God Card

Chapter 558 567: Race competition in the big universe

When Tang Jian realized something was wrong.

Lan Ya has already opened her mouth to resolve the embarrassment, "Mr. Tang is really good at joking. Calling me a beautiful lady is a disguised compliment for my handsomeness? Hahaha. What a funny boy."

"This Lanya is actually a man?"

Tang Jian looked at Lan Ya's face and figure, his eyes quickly flashed a look of astonishment, but he immediately reacted and laughed in agreement, not daring to talk more nonsense.

Who would have thought that Lan Ya, who looked so much like a woman in both appearance and figure, was actually a man, a typical example of a sudden change in style when the skirt was lifted.

Although Chen Lin and the others around couldn't get the point of this joke, they could only laugh along with them at this time to resolve the embarrassing atmosphere.

Some of the card makers who were behind Lan Ya, who originally looked at Tang Jian with some scrutiny and scrutiny, now looked at Tang Jian with some subtle changes.

This year's earth star card making rookie king, seems to be a funny comparison?

Doesn't seem to be aggressive?

Seeing that Lan Ya was not angry, Chen Lin was also relieved.

Wang Wei coughed dryly, "Mr. Lan, don't take it too seriously. The young people in Earth Star may be a little rude."

Lan Ya smiled, changed the topic indifferently and looked at Tang Jian, "Mr. Tang came to our Card Maker Association Headquarters for the first time today, let's get familiar with the environment of our Headquarters first.

In the evening, we will hold a dinner party for you, the newcomer king of earth and star card making. At that time, many elders and deacons of our headquarter will attend. "

Tang Jian immediately realized that this was the welcome ceremony, and it was also a social meeting for him to quickly get to know each other with a group of big bosses from the Card Maker Association, and immediately expressed his gratitude politely.

Lan Ya nodded with a smile, and then said to a group of card makers who followed behind to join in the fun, "I know that many of you want to get to know Tang Jian and exchange ideas.

But after all, Tang Jian has just arrived in the land, and if he wants to get to know each other, let's talk about it after the dinner tonight, don't scare our earth star geniuses. "

As soon as these words came out, a group of card creators had different expressions, but they all responded with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Lan, don't worry, we are not people who don't know how to behave."

"President Lan hasn't been back to Planet Earth for more than 40 years. Now that he sees the talented card maker of Planet Earth, he still protects his shortcomings like this."

"Alright, I will talk to Master Tang privately during the dinner."

"These guys don't seem to be that easy to get along with." Tang Jian silently observed the group of card makers who responded.

His perception was keenly aware that many of them were also secretly observing him.

Especially those guys who look very ugly and look like aliens, their eyes are full of provocation, kind of like a muscular man who has been imprisoned in prison for many years, suddenly saw Xiao Xianrou's malicious intentions expression.

This made Tang Jianan feel annoyed.

No matter where he goes, there are such Teddy-like guys who look at him annoyed.

Is it because he has such a handsome face?

Sure enough, ugly people like to make mischief, and jealousy makes people unrecognizable!

While secretly vigilant, Tang Jian followed Lan Ya and other people out of the hangar and came to the function hall inside the general meeting.

For a while, people like Tang Jian and Varosha had never seen space buildings, and they were directly suppressed like an aborigine who had stepped out of the surface world.

The function hall is said to be a hall, but it covers an area of ​​seven or eight kilometers.

It's almost like a small town where people live (enlarged Wanda).

The dome in the hall is very high, it looks like the interior of a super large shopping mall.

There are elevator-like towers built every seven or eight hundred meters, leading directly to the top floor of the hall.

And built around the tower, it is a stepped commercial street-like building that extends layer by layer, filled with various facilities.

Bridges are also connected between each floor for people to pass.

At this time, some people can be seen using the vehicles summoned by some kind of cards to travel between the various functional places in the hall.

The sound of noise and music came from some buildings, and it seemed that the popularity was not low.

"My God! It seems that there are many people living here?"

Both Varosha and Hadaway looked up at the architectural furnishings above them, looking all the way to the curved dome at an altitude of a thousand meters, seeing the dazzling space scene outside, it was simply dizzying.

Tang Jian coughed dryly, and it was only after the two of Varosa came to their senses that they immediately bowed their heads expressionlessly, pretending to be calm.

At this moment, Lan Ya, Chen Lin and others whispered something, then turned around and smiled at Tang Jian, "Little Tang, next, Deacon Chen will take you to familiarize yourself with the environment here, and arrange for you Where to stay, see you tonight."

"Okay, Boss Lan, please walk slowly."

Tang Jian showed a reserved and harmless smile, and watched Lan Ya and the rest of the group disperse and leave.

Several card makers who looked like aliens showed Tang Jian a seemingly "goodwill" smile when they left, and then said some weird words and left with a smile.

"These S's"

Tang Jian secretly rolled his eyes, secretly thinking that every race will have idiots.

This is linked to IQ, not so much to race.

The few alien card creators who showed such an "interest" in him are equivalent to telling him to beware of them.

Compared with some yin people who don't show their mountains and dew their water and suddenly draw cold knives, they are far worse.

