God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1043 Eight Spirits Conferring God Formation (3rd watch)

It hangs quietly beside the hut, swaying gently with the wind blowing.

At this time, the light was bright, and the red lantern seemed to be no different from ordinary lanterns.

But the first time Mu Qinglan saw it, she was absolutely sure that it was indeed exactly the same as the red lantern!

All the surrounding scenery is in cool colors such as blue and cyan, and even the house is still built of brown wood.

That touch of red is extraordinarily special and bright.

Different from seeing the red lanterns in the cave tunnel, now it looks like a touch of warm color between the cold world, which even makes people feel better.

Mu Qinglan raised her foot involuntarily and walked over.

Yun Yi's phoenix eyes darkened slightly, and she held her hand tightly.

After approaching, the red lantern looked more and more delicate and moving.

Ordinary craftsmanship obviously cannot make such a thing.

This is exactly the same as the one she got before.

The only difference is probably the old and the new.

The previous one has obviously experienced the erosion of the years, but the one in front of me is still as new.

It hangs here, but it seems that it has never been hit by wind and rain, the colors are bright and full, and the lines are smooth and free.

And on it, she actually felt a faint familiar atmosphere!

Mu Qinglan stretched out her hand almost uncontrollably, and was about to take off the lantern.

"Qing'er, wait."

Yun Yi at the side suddenly opened his mouth and stopped her movement.

His cold voice immediately made Mu Qinglan sober.

She looked at him subconsciously: "what's the matter?"

"Here, it's better to be careful." Yun Yi looked at the red lantern, his sword eyebrows slightly frowned, "I know this thing is the same as the one you got in the mountains before, and it is very likely that it has something to do with your mother, but , Haven't you thought about why this thing is here?"

why here?

Mu Qinglan frowned.

There seems to be no need to ask this question, if it is really mother's, then it must be left by mother.

But... From another perspective, Yun Yi's question is indeed very sharp.

If it was really left by mother, why did she leave it here?

My brother once said that the red lantern is very important.

When she got it from that woman before, she guessed that it might be something from their clan, but she didn't know what it was for.

But that woman has always cherished the red lantern very much. If it belonged to her mother, why did she abandon it?

——Things left in the Tibetan Snow Sea will not be able to appear in the world for a hundred years, and no one will be able to detect them. This is not throwing away, or deliberately hiding, what is it?

Mu Qinglan was silent for a while.

That familiar aura was faintly present, making her mind vacillate.

Mu Qinglan hesitated for a moment, then looked at the hut.

This house is built of wood, it looks a little rough, but it is a little more rustic.

Mu Qinglan's eyes flickered slightly, and he exchanged a glance with Yun Yi, then Qiqi walked towards the door.

The door was ajar, and with a slight push, it opened with a "squeak".

Mu Qinglan looked inside.

The house is small and can be seen at a glance.

Small but complete.

There is a bed, a table, and two rocking chairs inside.

Other than that, there's very little else.

Of course, there was a quilt on the bed, an open book on the table, and a blanket on the rocking chair.

It seems that no one has been here for a long time, but it is still spotless, as if it has been cleaned carefully every day.

Mu Qinglan was slightly startled.

Although I have already imagined what it looks like here, but when I actually saw it, my mood was a little delicate.

If it wasn't for knowing that this place is the Tibetan Snow Sea, anyone who sees it will think that there are still people here.

Everything is still as it was then.

It seems... a little anxious to leave?

Mu Qinglan walked in, went to the wooden table, and saw a piece of paper sandwiched in an open book.

She pulled out the note, and the moment she saw the handwriting, she was shocked!

This is mother's handwriting!

She will never admit it wrong!

Niangqin is best at two writing styles, one is regular script and the other is running script.

Mu Qinglan learned regular script from her at first, but later accidentally saw that she could also learn running script, so she pestered her to learn it.

Niangqin seemed hesitant at first, but finally agreed with a smile.

And the handwriting on it is clearly my mother's running script!

The handwriting is wild and flowing.

"You never forget Yuandeng, but I regard it as a burden, and I will leave it to you today! If you can break the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation, you can give it a try!"

Yuan Lantern?

Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation?

This extremely simple sentence clearly contains a huge amount of information!

Could it be that the red lantern is the so-called yuan lantern?

Judging from Mother's tone, it seemed that someone wanted to get her Yuan Lantern, and she was very annoyed, so she left the Yuan Lantern here.

It is also very simple to take away the Yuan Lantern, the only condition is to break through the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation.

It sounds like a star array, but Mu Qinglan has read a lot of star array pictures, and has never heard the name of this star array.

"Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation... Could it be near here..."

Mu Qinglan held the note and muttered, but didn't notice that Yun Yi's eyes changed instantly when he heard her words behind him!

"You just said, the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation?"

There was a rare look of shock on his face.

Mu Qinglan gave him a strange look: "Have you heard of this?"

Yun Yi didn't speak, instead, she stepped forward and looked at the note in her hand.

After seeing the writing on it clearly, he frowned even tighter.

Mu Qinglan was puzzled.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation?"

Yun Yi was silent for a while, and then said:

"Whose handwriting is it?"

Mu Qinglan blinked.

"My mother. I can't recognize this handwriting."

She seldom saw Yun Yi's expression like this. Could it be that there is really something strange about the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation?

Yun Yi looked at her with complicated eyes.

Looking at it like this, Mu Qinglan also noticed something.

In the room, fell into silence.

After a long time, Yun Yi's cold voice finally sounded.

"The Eight Spirits Conferring God Formation is a top-level star formation, and even the master of the star formation cannot perform it. It is recorded in the book of the Yun Clan that to fully construct the Eight Spirits Conferring God Formation, eight star formation kings are needed Master, let’s perform together.”

Every time he said a word, the smile on the corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth froze.

He asked word by word:

"However, your mother was able to build the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation by herself. Do you know what this means?"

Mu Qinglan froze in place, only feeling that something suddenly exploded in her mind!

Her whole body suddenly fell into chaos!

Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation...Star Formation King Master...Yuan Lantern...

What are those? What does that mean?

One monthly ticket for one red envelope! Big sale! It's gone after eleven o'clock!

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