God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1015: Heart (3rd watch)

Shui Tianyue's eyes twitched.

Shui Tianqing on the side couldn't help but said: "Senior brother, this kid has been so arrogant! If we don't deal with him well today, we will definitely not take our Shui family seriously in the future!"

Mu Qinglan raised her index finger and shook it.

"Shui Tianqing, you made a mistake. I have never put your Shui family in my eyes."

Shui Tianqing's face turned red, but at this moment he could already see that the strength of the young man in front of him was obviously stronger than expected!

If he went up rashly... there are still those primordial beasts around him!

In desperation, he had no choice but to look at Shui Tianyue.


"Enough! I know what to do!"

Shui Tianyue was also angry at this time, so he scolded him impatiently.

Shui Tianqing's lips twitched a few times, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't utter a single word.

It's just that when he lowered his eyes, he concealed his disgust towards Shui Tianyue.

"I want to see how long you can resist!"

As Shui Tianyue spoke, he activated the water polo again, and several lightning bolts appeared on it!

And this time, it seems to be stronger than the previous one!

Mu Qinglan looked around and said with a smile:

"The people of your Shui family seem to be unable to hold on any longer. Can this so-called big formation continue?"

The people from the Xiejun's Mansion have gradually gained the upper hand. On the one hand, the people from the Shui family have to maintain this so-called large formation, and on the other hand, they have to deal with the attacks of the people in the Xiejun's Mansion.

Originally, it was difficult to defeat four hands with two fists, but the situation became even worse at this time.

The golden dragon and Suzaku also joined the battle at this time!

There were more people on the Golden Armored Dragon Star for a while, and they seemed to want to try to break through, but they were all trapped without exception.

In comparison, Yinfeng is the most leisurely at this time.

Under multiple attacks, the people of the Shui family didn't last long at all, and they gradually lost ground.

But Shui Tianyue didn't seem to be worried, and sneered: "You should still worry about yourself!"

As he said that, he stretched out his arms, and more and more power poured into the water polo!

At the same time, under his feet, stars finally began to twinkle gradually!

Mu Qinglan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he discovered the power of the formation, which seemed a little strange.

She frowned, and after looking carefully, she realized something was wrong—many people from the Shui family had been controlled by the people from the Xiejun's mansion at this time, but the energy in them was still flowing towards the water polo in the middle. Influx!

This is clearly——

Shui Tianyue is forcibly plundering their power!

After realizing this, Mu Qinglan immediately looked around carefully, and found that there was a starlight under the feet of those people from the Shui family.

With the flickering of the stars, they merged with the entire formation, and the power of these people was squeezed out uncontrollably! Finally gathered in the water polo!

Mu Qinglan's heart was shocked!

Such tricks... can be described as extremely sinister!

No matter what the Shui family said, they were also dignified figures on the top of the gods. As one of the most respected elders in their family, Shui Tianyue could practice such a treacherous formula!

As if seeing Mu Qinglan's shock, a smile suddenly appeared on Shui Tianyue's face.

But looking at this smile, Mu Qinglan felt a chill from the soles of his feet!

Shui Tianyue... has a problem!

However, when she realized this, Shui Tianyue was already ready!

Above the water polo, a second thunderbolt quickly struck Mu Qinglan!

This time, the power contained in the thunder and lightning is obviously much stronger than before!

These are clearly the power squeezed from those people!

Mu Qinglan had already guessed something in his heart, but at this moment, he could only deal with this trick first because of his desperation!

When she jumped, she jumped onto Yinfeng's back!

Then, he clenched his fists and sent another punch!

This time, everyone could see clearly - her fist was actually bright and brilliant in color of pure gold!

No one knows what that means, except for the Lord Master!

Only people of their level can perceive the aura of the real body of the Lord!

The expression on Shui Tianyue's face was like a cracked mask, and he looked at Mu Qinglan in shock!

Just now it was——

There is absolutely no way he could be wrong! That looming aura is definitely not his illusion!

Mu Linghan, he actually...

At the same moment, Lord Yinhuai also noticed something, and suddenly looked back!

The golden fist just happened to be reflected in the eyes!

Although that layer of gold faded quickly, he absolutely couldn't feel wrong!

A ridiculous idea immediately popped into my mind!

And at this moment of distraction, Huo Zunting seized the opportunity and shot immediately!

"Cracking Sky Palm!"

Only then did Lord Yinhuai realize that something was wrong, and when he sensed that dangerous aura approaching, he was about to retreat immediately!

But it's too late!

In Huo Zunting's palm, there seemed to be an extremely bright light flashing past!

Then, he slapped Lord Yin Huai's chest hard!


A dull sound came!

Lord Yin Huai's figure immediately retreated uncontrollably!

