God Card

Chapter 8 008: Mechanical Law (recommendation ticket requested)

There are four categories of cards, combat, auxiliary, pet, and mechanical.

Among the four categories, whether it is physical or spiritual, the cards in the combat category are all related to combat, and will not have other attributes besides combat.

There are many types of auxiliary classes, but they are basically all auxiliary enhancements.

Pets, as the name suggests, may have ornamental pets, combat pets, or auxiliary pets such as mounts.

Only mechanical.

This category of cards is very miscellaneous, covering all categories.

For example, there are weapons, firearms, shells, mecha chariots, etc. suitable for combat, as well as auxiliary therapeutic instruments, mobile mechanical tools, detection tools, etc., as well as robotic mechanical dogs that can be equivalent to pets. etc.

So the category of machinery is very complicated, and the cards in this category are also very complicated, including combat, support, pets, and life.

But machinery has a distinctive feature. No matter what kind of mechanical card is produced, it must be activated and summoned. It cannot be other non-mechanical things.

The sleeve arrow card that Tang Jian wanted to make was a kind of machine.

In the card repair world, all kinds of cards are equivalent to the manifestation of various laws in the world.

Perhaps many years ago, when card knowledge was not popularized, it was difficult for people to understand why an ordinary card could summon a living pet, or conjure a pistol or a bazooka out of thin air.

But after so many years of research and dissemination of card knowledge, even ordinary people have already popularized the most basic knowledge, and they have long been accustomed to the extraordinary and magical power of cards.

This is also one of the reasons for the high status of card masters.

Tang Jian quickly sketched on a white card.

His hands are very steady, and every time the outline brush squeezes out a bit of energy ink, it will be stretched by him quickly, fully demonstrating the awareness and skills of a three-star card maker.

Soon, the lines on the white card gradually increased, and gradually a series of arrow-like outlines could be seen.

This pattern looks like this:


Of course, these arrows are completely filled together to form a union, rather than neatly arranged.

If you don't look carefully, it looks like a line, but if you look closely, you can see the difference.

In fact, to make a Shuriken card, it is not a big deal just to outline these patterns, but also to adjust the energy in the energy ink, and use the card itself to draw the energy to achieve the correct inflow.

And when writing, you have to visualize the fierce scene when the "Sleeve Arrow" is fired, so that this sleeve arrow card is not empty and invisible, and can communicate with the shining mechanical star in the starry sky.

The mechanical star, a real existence, is a very bright star in the starry sky, symbolizing the laws of machinery.

It is rumored that Dolan, the strongest card god in the Federation, has confirmed that there are many card repairs stronger than card gods on the mechanical star, and they have formed a super power to train genius card repairs from all over the universe. Together to resist the monsters in the starry sky.

All the machines summoned by the cards of the mechanical system are derived from the mechanical star, manifested and transmitted by the laws of machinery.

Oreo, the greatest card scientist (scientist) of the Federation, once put forward a bold conjecture: the mechanical star may itself be a card, the card representing the mechanical law, and the ancestor of all mechanical cards, completely surpassing all the mechanical cards of the Federation. The defined seven stars are above the seven stars.

Not just a mechanical star.

Including the revered star representing the pet family.

Represents the star of the king of the fighting system.

The glory star representing the auxiliary system.

These stars may be composed of the most powerful and original cards. With these cards, there are some other cards.

This kind of conjecture is almost a kind of beautiful legend. Whether there is any substantial evidence to prove that Tang Jian, who was no more than a three-star card master in his previous life, is impossible to know.

He listened to it as a legend.

At this time, when he completed the outline of the sleeve arrow card with a sharp mentality of "a sharp arrow pierces everything", he immediately spit out a mouthful of foul breath, sweating profusely, and his eyes were a little dazed.

The consumption of mental strength is too great, and it even affects physical fitness.

But at this time.

The Shuriken card was actually made as well.

All the ink lines on its surface solidified in an instant, and all the arrow-like patterns connected together seemed to come alive, fierce and terrifying, as if they were about to drill out of the card and fly out.

Tang Jian's eyes fell on the card.

There was a hint of a smile in his tired eyes.

The sleeve arrow card was successfully made.

This card is enough for a one-star card player like him.

Depending on how much the card can input, after the Hidden Arrow Card is activated, the Hidden Arrows fired will have varying degrees of damage.

Tang Jian looked at the attribute panel.

Now his mental power has dropped to 0, he is extremely exhausted, and can no longer make cards.

Kaneng also only has 2 points left.

Making a Xiujian card consumed a full 30 points of card energy.

This is because he has enough superb card making skills, otherwise it would be impossible to make this kind of mechanical card that is more difficult than a whiteboard one-star energy card.

Tang Jian picked up the thin Xiujian card and tried to mobilize the last point of the card to input it into the card.

Immediately, the sleeve arrow became heavy in his palm, and the next moment it twisted and twisted into a snake-like arrow that was no more than three inches long.

Tang Jian's eyes sharpened suddenly, and he swung his palm violently.


The small arrow flashed out in an instant, and was nailed to the opposite wall with a thud, piercing straight into the cement of the wall.

Tang Jian walked over quickly, and saw that the whole snake-like arrow quickly faded and disappeared. His eyes just saw the arrow pierced into the wall, which was not too deep.

This power is not great.

But it is also reasonable.

Summoning the Hidden Arrow consumes 1 card energy, and launching the Shuriken consumes another 1 card energy.

The Hidden Arrow, which only consumes 2 points of energy, has the same killing power as a normal iron arrow after being thrown hard.

But cards are cards after all. Tang Jian just threw out the Hidden Arrow, but he just used some shooting skills, but he didn't use much force. If he increases the input of the card energy, the final damage of the Hidden Arrow will be considerable.

Tang Jian looked down at the unremarkable Xiujian card.

Such a card can be activated up to 30 times, and it will be scrapped after 30 times.

After sending out a sleeve arrow, the card will re-manifest in the hand, and you can continue to use the card to activate it.

Tang Jian is already very satisfied with such a mechanical system self-defense card.

If you can buy a speed meter with money, and use the speed meter to urge the energy card to launch with the sleeve arrow card, it is simply a burst of power.

At this time, the feeling of exhaustion surged up.

Tang Jian didn't bother to wash up anymore, he simply packed up his tools, climbed into bed when he returned to his room, gritted his teeth and insisted on practicing "Three Points and One Line Method", until he fell asleep naturally

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