God Card

581 Chapter 590: Make a gourd

The injuries of Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong were actually not serious.

But the shock and setback they received was more serious than the injury.

For geniuses, they are not afraid of bleeding or sweating, but they are afraid of being beaten and crying.

They can accept injury.

It is even acceptable to be defeated by Tang Jian with a powerful card in a card skill battle.

But they couldn't accept that they were so easily defeated by Tang Jian in terms of the card law of perception, and Tang Jian easily defeated the two of them by himself.

This made them cry in their hearts, with a strong sense of frustration.

Because this proves that Tang Jian's comprehension of the card law is even better than them who have comprehended the card law for two years.


When Tang Jian walked into the apprehension bureau surrounded by a crowd of people.

Although both Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong struggled to stand up silently, when they looked at Tang Jian, their fighting spirit had faded, and there was faint pain and complexity in their expressions.

They painfully discovered that Tang Jian might really be a better genius than them, and the supreme leader's vision was not wrong.

But this discovery further stimulated their self-confidence and dignity.

Tang Jian passed by Wang Wei who looked full of fear.

Wang Wei forced a smile on his face, just about to go up to say hello to Tang Jian.

But Tang Jian and a group of people had already passed by him, as if they were using him as air.

Wang Wei was suddenly embarrassed and annoyed, and his legs felt a little cramped when he stepped out.

It's been a long time since there was such a blank newcomer.

Tang Jian, are you still from the arrest bureau?

I'm your bureau chief, and you didn't even say hello to me when you walked over?

But in fact, Tang Jian didn't know Wang Wei at all.

He has never met Wang Wei.

But at this time, Wang Wei's image was in a mess, with glass slag all over the ground under his feet, and Tang Jian looked a little stupid like a fool.

Therefore, Tang Jian directly ignored Wang Wei as "Shocked Passerby No. 1" and passed by.

When he reached the stairs of the building, Tang Jian stopped and looked up at the two people on the stairs who looked like losers in pain.

Obviously Tang Jian was looking up at the two of them.

But when Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong looked down at Tang Jian below, there was a trembling in their hearts.

Nie Menghu wiped the blood from his nose, stared at Tang Jian, and said hoarsely, "Tang Jian?!"

Tang Jian smiled faintly, "It's me, you can also call me my new interstellar name, Donny Kakarot."

Nie Menghu was taken aback.

Then I heard Tang Jian continue, "Are you Nie Kuanglong?"

Nie Menghu was stunned again, and an uncontrollable anger was born in his chest.

The prison mad dragon let out a low voice and said, "I am the mad dragon!"

Tang Jian was stunned, and looked at the prison mad dragon with a gloomy expression, "Aren't you a prison tiger?"

Nie Menghu, "."

Prison mad dragon, "."

Tang Jian, you bastard ¥%@¥#%@.

So after a long time, you even confused the names of the two of us?

You never paid attention to us from the beginning to the end?

What is your name Kakarot, you can just call it Tang Longhu, it is much more attractive than us.

"Ahem." Wang Wei approached at some point and reminded, "Tang Jian, the one on the left is Nie Menghu, and the one on the right is Prison Dragon. Don't make a mistake."


Tang Jian suddenly realized, he smiled apologetically at Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong, then looked at Wang Wei, the neglected and shocked No.

Wang Wei felt his heart was stabbed severely, "."

What the hell am I here to talk nonsense with this brat?

Didn't this kid deliberately provoke me by pretending to be ignorant?

Wang Wei said sullenly, "I am your immediate boss, Wang Wei, you should know who I am by now."

"Wang Wei, the chief of the arrest bureau, which one is ranked 15th in the combat power list?"

Tang Jian was startled, and immediately remembered the information he saw on the combat power list, and quickly looked at Wang Wei squarely.

But he still didn't know the plain face of the other party, but he still smiled and said enthusiastically, "I didn't expect Director Wang to be face to face? Hahaha, I'm really sorry, Director Wang, I was actually joking with you just now.

In fact, I have known you for a long time, but you are much more handsome in person than in the photo. Everyone knows the ID photo, so I was confused for a while and didn't see it. "

Wang Wei's originally dark face couldn't hold back a smile at this moment.

This brat.

How can you speak so nicely?

Thinking of Tang Jian's strength just now, Wang Wei didn't care about it immediately, and said with a smile, "Okay, those who don't know are innocent, of course I won't blame you, but Tang Jian, you still have to think about how to solve the matter between you and them." Bar."

Said, Wang Wei looked at Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong at the top of the stairs, and said to Tang Jiandao, "You are all rare talents in the Federation. If you really want to continue to fight, I hope you can solve it on the virtual battlefield."

