God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1017 Someone (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan's eyes flickered slightly.

It is impossible to say that she is not moved at all.

These people were strangers to her, and if it wasn't for Huo Zunting's order, they wouldn't have died here.

She has never had any extra sympathy, but this incident was indeed caused by her.

She couldn't sit idly by and let them die for her one after another.

The more Shui Tian stared at Mu Qinglan, it seemed that she could see a slight change in her expression, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became wider.

Then, with a movement of his lips, he was about to yell a second time.

"My own affairs, I am responsible for myself."

Mu Qinglan suddenly spoke out, her voice was calm but firm.

Everyone couldn't help looking at her, their eyes were shocked——

What is Mu Linghan talking about? Is he crazy?

Ouyang Mo's heart also sank suddenly: "Ling Han!"

Mu Qinglan didn't look back, she didn't even move her eyebrows, she just said simply:

"Don't you just want what's on me? Don't bother them, I'll go with you."

Ouyang Mo is really anxious now: "No! Ling Han! You can't go with him!"

This Shui Tianyue's heart is extremely cruel and cold, who knows what he will do after Qinglan falls into his hands?

Mu Qinglan looked at Shui Tianyue and asked calmly, "How?"

Shui Tianyue was filled with contempt: the benevolence of a woman!

At first, I thought that Mu Linghan was really capable and could make some waves, but looking at it now, it's nothing more than that!

The lives of these humble ants are enough to shake his heart, so it can be seen that he is not a man who can accomplish great things!

He despises such a person the most.

Shui Tianyue slowly put his hands away.

"Of course. Anyway, their lives combined are not as important as yours alone."

This saved him a lot of energy.

Huo Zunting also heard Mu Qinglan's words, and immediately shouted: "No! Mu—Mu Linghan! You must not do this! Did you hear me!"

He came here to save people, but if in the end it was because of his own people that he pushed people into the fire pit, how could he be worthy——

His heart was burning with rage, and his moves became more and more ruthless, and for a while, it was true that Lord Yinhuai kept retreating.

At this time, the golden dragon also suddenly came towards this side, and with a flick of the dragon's tail, it hit Lord Yin Huai's body!

Lord Yin Huai's chest trembled, and his figure staggered and flew out!

Huo Zunting glanced at the golden dragon: "Thank you!"

The deep voice of the golden dragon sounded:

"Leave it to me here."

There is no way to solidify that space, but Huo Zunting is a strong master after all, maybe there are some other ways. Now it is the most appropriate to hold Lord Yin Huai and let him save people.

Huo Zunting nodded vigorously, and then went straight to Mu Qinglan!

"Don't go!"

Seeing that he was about to be taken down, how could Lord Yin Huai make Huo Zunting do something bad?

However, just as he was about to move, the golden dragon was already blocking him.

The huge golden body, carrying a powerful coercion, looked down at him.

Those eyes were full of indifference.

Lord Yinhuai secretly gritted his teeth.

Although he is the Lord, the golden dragon is indeed not easy to mess with. At least this powerful physical body is a huge problem to solve!

But Huo Zunting on the other side did not go well.

Because that frozen space is also an insurmountable gap for him!

Before he got close, Mu Qinglan had already sensed the movement, and shouted:

"You don't have to come here!"

Huo Zunting's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Mu Qinglan couldn't move, and couldn't turn around, but she knew what Huo Zunting was going to do.

That's not what she wants to see.

Huo Zunting frowned: "Are you crazy?"

If Shui Tianyue allowed people to be taken away, it would be very difficult to snatch them back!

Mu Qinglan said very calmly: "I know what I'm doing. This is my business, and these troubles will come sooner or later."

From the day she owned the black jade slip, these hidden dangers had already been buried, but she had been trying to hide it before, so it only broke out now.

What's more, this time, she took the initiative to detonate it.

She originally planned to lure out those people behind Feng Yi, and follow the clues to find out the whereabouts of her father.

It's just that I didn't expect...the people of the Shui family have such a skill.

But she dared to do this, naturally there was a reason.

What they want is the black jade slip in her body, so they won't easily take her life.

After all, those who know this thing will not know that it recognizes the Lord.

Once she dies, this thing will be hidden again, and they don't know how long it will take to find it again.

This is also her biggest bargaining chip.

When Huo Zunting heard this, he became even more angry.

He looked at Mu Qinglan and said in a deep voice:

"Impossible! I am here today, so it is absolutely impossible for someone to take you away!"

Mu Qinglan had already looked at Shui Tianyue.

"Let them all go."

Shui Tian laughed more and said, "Since you want to do this, then it's the best."

As he said that, with a real finger movement, that heart suddenly contracted violently!

And with this movement, the overall size has actually become much smaller.

