God Card

Chapter 577 Chapter 586: Dragon and Tiger, on the top of the cloud

"Master Wise One?"

Inexplicably, Tang Jian felt a little disgusted with this adult who claimed to be wise.

This list was established a hundred years ago and included all the powerful five-star card masters in the entire Earth Star. On the list, it is a bit like comparing himself to Jiang Ziya.

With the character and pride of his teacher Wan Ling, he must have had the urge to beat up the wise man when he was at the top of the combat power list.

After all, the title of the number one person under Kashen would definitely be dismissed by Wan Ling's arrogance.

Tang Jian asked about the wise man Varosha, only to find that the other party didn't know anything about it.

Immediately, he stopped paying attention to this person, and focused his attention on the Earth Star Federation's battle strength list.

Ranked seventeenth and eighteenth were Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong, both of whom had a general message marked on the list.

"NO.17: Nie Tiger: Gu Xia: Ace card group [Zhan Kong Fierce Demon King Suit Card], with more than 25,000 vitality, more than 750 spiritual power, comprehend a card law, 27 years old. —— 203.7.3."

"NO.18: Prison Crazy Dragon: Gu Xia: Ace Card Group [Tylos God Suit Card], with more than 25,000 vitality, more than 750 spiritual power, comprehend a card law, 28 years old. —— 203.7.3."

"The statistical time was more than half a year ago? These two guys are indeed quite strong. And they are both equipped with magic equipment cards. The people in the military are really rich and powerful."

Tang Jian couldn't help being shocked after reading the news about the dragon and the tiger.

Judging from the vitality and spiritual strength of these two people, they were no weaker than Li Qing, the great elder of the Shinto, half a year ago.

Moreover, Li Qing has not comprehended the law yet, but these two have comprehended the law, and their age is not more than thirty years old.

Although Tang Jian didn't realize that the power of the law is special after comprehending the law, but it has been two years since this dragon and tiger comprehended the law, and he should have figured out some skills to control the power of the law.

Therefore, if you consider it from the perspective of combat effectiveness.

This dragon and tiger may be stronger than Li Qing's old man ♀.

"Do the strong men on this list change at any time? Do you know Li Qing from Shinto? Has this person ever been on the list?"

Tang Jian asked Varosha.

"Shinto Liqing?" Varosha was puzzled.

Tang Jian gave a rough overview of Li Qing's strength and information.

Varosha said, "Boss, if the person you said is really that powerful, he should be able to rank among the top fifty on the list.

But it shouldn't be stronger than a dragon and a tiger.

After all, the god equipment cards in the hands of this dragon and tiger are too powerful. With the god equipment cards in their hands, they can already deal with weaker gods in the Tiankeng of other worlds.

And the reason why the person you mentioned was not on the list is probably because the Shinto sect is too low-key, and this Li Qing rarely shows his full strength, so he was not on the list. "

Tang Jian understood.

The masters are still among the people.

The fifty people on this combat power list may indeed be very strong, but there may not be no strong people among the people who can beat the fifty people on this list.

At least Tang Jian thought to himself that he was sure to overthrow some people who were ranked in the forty or so on the list at this time.

Some of the people who ranked in the forties on the combat power list did not have more than 700 mental strength.

But Tang Jian's current mental strength has reached more than 800, and he is fully capable of mental crushing.

As long as he is crushed by him with spiritual power in the battle, the basic outcome will be determined.

Unless the opponent's vitality can suddenly increase to the point where it is approaching the limit, it is more resistant to beating, but that is at most a little longer.

Tang Jian looked at some other people on the combat power list.

He found some people he didn't know, but there were also a few he had heard of.

For example, Wang Wei, the director of the arrest bureau.

This person is ranked 15th on the combat power list, his vitality has reached the limit of 29999 points, and his spiritual power has also exceeded 800. He has the card group Primordial Golden Immortal series suit, and his combat power is stronger than that of a dragon and a tiger.

Another example is Liu Dong, the boss of Jingmao Group, the largest e-commerce group in Earth Star today.

He used to be the number two person in the combat power list.

This person is also well-known in the Earth and Star Federation, especially in the Guxia lineage. In his early years, he graduated from the same university as a powerful card god like Ma Teng, and he has the talent of a card god.

It's just a pity that Liu Dong was mistaken by a woman a year ago and missed the best time to break through and become a Kashen.

Therefore, after Wan Ling broke through and became a god, Liu Dong, the second child of Wannian, became the number one in the combat power list.

Liu Dong's vitality and spiritual power have reached the limit level, and he has realized the law and is creating the law magic card.

Perhaps after the law god card is created, Liu Dong will disappear from the combat power list and become a new card god of the federation.

In addition to Liu Dong, there are other names that sound familiar, but I don't have much impression of them when I think of them.

These people are all extremely strong in vitality and mental power, and their decks are also very powerful. They are all a group of people who are expected to be card gods in the future.

After Tang Jian read them one by one, he realized that the combat power list was indeed full of gold.

Although the wise men who created the list were a little bit smug and blamed Fang Qiu, the things they could make were still of great reference value.

After knowing the general information of Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong, Tang Jian sent Varosa and them back.

Then he communicated with Jeff, a member of the Miracle Team who was far away on Earth, and asked Jeff to help investigate more detailed information about Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong, and pay attention to the current location of the two in Yujing.

As an investigative talent, Jeff also has the title of PY Flower.

Tang Jian sent him to investigate intelligence information, and he was definitely using good steel on the blade.

After finishing these things, Tang Jian began to consume energy points and entered the state of the tree of wisdom, ready to try to use the rules of chaos cards to make prehistoric cards.