"Oh? Since it's your request, Director Wang, I will naturally obey it, but it depends on these two."

Tang Jianke smiled angrily, then looked at Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong who were left aside, and said calmly.

"I don't care which of you is the prison raptor.

I only heard that you, Prison Raptor, have been clamoring for several days to challenge me, and forced some of my classmates and friends to avoid thugs like you. "

Sun Yiying reminded in a low voice in embarrassment, "Xiao Jian, it's the Prison Dragon."

Tang Jian tilted his head and said, "Oh, it's almost the same."

Prison Kuanglong's face became more and more cold, "Tang Jian. I never bullied your classmates and friends. None of them were seriously injured by me, at most slightly injured. But I did come to challenge you."

Tang Jian rolled his eyes, "Thug, even if you know that it's useless to be afraid of sophistry, a minor injury is not an injury, is it? If you challenge me, I will follow, but I have a request."

"any request!?"

The coldness on Prison Kuanglong's face was almost unstoppable.

Will my prison mad dragon be afraid?

But Tang Jian didn't answer, and looked at Nie Menghu, who was sitting on the sidelines, and said, "And you are the same as a raccoon dog.

Since you're all going to challenge me, let's draw the line now.

But I like to gamble a little bit no matter what I play, you have to pay the appearance fee first.

You are not my friends, so there is no friendship price. "

Nie Menghu was stunned.

How inflated is your Tang Jian?

We challenge you, but you still charge an appearance fee?

Wang Wei on the side was also stunned.

What kind of trick is this?

The krypton gold method of defeating others without fighting?

"Prison mad dragon, whether you still fight or not, I'm going to go."

Nie Menghu looked at Prison Kuanglong, and found that blood was oozing from his nose again, so he wiped it off quickly.

He still wanted to say something, but he felt that he was not as shameless as Tang Jian, and some things were not easy to say in person.

What he wanted to say was that although Tang Jian had strength, he also had great potential.

But it's too shameless and not easy to touch, he doesn't want to challenge anymore.

Prison Kuanglong asked Tang Jian with a cold face and unwillingness to give up, "You really realized the card law a few days ago."

"No." Tang Jian said.

Prison Kuanglong felt relieved.

Tang Jian said again, "Accurately speaking, it has been more than a week for me to comprehend the law of cards, and it is exactly seven days today."

The prison mad dragon gritted its teeth loudly.

Is there a difference between seven days and a few days?

"How much appearance fee do you plan to ask?" Prison Kuanglong asked.

A smile suddenly appeared on Tang Jian's face, "At the card maker association general meeting, a friend of Star Ram gave me 2.5 billion federation coins as an appearance fee.

You are from Earth Star like me, so just pay 1.5 billion. "

"1.5 billion!?"

Sun Yiying, Wang Wei and the others were all astonished.

The 1.5 billion lion opened his mouth wide, and Tang Jian was able to open it.

Prison Kuanglong even sneered, staring at Tang Jiandao coldly, "Excuse me."

After saying that, he looked at Nie Menghu, "Let's go."

"Hey, it's only 1.5 billion, you don't want to pay such a small price, how many days are you still clamoring to challenge me?

Your military is not so poor, is it?

I can accept you to use the god equipment card as a mortgage. "

Tang Jian was depressed, and shouted at Yilong Yihu who had summoned the flying vehicle with a card.

Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong are like deaf people.


Tang Jian was still shouting.

"Don't be angry, talk slowly if you can't reach an agreement, I can give you a 15% discount on the friendship price, just now I said that there is no friendship price, that's a marketing tactic, it's easy to discuss if you have something to say."

Nie Menghu and Prison Kuanglong looked even colder, and without looking back, they jumped onto their respective flying vehicles and left quickly.

When we are stupid?

Make a gourd ladle!

The rules of the card are lost in one face-to-face.

Moreover, Tang Jian was still 1v2, and the victory was crisp and clean, and they were also injured.

That's all.

If it was really a card fight, even if Tang Jian had stronger card rules, they still had a 30 to 40% chance of winning.

After all, Tang Jian's vitality is weaker than theirs, this is a fact.

But Tang Jian actually wanted such a high appearance fee.

Then play a plane.

He's not the world boxing champion, but he still needs money to appear?

That Lamu star is either a fool or a local tyrant, otherwise how could he agree to such an outrageous request?


The two flying vehicles quickly turned into streamers of light, and disappeared into the lonely night sky under Tang Jian's gloomy gaze.

These two military guys are too stingy and Barra.

It was thunder and rain.

Call him Tang Jian when challenging him.

Call him Kakarot when he asks for money.

Running so fast now.

[Recommended Ticket Monthly Ticket Looting Card]

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