God Card

573 Chapter 582: Supreme Glory

After finishing the communication with the supreme leader, Tang Jian was still thinking about the two things the other party said.

He was selected as Gu Xia's representative to compete with representatives of other five veins for the position of federal representative.

Although this decision was beyond his expectation, Tang Jian felt it was reasonable after thinking about it carefully.

According to the Supreme Leader, the chosen representatives of each lineage will not be older than 30 years old.

The reason why he was chosen as a representative was also because he was only 20 years old and had already comprehended the law, and his vitality had reached the level of a five-star card master.

And the level of card making is far superior to that of his peers, reaching the level of a four-star card maker.

It's not that Gu Xia hasn't cultivated young people with stronger vitality and better card making standards than him in these years.

There are two or three young and strong men in the military, and there may be hidden masters among the people.

But to say that those who realized the law before the age of 30 are almost rare.

There is even less unreasonable heresy in building a body of laws.

And if the strength is strong and the card is still strong, he is the only handsome Tang Jian.

Therefore, the supreme leader chose him as the representative after picking and choosing.

After Tang Jian heard the analysis of the supreme leader, he felt a little proud in his heart.

Although this life can reach a height that was completely unattainable in the previous life, it is largely due to the red card.

But after all, it is also inseparable from his hard work and hard work to find resources.

Otherwise, why Hongka didn't find someone else, but chose him, it might be because his aptitude is far beyond ordinary people.

But at the same time, Tang Jian felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, this time in the Land of Laws, he succeeded in comprehending the Laws by mistake. Otherwise, the title of representative may not really fall on him, and he may have to go through several tests.

In the young and strong faction of the military, there are actually two or three five-star card masters who have comprehended the law before the age of thirty.

This horrifying news is really scary.

Tang Jian "floated" out of the office dragging his chin, thinking to himself.

"After choosing me as a youth representative, it pushed me to the forefront.

But according to the meaning of the supreme leader, I can also fully enjoy the resource cultivation of the power of raising the pulse.

However, such as the God-making method and the top card-making technology, although they are unconditionally open to me, they still require me to accumulate enough contribution points or merit points.

It's just that compared to ordinary people's exchange standards, I only need to pay about 30% of the normal value to exchange.

Moreover, while enjoying the welfare benefits, the obligation I need to fulfill is to wipe out the old country organization and quell the Earth Star Wars.

Uh, this kind of test, that is, the task of selecting the final representative of the Federation, is called the first series of plans. The initiator of the plan is the title Kashen Elbow Lord. "

Another title card god that Tang Jian had never heard of.

He didn't care too much either.

There are too many hidden powerhouses in the Earth-Star Federation.

On the surface, the Federation now only has the Bailai Kashen.

But if you count Kashen, such as Baidi, who left the planet and wandered among the stars, there may be dozens more people.

It's just that Tang Jian has been wondering before.

Now that there is such a big war in the Earth Star Federation, why did none of the Kashen adults who left the Earth Star return to help the mother planet.

Now his vision is different, and he can vaguely see it.

It may also be because although the war broke out now, it is not serious.

The Federation and the other world of Tiankeng are evenly matched, and there is no danger of destruction.

Therefore, even though the card gods who left the Earth star paid attention to the Earth-Star war, they still did not want to interfere with the normal development of the planet.

Although the war is cruel, in a certain respect, it is actually a kind of normal development.

The cataclysm was so cruel back then, but it also promoted the rapid development of the card civilization of Earth Star because of the cruelty, and one year is comparable to ten years.

Tang Jian speculated that maybe this was the reason why Kashen, who left Earth Star, never returned to help.

And the contact with the supreme leader seemed to confirm his guess from the side.

The supreme leader actually entrusted this war, including the task of destroying the old country organization, to a representative like him to complete it, which is called the first sequence plan.

This may also explain that the fight between Liumai and Tiankeng seems to be in full swing, which seems to be miserable.

In fact, he still has the strength to spare, and has a firm determination to defeat the alien world.

Tang Jian can only vaguely see some of the planning and complete calculations involved.

His representative may only be a symbol of attracting firepower or representing Gu Xia's will on the surface, and the overall situation of the end of the war may not completely fall on him.

Of course, if the war is really dominated by his hands.

Then the position of the federal representative may be enough for him to sit firmly.

After leaving the office.

Tang Jian accidentally discovered that the big-chested deacon Xiaoxi was guarding outside.

Seeing him, his eyes lit up immediately, and he ran over respectfully, "Master Tang, Elder Cheng said that if you want to rest or need other services after you come out after the communication, I will take care of it for you. What do you need now? "

Tang Jian looked at the enthusiastic girl in front of him and smiled, "I want to see President Li, please take me to see him, I want to consult him about something."

Xiaoxi said "Oh", and quickly responded, "President Li has rarely shown up in the past few days. He should be at the residence. I can take you there, but I can't guarantee whether he will see you."

Li Yushan is also the vice-chairman of the Card Creators Association, a strong card maker, and it would be difficult for the deacon of the general association to meet him directly.

It is true that Tang Jian needs to notify Li Yushan if he wants to see Li Yushan.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." Tang Jian thanked with a smile.

He has just realized the law of chaos, and he is still in a state of confusion about many questions about the law.

