God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1013 Whose territory is (one more)

Mu Qinglan's heart immediately lifted, but when he saw the man's face clearly, his heart was suddenly empty.

The person who came was... Huo Zunting!

Her heart seemed to be pulled hard by something, and something in her chest dissipated.

At that moment, she thought...

In the blink of an eye, Huo Zunting had already arrived in front of the clock tower!

With a wave of his sleeve, that strong suction immediately dissipated!

Mu Qinglan felt his body loosen suddenly, but it seemed that the strength in his body had been taken away a lot.

Shui Tianyue and the others naturally didn't know Huo Zunting, but the powerful aura displayed by him was enough to make them face up to his existence!

Lord Yinhuai glanced at him, but narrowed his eyes.

"Huo Zunting? You're not in the Xiejun Mansion, what are you doing here?"

Huo Zunting laughed.

"Where the Palace Master wants to go, do I still need to tell you?"

Mu Qinglan frowned. From the looks of it, these two clearly knew each other?

Lord Yinhuai sneered, and said, "Huo Zunting, don't tell me that you are here today because of Mu Linghan! He has already said that he will leave with me."

Huo Zunting raised his eyebrows slightly.


He turned his head to look at Mu Qinglan, and asked with a smile: "Third brother, you really said that? Big brother is here, don't you want to follow me?"

Mu Qinglan looked at him, especially when he saw the smile on his face, and suddenly an unknown fire rose.

She crossed her arms and said slowly: "That's not necessarily true. Didn't you have no time to see me before? Why do you have time to come to me now?"

Ouyang Mo gave Huo Zunting a strange look.

Who is this man? Seems to be very familiar with Qinglan...

Palace Master... Could it be the Palace Master of the Evil Monarch's Mansion?

correct! Qinglan had mentioned before that Ling Han might have something to do with him!

Thinking of this, Ouyang Mo's heart suddenly rose, she clenched her fists involuntarily, and looked closely at Huo Zunting.

When Huo Zunting heard Mu Qinglan's words, instead of being angry, he laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! You are really—"

He didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but Mu Qinglan suddenly sensed something, and took another careful look at him.

As if aware of Ouyang Mo's gaze, Huo Zunting turned his head and glanced at her, and after looking around, he showed a clear expression.

"This is...you—fiancee, Ouyang Mo?"

There was a bit of scrutiny in his eyes, although it was inappropriate to look at a woman like this, but his expression was very frank, and it would not make people feel uncomfortable.

Instead, it was Ouyang Mo who bowed his knees and said, "Ouyang Mo has seen Palace Master Huo."

Huo Zunting glanced at her in surprise: "Do you recognize the Palace Master?"

He turned his eyes and looked at Mu Qinglan next to him, guessing a little bit, and said with a smile: "I see, this kid must have told you, right? But, I just don't know how he scolded me. "

Ouyang Mo was embarrassed.

Huo Zunting's guess was really accurate...

When Qinglan mentioned before that he sent someone to bring the hairpin over, but he refused to meet him no matter what, it was true...

Mu Qinglan was very frank: "So you still have some self-knowledge."

Why is he scolding him, isn't he the clearest?

Huo Zunting spread his hands innocently.

"You can't blame me. What's more, elder brother just gave you a gift. Not only are you not grateful, but you are not kind to elder brother like this?"

Having said this, Mu Qinglan's heart choked up, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat.

Although it was a gift from my brother, it was indeed sent by Huo Zunting.

In any case, he should also be helping his brother.

Mu Qinglan's eyes drooped slightly.

She is too impatient.

Just now she thought—

"You came to help me?" Mu Qinglan looked at him with raised eyebrows.

Huo Zunting looked a little unpredictable, and said with a smile: "It's natural. The third brother was bullied, and as an older brother, he naturally has to come out to help."

elder brother…

He said it so calmly, as if it was a simple sentence, but it seemed to carry a special meaning when it fell into Mu Qinglan's ears.

She looked at Huo Zunting, trying to see some clues from between his brows, but his expression was so open and natural that he couldn't see anything else.

There seemed to be something in Mu Qinglan's heart that was about to move, and it couldn't be restrained.

She took a deep breath, a little hesitant in her heart.

She wanted to follow Lord Yinhuai, so that it would be possible to find out more information.

But Huo Zunting was here, and she couldn't help but think of her brother again.

Since Huo Zunting will appear at this time, it must have something to do with his brother, and Mu Qinglan doesn't want to give up this opportunity.

She wants to see that man, and has too much to say to him.

And... the same is true for Ouyang Mo.

Mu Qinglan turned her head and glanced at her. Although she looked calm at this time, there seemed to be something fluctuating in her eyes, and her whole body seemed to be a little tense, which showed that her mood at this time was not as turbulent as it seemed on the surface Not surprised.

Mu Qinglan hesitated for a moment, and said: "Let Momo go with you, and I will follow—"

Huo Zunting's eyes flickered slightly, and he had already guessed Mu Qinglan's plan.

