God Card

Chapter 616 625: Desert Stone King

In the wrinkled and twisted space.

The indestructible and powerful body of the diamond giant is also distorted with the space, and the force directly from the root of space changes the body characteristics accordingly, distorting the powerful body.

It roared, and couldn't even feel the pain, but suddenly realized that the structure of its body had undergone a huge change inexplicably, and even its thinking had changed along with the wrinkled and twisted space.

next moment!

With a bang, its huge body collapsed suddenly.

Before Tang Jian's eyes, the entire yellow sand world also began to blur.

The surrounding environment began to distort.

This means that Tang Jian has completely broken through the fiftieth floor of Kaxiu's upper floor.

"This is considered to have passed the level. But if it is calculated according to the actual situation, at most this diamond giant creature was maimed by me using space power. With its strong vitality and physical strength, it should be difficult to die in a short time of."

Tang Jian secretly judged and analyzed.

Not to mention the powerful vitality of this unique creature, the hardness of its body is beyond imagination.

It is also 20,000 vitality, and the physical strength of this creature may be about ten times stronger than that of humans.

This is like comparing the hardness of rocks and cotton of the same weight. Different species have different structures, and there is no comparison at all.

Therefore, even though his strength has improved a lot now, when Tang Jian came to break through the level again, he still didn't plan to kill this powerful creature through hand-to-hand combat, but directly used space power to deal with the opponent with skillful energy.

However, according to the judgment, even the space power just now may not be able to completely kill the opponent. As for the will of the law, it will not hurt creatures that are immune to this kind of spiritual power.

The reason for judging the clearance is probably because the power he exerted has been recognized.

A reminder sounded in the ear at this time, and a line of subtitles appeared in front of my eyes.

"Congratulations to you for becoming the 98th elite student who has cleared the Tianwai Building since the establishment of the card Xiu Tianwai Building in Yujing University. You will get 50,000 bonus credits for the final customs clearance, 3,000 achievement points, and you will be awarded [Desert Stone King Card] production plan .”

"Huh? [Desert Stone King Card]?"

Tang Jian directly ignored the credits and achievement points, and his eyes instantly fell on the introduction of the [Desert Stone King Card].

“[Desert Stone King Card] production plan

Category: Pets (Life Potential 2.5)

Card star product: purple 7 stars (rare)

Card making materials: 1 stoneman power core of the King of the Giant Stone, 100 grams of the essence of the Heart of Stone, 500 grams of Biyun Soft Diamond, Altai magic alloy card, 5 catties of diamond powder.

Card introduction: A pet card created based on the prototype of the A08 Tiankeng Boulder King Family Stoneman. The strength and physical strength of the Giant Stone King Family Stoneman after adulthood can be compared to gods, and they are born with the talent to control yellow sand and boulders. Every adult royal stone man can be called a god-like warrior, and so is the desert stone king created by this card. "

"Royal stone warriors comparable to gods"

Tang Jian's eyes flickered slightly, thinking of the strength shown by the desert stone king in the checkpoint, he slightly recognized it.

Of course, it is only slightly recognized.

The physical strength and power of the Desert Stone King are indeed terrifying, even surpassing ordinary weak gods, but the movement speed and attack power are not flattering.

"Not mentioning the movement speed, if the attack power is combined with the natural strength, it is probably equivalent to the appearance of a senior five-star card master, which is much worse than that of a top five-star card master like Nie Menghu.

Therefore, based on a comprehensive judgment, if this kind of pet card is used by a senior card master with a life force of about 20,000, based on a 2.5 times life potential increase, it can barely exert the strength of a weak god, which is comparable to a god. There is nothing wrong with the fighters. "

Compared with the true red-eyed Black Dragon King whose life potential can be increased by 4.5 times, the Desert Stone King whose life potential can only be increased by 2.5 times is obviously worse.

At least in terms of movement speed and attack lethality, they are far behind.

