God Card

Chapter 639 648: Unknown Origin (for Subscription)

Just when Tang Jian reached a deal with Zhenjun Bilin and kept him.

He suddenly felt something in his heart, and his keen nine senses detected a familiar calling.

This call sounded like a prayer, with a tone of strong reverence and hope.

In an instant, a figure appeared in his mind.


When Hardaway's figure appeared, a scene of chaos and chaos quickly flashed in his mind.

What is reflected in the picture is a station parking lot.

Hardaway and the other four activated the cards and moved quickly, using card skills one after another to besiege and control a tall and thin strange man.

The strange man used a card of the supernatural series, which can constantly switch the body between illusion and reality at any time.

And it seems to be combined with the body skills series cards similar to Furutake. When moving, the route is weird and unpredictable, like a loach, it keeps dodging the attack and control of Hadaway and others, and is quickly fleeing with the help of surrounding vehicles and pedestrians.

His eyes were cold and he didn't panic. Even though the range of movement was narrowed by the offensive of Hardaway and others, he still didn't panic, as if he still had something to rely on.

When Tang Jian sensed this scene in his mind, it was the moment when Hadaway kept calling him in his heart.

"Haven't you caught this person yet?"

With a twitch in Tang Jian's heart, the power of will had already used the connection established between Hadaway and him to suddenly lock on to the figure that was constantly moving and fleeing in front of him.


A series of offensives were quickly avoided, and it was really impossible to avoid, and Masai Izuru instantly entered the stage where his body was blurred, and he was immune to 90% of the damage.

He silently endured the accumulation of injuries in his body, and at the same time secretly counted the seconds in his heart, calculating the consumption of the energy card in the meter, and also calculating the time for another card to take effect.

He has activated a rather rare one-time consumable card [Hundred Miles Teleportation], and he only needs to delay for another 20 seconds before teleporting to a random location within a hundred miles to escape.

Therefore, even though the range of movement and escape is getting narrower, according to his calculations, he will be able to retreat calmly after 20 seconds.

Suddenly at this moment.

His spiritual sense sensed an unimaginable and terrifying threat suddenly born, as if a pair of majestic and shocking eyes suddenly stared at him in the darkness.

Even with the incomparably strong willpower of Yizuru Zhenxi after undergoing rigorous training, his scalp is numb and his body is cold in an instant, and his fast-moving body can't help but suddenly slow down, and his mind and spirit feel the extremely terrifying and powerful willpower coming , making him tremble all over.


The electric whip in Hadaway's hand was almost like an octopus' tentacles instantly, and it lashed at Izuru Masai's body the moment his body slowed down.

With a sizzling sound, the blazing electric current almost instantly tore Izuru Masai's body, which had no time to enter the void, until his skin was ripped apart, his body was scorched black, and his combat protective clothing was damaged.

Itsuru Manishi let out a pained cry, and his frightened mind forcibly woke up from the great terror, and was about to urge the card to protect himself from the absorbing power released by the electric whip while drinking violently.

However, at this moment, the air trembled, and a vast, ancient and powerful fluctuation of the law of will suddenly descended in the air.

In the slightly trembling space, there seemed to be a pair of calm and sharp eyes looking at Masai Izuru through time and space.

A depressive atmosphere comparable to divine power immediately spread throughout the panicked parking lot.

Everyone, including Hardaway and others, trembled, feeling as if their breathing was not smooth.

A series of fearful and awe-inspiring gazes intertwined and cast on the area of ​​the air space that seemed to fluctuate slightly.

They saw a pair of bright eyes like morning stars emerging from the center of the space fluctuation area.

When touching the vast and ancient brilliance of will contained in those eyes.

Everyone's brains exploded with a bang, blank, their thinking fell into a dazed and troubled situation, and their hearts and spirits were filled with fear and awe.

I don't know how long it has been.

Hadaway shuddered suddenly, waking up from the stage of blank thinking in his mind, his eyes quickly regained focus, and quickly saw Masai Izuru who was kneeling on the ground opposite him at this time.