It's just that the color has become more vivid and rich, and even a trace of black has gradually appeared.

The range of space solidification also becomes smaller.

Except for Mu Qinglan, everyone else felt a lightness immediately!

Everyone in Xiejun's Mansion looked at Huo Zunting with great apology: "Mansion Master, it's useless to be a subordinate..."

Huo Zunting no longer cared about them, seeing Mu Qinglan's figure was already moving forward, his expression was cold, and his sleeves flew up!

A long chain flew towards Mu Qinglan in an instant!

The chain was ice blue as a whole, and it was made up of rings connected one by one, but on the edge of the rings, there were sharp barbs!

At the tip of the chain is an extremely sharp awl!

Following Huo Zunting's movement, the chain flew out directly, drawing an icy blue line in the air.

However, when he was about to approach Mu Qinglan, the speed of the chain also suddenly slowed down!

It was like falling into an invisible swamp, and all the power carried on it was silently drowned and swallowed.

Finally, it gradually became weak.

Huo Zunting clenched his teeth.

The solidification of the space at the peak of the Lord is indeed difficult to deal with...

But he doesn't want to, and he can't give up!

That heavy force seems to be gradually spreading along the chain!

Shui Tianyue watched this scene with great interest, and seemed to find it very interesting.

"Mu Linghan, if someone is willing to help you like this, your work is not in vain. How about it, do you want to look back? I think since he can't let you go like this, then... let him accompany you, how about it?"

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes suddenly: "How dare you!"

"Why don't you dare!" Shui Tianyue was extremely arrogant at this time, and pushed back directly.

He looked at Huo Zunting mockingly, and said with a sneer, "I have some strength, but it would be ridiculous to think that I am invincible in this way!"

What Xiejun Mansion, what Huo Zunting, they are all ants on this continent!

They are not the top of the gods, they are inferior to others!

It's a pity, now I have to teach them a lot, it seems that they will understand this truth...

Mu Qinglan also suddenly laughed.

"Shui Tianyue, you'd better not be too arrogant. If you push me, at worst we all die together! Anyway, I am alone in this world, and I have nothing to worry about! If you don't want all your hard work today to be in vain, Better be honest! Don't touch my bottom line!"

Shui Tianyue's expression immediately became brilliant.

He probably didn't expect that Mu Qinglan had fallen to this point, even with a knife on his neck, and he was still so confident. For a moment, I didn't think about how to deal with it.

Mu Qinglan turned her face sideways with difficulty, barely able to see the corner of Huo Zunting's clothes.

"Go back and take good care of Momo."

Huo Zunting's expression sank: "Impossible!"

Mu Qinglan frowned, and was about to say more, but heard him continue to say word by word:

"Since I promised someone to protect you, I will never break my promise! No matter who it is today, don't try to touch you!"

Mu Qinglan was taken aback, and there seemed to be a huge roar in his mind!

She couldn't move, but the tip of her nose suddenly felt sore, the thick layer of defense in her heart seemed to burst a dike suddenly, and countless emotions surged, drowning her in an instant!

He still said it!

He finally said it!

There is no doubt about who that "someone" is!

It was someone she was thinking of!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were hot instantly, as if something was about to overflow.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The pain of being squeezed all over his body seemed to disappear suddenly at this moment.

The heart seemed to be clenched tightly by something, and even breathing became difficult.

And Ouyang Mo behind, when she heard these words, finally couldn't help covering her mouth.

No one else knew what Huo Zunting was talking about, and no one cared who the "someone" he was talking about was.

Even Shui Tianyue just sneered when he heard this.

What so-and-so, what protection, to him, it's all just a dream!

He snorted coldly, and suddenly activated his power!


The space that trapped the chains suddenly shattered!

And this force directly affected Huo Zunting!

The moment the chain broke, his right arm holding the chain also shook violently!

He was startled and immediately fought back!

The strength of the two sides collided immediately!

Huo Zunting's arm was instantly cut into countless wounds!

However, even so, his hand still held the chain tightly and never let go!

As soon as Shui Tianyue thought about it, his heart was beating, dragging Mu Qinglan towards him!

Perhaps it was because of Huo Zunting's blow that the space became loose.

Mu Qinglan immediately summoned Yinfeng, let it return to the sea of ​​​​qi, and at the same time took back the golden armored dragon star for a while!

Huo Zunting gritted his teeth and was about to move, but suddenly felt a fiery force coming!


The chain is completely broken!

Huo Zunting's body suddenly relaxed!

But Suzaku stood in front of him! Stop the last aftermath!

"Ling Han!"

Huo Zunting suddenly raised his head, only to see Mu Qinglan's figure uncontrollably heading towards that heart!

Soon, he was completely swallowed by that heart!

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