However, if it is purely physical strength, the true red-eyed black dragon king is much worse than the desert stone king. This cannot be compensated by strong vitality at all, and it is entirely due to the different development directions of species.

After some analysis, Tang Jian calmly walked out of the battle room of Kaxiu Tianwai Building.

Getting the production plan of [Desert Stone King Card] is also a pleasant surprise.

But now his strength is not what it used to be. Although this kind of non-god card level card is also very rare and precious, it is not enough to excite him.

However, even if this kind of card is not as good as the [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon King Card], it should be comparable to the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card]. Tang Jian intends to collect materials from the company to make them to enrich the deck.

Walking out of the battle room, the door was actually just like the last time, with a lot of people gathered, even more than last time.

Pairs of eager and reverent eyes focused on Tang Jian who walked out of the door.

Some students who were still whispering and communicating, saw the tall figure at the door, and all fell silent.

Several students who were very close to Tang Jian at the door stuttered and greeted excitedly.

"Hello senior!"

"Hi Senior Tang!"

"Senior Tang, you have worked hard."

A girl was so excited that she couldn't choose what to say, she subconsciously bowed and saluted, her short fluffy hair fluttered up and down as she bowed.

"Thanks for your hard work?"

Tang Jian was slightly taken aback.

The girl's face flushed immediately, her body became weak, and she was so nervous that she almost cried.

Tang Jian smiled lightly, and said softly, "Hello, you have worked hard too."

As soon as this word came out.

Immediately, the tense atmosphere was relieved, several boys couldn't help laughing, the nervous girl was embarrassed, but it also relieved the tense mood, only a little embarrassed.

At this moment, the teacher on duty waiting in the Tianwai Building also smiled, and forced himself to suppress his excitement to Tang Jiandao, "Congratulations, Tang, uh, Tang."

"This teacher, please call me Tang Jian." Tang Jian smiled.

The teacher on duty smiled awkwardly, "Okay, Tang Jian, congratulations on clearing the Kaxiu Tianwai Building completely. You are the 98th student who has successfully passed the level since the establishment of the Kaxiu Tianwai Building in our school."

When it comes to the last word "student", the teacher on duty can't help but feel the pressure, the words are difficult, and the heart is complicated.

student! !

It's just ridiculous.

A freshman in the Kashen Realm.

This is probably the first Kashen-level student since the establishment of the school.

Yujing Academy has produced many monster-like characters, but for such an outstanding student, the teachers in the academy don't know how to get along with them, and they feel awkward and cautious when speaking.

"Thank you, teacher."

Tang Jian smiled politely at the teacher on duty, then turned his head and nodded slightly at the other students who looked at him with respect and excitement, and then walked towards the elevator at the exit of Tianwai Building.

There were faint voices of discussion behind him.

Almost all words of praise.

In the past, there might still be students who would speak rudely in private because of jealousy and envy.

But today, such talk no longer exists.

"Learn from Tang, Tang Jian."

At the elevator door, a familiar figure looked at Tang Jian who was approaching, and immediately stepped forward to say hello, with an unnaturally awkward look on his face, and even a slight awkwardness in his speech.

Tang Jian looked surprised when he saw the person coming, "Senior, you have come here too."

The person who came was exactly Bi Yi.

It's just that this senior, who used to be calm and calm in dealing with things, is now indifferent and seems a little reserved.

"Yeah, I heard from many classmates that you are here, so I rushed over here. Oh, it was the teacher who asked me to ask you for advice. He should have told you too, right?"

Bi Yi smiled unnaturally, looking at Tang Jian with emotion, admiration and nervousness.

As much as he tried to make himself look less nervous, his nervousness was written all over his face and showed in his body.

Tang Jian was helpless, and didn't want to stimulate the other party's self-esteem too much. He still respected Bi Yi, a senior.

