God Card

Chapter 57 065: Green Hat + Skateboard Shoes =? ? (obediently add more)

A lonely and icy wind blows in the face, the stars are dimmed, and the snowflakes are flying.

The ubiquitous gravity, like a sudden flood, hit Tang Jian's body.

The familiar feeling of gravity comes.

However, Tang Jian's performance was much better this time, at least his knees did not tremble, he stood firmly, and his breathing rhythm was not disordered.

The last time he entered this dream, his vitality was only 8.4.

But now, Tang Jian's vitality has reached 9.5.

This 1.1 increase in vitality is already a huge improvement in strength, and his physical fitness is much stronger than before. In this triple gravity environment, he can already walk normally and freely, and even try to trot.

A gust of cold wind blew, and the rolled up gravel hit Tang Jian's face wound, which was very painful.

The wind and sand quickly passed in the air, forming two lines of characters.

"Dreamland (Simple Trial): Practice on Keluo Star!"

"Practice goal: persevere for one hour!"

Still a familiar beginning.

This is the third time Tang Jian has entered this dream, and the energy consumed in the dream alone has reached 6000 points.

This time, Tang Jian decided that he had to clear the level once.

He quickly lit the candle, covered it with a lampshade, put on a down jacket, a hat and a mask to keep out the cold.

At the same time, the card in the body can be activated quickly, and the poisonous mosquito card flashed two scarlet lights slightly. The next moment, the poisonous mosquito dragged its long hind legs, and its wings as thin as cicada wings fluttered rapidly, appearing beside it beside.


Tang Jian gave the order.

This poisonous mosquito spun around in the air, flew away quickly, and moved within a range of two hundred meters behind. Once any strange creatures like the last time appeared, they would be spotted immediately.

A poisonous mosquito was summoned, which cost him 80 energy points.

Tang Jian mobilized the energy immediately, and directly recovered the full card energy again, and the energy value was only 7050.


Tang Jian summoned a second poisonous mosquito. This poisonous mosquito quickly flew away, moving within a range of 200 meters in front.

The appearance of two poisonous mosquitoes caused Tang Jian's card energy to be consumed at a rate of 4 points per minute.

This kind of white-grade four-star combat pet card is still extremely heavy for a two-star card player in Tang Jian. Normally, it must cooperate with the speed meter to exert its power.

However, Tang Jian has a red card cheating device, which is equivalent to turning himself into a speed meter, and there is no card slot limit, as long as the energy is enough, he can use a variety of cards.

This kind of ability naturally needs to be restrained a lot in the outside world, but in the dream world, Tang Jian uses it recklessly.

With two poisonous mosquitoes as scouts, the safety range has been greatly improved.

The rustling sound in the darkness is like beans being poured into water, the light of unknown stars in the distance is completely suppressed, the lonely cold wind blows dust mixed with the breath of wind and snow, the atmosphere is very strange in the cold darkness. repressed.

It seemed that there were countless pairs of malicious eyes hidden in the darkness, staring at Tang Jian.

However, he was afraid of the fire light in his hand, and he didn't dare to approach it. The boundless darkness was melted into an extremely small area by the tiny light.

This little light seems to be drowned by the thick darkness at any time.

It symbolizes hope, but it can also bring death.

Those dark creatures hidden on Koro would instinctively feel disgusted and hostile to the firelight.

The weak dare not approach, but the strong will come quickly.

But compared to weak but swarms of poisonous insects, Tang Jian would rather face powerful but solitary unknown creatures.

Tang Jian protected the candle lampshade in front of him, and did not move forward in a hurry.

He once again recovered the full card energy by adding points, and turned out another card-Hulk's hat.

This white-grade three-star card is a card of the fighting physical body enhancement system.

These cards should not be used casually.

Like the Hulk's hat, which is a body enhancement card, the user's vitality must be at least 8 points, otherwise, if it is used rashly, it will be harmful and useless, and the body may even be unable to withstand the energy infusion of the green hat card, and die suddenly.

Tang Jian directly activated the green hat card.

The next moment, the green hat card in his hand collapsed and scattered, and emerged as a big shiny green hat, directly covering Tang Jian's head.

A great sense of strength and anger immediately poured from the top of the head to the whole body.


Tang Jian let out a low growl, only to feel a steady stream of power pouring into his body, the bones and muscles of his body were stretched to the point of stinging pain, the tyrannical force swam around in the body, flooding everywhere.


When he stepped out, the bunkers on the ground collapsed, his eyes were bloodshot, his skin was bulging with veins, and his muscles showed extremely clear and tough lines.

The strength value and anger value exploded!

On the attribute template, the displayed vitality value soared.

"Possess vitality: [19.5 (9.5)]+"

A green hat card increased Tang Jian's vitality by as much as 10 points, almost infinitely approaching the point where the vitality of a four-star card player was infinite.

this moment.

The state of triple gravity is nothing to Tang Jian.

bang bang bang——

Wearing a green hat, Tang Jian ran towards the sand dunes in the distance while carrying the growing wind and snow, and quickly approached them.

The heart was beating powerfully, and the whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of steel.

The attribute template shows that Tang Jian's card energy is rapidly starting to be consumed at a rate of 10 points per minute.

Among them, to maintain the activities of the two poisonous mosquitoes, he needs to consume 4 points of energy per minute, and to maintain the state of strengthening the green hat, he needs to consume 6 points of energy per minute.

This kind of card can consume too much load, but it is nothing to Tang Jian who can cheat.

Originally, it took at least ten minutes to walk to reach the sand dunes, but under Tang Jian's sprinting, he ran more than half of the distance in just over three minutes.

But it is at this time.

In the snowstorm, murderous intentions emerged, and the poisonous mosquitoes in the rear sent a warning warning.

In the darkness, there seemed to be a pair of creepy eyes fixed on Tang Jian, with murderous intent.

"Come out yet!"

Although Tang Jian was furious at the moment, he remained rational and calm. A black card had slipped into his hand.

Almost at the same time, an extremely sharp piercing sound ripped through the air.

Chi la——

At this moment, there was a slight electromagnetic sound under Tang Jian's feet, and his whole body seemed to be stepping on a slippery block of ice, and his figure quickly swept forward like a ghost.


The snow in front of the side exploded, sand and stones splashed, and a short spear plunged deep into the soil, which was hideous and terrifying.

Tang Jian activated the electromagnetic buoyancy power shoe card, and there was already a pair of gray-brown metal shoes under his feet. The sole has a special mechanical device, which reduces the ground friction by virtue of the electromagnetic field. Flexible gliding at various high frequencies.

Almost at the same time as Tang Jian avoided the short spear.

The poisonous mosquitoes are already entangled with the mysterious creature lurking behind the right side.


Before the poisonous mosquito attacked, the mysterious creature threw a short spear at Tang Jian again, predicting the direction of Tang Jian's attack in advance.

However, Tang Jian increased the power of his skateboard shoes, avoided the opponent's prediction at a faster speed, and easily avoided the swift and fierce short spear.

(Impact good grades, please recommend tickets.)

Thank you "Xianyaoyou" for your reward!

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