God Card

756 Chapter 765: Birthplace

"Teacher, I have made a major discovery involving No. 9."

Wan Ling connected to the communication card, and immediately heard Tang Jian's voice from the transfer side, and his expression changed slightly.

The number 9 refers to the Lord of War in the secret code.

Generally, when communicating in an unshielded state, the number 9 is used to address the warlord.

Wan Ling said, "What discovery?"

Tang Jian, "How far are you from me now, can your will descend to the earth and stars?"

Wan Ling looked at the coordinates and said, "There is no big problem."

Although the distance of about 4 light years is indeed very far away, with his current will power exceeding 2000 to more than 2150, he can still incarnate his will and descend to the planet through the will connection.

"Then you try to descend, I found the birthplace where the number 9 is suspected to be born."

"What?!" Wan Ling was startled suddenly, his expression changed suddenly.

"Wan Ling, what happened?"

In the communication state on the other side, the wise man who first sensed it asked.

Several other people also stopped talking when they heard the words.

Wan Ling regained his composure and said, "I have a small discovery, you guys talk about it first, and I will stop sailing and go take a look first."

The wise man and GOD Clark and others couldn't help but feel moved.

Now is the time when three parties are searching for the traces of the Titan mothership. Wan Ling will never leave to deal with unimportant matters at this time.

It seems that this small discovery is either an extremely important but uncertain discovery, or it is very important to Wan Ling but not too important to them.

After Tang Jian finished communicating with Wan Ling.

Immediately, he began to mobilize his will again, silently reciting Wan Ling's name.

At this time, he has sorted out some of the broken images in his mind through the means of the Wisdom Tree Cave, and obtained an extremely astonishing and terrifying information.

As he continued to deepen his understanding, he gradually learned a suffocating and terrible news.

Just when he was thinking deeply.

Will suddenly began to have a connection from Wan Ling in his senses.

"Teacher! Here!"

Tang Jian quickly strengthened the connection.

A strong force of will began to emerge from the black sky.

This power quickly condensed into Wan Ling's tall and domineering figure, with a golden glow all over his body, long black hair draped over his shoulders, and a wide face and flying eagle eyebrows full of majesty.

"This world... this is not the Tiankeng world, it should be one of the original small thousand worlds of Earth Star."

Wan Ling frowned and looked around in all directions.

"Teacher, you are really astute, and you can see the origin of this world at a glance." Tang Jian sighed, "I don't know if there are really as many as a thousand such small thousand worlds."

"This is an unknown number." Wan Ling shook his head, "The small thousand worlds and the great thousand worlds, including the so-called seventy-two blessed lands and thirty-six caves in our ancient Xia myths and legends, are actually nothing but the ancients' beautiful imaginings of some fairy mountains and treasures. That's all.

In fact, there may only be a hundred or so small thousand worlds, but the ancients called them small thousand worlds for the sake of sounding good or more atmospheric, and the same is true for other places such as the Seventy-two Blessed Lands and the Thirty-six Caves.

We can't even be sure because we've never seen it, but today I saw this for the first time. What do you find? "

Tang Jian said solemnly, "This discovery makes me feel horrified, and it may involve the ban on our galaxy."

"What?" Wan Ling was also taken aback.

"I will now present my discovery to you in a way of thinking linkage." Tang Jiandao.

"Use this [Meng Hui Da Thangka], it can show your thinking scene more clearly." Wan Ling said, a little empty.

Immediately, a purple card flew out of the dimensional time and space. The pattern on the card resembled a woman, such as a dancer from the Tang Dynasty, singing and dancing gracefully.

Without hesitation, Tang Jian directly got the card and used the spirit to cooperate with the card's ability to activate, and presented the sorted out thinking picture in his mind through the card effect.

Immediately, the two of them seemed to be caught in a dreamlike mirage, and saw the scene of the initial period of this black sky and silver land.

At that time, the world was still dark in the sky, and the earth was silvery. The sky and the earth were filled with endless psychic energy, but no living things survived. There was only a silver stone pillar standing in the center of the world. .

The silver stone pillar is like a giant standing upright, with a black sky above its head and a silver ground under its feet, like a pillar supporting the heaven and earth, magnificent and magnificent.

Suddenly one day.

A purple pupil tore apart the space of this world, breaking the ancient tranquility.

It is like the eye of God, cold and deep, and it does not know which mysterious world it came from.

