God Card

556 Chapter 565: Leaving Earth for the First Time

"Okay, if there is no problem, we will start now."

Elder Wang Wei interrupted the chat and interjected.

As he spoke, he looked at Tang Jian, nodded slightly and said, "If your two subordinates want to go to the general meeting together, I need to report in advance."

Tang Jian said with a smile, "Elder Wang is in trouble."

He still planned to take Varosha and Hardaway with him. Now that he became a boss, Tang Jian liked this feeling more and more.

If there are any troublesome and trivial matters, it is better to leave them to his subordinates than to waste his time and energy on them.

"Congratulations, Master Tang. Perhaps this trip to the general meeting will allow you to enter the training sequence of card making god candidates."

Gao Xu looked at Tang Jian with a congratulatory smile, feeling a little complicated.

Compared with a young and potential card making master like Tang Jian, although he may have surpassed the level of card making, his potential is obviously not enough. The candidate training sequence of the card making god is Tang Jian's turn. to him.

"Senior Chenggao, your auspicious words!"

Tang Jian smiled politely and humbly.

Wang Wei looked at Gao Xu and said, "Get ready to open the passage."

"Okay." Gao Xu nodded, urging a card in the instrument with his arm.

Immediately, the ceiling above everyone's heads made a sound of mechanical operation, and a huge metal passage was split open like a chrysanthemum petal.

Soft blue light immediately floated out from the metal channel.

Tang Jian looked up, and the blue light was broken down into light sources of various colors in his eyes.

His eyes looked directly at things deep in the passage.

In his "turning" line of sight, he could vaguely see that the passage seemed to lead to the interior of a rocket or spaceship.

"You should also know that the general meeting is not anywhere on the planet Earth, nor in any other world of Tiankeng, but in the outer space near the Earth star."

Chen Lin smiled at Tang Jian, "So we still need to take a spaceship and jump through wormholes to arrive in a short time."


As she spoke, the overhead light suddenly branched into a blazing tractor capture beam.

"Let's go." Wang Wei walked towards the tractor beam first, and his figure was immediately pulled upwards.

"Master Tang, please." Song Ping extended his hand to Tang Jian with a smile.

"Please." Tang Jian walked over, and Varosha and Hadaway all followed closely.

The moment the body was caught by the blazing traction beam, a force immediately acted on the body.

Tang Jian relaxed his body and was sucked up.

Soon Chen Lin and others followed suit.

When everyone was dragged into the metal passage, the opening of the passage below, like a chrysanthemum platform, was tightened and closed.

The tractor beam was brighter, forcing Tang Jian to close his eyes.

Soon he felt as if he had entered a closed space.

The keen spatial awareness realized that this space was not too big, the traction light disappeared, and the feet stepped on the hard ground.

Tang Jian opened his eyes, and saw that he was already in a room made of alloy, with Chen Lin and others beside him.

There is an archway directly in front, and there are display screens around the archway.

"Let's go. Although everyone's physical fitness should pass the test, you still need to check your basic physical condition first, so as not to cause discomfort when you jump through the wormhole."

Chen Lin explained to Tang Jian with a smile, and walked to the arch ahead first.

The moment she entered the archway, the surrounding display screens lit up, and a bunch of data appeared, as if she was testing her body condition and structure.

Tang Jian's eyes were sharp, and he saw Chen Lin's body model flashed across one of the screens, and his measurements flashed before his eyes.

"Uh." Seeing that Wang Wei and the others were also filing in, Tang Jian immediately led Varosha and the others to walk.

Walking through the arches one after another, a series of data appeared on the display screen.

The data fluctuated too fast, and Tang Jian couldn't understand it.

But everything appears normal.

After walking through the arch is an elevator.

Tang Jian completely followed Chen Lin and the others step by step.

He also listened to Chen Lin's continuous introduction.

Only then did I realize that I was indeed in a flying ship now.

From the appearance, the size of this flying ship is not small.

It was the first time for Varosha, including Hadaway, to take a flying ship with wormhole jumping technology. The two of them suppressed their excitement and pretended to be calm after seeing the big scene, but they whispered. This may be some kind of A mobile series of mechanical cards involving the laws of space and time.

The elevator not only has the function of lifting and lowering, but also moves in parallel sometimes.

Soon they carried everyone to a spacious cabin.

The small hall is only about a hundred square meters in size, like an extremely small version of the entertainment hall of a cruise ship. It looks like there is a small bar, dance floor, rest area and so on.

On the back of the hall is a huge sightseeing floor-to-ceiling porthole.

At this time, you can see the one-sided scenery outside the porthole, which is the blue sky, as if you are at a high altitude.

Tang Jian made full use of his "turning" sight, and saw the hull of some flying ships outside the window, as if they were placed in a mid-air base, parked on an apron similar to a launcher.

Chen Lin pointed to the corridor on the other side of the hall and said with a smile, "Through that is everyone's rest cabin. The journey in the starry sky is far away. Even if we jump through the wormhole, it will take us about three days to get to the card maker. Association General Assembly."

She looked at Tang Jian, "Master Tang, is it your first time traveling in the starry sky? If there is no problem, come with me to the rest cabin now?"

Song Ping said with a smile, "Master Tang is still charming, and we have our beautiful woman Chen to accompany and guide us to complete the wormhole jump. We didn't have such treatment back then."