"Tang Jian, tonight's dinner will not be easy. You have to prepare yourself. Remember the agreement you reached with the arrest bureau? Take care of yourself."

Before Wang Wei left, he suddenly looked back at Tang Jian, and a message came directly from his spiritual thinking.

Tang Jian's eyes flickered, and before he could respond, Wang Wei and Song Ping had already left with Lan Ya.

"It seems that it is not easy for me to get any benefits from the General Assembly. The surroundings seem to be calm, but in fact there is a crisis lurking."

Tang Jian said secretly.

"Master Tang, should I take you around the neighborhood now, or take you directly to your residence?"

At this time, seeing that everyone else had left, Chen Lin looked at Tang Jian and asked with a smile.

Tang Jian smiled and said, "We don't have any luggage, so we can take a stroll and familiarize ourselves with the surrounding environment first."


Chen Lin nodded, and then took Tang Jian around in the small city-like function hall, and at the same time introduced the situation of the entire association to Tang Jian.

From Chen Lin's description, Tang Jian knew that there was only one function hall in the general meeting, covering the largest area.

The hall has 30 floors, and there are many places for leisure and entertainment.

Such as cinemas, open-air card arenas, open-air card rooms, casinos, bars, restaurants, etc.

Of course, there are also many private card-making rooms or shops of various deacons, elders, and members of the general assembly, conference rooms, banquet halls, etc. of the general assembly.

At the back of the hall, there are many residential areas, where the card makers of the supply association, including their immediate family members, live.

Chen Lin took Tang Jian from the first floor to the tenth floor and walked around for more than two hours.

After Tang Jian was basically familiar with the surrounding environment, he asked to go to the residence.

So Chen Lin took Tang Jian through the hall, took the elevator to the living area behind the hall, and arrived at a metal door with the house number 78.

"Master Tang, this is your residential area. You and your bodyguards can live here. The space environment may be different from that of the earth and stars. Please forgive me if you are not used to living here." Chen Lin apologized.

"It's okay, I like the environment here very much." Tang Jian responded with a smile.

Chen Lin handed Tang Jian a room card, and at the same time opened the metal door for Tang Jian, and saw the spacious and luxurious room inside.

She hesitated and said, "Two hours later it will be time for the dinner party. This dinner party is also a time for many elders and deacons to attend to socialize with you. Master Tang, you still have to prepare."

Tang Jian's eyes flickered and said, "You and Elder Wang have both emphasized, it seems that the dinner is a grand feast?"

Chen Lin sighed, "Where there are people, there will be fights, let alone in such a big environment as the universe.

Although our Earth Star Card Creator Association is only responsible for cultivating talented card makers from Earth Stars, we often have friendships and exchanges with Card Creator Associations from other planets.

It is said to be an exchange, but it is actually a private contest for some resources and reputation.

You may not know that every time the rookie king of the card making competition comes to the general meeting, he will be tested simply by the elders of the general meeting.

It is also possible to be challenged by alien genius card creators gathered here at the same time.

If you can't handle those tests, or are defeated by alien genius card creators, it may leave a bad impression on the hearts of some elders of the General Assembly.

This may have an impact on your reputation in the club in the future, and even prevent you from the card making god training plan. "

"It turns out that the Card Creator Association also has various associations on other planets. It's like academies on Earth."

Tang Jian's expression was also slightly dignified, and he nodded, "I see."

Chen Lin laughed out her dimples, and stared at Tang Jian with beautiful eyes, "I believe in your strength, Master Tang, and you should already have the strength to become a four-star card maker. I look forward to your performance tonight, and you can also do it tonight." Under the witness of our elders, complete the promotion of the four-star card maker."

Tang Jian smiled and said, "I hope I won't disappoint a beautiful deacon like you."

"Thank you for the compliment. Your mouth is really sweet."

Chen Lin's pretty face flushed slightly, and she left quickly.

"Is it sweet?"

Tang Jian touched his lips, but he didn't feel the sweetness, and he seemed to feel a burst of sweetness at this time, as if he had been kissed by a beautiful woman.

Do girls like boys who are naturally sweet?

Varosha and Hadaway looked at Chen Lin's back, then at Tang Jian.

"Boss, I think with your charm, you should be able to win this deaconess." Varosha said.

Hadaway smiled obsequiously, "That's right, this deaconess has a good impression of a handsome person like you at first glance, and taking her down may help you gain a firm foothold here soon."

Tang Jian glanced at the two expressionlessly, and said coldly, "I can accept saying that I'm handsome, and it's also true that I'm attractive. But do you think I'm that kind of amorous scumbag? Shut up. "

Varosha and Hardaway looked at each other, wanting to refute, but dared not speak up.

It is very uncomfortable to face such a shameless boss who pretends to be serious.

Tang Jian turned and walked into the room.

There are still two hours to prepare for the dinner party.

Since he was given time to prepare, he naturally wouldn't pretend to be inactive.

It's time to perform some coquettish operations and feel the strong bodies of those ugly alien card creators.

"I hope that these talented card makers gathered in the general association have enough capital for me to observe, otherwise I may not even have the strength to struggle and will be rubbed on the ground in my hands."

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