After staggering for a few steps, he managed to stabilize his figure.

As soon as he stood still, his face turned red, and then his chest shook, and he spit out a mouthful of blood!

Huo Zunting clasped his hands, moved a bit, and then said with a smile:

"Lord Yin Huai, it seems that your strength has declined recently. You can't even take this palm?"

Lord Yinhuai was extremely annoyed, but at this moment, he could no longer care about Huo Zunting's cynicism.

What he was thinking about was still the scene he had just seen!

Did Mu Linghan hide his strength?

Thinking of this, he headed directly towards Mu Qinglan again!

But as soon as he turned around, he found that Huo Zunting had already jumped in front of him!

Seeing Lord Yin Huai's changing face, Huo Zunting was very happy, and said with a smile:

"It seems that Lord Yinhuai is really interested in my third brother. However, it would be more appropriate to discuss it with me first, right?"

Lord Yinhuai hates it in his heart!

He has been here in the western border, so he naturally knows that the Evil Lord's Mansion is not easy to deal with.

If they had more people, he would naturally not have to worry, but... who would have thought that Mu Linghan would be able to disturb the Xiejun Mansion?

And from the looks of it, Huo Zunting clearly protected him!


Lord Yin Huai yelled loudly, and he and Huo Zunting fell into a fight again!

In fact, the battle situation around the clock tower is relatively clear.

Many members of the Shui family had been beheaded. On the ground, there were already many corpses piled up, and there were bright red and sticky bloodstains everywhere.

This scene looks really frightening.

But the most frightening thing is that there is still power in their bodies that keeps moving towards the water polo in the middle!

In the beginning, it was the remaining Yuanli, but it didn't take long before it was mixed with blood!

The corpses of those people on the ground shrank rapidly during this process, and their still warm bodies turned into dry corpses in the blink of an eye.

This is the most chilling thing!

Mu Qinglan looked down and confirmed the guess in his heart.

When she looked at Shui Tianyue again, there was undisguised sarcasm in her eyes.

"Unexpectedly, people from the Shui family can be so vicious."

They were able to do such a thing, which shows what the atmosphere of the Shui family is like.

There is indeed a reason for Shui Yanyu to have such a heart.

This vicious mind is really in the same line!

Shui Tianyue didn't care about Mu Qinglan's ridicule.

His expression regained his composure, he glanced at everyone condescendingly, and said slowly:

"They all died because of you, understand? If you had agreed to leave with this deity early, they would not have ended up like this."

Mu Qinglan almost wanted to laugh.

Such a person is the most selfish and cruel, but always likes to push all the responsibilities onto others!

There is no reason to talk to such a person.

In a short period of time, the number of people in the sky has plummeted!

The members of the Shui family, except for Shui Tianqing and others, have all ended up like this at this time!

Even Shui Tianqing couldn't help the corners of his eyes twitching when he saw those corpses, and involuntarily took half a step back, as if he was afraid that he would become one of them.

Even though his status in the Shui family is not low, he is nothing compared to Shui Tianyue.

Who knows what this man would do if he went crazy!

At this time, there seemed to be a streak of blood color in the huge water polo, gradually smudged!

Then, more and more red spread in it, and the water polo looked like a huge blood drop from a distance, which made people shudder.

A thick bloody aura gradually spread from it!

Mu Qinglan frowned, suddenly a sense of uneasiness emerged from the bottom of her heart!

And the blue lightning that was originally swimming above has also turned red at this time, like blood vessels, all over it.


Mu Qinglan suddenly heard an extremely small voice.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she heard that voice again!



It's like hot water is starting to boil, and it's like...someone is swallowing something!

An extreme warning of danger struck my heart!

Mu Qinglan's whole body couldn't help but tense up!

She fixed her eyes on the huge water polo, and she saw that it was actually changing!

The blood-colored water polo, which was originally a complete and round shape, was slowly changing its shape, and there seemed to be bulges on it, as if something was wriggling underneath it.

Gradually, Mu Qinglan finally saw what that thing looked like!

It turned out to be like...a heart!

A huge, beating heart!

A terrifying coercion erupted crazily!

Mu Qinglan's heart was shocked!

Huo Zunting and the others were also shocked, looking back!

"Peak Lord?!"

Shui Tian looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Haha! This is the heart of the Lord's peak powerhouse, I see who else can save you!"

After the words fell, that huge heart crushed towards Mu Qinglan!

She was about to move, but found that she couldn't move at all!

It's that coercion that is too strong!

Something happened yesterday, the update is a bit late. In addition... emmm, I'm about to be beaten to death... But my brother is only in these two days~ Also, starting from the 26th, there will be red envelopes for the concubine, can everyone pay attention. It seems that some have already started today, but Shenfei started on the 26th~

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