God Card

Chapter 575 584: The World-Destroying Thunder? Watch my legs explode! (adding updates for Xiaotianti

The blue water of a river flows quietly, and the maple forests, oak leaves, and bright reds on both sides of the river are like fire.

This is a large-scale battle arena constructed by the virtual high-fidelity cards in the battle room.

Tang Jian floated quietly on the surface of the river, and his spiritual power was slowly consumed at a rate of 1 point per second to maintain his floating state.

On the shore opposite him, Varosha and Hadaway stared at him solemnly, and both of them had activated the speed instruments equipped on their bodies.

Tang Jian smiled and said, "You attack me first, let me familiarize myself with my current strength and the newly acquired cards."

Varosha said in a low voice, "Okay."

He looked at Hardaway.

Hadaway understood immediately, and suddenly activated the mechanical card in the meter.

Amidst a series of crackling sounds, black fortresses appeared in the air out of thin air, as many as a dozen.

The moment these forts landed, the mechanical components were quickly deployed, the bases were firmly fixed on the ground, and the large-caliber gun barrels were aligned with Tang Jian. Super electromagnetic energy was condensed in the barrels, and they were all electromagnetic guns.

The moment these forts landed and unfolded.

Varosha also moved. When the light and shadow of the two cards flashed by, his figure was covered and protected by a magic shield, and at the same time there was an extra gold-plated scepter in his hand.

The scepter moved a little further towards Tang Jian.

A gust of hurricane swelled, and the restraining force that formed a strong thunder quickly fell on Tang Jian who was just about to make a move out of thin air.

[Hurricane Grip Card]!

The hurricane that suddenly fell on him almost exceeded dozens of levels, and the tearing force formed completely acted on Tang Jian's body, extremely concentrated, as if to tear him into pieces.

This is not like restraint, but like wind strangle.

Tang Jian's whole body's clothes were torn apart, and his skin felt the sting of wind knife and frost sword.

He let out a low cry, and the chaos card in his body boiled with his emotional fluctuations, and it turned into a cloud of gray light arcs that enveloped his whole body invisible.


The surrounding hurricane hit the gray chaotic card energy outside his body, and it was actually scattered directly.

"What? He hasn't used the card yet. What kind of ability is this?"

Varosha was startled in the distance.

At this moment, the sound of roaring cannons suddenly tore through the sky, and dozens of powerful electromagnetic cannons locked onto Tang Jian's body and fired fiercely.

The rapid firing speed of the electromagnetic gun is almost instantaneous.

However, the moment Tang Jian looked at it, a purple card stepped forward with his left leg, suddenly shining brightly.

【Left Leg Card of Loos Giant God】was activated.

Tang Jian's left leg seemed to be shrouded in a layer of purple-red energy brilliance, and the moment he stepped forward, he entered the state of the giant dance step.


Dozens of electromagnetic guns fell through.

Tang Jian's body has disappeared.

The electromagnetic cannon blinked and bombarded the mountains by the river in the distance.

With a bang, the mountain was blown apart, and the resulting electric arc burned the trees to produce ferocious flames, and the momentum was astonishing.


Hadaway suddenly yelled at Varosha, and when he opened and closed his palms suddenly, a card turned into eight metal floating shuttles and flew towards Varosa in the blink of an eye.

Eight floating shuttles surrounded Varosha's body, and their tips ejected laser beams at the same time. The laser spots were connected to each other, forming a square light energy shield in an instant.

But at this time, Tang Jian's figure appeared above Varosha's head out of thin air.

When he just appeared, the time energy shield has not been fully condensed, and he can take advantage of this less than a second to strike a thunderous blow to Varosha who has not yet reacted.

However, he waited with great interest for the light energy shield to completely condense before stepping down on the sole of his left leg again.

The special effect of [Giant Imprisonment] exploded suddenly.

More than 20,000 point cards can be consumed.

Tang Jian only felt that as soon as the sole of his foot stepped down, a circle of gray and chaotic energy spread rapidly, covering a radius of 200 meters.

Suddenly a strange scene happened.

Varosha's high-speed moving body seemed like a bug that had suddenly crashed into a spider web, and suddenly fell into a stagnation from the high-speed moving state, trembling all over his body, unable to break free from the shackles of that invisible force.

The light energy shield outside his body collapsed directly under the powerful confinement energy, and the eight floating shuttles shattered into cards and fell.

The magic shield also flickered violently twice, like a skin membrane that was squeezed and stuck to the body. Although it did not collapse, it was completely distorted.

The pebbles on the banks of the river 200 meters around all floated up, frozen in mid-air, as if being grabbed by a pair of invisible hands.


In the distance, Hadaway roared and urged the electromagnetic artillery to bombard this side.

A series of electromagnetic cannons fired into the 200-meter confinement field, and they were imprisoned instantly, and then exploded, forming a strong electromagnetic shock wave, destroying the surrounding stones and trees, but still unable to break through the confinement field.

"It's too weak, you are all too weak. Come and attack me fiercely!"

Looking at the scene where everything around him was being controlled, Tang Jian shouted dissatisfiedly, provoking Hadaway and Varosha.

"You used to be the top figures in the killer world, is that the way you are? Don't you all know how to sing and dance rap?"

"Ah! Damn it, even if you are the boss, you can't insult us like that!"