All of these need to be understood by someone who understands them clearly. It may help him to quickly and deeply understand the power of the law, so that he can speed up the control of the extremely destructive chaos card energy in his body.

Just when Tang Jian went to visit Li Yushan.

The letter sent by the supreme leader of Guxia to various important agencies has been circulated among some high-level officials.

The supreme leader will decide to train Tang Jian as the youth representative of Gu Xia.

This is the shocking news that one stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Guxia youth represents this title, symbolizes glory and privilege, and enjoys extraordinary treatment.

It is almost equivalent to being a candidate for the supreme leader with an aura, carrying the hopes and concerns of many people.

This title, except for an interruption of election when the Federation was first established after Baidi, was proposed to appear in every subsequent era.

The representative Gu Xia elected last time was Wan Ling.

It is a pity that Wan Ling did not become the representative of the Federation from the representative of Gu Xia in the end, which disappointed many people.

And what does time mean?

In planetary civilizations like Earth and Star, the era is not only the development stage of its own planet, but also linked to the development of the Kelton galaxy.

Every seventy years in the Kelton Galaxy, there will be a grand ceremony that attracts the attention of all planetary civilizations in the entire galaxy.

And the development period corresponding to this 70-year grand ceremony is called an era.

For example the time of cataclysm - that represents a bygone era.

The most outstanding son of the times at that time was undoubtedly Baidi.

Therefore, Baidi became the representative of ancient Xia youth in that period (190 years ago).

He even stood out from other lineage representatives and became a "federation representative" to make friends with the alien messengers.

In the end, Baidi walked out of the earth star and walked towards the interstellar world with the spiritual outlook of an earth star.

He participated in that grand ceremony and brought the Earth Star civilization to the Kelton galaxy, making more people from other planets notice the existence of this small corner of Earth Star.

Another example is the period of rapid development of card civilization after the establishment of the Federation, which represents the "Era of Federation".

Wan Ling, Yihe Wanchuan, Tai Yuan and others were outstanding youths in the Federation Era, especially Wan Ling, who had shined brilliantly in the Federation Era.

But the final "federal representative" was Yihe Wanchuan.

It's just that the former federal representative has been missing for many years after the last grand ceremony (50 years ago).

Now, war broke out again in Tiankeng, and the old country organization is lurking beside it like a poisonous snake.

This is another "Era of Alien Wars".

In this era, it is also necessary to select a son of the era who represents the Federation to resolve this war with his own hands.

At the same time, it is also facing another galactic ceremony twenty years later, representing the Earth-Star Federation and speaking to the galaxies.

Now the supreme leader chooses Tang Jian as the representative of Gu Xia.

This means that Tang Jian will have the opportunity to compete for the representative of the Federation in the future, and become the son of the planet that faces the interstellar and walks out of the interstellar.

And even if he fails, Tang Jian can at least get the support of Gu Xia's energy-raising power and become a winner in life.

At this time, in an air military fortress of the Guxia War Department.

The two chiefs and deputy chiefs of the Ministry of War were discussing about Tang Jian.

The deputy leader was so angry that he slapped the table, "The supreme leader didn't even start the selection process, and directly decided to choose Tang Jian, a young boy, as the representative of Guxia. I absolutely disagree. I will refute this matter at the highest meeting."

The leader held his breath, put his hands on the table and looked at the sand table and said calmly, "Since the leader has already made a decision, then his will has been issued. Even if you refute, or even more people refute, I am afraid this matter will still happen quickly." implement.

Now I am curious, how much potential did the supreme leader discover in Tang Jian, so he directly designated this person who was not trained by our military as the representative of Gu Xia.

The reason why he made such a decision must be Tang Jian's potential in his mind, which is better than Nie Menghu and others. "

"How is it possible? Even if Tang Jian has an advantage, it is impossible for him to beat Nie Menghu with a completely crushing advantage, and as long as it is not a crushing advantage, it is definitely impossible for the supreme leader to directly decide."

The deputy leader said, drinking in a low voice, "Anyway, I don't believe that Tang Jian can directly crush Nie Menghu in terms of potential!"


The heavy alloy door was pushed open directly.

The chief and deputy leaders raised their eyelids, but immediately sensed the domineering and ferocious aura of the person behind the door.

A foot stepped in at the door, wearing black leather boots and tight combat pants.

A two-meter-tall young man walked in from behind the door, with a suffocating smell of a giant beast, his eyes opened and closed very threateningly.

Anyone who sees this young man will feel as if he is looking at a fierce tiger that is eager to eat, or a big worm that is dormant in the deep mountains.

He was so tall and mighty, but he walked as silently as a tiger treading the ground while hunting. After entering the room, he stared at the chief and deputy leaders and saluted abruptly, then stood still and said in a deep voice.

"I already know the matter. Now there is only one way, defeating Tang Jian. Only by defeating him upright will I have a new chance! Prison Mad Dragon must have the same plan."

Thank you Xiao Tiantian for the 20,000 rewards. Although I have changed my vest, I still know you. By the way, did you buy 300 team packs from 515? Thanks. Although I won't receive the royalties for that gift package, I'll take the time to add an update for you next time. You don't need to spend any more money, and you basically win. In addition, thanks to Wen Rou and micmic0501 for their rewards!

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