God Card

Chapter 720

Earth star outer space.

Titan is in the mothership of the old country organization headquarters.

Chen Xiongfei, the interim leader of the old country, received a communication report from Saipan, the mourner.

After he browsed through an extremely detailed battle process and result, Chen Xiongfei's expression was solemn and gloomy.

"We prepared so well, the five Kashens and Lord Cthulhu's avatar joined forces, and one of them died, and Tang Jian escaped."

Saipan on the other end of the communication said, "Boss, you should be able to rest assured that even if Tang Jian is not dead now, he has been lost in the depths of time and space and has become a time traveler.

In theory, he will repeat certain scenes of traveling upside down to the future or the past, but he cannot interfere, cannot return to the present moment, and has no ability to do anything.

Even if he can still fly at the speed of light in time and space, according to the law that the speed of light cannot be violated is the maximum speed limit, his flight time will change accordingly.

When he really gets rid of the chaotic time and space at the speed of light and returns, it is equivalent to traveling to the future, because our real world may have passed more than a hundred years by then.

A hundred years later, the war is over, and he can't change anything when he comes back. "

"These theories you're talking about are just speculation."

Chen Xiongfei shook his head, "As I said, I have long suspected that he might be from the future.

Even if this suspicion is wrong.

Because it is impossible for people from the future to exist, and even if they exist, they cannot interfere with present things.

If he can interfere with the present, it proves that he belongs to the present, and the future self does not exist.

Okay, let's not make any detours here. As long as this Tang Jian is not dead, I am not at ease.

This time even the avatar of the king has been sacrificed, Yong Ye is also dead, our organization has suffered heavy losses.

As a result, Tang Jian escaped into the chaotic space-time and was not completely wiped out. Your mission failed this time, and I feel a great sense of frustration. "

Saipan took a deep breath, feeling humiliated.

This mission really failed.

But he believes that the current results are barely acceptable.

After all, a Kashen who had hoped to become the top of the federation had already been killed by them.

"Are you not convinced?" Chen Xiongfei stared at Saipan coldly, "Why was I chosen by the king to be the leader, and you still lack a little? Do you know?"

Saipan said coldly, "I only know that there is still a problem with your intelligence this time.

Since you want to pursue it, I will tell you.

Tang Jian could actually create wormholes directly, which was the root cause of his escape into chaotic time and space.

If we had known in advance, he would still have died, so it was a serious intelligence error. "

"Yes, this is indeed an intelligence error.

But I also said that Tang Jian is full of variables. If you give him any chance to breathe, he will suddenly become very strong. That's why I insisted on organizing you to attack him. "

Chen Xiongfei said calmly, "I am familiar with the Human Federation, especially Gu Xia.

This time there was another accident. No matter when Tang Jian developed his ability to open wormholes, I suspect that the wise man should have guessed the result.

Therefore, it is very likely that Tang Jian was not trapped in the chaotic time and space. "

"What?" Saipan was surprised.

Chen Xiongfei: "If the wise people didn't guess the result, then even if you succeed in the A75 tiankeng, you will definitely be attacked by Iori and Bazat after you come out.

Do you still think that even the Yagami in Ryukyu can't notice such a big commotion?

But you were not surrounded by snipers, but left safely. "

"Why?" Saipan was terrified.

"Because they want to take action when you are most relaxed. Unfortunately, I only guessed it now after getting your report. It is already too late.

You can safely report this information to me, which proves that you are very smart and made some actions that made them feel difficult to succeed, so that they gave up voluntarily and focused their firepower on other people.

But I'm afraid, Negan and the others are already in danger."

Chen Xiongfei's tone was a bit difficult.

"I'm afraid it's not what you think"

Saipan's tone was even more difficult, with cold sweat on his forehead, "I, I'm already on the way back on the Xingyue flying ship. If you really say that, they're probably after you and the Titan!"

Chen Xiongfei's fists were clenched suddenly.

Suddenly crushed the communication card directly.


He opened his palm and let the broken card in his palm fall, his deep eyes were dim, with hatred and complex emotions brewing, he muttered in a low voice.

"Titan, I have shifted the coordinates. I hope my guesses are wrong. I hope you are safe"

1 hour and 13 minutes ago.

In the quiet starry sky.

A space station constructed of various card buildings is suspended here.

It is like a giant windmill standing in space, and also like a strange building with several towers standing in a circular metal circle.

On the body of each tower, there is a colorful font of the Earth Star Federation - the General Assembly of the Earth Star Card Maker Association.

Several figures flew out of the Card Creator Association General Headquarters without wearing protective clothing, and all of them floated in the starry sky.

One of the figures, surrounded by mysterious symbols, stepped on a giant golden card that was constantly rotating like gossip. It was obviously a powerful card god who had created a god card.

The other figure is a young man with a big ponytail hairstyle. His expression is pale and weak. His vitality has not yet reached the level of a card god, but he controls a special card with a golden glow.

The divine card turned into a golden thread, with one end wrapped around his fingertips.

The other end seems to be entangled somewhere in the starry sky, crooked, as if affected by some kind of force, it is constantly twisting.


The golden thread suddenly stretched straight.

All of them looked up.

The young man who controlled the formation of the golden thread god card let out a low snort, the veins on his face swelled, as if the blood vessels all over his body were violently expanding and surging.

His spiritual will fluctuated violently, and the golden thread on his fingertips became even more straightened.



In the starry sky at the end of the golden line in front, a gorgeous and treacherous wormhole vortex suddenly emerged, emitting a tyrannical gravitational field.

A force of will envelops the six figures, and at a speed exceeding the speed of light, they burst out of the wormhole in the blink of an eye.

Even at the moment of jumping out of the wormhole.

That willpower began to slacken as if it couldn't bear it.

As a result, the figures of the six realms were about to disperse one after another, and were directly exposed to the starry sky.

"Hurry up and save people!"

Li Yushan, the vice president of the Card Makers Association, let out a low shout, and immediately greeted him, grabbing forward with his palm.

A purple card flashed and scattered into strange covers like blue transparent bubbles.

All the bubbles covered the six figures, resisting cosmic radiation and supplying oxygen for the six figures.

Li Yushan's expression relaxed, but then he was taken aback, looking at the six figures, his eyes flashed regret

(seeking a monthly ticket)

Thanks to the little gentleman of sunshine and little Tiantian sun for their rewards! Ask for some monthly tickets for the new moon, decent people love face.

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