Varosha and Hardaway looked at each other and dared not speak.

The boss has beautiful women to accompany and guide.

What about the two of them?

Facing Chen Lin's invitation, Tang Jian had no choice but to accept it with a smile.

When I asked how the two of Varosha arranged it, I learned that the spaceship had its own guidance system.

Tang Jian felt at ease immediately and followed Chen Lin into the cabin with the rest cabin.

The cabin is not too big, only about a dozen square meters.

There are two rest cabins similar to biological cabins.

The interior of the rest cabin has its own air circulation system, which can also adjust the gravity environment, light intensity, and supplement passengers' nutrition to assist excretion and other functions.

"Master Tang, there is a fitting room next to it. We need to change into special spacesuits first."

After Chen Lin entered the cabin and closed the door, she looked at Tang Jiandao with a slightly red face, and pointed to the touch screen on the opposite wall.

She walked over and pressed the touch screen, and the metal wall split open, revealing one of the simple fitting rooms.

"Okay, thank you." Tang Jian followed suit.

After a few minutes, the two put on special space suits and walked out, and then lay down in a rest cabin.

Lying in the rest cabin, Chen Lin introduced some precautions to Tang Jian, and then said, "This spaceship is a mechanical card [Flying Cosmic Man Card] invented by the Kerton civilization. It is a high-quality card, but it is also equipped with the law of time and space by top-notch technology, so it has the technology of wormhole jumping."

Tang Jian asked curiously, "The federation doesn't have this kind of top technology, right? I haven't seen this kind of technology in the arrest bureau."

Chen Lin said, "Of course the Federation has this kind of technology, but it is not open to any forces or individuals.

Every year, strong people who emigrate from the federation to extraterrestrials must register with the federation.

You are going to our card maker association general meeting this time, so we just need to do the registration and filing.

But if you are going to the Kelton galaxy, then you need to go through some procedures, and maybe the Federation will not let you go, after all, you are an extremely outstanding and top-notch talent. "

"I heard that 10,000 federal contribution points can emigrate to an alien planet, and I can't use the contribution points?" Tang Jian was curious.

Chen Lin said, "Then this is a matter of communication between you and the Federation. It is feasible in terms of rules, but the rules are established by the superiors and changed by the superiors."

Chen Lin said, and said, "If Master Tang still has no problems, then I will notify Elder Wang to prepare to set sail.

After setting sail, there will be a period of flight time, leaving the atmosphere of the earth and stars, and then entering the wormhole to jump.

When jumping through the wormhole, people's thinking will stop, and the soul may also be in a state of suspended animation. People who are not physically strong enough cannot withstand the jumping through the wormhole.

We're fine though, it might just be a little uncomfortable for the first time. "

"Okay, I'm fine, you can start."

Tang Jian agreed, and with a thought, the hatch above his head fell down, smoothly sealing his whole body in the cabin, and at the same time, the cabin quickly started to supply oxygen.

Not long after, he heard Wang Wei's reminder sound from inside the cabin.

"The spaceship is about to enter the sailing state, and everyone is not allowed to leave the rest cabin at will after they are ready. The sailing is about to begin, and the countdown is 30, 29, 28"

Tang Jian lay in the rest cabin and listened to the countdown, only to feel that the secretion of adrenal glands increased slightly, and the heart rate also increased.

Although this life has seen many big scenes.

But no matter in the last life or this life, he has never left the planet Earth, and he has never had the experience of jumping through a wormhole in a spaceship.

Now that this was the first time experiencing such a thing, Tang Jian's mood was extremely complicated and emotional.


The moment the countdown was completely over.

The spaceship trembled.

A feeling of pushing back suddenly pressed down, pressing Tang Jian firmly on the backrest behind him.

This feeling of pushing back is obviously weakened by the protective device in the rest cabin. It feels like a chick suddenly turns into a muscular man and pushes people hard.

The tail and wings of the flying Cosmos ejected a blazing power tail flame, and the speed quickly superimposed.

For a moment, the view of the sky above the porthole began to blur.

You can vaguely hear the shrill wind coming from outside, like the annoying voices of a few little girls crying.

Only tens of seconds or so.

The spaceship has already flown out of the atmosphere.

The scenery outside the window suddenly plunged into a dark space scene.

"Leaving the atmosphere? So fast!"

Tang Jian didn't appreciate it for a long time, but he felt that the spaceship continued to accelerate suddenly, and the speed was many times faster.

The scene outside the window seemed to have turned into streamers of light, as if entering a tunnel of light, and the strong sense of pushing back also increased rapidly.


Just when Tang Jian felt the feeling of pushing back reached its peak, the hull of the flying Cosmos flashed suddenly, consuming a huge amount of energy, turning into a beam of light that seemed to be elongated.

The engine of the spaceship is running at full power, and it seems to have entered the node of the jump channel. Under the action of the internal stabilizing device, the reaction force gradually decreases.

It didn't take long for Tang Jian to feel comfortable. Suddenly, his brain seemed to be hit hard, and he was blank and dazed.

His mind seemed to be pulled into pieces, his consciousness was like a small bug imprisoned in amber, his mind was shaken, his body seemed to be twisted into a mess, and it seemed to be directly smashed into countless particles.

He seemed to have died straight away!

The wormhole jump begins

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