God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1035: Heavy Snowfall (Part 1)

Mu Qinglan immediately held her breath and concentrated, carefully feeling the movement of the soul-locking orb in the mustard ring.

That small one, seemed to be pulled by some force at this moment, trembling just about to move.

As if aware of something...

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat.

There is a ray of father's remnant soul hidden in it. After getting the soul-locking orb, because she was not completely sure to deal with the force that arrested father, she kept holding back without touching it, for fear of scaring the snake.

But unexpectedly, this time it actually moved on its own initiative!

But later, when Mu Qinglan wanted to feel it more clearly, he found that the Soul Locking Orb had calmed down again.

It was as if the impulse before had never appeared.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help frowning, and felt carefully, but there was no movement from the Soul Locking Orb.

This made Mu Qinglan even more anxious and worried.

The soul-locking orb won't produce such fluctuations inexplicably, it must be something happened to Daddy's side!

But the movement happened too fast and disappeared too fast. Before she had time to figure out what was going on, she had regained her calm.

Ouyang Mo on the side seemed to have noticed Mu Qinglan's strangeness, couldn't help tugging at her sleeve, and cast a concerned look.

Mu Qinglan shook her head lightly, indicating that it was okay.

Anyway, we have already arrived at Hongyuan. Since this situation has already happened once, maybe it will continue in the future.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath calmly.

Every step after that, you have to be more careful.

Time passed bit by bit, and everyone gradually moved towards the depths of the Red Plains.

Everyone seems to have made an agreement, and they are all heading in a certain direction - the corresponding position of the center of the huge vortex above the sky!

Undoubtedly, that was almost the center of the entire Hongyuan, so gradually, everyone met some people who came from all directions.

In the beginning, there were only those one hundred people around them, but after that, the number of people gradually increased.

Countless figures flew across the red plain, causing gusts of wind.

And these people also deliberately kept a distance from the people around them, and were very vigilant.

After all, the Tibetan Snow Sea is about to open, and everyone may become each other's enemies. From now on, there is nothing wrong with being more cautious.

And for more than an hour after that, Mu Qinglan never noticed the movement of the Soul Locking Orb again.

If she hadn't clearly remembered that the soul-locking orb had indeed moved, she would have suspected that she was delusional.

And the closer to the center, the more nervous she became.

This kind of tension is not due to fear, but more like a strong excitement and anticipation.

She believed that her father must have had his reasons for burying the Soul Locking Orb in Hongyuan.

It's just that she hasn't found the answer yet.


Suddenly there was a humming sound in the sky.

Mu Qinglan looked up, but saw that the vortex suddenly accelerated!

Countless flowing clouds accelerated the speed of circulation, as if there was an invisible hand controlling everything.

"The Hidden Snow Sea is about to open!"

Huo Zunting said in a deep voice.

Apart from them, everyone else who was on the red plain at this time had already raised their heads, watching the changes in the sky, unable to hide their excitement.

"Quick! The Tibetan Snow Sea should open up ahead!"

"The opportunity is rare, we must grab the front this time!"

Most people started to speed up.

But there are also some that are very calm.

"Heh, in a place like Zangxuehai, so what if you are the first to enter? Whether you can get the treasure depends on your own chance!"

"Maybe it will help us solve some troubles first, haha!"

"It's true. The Tibetan Snow Sea reopened after seventeen years. How can it be so easy to snatch the treasure? It's not certain whether you can get out alive!"

"Who cares! How can there be pies in this world? I want to get a baby, but I don't want to take risks. I'm dreaming!? Since I'm here, I can either leave with a huge inheritance, or, hehe, die here, twenty years Then there is another hero!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, with different attitudes, but they all made no secret of their desire to snatch the baby.

At a glance, there are almost a thousand people in sight!

Although the territory of Hongyuan is vast, at this time more than a thousand people have gathered here, which seems to be much more lively.

Similarly, the smell of gunpowder and tension are much stronger.

At this moment, the buzzing sound in the sky suddenly became much louder!


Mu Qinglan suddenly felt as if something had hit her head hard, and her hands and feet were numb for a while!

She was startled and immediately looked up!

The huge vortex in the sky suddenly froze!

This buzzing sound came from the depths of the vortex!

This blow was so powerful that there were already several screams of pain coming from around!

Some of the weaker people were already pale and even vomited blood.

Even some strong men's expressions became incomparably dignified. At this moment, Qi Qi looked at the scene above the sky!

Looking up from here, it seems that half of the sky has been covered by swirling clouds!

Everyone seemed to have a premonition, waiting nervously and silently, not daring to blink.

After a brief silence, everyone saw an extremely shocking scene!

