage of this kind of powerful high-star card maker."

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