God Card

Chapter 563 572: Arabian Nights

"I can't tell what your card is called, but of course I can tell what material your card is made of.

The production materials of this card are basically taken from your Ram star.

Do you think I don't know the card making materials of your star Ram?

I'm sorry, but I don't have any good things. I just like to read books and learn cards. I actually know a lot about your card-making materials on Ram Star. "

Tang Jian talked so eloquently that Tita's black face almost turned green.

The Lamu star's face turned green, which meant that he was panicked.

At this moment, Tita was flustered, staring at Tang Jian and arguing, "Impossible, how could your Earth planet have detailed explanations of our card-making materials on Ram Star? And how could you possibly know such unorthodox knowledge?"

Tang Jian said in surprise, "You underestimate our star too, don't you?

Ordinary universities on Earth and Star may not have too many card-making materials involving aliens.

But there will always be some in the Card Creator Association, right?

This kind of partial knowledge, for a diligent card maker like me who loves to learn, is a learning content that will never be missed. "

Speaking of this, Tang Jian stopped talking nonsense, and directly reported the detailed production materials of the cards in his hand, even accurate to the specific weight of some materials.

"The shell of the ice crystal snow fruit, the two wings of the Ice Sculpture King, and a bottle of ten thousand years of cold air, the stem extracted from the Barrons Didi leaf, oh, this kind of strangely named leaf is actually called the Locust leaf"

Tang Jian explained something while speaking.

Tita was already trembling with shock.

Even Li Yushan and other high-level executives of the general association were all surprised and inexplicable.

With their eyesight, in such a short period of time, they couldn't see the material of Tita's card from the surface.

However, Tang Jian seemed to have come into contact with Tita's card a long time ago. After getting it, he was able to report the materials for making the card like a few treasures.

Although it is still unknown whether the materials reported by Tang Jian are accurate.

But looking at Tita's shocked expression, it seems that the result is also self-evident.

Tita stared at Tang Jian in disbelief, and shouted in disbelief, "Even if you can identify these card making materials of mine, you can't name the card patterns I created yourself, and you have never seen these card patterns. "

Tang Jian said disdainfully, "There are four types of strokes for making cards like yours. If you insist on asking me to name these card patterns, it must be difficult for a strong man.

After all, you are the founder of Kawen, so what is the name of Kawen, that is what it is. "

Tita said harshly, "If you can't say it, you can't say it. Don't make so many excuses!"

Tang Jian laughed, "Although I don't know the names of these card patterns, I can see that two of them are similar to fire lotus body and magma body.

Among them, the connotation of the card pattern was slightly changed by you, presumably you created it from the basis of these two card patterns, right?

It's just that you haven't perfected these strokes after you created them yourself.

I feel that the two strokes on this card are low-level strokes at most, even if they are certified by star grade. "

"You..." Tita's eyes widened, and her breathing was a little short.

Is this the devil?

How could he even tell that the strokes on his card had reached the star level?

The other card creators watching the battle not far away looked at Tang Jian in astonishment.

real or fake?

Is this Tang Jian so powerful?

The shock on Tita's face hadn't faded away, Tang Jian held the [Pyro Explosion Heart Card] and continued to talk.

"The other two card patterns not only have the elegance of the gliding body, but also have the wantonness of the lightning body, and also have the charm of the difficult and advanced strokes of the explosive body. You created it based on these three card patterns. ?”

"How could I, you?" Tita's cheeks covered with black tumors were completely suppressed by fear and shock. Like a chrysanthemum trembling in the wind.

Hit the spot.

Tang Jian actually got all the information on his card right.

This is simply a devil-like appraisal ability.

How could there be such a terrifying card maker?

Tita was full of absurdity and unbelievability, and even her mind was not clear. She had an illusion that Tang Jian might have known his card making plan in advance.

But soon this absurd illusion was eliminated by him.

Since he created this [Heart of Flame Card], the production plan has never been announced.

No one knows except himself.

He even planned to use this card to show off when he came to the Earth Star Card Creators Association this time, and he had never exposed it to people before, and it was the first time he took it out and exposed it in front of so many people.

"I speculate that your card should be a fire-type ability card, which belongs to the attack type card, and its lethality should be very good."

Tang Jian finally made a conclusion with a smile.

After he said this sentence.

Tita's expression full of shock had turned into depression, panting heavily like a defeated rooster staring at Tang Jian, speechless for a long while.

The blow was too great.

In front of Tang Jian, the card that he had relied on as his hole card was suddenly revealed all the information like a most common energy card.

It was almost a slap in the face!

His previous confident attitude had collapsed in an instant.

The eyes of all the people around seemed to be slapped hard on the face one by one, and the face hurt badly.

"Go ahead, you still have a chance for two cards."

Tang Jian stretched out his hand to Tita with a smile, put the 【Heart of Flame Card】into the card slot, and sent it to Li Yushan and the others.

Tita gritted her teeth, picked out another card from the card bag with trembling fingers, and with sweat dripping from her forehead, she put the card in her hand into the card slot in front of her like a red-eyed gambler.

However, what happened next was like a reincarnation like a nightmare.