Varosha roared, and suddenly murmured a spell in his mouth, and a purple card suddenly emitted light from his instrument.

The moment the purple card diffused its light, mysterious phantoms emerged one after another, and a pilgrimage sounded like singing.

"The wandering dust, the confused traveler, the roar of the earth, the call of the stars. Evil ideas, chaotic rebirth, wild darkness! Appear! I summon in the name of the thunder of the sky! —— [Thunder of Destruction World] 】”

"It's a good secondary spell, and the casting time of the two-second card is really too long."

Tang Jian still did not stop Varosha from urging the cards, but instead looked up at the terrifying sky that had turned dark at this time.

Intense fluctuations of magical energy converged from the sky, lightning flashed across the clouds, and earth-shattering thunder roared.

The moment Tang Jian looked up, dozens of bolts of lightning, like sharp guillotines, fiercely split the dark clouds, shot brilliant white light, and shot towards him through the darkness.

For a moment, his whole body felt like the hairs were standing on end. The strong threat caused the brain to continuously release warning signals, and even a scene of ninth sense premonition appeared in his mind.

In the picture, his whole body was bombarded into coke, dying.

However, the probability of this happening is very small.

When the lightning at the speed of light fell, it instantly fell into the state of the prison area, and a zigzag electric light could be seen flashing twice in the prison area like a blue flame.

And this buffering time is nearly 0.01 seconds.

At this moment, Tang Jian suddenly activated the [Loos Colossus God's Right Leg Card], his right leg also emitted purple energy, and the moment his right leg lashed out fiercely.

The special effect of the card of Giant God One Hammer Four is activated, and more than 20,000 points of chaos cards can be instilled.

In an instant, four giant legs made of gray chaotic card energy were born out of thin air, appearing in front of the thunder and lightning like giant pillars of the sky, and bombarded them fiercely.

It was like four sticks opening and closing under Tang Jian's control.


Dazzling flashes erupted in the prison area, and thunder made a series of low and long roars like a row of cannons.

The four giant god's legs directly stepped on the energy of the thunder and exploded. The thunder that was blown away seemed to have enough strength, and it made a roar like landslides and earth cracks.

"Standing on the Thunder? Boss, did you mistake the target of your attack?"

Varosha's eyes were round and full of disbelief.

at this time.

There were streaks of blue lightning in the black clouds of the sky, zigzagging, flashing and scurrying, like strangely shaped boa constrictors falling down.

Tang Jian intends to test the power of the giant god's four-stroke hammer, leaving Varosa alone, and continues to urge the four giant legs constructed from chaotic cards to continuously collide with the falling thunder in the air.

The ear-piercing and violent roar continued to spread.

The whole world seemed to be a big drum, making dull and loud noises as Tang Jian's four drumstick-like giant legs fell from time to time.

Varosha and Hadaway, who were directly ignored by Tang Jian, almost cried in fright.

MMP is the World-Destroying Thunder summoned by the Purple Magic Forbidden Spell Card. It is the biggest trump card of their Thunder Team. The powerful card masters who died under this card even had their corpses smashed into scum.

As a result, their boss now played a game of table tennis with Lei Zhongsheng, and they had a great time playing back and forth.

May I ask you to respect our opponents who are on the sidelines?

It’s enough for you to defeat us, so what’s the point of fighting against the thunder in the sky?

Hadaway looked at the large turrets beside him and the Gundam he had just summoned, and simply gave up resisting and no longer attacking.

Is the boss playing with them?

Since you can't resist, why not just enjoy it.


Another wave of thunder was scattered by Tang Jian's four giant god legs.

at this time.

The black clouds in the sky also seemed to be unbearable, and after a few sudden bulges, it quickly dissipated, as if it couldn't bear the man below who kept kicking the place where it was peeing.

Tang Jian looked at the disappearing thunderclouds in the sky, and then looked down at Varosha, who was still imprisoned, feeling a sense of emptiness in his body.

After quickly replenishing a wave of energy, he said, "Is there any more? The sky thunder is very powerful, you can try another wave."

The pupils in Varosha's eyes almost turned to his scalp.

Who is this.

Can my card be free?

Still not satisfied?

"Hurry up, don't be a mother-in-law." Tang Jian urged, followed by looking at Hadaway who had been acting as a salted fish in the distance, and said dissatisfiedly, "Hey, why are you not moving? Come and attack me."

Hadaway looked at the four giant legs floating above Tang Jian's head, feeling powerless in his heart.

You kicked all the Thunder Clouds to pieces, that's our Thunder Team's biggest trump card.

If I attack you now, don't I have to be kicked to death by you? I'm not a masochist.

See Hardaway still not moving.

Tang Jian stomped his feet again, and began to try the effect of the giant god's trampling.

With the sole of his foot stepping down suddenly.

There was a loud roar on the ground.

The plasma surged, the earth was cracked by a huge earthquake, and a large area of ​​lightning arcs scattered from the gaps, spreading with the earthquake.

Boom! ——

More than a dozen forts were directly blown into pieces.


The first chapter is two-in-one and the chapter is 4,000 words. This chapter has more than 3,100 words. It can be regarded as adding more changes to Xiaotiantian on the basis of guarantee. I want to write some more sincere ones, but my otitis media has a headache and my face is numb. Find a chance to write more.

Thank you Wenrou for the reward!

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