The moment this gaze landed on the silver stone pillar, a black card flew out from the pupils of the eyes, exuding extremely fierce and shattering waves, it swept across directly, cut the silver stone pillar in half, and embedded it into the stone pillar .

that moment.

The sky and the earth roared and trembled.

The entire black sky tilted abruptly, and if it was about to collapse, the folds tore open countless space cracks.

The silvery earth sank and sank in a tremor.

Numerous psychic breaths formed a vortex, rushing madly towards the collapsed place.

A low and majestic murmur, slightly joyful and exhausted, filled the world.

"It's the last step, I've sealed off the connection to the 366 world, and fixed this [Daoka] that absorbs the power of the world here.

When the time is right, it will be the moment when I will completely get rid of my mental decline..."

"Now... set up a guardian clan outside the gate of this small world to prevent interference..."

After these words were finished, the majestic voice gradually faded away, but the extremely strong will force of the law suddenly gathered the silver soil and the majestic psychic breath.

These three kinds of power suddenly condensed and turned into a pair of black-gray steel armor, which turned into rainbow light and went beyond the cave in the collapsed earth, leaving behind a fragmented small world.

The picture is here, fragmented.

The surrounding dream scenes supported by [Menghui Da Thangka] collapsed due to lack of thinking information.

Tang Jian said solemnly, "Teacher... This is the first half of the important information I found. The tiankeng worlds of our earth star, not counting the few worlds that have been completely destroyed at present, did have 365 tiankeng worlds in the beginning.

If we add our Earth and Stars, it will be exactly 366 worlds..."

Having said that, he paused, stared at his brows and said wrinkly, "The existence of the so-called [Daoka] black card that was sent by the mysterious person just now, do you think..."

"I can't tell."

Wan Ling said solemnly, "Show the second half of the information you have seen."


Tang Jian nodded, and activated [Dream Back to Great Thangka] again.

The dream-like thought reappearance scene suddenly descended.

The violent roar resounded like thunder in the cracked black sky, and the silver land was completely deserted.

The stone pillars that once stood tall like giants have completely disappeared.

What was replaced in place was a black card surrounded by extremely powerful laws and complex emotional fluctuations.

The rules and emotional fluctuations that haunt the cards are like the tentacles of the king squid dancing in the air.

One end of the tentacles pierced into the void, and the other end of the tentacles wrapped around the card, looking extremely coquettish.

If you look carefully, there are 366 tentacles-like fluctuating powers, short or long, thick or thin, like passages into different worlds, connecting with mysterious black cards.

I don't know how long it has been.

Suddenly, several illusory tentacles touched together, creating more majestic and rich emotional fluctuations and law power.

The rich mood swings include greed, violence, pain, strength, despair, excitement and so on.

Not long after these illusory tentacles touched each other, several illusory tentacles lost their strength and almost collapsed.

But one of the illusory tentacles suddenly grew a lot.

The illusory tentacles became thicker, giving rise to a lot of grief, indignation, strong and unyielding strong emotional fluctuations.

This seems to have attracted the attention of other illusory tentacles, and several illusory tentacles approached the thicker one again.

The two sides collided fiercely, breeding majestic emotional power.

Tang Jian took a deep breath, "This is the function of [Daoka]...to absorb the emotional power of all creatures in more than 300 worlds, perhaps to accumulate strength and help that being with ulterior motives get rid of the so-called neurasthenia."

Wan Ling's expression was cold, "God's failure... It seems that the existence that blocked more than three hundred worlds still has a strong personal purpose.

In order to solve this so-called dementia, he did not hesitate to forcibly bind more than 300 worlds together to draw power to satisfy his purpose. "

Wan Ling pointed to the illusory tentacles that had become thicker, and then pointed to several other illusory tentacles that entangled and collided.

"Look at this chain of emotions and laws, and the one that is coveted and attacked by other chains is our earth star."

"Our planet has survived the initial crisis, that is, the period of cataclysm, and soon ushered in other challenges, which were noticed by more different worlds.

All these wars and all the dissatisfaction of the world are all caused by that existence. "

Tang Jian nodded, "Perhaps in the eyes of that being, the creatures in more than 300 worlds are just ants who can sacrifice for him at any time, but it seems that something unexpected happened to his layout."

"Accident?" Wan Ling looked at Tang Jian, "You mean the Lord of War?"

"Yes, the Lord of War is an accident in his layout, a monster created by him.

Maybe even he himself didn't know that such a layout would give birth to such an unexpected guy. "

Tang Jian said, and immediately transmitted more memory fragments in his mind.

