God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1040 Chess Game (Third Watch)

Everything is like nothing happened.

Except for the lingering smell of blood in the air, and the shocking scene just now played back in the mind, no one would know what happened here.

A life, just like that, was erased without a trace, even without a sound.

This seemingly magnificent and majestic chessboard seems to have just begun to reveal the horror and threat that belongs to it!

Suddenly there was a sound of wind in his ears, and Mu Qinglan looked up, but saw a white star that suddenly fell down, and then began to fall towards Yun Yi's hand!

Mu Qinglan suddenly guessed something in his heart.

Sure enough, when he got closer, that starburst was indeed a white pawn!

It's just that the size of this chess piece is the same as that of ordinary ones, and it is completely different from the huge chess piece on the chessboard that is as tall as a person.

Yun Yi's slender fingers with well-defined bony joints clamped the white chess piece, and there was a faint glow on it, which set off his hand very beautifully, as if it contained infinite power.

Yun Yi looked at the chessboard, then flicked his finger, and the white chess piece quickly moved towards the chessboard!

As they gradually approached, that chess piece began to grow rapidly!


The chess piece finally landed on the chessboard!

And the appearance of this white chess piece really immediately reversed the situation!

The black pawn that had the upper hand had a crack in the line of defense in an instant!

Mu Qinglan was overjoyed.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she actually felt that the coercion of space around her seemed to have weakened a bit.

And at this moment, a black chess piece flew over his head again, and quickly landed on the chessboard!

The black chess piece appeared so fast that Mu Qinglan hadn't even fully seen its trajectory, and when he focused his attention, it had landed firmly on the chessboard!


This black pawn immediately filled the vacancy just now, and made up for the torn line of defense!

This chessboard is really under control!

At this moment, Mu Qinglan finally confirmed this guess!

Although there is no one here, this chessboard is indeed an important checkpoint for those who come here!

The two pieces that fell instantly activated the entire chessboard!

The black and white two sons who were originally just in a stalemate have officially started fighting since then!

A ferocious aura suddenly erupted from the top of the button!

Mu Qinglan was slightly startled.

Could it be that the changes in the situation on the chessboard will really affect the surrounding area?

Yun Yi's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his hand again.

A white pawn fell into his palm again!

Almost without hesitation, he left behind the second son!

Mu Qinglan looked at it and raised his eyebrows.

It actually started to attack from the rear...Baizi is now taking the initiative, and it will definitely make Heizi unable to take care of both ends at the same time!

Then, the second sunspot fell immediately!

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment, then frowned.

How...how did Heizi choose...that position?

That seemed like a completely irrelevant position.

This trick looks very tasteless.

But how could there be such a mistake in such a huge and terrifying chess game?

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips slightly, but a guess suddenly appeared in her heart.

But at this time, she was still not sure, so she didn't speak.

Sure enough, after this move, Yun Yi also sensed something was wrong, so he didn't make a move immediately.

On the other hand, Song Yuan on the side was very excited. After waiting for a while, his eyes circled back and forth between the chessboard and Yun Yi's body. Seeing that Yun Yi was hesitant to make a move, he finally couldn't hold back, and stretched out his hand to summon a chess piece.

"You two, if you don't mind, let me do this move?"

Song Yuan asked himself that he still has some research on chess. Although he is not invincible, he is definitely better than most of them.

After this move, Heizi left, and a shortcoming just happened to be exposed! If Heizi can take advantage of the victory to pursue, Heizi will be defeated steadily!

The two of them either don't know how to play chess, or they are too cautious, but isn't that how they play chess?

Sometimes thinking too much is not necessarily a good thing.

Song Yuan thought so, a little ready to move.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes, saw his unconcealable excitement, and exchanged a glance with Yun Yi.


Song Yuan was delighted, and immediately threw that white piece without hesitation!


Bai Zi fell steadily!

And this time, a sunspot was immediately summoned and fell from above!


This time, the location where Heizi landed was even more strange, as if he had lost his order.

Bai Zi has gained the upper hand.

Seeing that nothing happened, Song Yuan was determined, and became more and more sure of his guess, and continued to move quickly.

In the blink of an eye, he had already lost his fourth son!

Seeing, Heizi was about to be devoured!

Now, it's Heizi's fourth turn.

It has been surrounded by white pieces, no matter where it falls, there is no possibility of escape!

As long as one more white piece is dropped, he can guarantee a sure win!

By the time…

Song Yuan was very excited, and there was undisguised pride between his eyebrows and eyes, as if he had seen countless precious treasures waving at him.

A sunspot came from the sky!


It landed directly in the middle of the confrontation between the two forces!


If the white piece is like a dragon at this moment, about to take off with its head up and take the winning side, then this black piece is like a slash on its neck!

One blow is enough to turn the situation around!

The white dragon was beheaded, and the black dragon took advantage of the situation to come out!

Song Yuan's smile froze on his face.

He never imagined that that sunspot would land in that position!

This is clearly a pre-arranged game!

He knew it was dangerous, but he still stepped into it because of his arrogance!

He began to look around in a panic, trying to find a suitable place to save the current situation.

However, the more panicked, the more confused the mind, and the more fearful it became.

Under such a state of mind, his legs couldn't help but began to weaken.

what to do... what to do...

Seeing this, the old man behind him also knew that something was wrong, and immediately became alert.

But even so, it was of no use.

Because Song Yuan suddenly grabbed his neck!

He seemed to be crazy, his hands suddenly strangled his neck tightly, and his face quickly turned red!

"Help, help!"

It was with great difficulty that he yelled out this sentence, so that several people understood that he was not intending to harm himself, but was clearly attacked by some force!

Mu Qinglan was keenly aware that an invisible force surrounded Song Yuan!

He pinched his own neck, in fact, he clearly wanted to break free from that force.

However, his move was obviously useless.

Soon, his body went down uncontrollably!


His neck seemed to have been tightened, his face turned red quickly, and even some bruises appeared!

In his throat, he could no longer protrude complete words, but only some short and frightened hoarse moans remained.

The old man behind him took a step forward, as if he wanted to step forward to help, but he finally stopped and stood where he was.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye!

Song Yuan's body was finally dragged onto the last black chess piece that fell!


His body hit it hard, blood splashed immediately!

A blood hole appeared on his head, instantly dyeing his head and face red!

Perhaps it was because too much blood had been accumulated before, but it exploded suddenly, and the amount of blood was astonishing.

The scene looked extra bloody.

Soon, his body was also cut into countless pieces, and the last bit was absorbed into the chessboard and chess pieces!

But that's not all!

Because after his body completely disappeared, those four white pawns that he dropped earlier all disappeared!

Naturally, those few black chess pieces were also included!

Everyone fell silent again!

This chess game is not only dangerous, it can almost be said to be extremely terrifying!

Looking at it like this, it is clearly a requirement that there should be no mistakes at all!

Once a person falls on the chessboard, or takes a wrong step, he will be killed immediately!

However, this chess game is only half done!

If you wait to win, I don't know how many dangers are lurking in the middle!

At this time, the chess game has returned to its previous appearance!

It's still - it's time for Yun Yi to drop the white piece!

But this time, Yun Yi seemed to have made up his mind, and flew the white pawn out without too much hesitation!


His white piece landed next to the previous black piece! Follow closely!

Get the monthly ticket red envelopes as soon as possible~ There are still more than a thousand, and they will be gone by the 31st!

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