God Card

Chapter 607 616: Ordinary Card Gods and Elite Card Gods

Tiankeng gods are divided into weak gods, low gods, middle gods, high gods and so on according to their strength.

Rumor has it that on top of the higher gods, there were originally gods of the abyss.

It's just that that kind of god only existed in the cataclysmic era, and was destroyed by the alien messenger group from outside the earth, and the card civilization began to spread at that time.

After so many years, neither the new tiankeng nor the existing tiankeng have ever given birth to an abyss god.

"For example, the most powerful high-level god, the evil god Hitler, compared with the existence of the level of the abyss god, I don't know how much difference there is.

The only ones who had come into contact with the existence of the abyss gods at the beginning were the alien envoys, so there was no reference for comparison. We still don't understand the existence of that kind of power, and we can't judge its strength.

However, the high god, the evil god Hitler, is indeed very terrifying.

Your teacher once entered the evil prison to fight against him, but even if your teacher borrowed the power of a big man, he only slightly injured Hitler, but your teacher returned with a serious injury. "

In a completely enclosed laboratory, Yu Zhong's law incarnates into a wind and talks eloquently around Tang Jian's body.

On the table in front of the two of them, there is a glass counter, many crystal tubes and a stack of scales emitting green scales.

Tang Jian temporarily shifted his gaze away from the items on the table, looked at Yu Zhong and asked in doubt, "How strong is the power of the evil god?

Senior, you once said that my teacher can rank among the top three in strength among all the card gods on Earth Star. The evil god can seriously injure my teacher. Could it be that his strength has surpassed the top card gods? "

"That's not true."

Yu Zhong shook his head, "Most of the card gods will embark on the road of perfecting the demigod card into a god card after they outline and condense their own demigod cards.

As the level of the card increases, the strength of the card god will also increase.

Your teacher, like me, belongs to the card gods who have sketched and created god cards. This kind of card gods are called elite card gods in the card god class.

Relying on the power of god cards, elite card gods can rival mid-level gods with super talents, and can already kill ordinary card gods with immortal will bodies.

But your teacher is a little different, he is amazingly talented, not to mention the extraordinary magic cards he created, and he seems to have comprehended another extremely powerful card law at the same time.

With that kind of card law, his strength is better than ordinary elite card gods.

Therefore, in terms of strength, it should be similar to that of the evil god.

It's just that the evil god is huddled in the evil prison, occupying a geographical advantage, and can mobilize the power in the abyss of the evil prison to fight against your teacher.

Therefore, your teacher is no match for the evil god in the evil prison. "

"My teacher actually comprehended two kinds of card rules?"

Tang Jian was stunned.

Why does Wan Ling feel that he is more capable than him?

At the same time that he was comprehending the laws of chaotic cards in the Law Land of the Card Creators Association, he also sensed the laws of cards such as superpower thunder.

But even with the advantage of his comprehension with the help of the red card, he could barely comprehend the laws of chaos cards at that time, but he was not able to grasp the laws of cards such as superpower thunder.

Comprehending two card laws at the same time is almost beyond the reach of human beings.

"Your teacher is very talented, otherwise, how could he be selected as the representative of Gu Xia in the previous session.

Now I think you are not bad, you have just entered the card god realm, and you can capture the King of Light alive without even drawing out the law god card.

When you draw out the rule god card, it is estimated that you can enter the ranks of elite card gods. "

Yu Zhong turned into a whirling whirling wind, floating in mid-air and looked at Tang Jian appreciatively, "Our ordinary Kashen, who has condensed will and indestructible body, is probably comparable to weaker gods only by physical strength.

However, the tiankeng gods have always been used to fighting with brute force, and some of them have special abilities.

Therefore, if ordinary card gods do not use cards, they are not opponents of weaker gods.

And with the power of cards, ordinary card gods can easily kill weaker gods and rival lower-level gods. Mingbo is roughly at this level of strength.

Above that, it is the elite Kashen.”

After coming out of the laboratory.

Tang Jian already had an extra sealed storage box in his hand.

