God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1021 Who Allows You To Touch Her? (three more)

bang bang!

bang bang!

The gurgling sound started to speed up after a while, and finally became such a fast and short sound!

This is clearly the sound of a beating heart!

The heart began to contract rapidly, and there was no doubt that the force generated was much stronger than before!

The feeling of squeezing the surrounding space is getting stronger and stronger.

There was a sudden burning pain on the arm.

Mu Qinglan looked down, but found that the ice layer above the forearm had completely corroded and disappeared, and the skin was directly exposed, and began to feel a burning pain.

She looked terrified, and immediately urged the power of extreme cold to cover it.

That feeling disappeared quickly, but Mu Qinglan knew in her heart that the real crisis had only begun to come now!

She summoned Qing Yuan Zhan, and the endless power of extreme cold spread towards the surroundings.

When encountering Yinfeng, Qingyuan Zhan was buried underground, almost forming a huge ice palace. It can be seen that the power of extreme cold contained in Qingyuan Zhan is abundant!

Her hand clenched Qing Yuan Zhan tightly, it was covered with a thin layer of ice, and the cold white mist kept drifting away.

But even so, Mu Qinglan could still feel the strength of that corrosive force.

——Ice layers are constantly appearing and melting.

Now the power in Qingyuan Zhan was gushing out at full speed, but the frost that had condensed in the heart still barely covered her figure.

No more, no more.

The speed at which frost appears is almost equal to the speed of corrosion!

But that's not the worst.

Because the energy in Mu Qinglan's body was constantly being consumed.

——She had already begun to have a premonition of exhaustion.

Within the sea of ​​qi, a golden Yuandan was slowly spinning.

It was clearly a black Yuandan before, but after it broke through the peak of the lord and evolved into a Pre-Yuandan, golden lines gradually appeared on it.

But now, after breaking through the domain master, it has completely become golden.

The surrounding black energy continued to spread towards the surroundings with the rotation of the Yuan Dan, spreading to the limbs and bones.

Such a time did not last long.

Because the space here is closed, she is completely unable to absorb the energy of the outside world and transform it into her own power.

So soon, the energy in her body began to dry up.

The power of extreme cold is still surging, but the speed has begun to slow down.

Mu Qinglan held her breath and concentrated, her lips pursed tightly.

On the body, there is gradually a golden light, gradually flashing!

The corrosive power around him seemed to feel something.

The heart, which was intensifying its contraction, suddenly stopped for a moment.

Behind Mu Qinglan, a golden figure finally gradually appeared!

At this moment, that golden light instantly reflected the entire small space!

The ancient real body!

That golden light completely enveloped Mu Qinglan!

Although I don't know if this will work, but... this is the only way now!

Time passed bit by bit, and Mu Qinglan was inside her heart, unable to hear the sound of the outside world, and unable to perceive everything that happened outside.

She seems to have only one thing left: to find a way to deal with this corrosive force!

The power of the ancient real body is stronger than Mu Qinglan imagined.

After summoning the ancient real body, Mu Qinglan obviously felt that the speed at which the extreme cold power was being corroded slowed down a bit.

After the appearance of the ancient real body, the heart paused for a moment, but then resumed beating again.

And the force of squeezing and shrinking is obviously stronger than before!

But despite this, Mu Qinglan persisted relying on her ancient real body.

It's just that if you want to split this heart and get out... I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Mu Qinglan's eyebrows and eyes were fixed, and the ancient real body stretched out his hand, holding Qingyuan Zhan in the palm of his hand!

Afterwards, the Taikoo real body stood up, holding Qingyuan Zhan tightly, and swung the knife out!

Qingyuan Zhan's blade slashed at the surrounding white walls!


Mu Qinglan heard a crisp sound of a sharp weapon hitting!

She looked up in surprise, but saw something transparent and bright on the white wall.

"The master of this heart, the real body and the source are perfectly integrated, and the physical strength is extremely powerful."

Xueyou's voice came, a little low.

Obviously, the toughness of this heart is even more terrifying than what he expected at first.

In other words, Mu Qinglan was in even greater trouble.

Mu Qinglan gritted her silver teeth tightly, but continued to let Taikoo's real body slash!


The same voice came!

There was almost a brief buzzing in Mu Qinglan's ears!

But this time, she made an amazing discovery!

Because on the white wall, there was a small crack!

The crack was very small and healed quickly. If Mu Qinglan hadn't looked carefully, he wouldn't have seen that change at all!

But this was enough to make Mu Qinglan happy!

The efforts of the ancient real body are still useful!

I don't know how long this will take, but...

She only has this way, so she can only fight to get out from now on!

The confrontation between Huo Zunting and Shui Tianyue did not last long.

He made up his mind quickly.

"What do you want?"

Seeing that Huo Zunting finally gave in, Shui Tian couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha! This deity is really curious, what is so good about Mu Linghan that he can make you care so much!?"

Even, at the expense of this!

Huo Zunting frowned and said: "Stop talking nonsense! You can ask for any conditions! But you must ensure Mu Linghan's safety! If... something happens to him, you will definitely not be able to leave Honghe City today!"

