God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1051 One (2 more)

Hearing his voice, a person from outside the hall came in, knelt down five steps away from the old man, and said respectfully:

"Great Elder, do you need your subordinates to go immediately and arrest that wicked son?"

The old man raised his palm.

"How is she?"

Although he didn't say his name, the person kneeling on the ground naturally understood who the "she" was referring to in the old man's words.

His head drooped lower.

"She still hasn't spoken."

As soon as the voice fell, he felt that the atmosphere in the hall became colder.

He couldn't help holding his breath.

After a while, the old man suddenly laughed, but this laughter was mixed with a trace of coldness.

"It has been three years since I brought her back. In these three years, she has never said a word, and she has never admitted that she gave birth to the evil seed! She thought that with her power, she could kill that lowly man and the evil seed They are all well protected, but they never thought that as long as the evil seed has her blood flowing in her body, she will be found one day!"

How... so naive!

The man kneeling on the ground was still very respectful: "The Great Elder is wise, took out a trace of blood power from her body, and warmed it in the jade card. As long as the power of the blood is awakened one day, this jade card will respond! And with this, even in the ends of the earth, we can easily find it!"

When she left more than ten years ago, the Great Elder took advantage of the chaos to take the power of her blood, and now it finally worked!

Now, even if she wanted to renege on the debt, it was useless!

The old man thought for a moment.

"I'm going to see her myself."

In the dark and empty room, a figure sat quietly.

There is no window in the whole room, only an opening is opened in the front position, which is sealed with refined iron one by one.

The gap in the middle can only accommodate a finger to pass through.

And beyond that, there is a faint white barrier covering it.

It can be seen that the people who built this room are very vigilant against the people who are imprisoned here.

The surrounding area was quiet, there was not even a trace of wind, and the silence made people feel flustered.

However, the people sitting there seemed to have gotten used to it, closed their eyes, and seemed to be asleep.

Vaguely, one could see that it was a woman, her figure was extremely thin, but her back was still straight.

Even in such an environment, sitting silently like this still couldn't conceal the noble aura on her body.

At a certain moment, she finally opened her eyes suddenly!

Eyes as bright as obsidian, even in such a dark space, are still as bright as stars!

However, at this moment, there was a layer of worry and fear in those eyes, which spread rapidly!

How... how!

Han'er's blood power was actually noticed!

She clearly has-

Her chapped lips moved slightly, but she still didn't say a word.

After three years of not speaking, she almost forgot how to speak.

But, most importantly, she couldn't speak.

Especially at this time!



The sound of very regular footsteps came, as if stepping on a human heart, gradually approaching with the rhythm of the beating heart!

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, then she closed her eyes again and pursed her lips tightly.

The footsteps came closer. Finally, it stopped at the small window on the wall directly in front of her.

She didn't open her eyes, but she already knew who was standing there.

The white barrier in front of the small window gradually dissipated, revealing an old face.

He looked at the woman inside, seeing that she still looked the same, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

But then, he thought of something, and his brows and eyes stretched.

"So far, don't you have anything to say?"

The vicissitudes of life's deep voice resounded, carrying a powerful coercion, echoing throughout the space!

The woman remained motionless, like every day for the past three years.

Everyone knew that she could hear her, but no matter what they said, asked, or even threatened a few times, she remained as unmoved as a mountain.

If it was changed to before, the old man would inevitably be angry.

But today is different.

This time, he came with full confidence!

Her biggest handle is already in his hands, so naturally he won't let her be the same as before.

He looked at her with a somewhat condescending coldness.

"Back when you married a man outside the clan, you committed a serious crime! You have a noble status, and being with such a man will only tarnish the purest and noble blood in your body! The clan has warned you many times, but You refused to change after repeated admonitions, and in the end you cut off your Yuanmai directly, discarded Yuandeng, and completely concealed the power of your bloodline!"

"We have been looking for you for many years, but we have not been able to find you. We thought that we would never be able to find you again, but three years ago, the power of the blood in your body suddenly exploded! Only now, we finally got the news of you! And Bring you back!"

There was a tinge of cold regret in his expression.