——I saw those solidified flowing clouds above the sky suddenly shattered, and then fell down one after another!

At first glance, it looks like there are thousands of snowflakes falling from the sky!

Most of the snow scenes in the world are very beautiful and moving, but this special "snow" in front of them made everyone fall into deep shock!

And, wordless thrills and horrors!

Anyone who sees such a scene, I'm afraid they don't have any intention to appreciate it!

"This is..." Mu Qinglan couldn't help muttering.

Yun Yi looked up, and there was a bottomless depth in the phoenix eyes.

"It is rumored that when the Tibetan Snow Sea was opened, heavy snow fell from the sky and turned into the sea. It really is so."

Mu Qinglan's heart was shocked!

Heavy snow falling from the sky, falling into the sea?

This sentence seems to be very appropriate to describe the scene in front of me, but... who would have thought that this so-called "heavy snowfall" would look like this?

The solidified flow cloud that formed the vortex continued to shatter into countless pieces, falling down one after another!

Huo Zunting couldn't help but looked at Yun Yi in surprise: "I have read countless books and biographies related to Zang Xuehai, why have I never seen this sentence?"

Yun Yi said lightly: "This sentence is left by a certain ancestor."

The ancestor he mentioned was naturally a member of the Yun clan.

Huo Zunting nodded clearly.

Although he wondered why people from the Yun Clan came here, but thinking of the power and mystery of Zang Xuehai, he seemed to be able to understand it.

The records left by the people of the Yun clan are naturally only known to the people of the Yun clan.

However, when Yun Yi looked at the "snowflakes" falling all over the sky, there was a trace of coldness between his brows.

These words were indeed said by an ancestor of the Yun Clan, but after he left these words, he lost his soul immediately.

Before that, he was obviously still doing well, but suddenly died suddenly, and no one knew the reason.

Except, the person who heard that sentence - the head of the Yun clan at that time.

From then on, everything about Zang Xuehai became a secret of the Yun clan.

As the young master of the Yun Clan, he naturally knew this.

It's just that before this, he never thought that he would have the opportunity to enter the Hidden Snow Sea!

Countless "snowflakes" fell from the sky and gradually occupied the entire sky. If you look closely, you will find that although those "snowflakes" are different from real snowflakes and have different shapes, they are basically the size of a fingernail. If you don't look carefully, you won't find anything unusual.

But when they drifted down, Mu Qinglan gradually felt a heavy force oppressing her body.

When he saw a piece of snowflakes fall and covered a stalk of Sumerosa, and actually crushed that stalk of Sumerosa directly, Mu Qinglan finally realized: this heavy force, From this falling snowflake!

Soon, the red plain was covered with a thin layer of white snowflakes.

At first glance, it really looks like a snow scene.

And the others, at this time, gradually became aware of the abnormality of this snowflake!

"This, this contains the energy of heaven and earth!"

A middle-aged man suddenly screamed.

This so-called snowflake is actually a condensed incomparably pure energy of heaven and earth!

You must know that when ordinary cultivators practice, they usually use their body as a container, and then absorb the energy of the surrounding world, gradually transform it into their own power, and complete their cultivation.

And in this process, the energy absorbed from the heaven and earth will have some impurities to some extent, and because it is scattered between the heaven and the earth, the power is relatively thin.

Only when the energy is relatively strong, will it gradually transform into white mist.

For example, the Fifth Peak of Xiling College is shrouded in mist all year round.

In fact, it is not mist from mountains and mist, but the real pure energy of heaven and earth!

As for the sixth peak, let alone, if you look at it from a distance, your sight will be covered by the thick white mist, that is, the rich energy of heaven and earth!

That is equivalent to six times the normal cultivation environment!

But now, what fell was actually——directly solidified into pieces like snowflakes!

One can imagine how much power is contained in that small piece!

With so many densely falling, no wonder they feel extremely heavy!

For a moment, countless people gasped!

What kind of environment are they in! Such abundant heaven and earth energy spreads all over the surroundings, one day of cultivation here is probably comparable to a few months outside! Even longer!

Some people have realized this and started to get excited. Looking at the falling snowflakes around them, instead of complaining about the heavy snowflakes, they just wish that more people would gather around them! And devour them all!

However, a strong uneasiness gradually emerged in Mu Qinglan's heart!

Such terrifying energy... If they couldn't escape, wouldn't it be very likely that they would completely explode and die because they couldn't bear it! ?

It’s hard to send out the red envelopes today, and the skin has faded... If you have a monthly pass, vote as soon as possible, and then order the red envelopes. After ten o’clock tomorrow morning, the red envelopes will be gone!

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