Among the prehistoric cards, there are many cards that fit a series of attributes such as one yuan and two instruments, three talents and four images, five elements and six combinations.

These attributes are close to the rules of chaos cards.

In Tang Jian's consideration, it is the most suitable card making plan to try to deepen his understanding of the rules of chaotic cards.

The method proposed by Vice President Li Yushan to comprehend the law of cards by making cards may seem clumsy and simple, but in Tang Jian's view, it may be the most effective method.

And with the help of the red card Wisdom Tree Cave Sky's ability to increase comprehension, he will be able to get twice the result with half the effort to comprehend the laws of chaos cards.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the ancient Xia Yujing of the earth star, a gathering of heroes these days, dragons soaring and snakes dancing.

Many news media have gathered their attention here, paying attention to the two people.

The king of the military's special card and police brigade - the prison mad dragon.

The most outstanding young strongman in the Ministry of War - Nie Menghu.

This dragon and tiger had been active on the battlefield for a period of time before this, beheading many otherworldly powerhouses and establishing outstanding military exploits, which was already quite eye-catching.

But recently, these two people gathered together in Yujing.

In the name of exchanging ideas, Prison Crazy Dragon joined the Yujing Arrest Bureau, easily defeated the captains of several elite squads of the Yujing Arrest Bureau, and finally forced Wang Wei, the chief of the arrest bureau, to come forward in person. Hold the field so that you won't be cleared.

The actions of the prison mad dragon completely baffled many people.

Anyone with a bit of status knows how powerful the prison mad dragon is. It is simply a senior leader in the card master world, not a mad dragon that even Kashen can't control when he comes out.

If such a mad dragon stood up to challenge Wang Wei, it would be more or less the same.

As a result, the other party did not fight Wang Wei, but instead used peer communication as an excuse to challenge the apprehension bureau such as Wu Xuntian, Tanaka and other peers.

This is really all right.

Wu Xuntian and Tanaka are all young people in their twenties.

Prison Kuanglong is 29 years old, and he can be called the same generation as these people.

But the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

In the entire Bureau of Apprehension, only Wang Wei, the head of the Bureau, can overwhelm the prison mad dragon.

But it's hard to say that Wang Wei hurt the prison mad dragon, besides, Wang Wei is almost sixty years old.

It seems normal for Prison Crazy Dragon to challenge Wu Xuntian and others in the name of peer competition.

But to many, it looks like an adult teasing a child.

Just one day.

All the young masters who could do it in the arrest bureau were defeated.

There were even a few masters of the older generation who were over 40 years old, but they were also defeated by the prison mad dragon.

Many people could see that it might be because someone offended the mad dragon in the arrest bureau, so they were almost overturned by this mad dragon.

In the end, Prison Kuanglong put down his words and wanted to challenge Tang Jian, the captain of the Miracle Squad, and slowly many people came to their senses.

It seems that the person who offended the prison mad dragon should be Tang Jian.

The other young masters in the arrest bureau who were defeated by the prison mad dragon were all wronged and shot for Tang Jian.

If one were to say who is the most outstanding and youngest genius in Gu Xia's lineage in recent years, it would naturally be Tang Jian.

Even the prison mad dragon can't be the top two.

Because the prison mad dragon is ten years older than Tang Jian.

After the prison mad dragon called out to challenge Tang Jian, he went straight to Yujing Academy to challenge the master students of Yujing Academy.

This further confirmed his intention to challenge Tang Jian.

Just two days.

He Yi, the president of the student union who rushed back to Yujing Academy in a hurry, failed even three tricks under the hands of Prison Kuanglong, and was directly defeated.

The other Yujing Academy students who were not resentful of the prison mad dragon's challenge and stood up to the challenge, were defeated by the prison mad dragon one after another, seven or eight of them.

The reputation of Yujing Academy was almost ruined for a time.

It was only after hearing the news that several senior seniors who were well-known on the combat power list returned, they managed to calm down the scene.

However, although these seniors have high strengths, they are not of the same generation as the prison mad dragon. Besides the prison mad dragon, there is also Nie Menghu who has been standing still and watching for a long time.

Therefore, after these seniors returned, they did not really fight against the prison mad dragon.

The prison mad dragon also seemed to be very face-saving. After the return of these seniors, they stopped making any moves. They just let out a word and called out their names to challenge Tang Jian.

So all kinds of news about the prison mad dragon challenging Tang Jian quickly spread.

Many people could also see that Nie Menghu was also quite interested in Tang Jian, that's why he lingered in Yujing and refused to leave.

Immediately, Tang Jian was pushed to the forefront again.

This time it wasn't pushed by Boo, it was completely lifted to the top of the cloud by a mad dragon.

But a few days passed, and Tang Jian never showed up.

Some voices of public opinion came out immediately, all wondering if Tang Jian was timid and afraid to show his face.

Except for a few people who knew that Tang Jian had gone to the Card Maker Association General Assembly, the vast majority of people had no idea of ​​Tang Jian's whereabouts at all, and it was inevitable that various ideas would arise.

After tossing and tossing for a few days, the prison mad dragon made things bigger.

His purpose has also been achieved.

He was not afraid that Tang Jian would not respond to the fight, but that Tang Jian would keep delaying and avoiding the fight.

But now that things are getting serious, if Tang Jian continues to delay time, he will go one step further and bully the members of the Miracle Squad, forcing Tang Jian to return from the Card Creators Association quickly.

Thank you Xiaotiantian sun Wanshang, thank you Wenrou and micmic0501 for your rewards! Everyone, don't forget to receive 515 reward starting coins for fighting monsters. The homework bacteria forgot yesterday.

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