God Card

Chapter 630 Chapter 639: Sun Palace

The Golden Crow is fire, and it belongs to the mythical beast of the prehistoric era. It swallows dragons and eats rocs, and is extremely powerful. It was born from the five elements of fire in the chaotic atmosphere, representing the great sun in the sky.

Therefore, [Three-legged Golden Crow Ding Card] can be regarded as the closest to the law of Chaos Cards among the three Great Desolate Ding Ding cards except for [Five-Dragon God Ding Card].

Chen Lin suggested that Tang Jian choose the [Three-legged Golden Crow Ding Card] production plan, because the production materials of the [Five-Dragon Divine Cauldron Card] are notoriously hard to find.

Even though Chen Lin doesn't know the detailed production plan, but only knows the general situation, it can be analyzed that the materials for this kind of card are difficult to collect.

For example, the first requirement is - five powerful dragon corpses with over 10,000 vitality, or five pet dragon cards of purple star grade or above.

"Five pet dragon cards of purple star grade or above.?"

Tang Jian couldn't help changing his color slightly.

As for pet dragon cards, he has a ready-made [Red-Eyed Black Dragon King Card] in his hand.

Even if you can gather another [Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card], it is not impossible, just collect some materials.

But to find the other three purple star dragon cards, it will take more energy.

Chen Lin added, "Pet dragon cards are rare. At present, the most famous purple star-grade dragon cards in the Earth Star Federation are your [Red-Eyes Black Dragon King Card] from Mr. Tang, and your [Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card] from Mr. Ma. 】.

In addition, our Card Creator Association also collects two kinds of rare dragon-species cards with purple stars—[Nucleated Godzilla Card] and [Leili Kimera Card].

But even if Mr. Tang spent a lot of glory points and contribution points to purchase the production plans of these two cards, you still have to continue to collect materials, which takes a very long time.

And you also need to find the fifth purple star pet dragon card"

"Forget it." Tang Jian shook his head, feeling unrealistic.

Compared to collecting five purple star-grade dragon cards, it is more convenient to hunt dragons in those tiankeng worlds where powerful dragon creatures exist.

But hunting dragons also requires a lot of time and energy, and the dragon species with over 10,000 vitality also requires luck.

After Tang Jian inquired about [Three-legged Golden Crow Ding Card], there were only one or two materials that were difficult to find, he decided to buy the production plan of this card first, research and produce this card to help understand the law of chaos cards.

[Three-legged Golden Crow Ding Card] After all, it is a rare card of the Purple Seven Stars.

In terms of preciousness, it is even more precious than the purple five-star rarity [Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card].

The Card Creators Association will not easily sell this kind of card production plan, and it requires a lot of glory points and contribution points.

It stands to reason that Tang Jian's current glory points in the Card Creators Association General Assembly cannot meet the needs of purchasing this card at all.

But as the representative of Guxia, such restrictions are nothing to him.

After understanding the specific exchange requirements of the [Three-legged Golden Crow Ding Card], Tang Jian hung up the communication and contacted Wang Wei.

"Hey, Master Tang, what's your order for contacting me now?"

After Wang Wei quickly accepted the communication, his tone was very polite, and he even deliberately lowered his posture, not asking what was the matter, but asking Tang Jian what he wanted.

If it is said that when Tang Jian killed Ramos and captured the King of Light alive, his strength in just one shot was not obvious.

Then the Bading God who was in the Tiankeng world was directly beheaded by Tang Jian, which completely proved that Tang Jian has the powerful strength of a senior card god.

Wang Wei, an old man in the officialdom, naturally wouldn't give Tang Jian any room to be picky in his attitude.

"Director Wang, you don't have to be so polite. I'm looking for you this time, and I'm going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. I mainly ask how many credits I have accumulated now, if converted into the glory points of the Card Creators Association General Assembly?"

Tang Jian asked with a smile.

Wang Wei was taken aback, and immediately said, "My lord, the credit you have accumulated now has reached a very appalling height.

Let's say killing a weak god that poses a danger to the Federation, if converted into Federation Contribution Points, it is equivalent to 50,000 Federation Contribution Points.

Back then, you killed Ramos with the support of the members of the God Slayer Team and other Kashen, occupying the main position and causing the main damage to Ramos, so you can get 30,000 contribution points.

Secondly, you captured the King of Light, you can also convert the contribution points of Zeng 30,000 Federation, plus Ba Dingshen, capturing Bajisite, destroying the old Kokubun base, etc."

Wang Wei made preliminary calculations. If Tang Jian really presented all the credit in the form of federal contribution points, he would have accumulated at least 130,000 contribution points by now.

The Federation Contribution Points can equally correspond to the Glory Points of the Card Creators Association.

"So, as the representative of Gu Xia, I can enjoy a 40% discount on purchasing any materials or technology from the Card Creators Association.

Then I bought the [Three-legged Golden Crow Ding Card] production plan, in fact, only need to spend 4000 glory points, which is not too expensive. "

Tang Jian whispered.