A horrible thing happened that shocked everyone.

Tang Jian is like an optical brain that collects all card information.

It’s almost as if you hold the card in your hand a little bit, hold it in front of your eyes, and you can easily tell the material of the card, talk about the style of making the card, etc.

There is no need for Li Yushan and others to give a final judgment.

Smart people only need to look at Tita's unbelievable and frightened expression like a dead mother to know that the card information identified by Tang Jian should be accurate.

And that's what's most frightening.

"Tita lost, it's unbelievable, she was crushed without any power to fight back. If it hadn't happened in front of me, I would have wondered if Tang Jian was cheating?"

Ross looked at Tita's ugly expression and murmured.

"The miraculously impossible thing happened in front of my eyes. Crushing the game"

Modeway was also shocked, and even the idea of ​​challenging Tang Jian began to waver violently.

Indeed, by this time, many people have already seen that Tita has lost.

Chen Lin and other deacons, including Wang Wei and other elders, were all overwhelmed by Tang Jian's terrifying card recognition ability.

Although some people speculate, Tang Jian may have been in contact with and investigated Tita's deck before, and he has long been prepared.

But it's just speculation after all.

Besides, even if Tang Jian had prepared earlier, this ability to foresight is enough to prove his ability.

At the end.

Tang Jiandu never took out a second card for Tita to look at, except for the first [Hole of Another World Card].

As for the three cards that Tita took out, Tang Jian explained in detail the materials used to make each card and the strokes used to make them.

The outcome seemed to have been decided when Tang Jian revealed the details of the third card.

Tita looked gloomy, and fell into a bewilderment like a gambler who lost all his gambling money, and was shocked by the result, his face was dull.

Before, he felt that he was sure of winning, and used the newly invented card to directly suppress Tang Jian.

As for most of the cards in Tang Jian's hands, he knew the production plan and materials.

However, the result backfired.

The first card Tang Jian took out became his nightmare.

Now the three cards he took out have been completely explained by Tang Jian.

Tita knew very well that even if he could give detailed information about the cards Tang Jian took out next, he had failed completely.

Difficult to overturn.

Regardless of why Tang Jian was able to identify his cards so accurately, it was his own talent, or he had investigated it before.

Tita knew that it was Tang Jian's ability, and his defeat was not wronged.

If he also investigated the information a little bit more clearly and knew the specific information of the first card that Tang Jian took out, maybe he would not be defeated.

"Using the words of your earth stars, if you make a wrong move, you will lose the whole game. I lost."

Tita took a deep breath, looked deeply at Tang Jian, and said solemnly.

He didn't even need Li Yushan and others to say the result of the judgment, he had already admitted defeat on his own.

A smile appeared on Tang Jian's face, and he said seriously, "Tita, your strength is very strong. Although you lost to me and a universe crystal in this competition, your strength has won my respect. I can call you by your first name normally."

What he said was indeed from the heart.

If there is no red card cheater, then he may not be able to win this card recognition match with Tita.

Although Tita finally analyzed part of the information of [Konka from the Other World] by licking it.

But Tang Jian thought to himself, if it were him, even if his tongue became numb, he might not be able to analyze those messages.

This fully proves how powerful Tita's licking skills are.

Such a genius card maker, although Tang Jian won the other party by open and aboveboard means, but he had to agree with the other party's strength.

But recognition is recognition, and Tang Jian will never let go of the resources he won.

Tita stared at Tang Jian, and snorted coldly, "You are also very good, I can change your name and call you Tang Jian.

But I also realize now that if I didn't use my card group to appraise you just now, but borrowed other cards from other people present, you might not be able to win so simply.

You can understand my card, but it is impossible to fully understand other people's cards, right? "

Tang Jian was surprised and grinned, "That's right, you're right. Maybe you just borrowed someone else's card for me to identify, and I won't be able to recognize it."

He sneered in his heart.

Even if I change someone else's card, will it work?

Using the function of the red card to identify the simulation, he is still sure to win.

It's just that now that they have won, Tang Jian naturally doesn't mind making up for the opponent's lack of feeling generously.

He followed him and said with a smile, "Okay, Tita, since you have already admitted defeat, then I won the 50 million Kelton coins equivalent to a universe god crystal, will you pay me directly, or will you pay me?" How about giving me the Cosmic God Crystal?

I don't accept bad debts.

It is very difficult to collect debts in Interstellar, and now all the people who owe money are uncles. "

Tita's face darkened, her teeth itching with anger.

Am I, Tita, the kind of person who reneges on debts?

No, it's just 50 million Kelton coins.

Tita's heart was bleeding.

Fucking 50 million Kelton coins! ! !

Thanks to Xiaotiantian, Flowing Wind, TERU, Xuezhang, and Coral Bookworm for their rewards! There may be more free coins recently, and then a lot of follow-up orders have been dropped. Huh, some readers may feel that there are too many free coins, so they will save them for a few days and use the free coins to see. Bonuses do not count towards subscriptions. I forgot to mention, readers who donated rewards a few days ago, after the event ends recently, maybe 6% of the starting coins will be returned to you in the next few days. At present, the most gentle brother can return 3600 points.

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