There are also many intermittent and incomplete memory fragments that have been sorted out.

I can see that the surrounding scenes constructed by [Menghui Da Thangka] are sometimes violently blurred and distorted, and sometimes become clear.

During this fuzzy and clear transition, the more than three hundred illusory tentacles became more and more weakened as they collided with one of the illusory tentacles.

The illusory tentacles, which were not too thick at first, gradually became stronger and stronger.

In addition to the emotions of being strong and unyielding, it also breeds the emotions of greed, and then changes the passive situation, and actively collides with other illusory tentacles.

This seemed to symbolize that after the earth star became stronger, it began to invade and attack other different worlds in turn, occupying those different worlds as slaves, and conquering them into colonies.

It can be seen that the illusory tentacles representing the earth and stars have grown stronger and become extraordinarily thick, surpassing all other illusory tentacles, even the few illusory tentacles that were very thick at the beginning are not as good.

And at this moment, the 366 illusory tentacles have been reduced to only 307.

All the illusory tentacles that collapsed and scattered left many remnants in the world of Heitianyindi.

These remnants accumulated the strong grievance left by the war, and gathered to form a strange egg like a huge tumor, the surface was full of ferocious thick blue and black veins.

As time passed, the illusory tentacles collided with the illusory tentacles representing the earth and stars one after another.

A large number of negative emotional fluctuations generated during their collision were absorbed by the tumor-like monster egg, causing the monster egg to grow and grow bigger, and even a heartbeat roared inside.

Suddenly, one day, a figure accidentally broke into this strange world.

His expression was horrified, and he saw the black card floating in the air and the illusory tentacles dancing like a group of demons.

The appearance of that figure is impressively like that of Chen Xiongfei in his youth.

At this point in the scene, the subsequent development of the plot is almost predictable.

Tang Jian introduced to Wan Ling based on the blurred scenes, "Chen Xiongfei used a rather special blood successor card to take the monster-like tumor as his own and refine it into a powerful and terrifying monster." Doppelgänger.

This avatar continuously absorbs the remaining forces generated in the wars of the earth star and other different worlds to become stronger. It is a collection of the source of war and various negative forces.

In the end, this clone was hatched with the help of Chen Xiongfei, forming a thin and powerful black arm. In the center of the palm of the arm is a hideous vertical pupil.

The image of this vertical pupil is somewhat similar to the image of the powerful mysterious being who released [Daoka] before. "

Tang Jian paused and said, "Chen Xiongfei didn't take away the clone larva immediately, but let the clone larva continue to absorb the source of war and become stronger in the special world of Heitian Yindi.

Until one day, he discovered that all other worlds on Earth and Star had stabilized, and it was difficult to start a large-scale war.

If there is no war, there will be no source of war to provide, he is no longer satisfied with letting the clone grow slowly in this world.

And with the power of his body, he can't control the situation of the earth and stars.

So he manipulated the clone and took away the black [Daoka] in an attempt to leave this world.

However, he encountered the armor that the powerful existence set up outside the world of Heitianyindi to protect him. "

He pointed to one of the rather abstract and blurred images, "At that time, Chen Xiongfei controlled the avatar to use the power of [Daoka] for the first time, directly injuring the armor guardian, and then left with the avatar."

With that said, Tang Jian opened the chaotic universe and released the banned steel armor from the chaotic universe.

On the back of the armor, one can see a deep cut mark, causing black energy to continuously seep out of the armor.

"It's this armor, the texture of this armor is so strong, I used all the means of the Big Bang, but I couldn't shake it at all.

However, when Chen Xiongfei used the [Daoka] back then, he was able to injure the armor severely, causing the power of the armor to continue to be lost, which led to the fact that the power of the armor is now only comparable to that of a medium-sized god. "

"After all, it is a super god card of the black level, a card that can kill Jun Tian in one blow."

Wan Ling said in a serious voice, reached out to grab the armor, looked at the deep cut mark, and narrowed his eyes.

From this deep cutting mark, he also felt an extremely terrifying and horrifying threat.

Tang Jian suddenly said relaxedly, "Teacher, although we have discovered such terrible information, isn't there also good news now?"

Wan Ling frowned, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Not bad."

Thank you gentle brother, very lazy fish for rewarding! Released the new book "Being a Iron Man Today", everyone can go and see the investment, it has been signed internally, the investment is stable and profitable, just invest normally, no need to overweight. Katu will finish writing this book slowly!

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