"What's the rush?"

Shui Tianyue had the upper hand at this moment, he was no longer in a hurry, and became more leisurely.

"Isn't he a bit capable? Presumably, he won't die so soon in this place, right?"

But that is, the slower the death, the more miserable the torment is!

Shui Tianyue looked at the heart calmly.

In fact, since just now, he has already noticed that the situation inside seems to be a little different from what he expected, otherwise it would not cause the heart to be unable to even freeze the space.

But that's good too, it can bluff Huo Zunting!

As long as he delays the time as much as possible, Mu Linghan will definitely not be able to bear it in the end!

Of course, he didn't want to kill Mu Linghan right now, after all, that thing was still on his body...

"Let all your people retreat!"

The water and the sky are getting colder.

Huo Zunting shouted without hesitation:


The people in Xiejun's mansion who originally surrounded Shui Tianyue could only retreat as ordered.

Soon, there was a large space around Shui Tianyue.

Almost all the people in Xiejun's mansion retreated to the two sides.

But Shui Tianyue still said: "Continue!"

At this moment, everyone was already a long way away from him, but after hearing this, Huo Zunting's expression was serious, and he still said quickly:

"Back again!"

Everyone retreat!

Shui Tianyue also retreated suddenly! Go in the direction of the city gate!

Liuli Wangzun followed immediately!

"You stop!"

However, Shui Tianyue seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and immediately shouted loudly!

At this moment, the heart was still moving closer to him, retreating with him!

The veins on the back of Huo Zunting's hands bulged, but Liuli Wangzun still stopped.

"Isn't that all right?"

Shui Tian said with a dark smile: "Don't force me, the power above the heart will naturally weaken the punishment for Mu Linghan, so he can suffer less torture, right?"

Huo Zunting was anxious, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

"This deity knows that your people are already waiting outside Honghe City. You'd better let them evacuate immediately, otherwise... this deity can't guarantee what will happen..."

Shui Tianyue was calculating in his heart, and said word by word.

Just now, Huo Zunting clearly sent out a signal and summoned the troops.

But those people haven't shown up yet, and I know they must be waiting outside!

If he couldn't even guess this point, he wouldn't be able to get to where he is today!

Huo Zunting gritted his teeth, and then suddenly raised his hand!

A sharp roar suddenly spread!

"Now are you satisfied?"

Huo Zunting's every word seemed to be spoken through gritted teeth.

Shui Tianyue has no doubts at all, now Huo Zunting can't wait to kill himself immediately, his skin cramps!

But so what?

With Mu Linghan already in his hands, everything is not important!

Shui Tianyue snorted and dragged the heart towards him.

Now, just take this heart back together——

Shui Tianyue's heart suddenly sank!

This heart is wrong!

He hadn't looked carefully before, but now that he got closer, he realized that it was shrinking and beating crazily!

It only does this when it consumes a lot of energy!

but now…

Could it be that Mu Linghan inside is playing tricks?

But relying on his realm, how could it be possible to arouse this heart to move so quietly?

Shui Tian became more and more thoughtful, and soon made up his mind——

Since Mu Linghan refuses to be honest, he can only use some means!

One of his hands was suddenly placed on the heart!

The turbulent Yuanli quickly surged towards the heart!

Seeing this, Huo Zunting's heart skipped a beat:

"Shui Tianyue! How dare you!"

At the same moment, inside the heart, the ancient real body was constantly wielding the Qing Yuan Slash, trying to split the heart open.

The small crack before has now widened a lot.

But that was far from enough for Mu Qinglan to escape from here.

"I don't know how long it will take..."

Mu Qinglan was muttering in a low voice, when she suddenly saw that the white wall was rapidly congested with blood!

The whole space suddenly squeezed towards her frantically!

A sharp pain spread all over the body in an instant!


A bloodstain suddenly exploded on Mu Qinglan's skin!

And that's just the beginning!

bang bang!

Soon, her whole body started to crack!

Countless blood splashed everywhere!

Despite the protection of the ancient real body power, that coercion still easily crushed Mu Qinglan!

In front of her eyes, a patch of red quickly spread out!

Arms, legs, chest and stomach...

All started to crack!


Mu Qinglan suddenly let out a clear whistle!

Between the eyebrows, a touch of jade color appeared lightly!

Huo Zunting and the others outside could hear this sound clearly!

His expression changed!

However, Shui Tianyue showed a touch of color, and then even more crazily urged the power in his body to pour in!

"Go to hell—"

Before he could finish his words, suddenly there was a silver sword light roaring over the sky!

However, almost at the same time, a long arrow suddenly pierced through the air!

And, last come first come!

In the blink of an eye, it pierced into the heart!


Shui Tianyue suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood! Looking up in horror, he screamed angrily:

"Who! Who the hell!?"

A figure appeared quickly!

The low and coercive voice was like a thunderbolt! Set off a stormy sea!

"Who allows you to touch her?"

Ang~ Tomorrow's update will be one in the morning, and then the remaining two updates will be around ten o'clock in the evening.

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