God Card

Chapter 675 684: God-Slaying Power

The blue light shone.

While the ripples were washing away, Tang Jian's figure flashed out of the blue light.

at the same time.

Hundreds of figures with strong aura reappeared.

Even Ma Teng, who was banned by Tang Jian just now, has appeared.

A set of data appeared in front of Tang Jian at this moment.

"Trial challenge object - senior card god Ma Teng (February 199).

The challenge was successful.

The test target shows the strength data as follows.

Statistical combat power index: 980 points.

Comprehension of the card law: the first step is the incarnation of the law, and an unknown god card has been created.

Possessed card group: purple 4-star [Loos Giant God's right leg card], purple 4-star [Loos Giant God's left leg card].

Lethality: 300 points (100 points for ordinary card gods, 200 points for senior card gods)

Viability: 330 points (100 points for ordinary card gods, 200 points for senior card gods)

Law awareness level: the first step is the incarnation of the law, 350 points (100 points for ordinary card gods, 200 points for senior card gods). "

"Looking at the stats, my stats in all aspects are much better than Senior Ma's.

Uh, the lethality is not much stronger.

But in the end, I only banned Senior Ma and didn't use the ultimate move of the Big Bang, otherwise should I continue to improve? "

Tang Jian secretly speculated.

But after a while he laughed again.

The data entered in this [Hundred Refinements Card] is only the strength of Ma Teng five years ago.

And at that time, the other party might not have done their best.

From this, it can be judged that Ma Teng's real strength must be much stronger than what is recorded in the [Hundred Refinement Card].

"Senior Ma's current strength is estimated to be similar to mine, but he said that there is still a visible distance from the top Kashen.

So how big is the gap? The current data has not shown the specific strength standard of the top card god. "

Thinking about it, Tang Jian felt that the more than 300,000 Chaos Card Energy in his body had been exhausted, and his spiritual power had also been consumed a lot.

"This kind of trial card is really not something that ordinary people can use, and it consumes too much.

If I want to continue the trial to challenge the top card god-level powerhouse like the teacher, I am afraid that I will consume more energy. "

Tang Jian connects with the law of chaos with will.

The chaotic energy absorbed from the dimensional time and space is replenished into the body, and then a small amount of energy stored in the red card is consumed to replenish mental strength.

After the energy and mental strength are completely restored.

His gaze immediately turned to a stalwart figure among the hundreds of figures on the opposite side.

Wan Ling!

Once the first person under the card god.

Now that he has become a god, he is one of the most powerful Big Three on the god list.

When Tang Jian locked his eyes on Wan Ling.

Immediately, a set of data also appeared above Wan Ling's head.

"Wanling: The Federation's top card god, whose combat power index is included in the statistics: 2360 points (300 points for ordinary card gods, 500 points for senior card gods, and 1500 points for top card gods). Statistical time: November 203.

The statistics are included in its creation law cards: [Tianlong Futu God Card], [One Force Jiang Shihui Half God Card]

Possesses card groups: purple 7-star [purple laser III card], purple 7-star [gold-eating bug card], purple seven-star [heavenly collapse card].

Killing: 810 points (100 points for ordinary card gods, 200 points for senior card gods, and 500 points for top card gods)

Viability: 750 points (ordinary card god standard 100 points, senior card god standard 200 points, top card god standard 500 points)

The degree of understanding of the law: the third step is the realization of the magic weapon of the law, 800 points (100 points for ordinary card gods, 200 points for senior card gods, and 300 points for top card gods). "

"The total score of the combat power index calculated by the teacher is so high? It turned out to be 2360 points, which is already more than 800 points higher than the standard line of top card gods."

See data about Wanling.

Tang Jian's mood was shaken.

This data must be true.

And Wan Ling had indeed become a god in November 203.

But at that time, the other party seemed to have only become a god for a few months, and his strength has surpassed the top card god standard given by the Sword Emperor by so much?

"The teacher once had the strength to compete with the card god before he became a card god.

It is said that it is because of his special physique, extraordinary vitality and spiritual power, and he has already understood the laws, but he has never created a law card. "

"Analyzing now, the teacher should have understood the law to a very deep level at that time, and could create a magic card at any time.

But maybe it’s the same as I was at the beginning, stuck at a certain juncture and unable to realize the epiphany.

And the juncture that the teacher was stuck at that time may be due to the knot in his heart caused by the death of his daughter.

After that knot was untied, the teacher naturally had an epiphany, created the god card, and immediately became a god.

And because of the accumulation of insights for many years, after the teacher became a god, his strength achieved a leap from quantitative change to qualitative change, surpassing most of the card gods. "

Tang Jian's thoughts turned. Thinking of this, he felt that it should be almost the same.

Before he became a card god, he could also ban the King of Light.

This can be said to have followed the old path of Wan Ling at that time.

Before he became a god, because of his deep understanding of the rules of cards, his combat power was extraordinary.