He suddenly spoke, interrupted Mu Qinglan, and said with a smile:

"Third brother, if you are willing to follow me, I promise you can meet the person you want to see, how about it?"

Dead silence.

Everyone around didn't know what Huo Zunting meant by these words, but in Mu Qinglan's ears, it sounded like thunder!

Her mind went blank, and for a while, she froze on the spot.

Gradually, those words kept lingering in her mind, and she finally woke up to what Huo Zunting was talking about.

He was saying—follow him, and you will be able to meet the person you want to see!

"Oh, by the way, I should take you with me." Huo Zunting said, smiling and glanced at Ouyang Mo next to him.

Ouyang Mo was stunned for a moment, then the hand that was placed on the bronze bell began to tremble uncontrollably.

Mu Qinglan suppressed the surging emotions in her heart, and asked word by word:

"Is this true?"

Her voice was very calm, but for some reason, the listener had an inexplicable hoarseness.

Huo Zunting's expression changed, the smile on his face was slightly restrained, but there was a firm promise in his eyes.


"I'll go with you!"

Mu Qinglan shouted this sentence almost without hesitation!

She stepped forward quickly and grabbed Ouyang Mo's hand.

"Momo, let's go together."

Ouyang Mo's hands were already icy cold. After hearing her words, she raised her eyes and nodded vigorously.

Mu Qinglan's eyes turned red when he saw her.

However, at this moment, a gloomy and stern voice suddenly came——


Lord Yinhuai stared at Mu Qinglan with a stern look, and said, "Mu Linghan, I still remember what you said just now! Why are you going to go back on your word now?"

Before Mu Qinglan could speak, Huo Zunting had already spoken out lazily.

"Didn't you just say that you wanted to ask his opinion? Now that he chooses to go with me, why are you refusing? Lord Yin Huai, is it too unkind of you to do this? Is it possible that you want to break your promise? "

Lord Yinhuai was furious, and a burst of fire kept burning in his chest.

He suddenly raised his hand, pointed at Mu Qinglan and yelled, "Mu Linghan! Say it again!"

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, and his gaze towards Lord Yin Huai also became cold.

"I hate-"

"He hates people pointing at him the most." The smile on Huo Zunting's face remained unchanged, but his handsome face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

As he said that, he put his fingers together and flew out a beam of Yuanli!


That elemental force turned into an ice blade, and quickly cut across Lord Yin Huai's body!

Lord Yin Huai's expression froze, and at the same time threw out a horse!


The two forces collided in mid-air, and there was a roar immediately!

The two of them were probing this time, so they didn't use all their strength, but even so, Lord Yin Huai could no longer point his finger at Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan's heart moved, and she couldn't help but glance at Huo Zunting.

He stood in the air, dressed in a blue brocade robe, which made him taller and more elegant.

What he just said...

For some reason, Mu Qinglan's heart suddenly seemed to be poked hard by something, sour and astringent.

Lord Yin Huai looked at Huo Zunting with a cold expression, and asked in a deep voice: "Huo Zunting, do you really want to fight against this deity?"

Huo Zunting smiled and said: "If you want to bully my third brother, I won't trouble you, who will I trouble?"

Lord Yinhuai's face sank like water, and he didn't speak for a while.

At the beginning, he didn't take Huo Zunting seriously, but in the fight just now, he clearly felt that Huo Zunting's strength was almost the same as his!

When did he actually cultivate to this level?

But no matter what, this kind of words really made Lord Yin Huai feel a lot of fear.

Although he still has Zhou Songtang and others on his side, they can't help at all in this level of confrontation.

If it's really hard with Huo Zunting... I'm afraid it won't be so easy to take him away.

After all, there are people from the Shui family watching over him!

Thinking of this, Lord Yinhuai finally spoke:

"Huo Zunting, if you insist on blocking, then the venerable master is willing to accompany you. But...you may not be able to guard against the people of the Shui family if you guard against the venerable master..."

Shui Tianyue is also a strong Lord!

Unexpectedly, Huo Zunting suddenly burst into laughter when he heard the words.

"Hahaha! You don't need to worry about this. You——I won't let you go. It's not so easy for the people of the Shui family to leave."

When Shui Tianyue heard this, he laughed out of anger.

"Oh? Since you have such a big tone, then the venerable master really wants to see it!"

His expression suddenly turned cold, and he shouted loudly!


Many members of the Shui family shouted together; "Yes!"

Swish Swish Swish!

Before the words fell, those people had all dispersed, and in the blink of an eye, the entire bell tower was surrounded!

Among them, Huo Zunting and Lord Yin Huai were naturally included.

"Sky Wheel Nine Thunder Formation!"

Shui Tianyue's aura suddenly exploded!

There are more than 200 people from the Shui family around!

The point is, the strength of these people is not weak either!

At this time, the formation of the team together, I don't know how powerful it will be!

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, but Huo Zunting suddenly smiled and said:

"It seems that you really don't have any brains. Before you came, you didn't know who to check. Whose territory is this?"

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