Wang Wei who was listening on the opposite side suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

4000 glory points, that is, 4000 federal contribution points, isn't it too expensive?

Even if he, the director of the arrest bureau, comes down every year on average, the credit he has made may only be this amount.

"These federal contribution points that can be converted, I don't know how many days can be exchanged if they are converted into going to the land of law to understand the law?"

Tang Jian asked suddenly again.

For him, no card is as important as creating a law god card.

Therefore, all things will also revolve around the creation of the law god card, and the land of the law is undoubtedly a very good way to understand the law at a deeper level.

"After your last meritorious service, the higher authorities have decided to reward you with the qualification to go to the Land of Laws for three days. If you want to consume your current credits in exchange for the opportunity to go to the Land of Laws to gain insights, it will probably get you 15 days at most. time."

Wang Wei said with some envy in his tone.

The land of the law.

He has only been there twice, and each time did not exceed three days.

But even so, he has come to the present point and touched the power of the law.

I believe that next time I go to the land of law, I should be able to feel the power of law.

However, his opportunity to go to the Land of Laws is all in exchange for the credit he has slowly accumulated in the arrest bureau year after year, and he may not be able to accumulate the opportunity to practice for three days in the Land of Laws in two or three years.

But this year there was a surprise.

After all, Tang Jian, as a member of their arrest bureau, has made so many contributions, and he, the director of the arrest bureau, also has the credit for discovering talents.

Therefore, Wang Wei now looks at Tang Jian more and more pleasing to the eye, and he doesn't care if he puts on a lower posture.

Knowing that he could exchange for 15 days to practice in the Land of Laws, Tang Jian was not too eager to exchange it, but said that he would go to the Land of Laws after a while and use up the opportunity to practice for three days.

On the same day, Tang Jian contacted Chen Lin again, and directly exchanged the production plan of the [Three-legged Golden Crow Ding Card], and took advantage of the credit he made, from the Card Creator Association to send most of the production [Three-legged Golden Crow Ding Card] The material collection is complete.

However, even the Card Creators Association does not have complete materials for this top-notch purple card, and there are several rare materials that the Association does not have in stock.

"Master Tang, rare materials like Jasper Phosphorus Fire are very rare, but although our Card Maker Association doesn't have any in stock, I know that one person will definitely have it.

That is Zhenjun Bilin, a five-star killer who was hidden and killed.

The card he is famous for [Jade Phosphorus True Flame Card] is made of a large amount of Jasper Phosphorous Fire.

This kind of material is no longer available on Earth and Stars. If you want to get it quickly, you have to go to this Master Bilin. "

Chen Lin reminded Tang Jiandao, and then added, "There are also materials such as the real fire of the sun, which are not very easy to get.

There are two channels, one is to go deep into the sun to collect materials.

But that is too dangerous, even a card god-level powerhouse who understands the laws of supernatural fire cards will hardly be spared if he goes deep into it.

The second channel is to go to the Sun Temple to get this material. "

Tang Jian was surprised, "Sun Tiangong? What kind of power is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

Chen Lin said solemnly, "This is a large-scale force formed by card god-level powerhouses from multiple planets, and the nearest stronghold is a cosmic coordinate four light-years away from Earth.

This force belongs to the forces within the galaxy.

By paying a certain amount of Kerton Star Coins to the Kerton Galaxy, they lease multiple abandoned continental plates in various suitable locations in the galaxy as their power bases, and recruit many four- and five-star card masters from nearby star regions. Hire quests for most surface civilizations.

In short, they are an interstellar mercenary company. "

"An interstellar mercenary company?" Tang Jian lost his voice in a daze.

The outside world is really colorful, and now he can't help the commotion and wants to go out for a stroll.

And since there is such an interstellar mercenary company, doesn't it mean that if the federation's war is now at a fever pitch, no matter the old country or the federation, they can invite this third-party force to intervene?

In the end, it completely turned into a big battle over who has more money, and this third-party force made a lot of money?

Tang Jian felt that this should be impossible.

After continuing to ask Chen Lin, I learned that this third-party hiring force abides by strict galaxy laws, and they are qualified to intervene in small-scale hiring battles that usually do not involve the entire planet.

But when it comes to the internal wars of the entire planet, they are completely unqualified to intervene, otherwise they will violate the protection law of the Kerton galaxy on the surface planet civilization, and will be arbitrated by the Kerton civilization.

"Finally, there are still a few materials that are easy to collect. Mr. Tang, you can also launch your company's channels to search. I will pay more attention to you and try to gather materials for you as soon as possible."

Chen Lin mentioned one last thing.

Tang Jian digested what the other party said, and felt that the other party was worthy of being a young lady who had left Xinshou Village, and she knew too much.

After making an appointment with the other party, he often contacted Sao, oh no, after chatting about the outside world, Tang Jian hung up the communication with a feeling that a man's romance was conquering the stars and the sea.

Thinking of the other materials that might still exist on the other planets, Tang Jian immediately contacted Yeludong Li from the company.

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