Immediately said with a cheerful smile, "Senior, don't ask for advice. I'm still in the groping stage. I haven't even created the magic card. Let's communicate and improve each other."

"Ah?" Bi Yi wanted to be polite, but when he touched Tang Jian's gentle eyes, he understood something, gradually relaxed, and smiled with emotion, "Even if it is communication, you are much better than me now, junior." .”

As he said that, he asked curiously again, "But I heard that you seem to have become a card god, why didn't the law god card be created?"

Tang Jian shook his head, "It's just rumors from the outside world. In fact, I haven't created a magic card yet. Let's go, let's chat while walking."

Bi Yi heaved a sigh of relief, responded with a smile, and the two walked into the elevator.

Since Tang Jian hadn't become a Kashen yet, he relaxed a bit, otherwise even if he wanted to maintain his self-esteem in front of this former junior, he still wouldn't dare to overextend him.

When Biyi found Tang Jian, the Norman black hand had also returned to Yujing from the Eastern Region after hearing the news, and rushed to the school.

Since he got the rules of the superpower thunder card from Tang Jian, he didn't stay in Yujing anymore. Instead, he went to find some places with strong thunder energy according to the cultivation guidelines of the god becoming a god.

For this reason, Norman made a [Weather Forecast Card], which can predict the areas where thunderstorms will occur every day.

After setting off for those areas, Norman Blackhand often ventured into the high-altitude thunderclouds, getting close to the place where the thunder energy is strongest, and getting in touch with the rules of the superpower thunder card at a deep level.

When Tang Jian contacted Norman Black Hand, the other party had already gone to two places of thunderstorms and gained a little.

Hearing that Tang Jian had returned to Yujing, Norman Black Hand chose to come back to rest for a while without hesitation, and at the same time asked Tang Jian for answers to his questions about cultivation.

In the villa in the Baizi No. 1 building area that Nie Dong applied for for Tang Jian.

The three sat around the table.

Bi Yi frowned and said in thought, "I chose the direction of understanding the law of supernatural light cards, but so far, I have only vaguely come into contact with the power of this law, but I have not been able to establish a connection, even for this kind of card that only Things that can be understood, even the guidance in the method of becoming a god is very weak."

Norman Blackhand grinned and said, "That's right, I'm only getting acquainted with the power of the power thunder card law now, and I can't fully establish a connection to enter the stage of understanding, but these days I have been struck by lightning a lot, but I found a unexpected surprise."

"What surprise?" Bi Yi was surprised.

Norman touched his hairless head with his black hand, and said excitedly, "I find that the more I am struck by lightning, the more I can feel the power of thunder from the pain. Its power seems to be full of destruction. But it also has some unspeakable benefits to my body.

So I have a deeper understanding of the deep-seated factors of Lei Li, which is far more real and clear than what is expressed in words in the method of becoming a god.

Perhaps as long as I am struck by Lei for a while longer, I can understand the law of successful thunder. "

Norman Mafia's tone was full of excitement and hope.

"Looking for the experience of being struck by lightning to find inspiration?"

Bi Yi was stunned, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that this method seemed to have some truth and meaning, but he quickly shook his head in distress, "However, your method may not be feasible for me.

You can find Lei Pi to deepen your understanding, I may not be able to understand anything from the light, I have tried many times. "

Tang Jian murmured, "It may not be impossible. You may have just used ordinary light to perceive before, but have you tried some more intense light?"

"Huh? Bi Yi was taken aback, and his expression changed slightly.

Tang Jian smiled, "For example, X-rays, Y-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, and even gamma rays. These are all light source energy. You may not be able to try them."

"You mean you want me to personally experience the feeling of these rays of light shining on my body? Gamma rays? This will kill people, right?" Bi Yi stared slightly.

"If you don't go crazy, you can't survive. If you don't treat yourself a little bit harder, how do you know it won't work?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Jian's mouth, but in Bi Yi's eyes, this smile was like a devil's smile.

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