Facing the tremendous pressure from Arman, the master of fate, he suddenly realized that the core of power that bears everything is guardianship, and only then can he successfully create a god card and become a real card god.

"Judging from my current combat strength, the gap from the top card gods is not too big, but it's not too small either.

After all, the further you go, the more difficult it is to improve your strength. "

Shake your head.

Tang Jian directly conveyed the idea of ​​challenging Wan Ling to a trial.

For Wan Ling's strength.

He is very curious.

Although knowingly not the opponent.

But Tang Jian still wanted to give it a try to see the gap between the two.

His thoughts were conveyed.

Hundreds of figures disappeared together.

Only Wan Ling's stalwart figure floated in the air calmly.

He has black hair shawl, majestic broad face, and domineering eyes under thick eyebrows looking at Tang Jian calmly.

Suddenly stretched out a palm, fingers apart.

This is a palm that seems to hold infinite power. The fingers are slender and the palm lines are clear, revealing a kind of control that seems to cover the sky and the sun with just a single turn of the palm!

Suddenly, the five fingers of this palm full of control bent, as if about to make a fist.

in an instant.

Tang Jian's heart felt as if it was being grabbed suddenly by someone, and it suddenly became tense. The hairs all over his body stood on end, and he felt that an extremely strong terror was about to come.

"Chaotic universe!"

He whispered, and quickly stretched out his hands and folded them in front of him.

In the bright golden brilliance, a card suddenly twisted and twisted into a miniature vortex exuding terrifying absorbing power!

And at the same time.

Wan Ling's outstretched palm suddenly clenched into a fist.


The entire Blu-ray world began to twist and fold from the position where his fist was pinched.

It was as if when he clenched his fist, the whole sky would collapse!

Tang Jian only felt that the chaotic universe just condensed in front of him was almost going to be affected and collapsed.

Crushed like a fragile egg.

"So strong!"

Only then could he barely stabilize his mind.

An incomparably mighty, overwhelming and suffocating terrifying oppression suddenly swept over!

Wan Ling's fist was like a huge orange laser, approaching.

An orange card turned into invisible power ripples in his fist, twisting and spreading.

[One power down ten meetings·Demigod card]——The power to slaughter gods!


The surrounding space shattered like pieces of paper.

The majestic aura that is as strong as fire is condensed on the fist.

It has not completely bombarded Tang Jian's body.

The fist is like a mountain, the sky is falling, and the earth is collapsing.

Wan Ling's expression was as calm as a deep, his black hair fluttered wildly, and his figure was as mighty and domineering as a demon god.

With his fist down.

An incomparably tyrannical spiritual will power that swept across nothingness collided with Tang Jian's will of the law of chaos like a wanton ocean.

Boom! ——

Two semi-arc barriers of will, one large and one small, collided.

The small one shattered in an instant!


Tang Jian's eyes turned white, and he had a strong willpower when facing Ma Teng, but now it was like an egg colliding with a stone, his will collapsed instantly, and his spirit was agitated.


The chaotic universe in front of him also directly disintegrated.

Before the meteorite-like fist touched his body, the surrounding space collapsed inch by inch.

The terrifying blast directly tore the entire blue world apart.


Inside the rest room of the fortress.

Tang Jian turned over from the bed with a jerk.

The purple card floating in front of him lost its brilliance and suddenly fell down.


Tang Jian was panting heavily, his eyes were full of unconcealable shock and fear at this moment.

His head was aching, and it took a long while for his will to recover gradually.

He recalled the confrontation with Wan Ling just now, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

"It's too strong. The teacher's strength is too strong.

With just one punch, the strong willpower contained in that punch made me unable to resist at all.

How much willpower is that?

No wonder the teacher's lethality score is as high as 860. "

Tang Jian clicked his tongue in shock.

Such a powerful Wanling probably already has the strength to kill the weaker top card gods, right?

However, with such strength, how could it be inferior to the evil god Hitler?

Or Hitler in hell.

So how strong should the evil god Hitler be?

"If I use the ultimate move of the big bang again now, the comprehensive total combat power index should break through one thousand.

But it is definitely far from the top card god's combat power index of 1500.

No wonder Ma Teng said the gap is visible.

From the perspective of combat power, Arman should not be too strong among the top card gods?

In other words, the opponent's strength is not focused on frontal combat? "

Tang Jian was thinking secretly when he suddenly felt that the light in the room suddenly turned yellow.

This is a reminder from the warning card formation.

Tang Jian's consciousness moved.

The powerful Nine Senses caught the orderly who activated the warning card formation outside.

At the same time, a vague picture appeared in his mind, and a message from the Yihe family came out.

"Huh? Is it something related to the Yihe family?"

Tang Jian quickly analyzed the sudden foreknowledge.

[Recommended ticket monthly ticket looting card]: I have been hungry for a few days for free, let's enjoy the food.

Thanks to Xiaotiansun, brother Wenrou, classmate Xiaobai, TERU, Flying Fallen Leaves o the passing injury, saylol for their rewards!

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