The other party's eyes were blank with a little fear, but his expression was frozen, and there were still fluctuations in the breath of life in his body, but his brain seemed to be necrotic, and all signs of life were slowly disappearing.


Hardaway was stunned.

Inside the villa, Tang Jian rubbed his forehead, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

Just now he directly attacked the strange man with the power of law and will through Hadaway's connection, but the purpose was only to frighten him into controlling him, but he didn't want to kill him directly.

In the end, his lawful will shocked the other party, and the other party's brain was destroyed by a strange force, and he died on the spot.

"That kind of power doesn't look like some kind of card effect. It seems that this person's identity is a bit special."

Tang Jian looked at Fang Chengdun, who was sitting stiffly on the opposite side, and said with a flicker of eyes, "Do you know the origin of this person? He is the one who followed you all the way before."

As he spoke, a message fluctuated in his mind.

Directly through the method of ideological transmission, the appearance and battle scene of the strange man just now were transmitted to the other party's mind.

Suspicion flashed across Fang Cheng's eyes. Feeling the message in his mind, he pondered for a while and shook his head and said, "My lord, I don't know this person. When he was staring at me before, I actually noticed it too, but I haven't come into contact with this person yet." , I will follow Varosha to see you."

"Yeah." Tang Jian nodded, "It's okay, you just need to be careful, just stay with me for a while, and when I rescue your friend, our deal will be over and you can leave."

Fang Cheng nodded suddenly, "Okay, I will also launch the network to check the identity of this person. It is good not to go out during this period of time."

After Fang Chengdun left.

There was another communication from Hardaway, informing that the battle just now had alerted the police station and the arrest bureau, and they were now under investigation.

Tang Jian took out the communication card and contacted Wang Wei directly.

"Master Tang. Are you contacting me about your subordinates?"

As soon as the communication was connected, Wang Wei's voice came to his ears, but he already knew the matter.

Tang Jian was not surprised either.

Now that the Narcotics Bureau has intervened, it is natural that they have quickly investigated everything that happened and the people involved.

He just shot through the means of law and will, and he was able to hide it from ordinary people, but he couldn't hide it from the subsequent investigation of the arrest bureau.

"Director Wang, what is the identity of the dead person? Has the investigation been clear? There may be something installed in his big brain. If he is in danger, he will self-destruct and explode to death. This kind of method is not like what normal forces can cultivate. "

Tang Jian was also polite and asked directly.

Wang Wei pondered, "It's not sure yet, but one thing is certain, this person is from Ryukyu, and he is not well-known in Ryukyu, it seems that he has never appeared in a high-profile manner.

But according to the test, this person's vitality has approached 5000.

Such a master seemed to appear out of thin air, so there was only one possibility, the identities that the other party had used were all fabricated, and they had been wearing a mask to live.

In Ryukyu, there would be no more than five forces capable of cultivating such masters with hidden identities. "

As he spoke, Wang Wei asked again, "I heard from your subordinate that this person is following one of your clients? And the identity of your client is not simple."

"Well. He is a hidden killer. You should also know that I have been collecting card making materials recently. However, he said that he does not know this person. I will confirm further later, and it should be fine."

Tang Jian said lightly.

He is not interested in why this Ryukyu master is staring at Shangcheng Dun, as long as he doesn't come to provoke him.

The reason why he intervened was just to warn the forces that were eyeing Shangchengdun. Now that the other party is making a deal with him, they can wait until the deal is completed.

It turned out that he had just made a move unexpectedly, and the person in charge of the other party's stalking committed suicide by himself or was killed by remote control. This is quite intriguing, and it feels like a guilty conscience.

However, Tang Jian is only slightly interested in this kind of thing, but he doesn't pay too much attention. He has other more things to do.

"It's been a long time since I tested someone through dream possession. Maybe I can try to possess this Ryukyu man and find out who he is."

Tang Jian thought in his heart that he would subconsciously activate the dream function of the red card.

However, at this moment, the communication card vibrated again.

The contact person is Chen Lin.

Tang Jian frowned, inexplicably dispelling the idea of ​​being possessed by the dream at this time

Thanks to Brother Wenrou, Gou Dabai, and Wu Ruoan for their rewards!

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