God Card

Chapter 649 658: Horror, the disturbing person behind

Floating in the boundless space of the universe, there is no force on all sides.

This is a vacuum where there is no oxygen, and even the flames that erupted suddenly during the previous battle have completely subsided due to the instantaneous scatter of energy.

Quiet, dead, silent.

Tang Jian looked down at the five internal organs in his body that had basically recovered from the broken state.

Through the huge bloody mouth on the chest and abdomen, one can see the reorganized internal organs wriggling violently in the body.

The flesh and blood at the ferocious blood mouth also continuously squirmed to produce granulation, forming a thin fat film, which was entangled together. With the power of the chaotic card law, it eliminated the fluctuation of the erosion law and quickly recovered.

Withdrawing his gaze, Tang Jian sensed the law of chaotic cards, and absorbed a large amount of chaotic energy from the cosmic dimension.

These gray chaotic energies surged around his body, were quickly absorbed, and then continuously consumed into the floating illusory cards in front of him.

Tang Jian has already sensed that the banned Keton in the card has disappeared, but the opponent's demigod card is still in a banned state, and the King of Light is still struggling in the chaotic universe.

Tang Jian was not surprised by this either.

The beast Kedun obviously came as the incarnation of law.

The other party pretended to be the pilot of the spaceship through possession or some special way, and after driving the spaceship away from the planet, he revealed his true colors and joined forces with the King of Light to deal with him.

Unfortunately, both of them miscalculated his strength.

When the King of Light was once banned, Tang Jian couldn't even condense the phantom of the god card stably.

But now, he can continuously and stably condense the phantom of the god card, and his understanding of the law of chaotic cards has improved several levels.

This also means that the duration of his use of chaos ban is strengthened and the power is stronger.

Once on Earth Star, Tang Jian's lawful will could only distort and wrinkle the space. In the universe, it must be difficult to distort the space, but now it is not necessarily so.

"If I was still at the previous stage of strength in the battle just now, and the King of Light and the Beast Keton teamed up and took precautions, it would be really difficult for me to ban them.

Not to mention anything else, Keton's erosion card law can assimilate the erosion of the surrounding distorted space.

And the King of Light directly enters the state of moving at the speed of light with precautions, and can also escape and retreat calmly before my chaotic universe devouring power reaches its limit."

Tang Jian recalled the previous battles and had a clearer assessment of his current strength.

If it is said that when the Earth Star banned the Lord of Light, his lawful will can only distort the space stability of the Earth Star.

Well now.

As his understanding of the law deepened, the will of the law was so powerful that it could distort the universe.

Maybe they can directly create space cracks in the earth-star space.

"When the chaotic universe has just been completely summoned, the center of the chaotic universe like a black hole can tear apart the universe and create cracks.

However, the scattered power must not be able to tear apart the space further away.

But if it is on the earth star, even the scattered power will definitely be able to tear the earth star space apart.

Therefore, the lethality of my Chaotic Universe move has been greatly improved, not only the banning effect, but also the space cracks created are astonishingly lethal.

But in terms of power, it is definitely not as good as the power effect of the actual construction of the god card."

Tang Jian's initial expectation for [Chaotic Universe·Shen Card] had two states of power.

One is the engulfment of black holes (chaos ban), that is, the god card has the terrible gravitational force of simulating black hole celestial bodies in the universe, resulting in a singularity with infinite central density, infinitely high curvature of space-time, infinitely small volume, infinitely large heat and a part of the surrounding empty sky area .

Within the scope of this sky area, any matter, even light, cannot escape being swallowed and captured.

The second is the cosmic explosion, that is, the trick that killed Ba Dingshen at the beginning, simulating a cosmic big bang, all the matter in the universe will be annihilated and collapsed, completely disintegrated, and everything will return to zero.

However, these two expected states have not yet met expectations before the Shenka has been fully created.

In Tang Jian's mind, the maximum effect of these two kinds of power depends entirely on his understanding of the characteristic of "carrying everything" in the law of chaos cards.

The deeper he understands the characteristic of "carrying everything", the more lethal the effects of these two magical cards will be.

It was quite difficult when he used the method of chaos ban to simulate a black hole before devouring Keton and the King of Light.

Even if he hadn't used the special effects of the Loos giant suit to travel through time and space at the last moment and entered the state a second ago, the King of Light would have almost escaped.

This means that the power of the chaos ban has not yet reached its maximum value.

Once the King of Light enters the state of moving at the speed of light, it is likely to escape the shackles of the devouring suction directly.

And the real envisioned power of Shenka can directly devour things that move at the speed of light.

"The revolution has not yet succeeded. As a comrade, I still need to constantly explore."

Tang Jian looked at it not without self-deprecation.

Instead, three cards are summoned from the dimensional space.

All three cards are flashing purple awns.

They are [Red-Eyed Black Dragon King Card], [Storage Ring Card], and [Ultra-Long Distance Communication Card].

He opened the storage space for the storage ring card, took out a square card box with the word Miracle engraved on the surface, put the broken materials of the [Demigirl Card] into it carefully, and then put the [Storage Ring Card] Take it back into the dimensional space.