Inside this box lay thirty tubes of divine blood, ten tubes of divine marrow, and Ramos' skin, limbs and other materials that could be used for card making.

The body of a weak god is very precious, worth tens of billions, it is even rarer than the dragon corpse that Tang Jian once obtained.

After all, in a tiankeng alien world, there may be a weak god, who is the top existence of the world's food chain.

Like the Zombie Gate that once provided Tang Jian with dragon corpses, the most powerful person in the entire sect is a top five-star card master who has comprehended the law. It is the corpse of a powerful creature such as a dragon corpse.

"Although Ramos' divine body is small, he has quite a lot of divine blood. There are more than 60 tubes of the extracted hind legs. Unfortunately, I only got half of them."

Tang Jian secretly thought it was a pity, but he didn't feel dissatisfied in his heart.

In this god-slaying operation, although Ramos was seriously injured by him and was on the verge of death, the King of Light was also captured alive by him.

But if Mingbo and Kashen didn't show up in time, he would definitely be in danger.

And I heard that the card gods such as Shen Wound, who fought thousands of miles that day, were also ambushed by the old country organization's trap. Although no one died, some card gods were severely injured, and the card group suffered losses.

His teacher Wan Ling even joined forces with other card gods to set up the headquarters of the old country organization.

There are many people who contributed, and some five-star card masters even sacrificed.

The federal pension and condolence resources for these people are absolutely impossible.

Therefore, being able to give Ramos half of his belongings to him, Tang Jian felt that this should be regarded as the value and compensation of the superiors for him.

The energy and nutrition contained in a tube of divine blood, if given to a one-star card master slowly, is probably enough to train a one-star card master to a two-star level.

And the blood of the gods is also the core material for making some top-level cards.

However, for Tang Jian, these divine blood had limited effects and could only be used to cultivate Tang Yueyue, Sun Yiying and other family members, and were of little use to him.

As for the essence, it is still useful. After taking it, there is a certain chance to realize the innate skills of some gods and improve intelligence.

"Master Tang."

At this moment, several figures came from the door, they immediately stopped to salute when they saw Tang Jian, and one of them had a rather familiar face.

"Huh? You are. You are Guo Zhi, right? You are here too." Tang Jian looked at the card master with a fat face and a snub nose in surprise.

This one, he remembered, was a member of the Death Squad at the time.

"I didn't expect you, Mr. Tang, to remember my name."

Guo Zhi immediately showed a happy smile on his chubby face, and said excitedly, "I am actually an employee of Shendao, working under Master Yu.

A few days ago, Mr. Tang and Mr. Mingbo left the battlefield quickly, and we all returned after follow-up. Speaking of which, I haven’t thanked you, Mr. Tang. If you hadn’t turned the tide that day, I might have died at the hands of Ramos. "

"So that's how it is. You're welcome. We're all comrades in arms. If you help me, you're helping me. Just call me Tang Jian."

Tang Jian waved his hand and smiled.

Guo Zhi's face turned red, "No, no, that's okay, even if it's a comrade-in-arms, I...I can't call him by his first name."

The other two card masters beside Guo Zhi also nodded one after another, and at the same time looked at Tang Jian with more affection and excitement.

This Master Tang is not only handsome, but he is so easy-going without arrogance at such a young age, it is really perfect.

"Master Tang, please come with me. I will take you to the interrogation room where the criminal Meng Laer is held."

Seeing that Tang Jian still wanted to talk, Guo Zhi immediately changed the subject and said nervously.

Just kidding, usually everyone dare not call Kashen's name directly, and they are very taboo in private, now asking him to call it out directly, isn't it killing him.

"Well, that's fine, you lead the way." Tang Jian smiled casually, without any further force.

By this time, he also had a deeper understanding of Kashen's status in this world.

This status gap can be said to be a world of difference from before.

I remember that Guo Zhi in front of me was not so humble and respectful to Nie Menghu at that time, and even had a slight resistance to him.

But now, the attitude has completely turned 180 degrees

Thanks to Xiaotiantiansun and the little gentleman of Sunshine for their rewards!

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