Continuing to consume energy, Tang Jian activated the [ultra-long-distance communication card].

The light curtain of the communication card appeared in front of his eyes, and icons floated in the light curtain, but Tang Jian's face soon became gloomy and frowned.

The communication signal is displayed as a straight line without any fluctuations.

This means that the cosmic coordinate position he is in is beyond the signal range of the communication card to contact the earth and stars.

It is even impossible to contact the space station of the Card Creators Association Headquarters, which is located at the same coordinate somewhere in space.

"Beyond the range where the signal can be connected?"

Tang Jian frowned, feeling very surprised.

The card in his hand is a purple 6-star [ultra-long-distance communication card].

Under the approval of the law, theoretically it can be connected to all resolvable signals within five light-years.

You can directly send signals to some planets in the Kelton civilization from the Earth Star. Of course, it is possible to send signals, but it is estimated that those in the upper galaxy civilizations are too lazy to respond.

But now it's beyond the signal range.

"Could it be that I am now more than five light-years away from the Earth and Star? Hiss. I am also more than five light-years away from the Card Creator Association Headquarters?

Or maybe the coordinates of this universe are a little weird, and there are some things that interfere with the signal? "

Tang Jian looked around in all directions.

The universe is boundless, except for the meteorite belt far away, there is no sign of life activity, and there is nothing worthy of attention at all.

As for the more distant planets that look like they have eyes or are as big as sesame seeds, or are dim, or bright, there is no need to pay attention to them.

Tang Jian is also a three-good student who has taken classes seriously, and he knows how terrifying the distance from the stars that can be seen with the naked eye will be.

Generally, this distance will be restricted by two factors.

One is the distance between the planet and its own coordinate position.

The second is the brightness of the planet itself.

For example, the planets he sees with human eyes or the size of sesame seeds are estimated to be at least a few light-years to hundreds of light-years away, but presumably they are all planets in the Kelton galaxy.

For such a long distance, if you don’t take a spaceship to jump through the wormhole, even if you ride the King of Light as a horse, the other party will have to take him to run at the speed of light for several years.

But this is simply unrealistic.

Even if the King of Light is a card god who comprehends the laws of supernatural light cards, he cannot enter the state of light speed displacement for a long time. Long.

"So the two guys, the King of Light and the Beast Keton, took me directly far away from the planet and threw me down. They will try to kill me first, and if they can't kill me, they will throw me completely in this infinite land. Human Star Domain?"

Tang Jian's thinking was active, and he quickly figured out the plan of these two people.

But thinking of this, he felt a little strange.

"I'm not a top card god like the teacher, although I can be regarded as a senior card god, but there is no need for the old country organization to fear me so much, right?

Or because I feel that I am very annoyed to sabotage their plans, so I retaliate.

Or is this purely the Lord of Light's revenge against me? "

Tang Jian continued to think, feeling something was wrong, he suddenly thought of some important information.

"No, throwing me in this starry sky is tantamount to exiling me. If I can't go back to the planet within a few years, then the federal representative has already been elected and has nothing to do with me."

Tang Jian's eyes were slightly cold, "So, this should be a premeditated conspiracy, and other representatives of the Federation may be involved in it? I don't rule out such a possibility.

If there is such a possibility, then there are representatives who cooperated with the old country organization and deliberately targeted me.

Even if you can't kill me, it will make it impossible for me to return to Earth for a short time. After I return, the world has changed."

When thinking about this point, countless premonitions and ideas have emerged in Tang Jian's mind, and he feels that his thinking is unprecedentedly clear. Many things that he felt puzzled before are now very clear.

He even recalled many things that he had overlooked and didn't think of for a while at this moment.

For example, the Ryukyu native who was following Bi Lin Zhenjun Fang Chengdun.

For another example, when he felt that Mingbo, who was pretending to be the King of Light, behaved strangely, he was not extra vigilant, and he didn't even try to enter the dream state to test things out.

Before, he always felt that it was his own negligence, lack of vigilance, and he didn't think too much.

But now that his thinking was completely active, Tang Jian's face gradually darkened, and he understood a very frightening question.

He has always been cautious and always holds that there are always troublemakers who want to harm me. Recently, he rarely uses the dream function to test suspicious people around him.

Even when he wanted to test the Ryukyu native last time, he was suddenly interrupted by Chen Lin, and he even forgot about it.

Tang Jian couldn't help feeling horrified and angry, and suddenly wanted to understand something.

"Forget? It's impossible to forget. It can only be temporarily disturbed and maliciously guided. It turns out that my thinking consciousness may have been disturbed by something or a strong person all the time."

"Who? Who is the person with this mysterious power?

Someone from Ryukyu, such as that Iori?

Or was it Chen Lin who interrupted me at that time?

It is the spaceship that she arranged for this journey in the starry sky, and she is also suspected."

Thank you Wenrou and Xiaotiantiansun for your reward! the weather is too hot. . . Everyone pay attention to escape the heat.

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