"It's a pity... that man ran away first! Oh, it's ridiculous. The man you abandoned everything for, at the most dangerous moment, abandoned you and fled by himself. This is the man you fancy."

He raised his hand and looked at his palm, his voice condensed.

"In the humble blood, there really is humble blood flowing. Everything you did at that moment became a joke at that moment! Originally, I thought about killing him myself, but after thinking about it, I felt my hands were dirty again. "

Having said that, he paused again.

However, no matter what he said, the woman inside seemed indifferent.

He stimulated her so much, and she still reacted like this.

In fact, in the past three years, she has endured more than this?

But she never uttered a word.

The old man closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the previous emotions had been swept away.

A sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

"At the beginning, when you were brought back, the Fifth Elder personally took your pulse and said that you had given birth. But you - but you denied it. The Fifth Elder's medical skills are superb, how could he make a mistake? Although we did not find out that there was a family The birth of the Chinese bloodline, but...do you think that this is the end of the matter?"

"Now, I just want to ask you one question - you denied that you ever gave birth to an evil seed, but now, do you admit it!?"

The woman finally opened her eyes slowly.

Her eyes are calm, like ice that has not melted for a thousand years, without a trace of warmth, only endless coldness.

She raised her chin slightly, even if she needed to look up at the other party, the noble aura around her was still not lost!

Then, one side of her mouth raised slightly.

It seemed to be smiling, but it was extremely cold, as if mocking the old man in front of him.

Then, the hoarse and dry voice finally sounded!

"so what?"

She spoke very slowly, because she hadn't spoken for a long time, and her timbre was very different from before.

Even when she heard it, it sounded like the dry and rough wind blowing on the top of Sunset Mountain in the evening three years ago.

But she doesn't care.

Her chin was slightly raised, the brows were raised, her dark and bright eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and the corners of her mouth had a slightly sneering arc.

She is so arrogant, so presumptuous!

It was as if they had never endured all these years of torture!

The old man was suddenly out of breath, and a ball of fire surged crazily in his chest!


He suddenly raised his finger and pointed at the woman.

"You don't know that the evil seed you left behind has now revealed its identity! The power of your bloodline placed in the jade card has been inspired. With that, as long as I give an order, no matter where he is Wherever you go, you can immediately send someone to arrest him and punish him with capital punishment!"

When she heard a sensitive word, her eyes seemed to flicker, but the old man didn't notice.

"If you want to watch him die with your own eyes, you can continue to do so!"

He thought she would feel anxious and flustered by this, after all, it was her blood, she couldn't just sit back and watch all this happen.

However, after he finished speaking, he realized that the woman had closed her eyes again.

He was about to say something more, but he heard her say lightly again:

"Just give it a try. If something happens to him, I will immediately destroy Yuan Dan!"

The old man was speechless.

Even though she made a big mistake, the fact that she survived for such a long time is enough to explain a lot of problems.

The evil seed she gave birth must be caught and dealt with, but in the process, she must not be allowed to destroy herself.


He frowned, stared at her for a long time, finally let out a cold snort, waved his sleeves and left!

"It won't be long before you can see your bastard!"

The suppressed angry voice gradually faded away.

It's quiet again here.

She didn't open her eyes, but her eyelashes trembled fiercely, and her almost stiff heart gradually resumed beating.

bang bang!

bang bang!

Her eardrums seemed to be impacted by the sound, and her back was already icy cold.


Fortunately...they only found Han'er...

Qing'er should still be considered safe...

However, since Han'er has been discovered, I'm afraid that Qing'er...

She frowned quickly, and quickly returned to normal.

Only the knuckles are blue and white.

The power of Mu Qinglan's primordial spirit has finally spread to the farthest place.

This is wider than she imagined, and it has spread to the mountains in the distance.

She closed her eyes tightly, and could clearly feel the true appearance of the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation gradually emerging.

This is the most complicated star array she has ever seen, and just feeling it has exhausted her primordial power.

And this is only part of it.

She felt waves of pain coming from her mind, as if the whole person was a little confused.

Then, she took a deep breath, and bit the tip of her tongue!

The sharp pain woke her up in an instant, and the strong smell of blood between her lips and teeth made her even more vigilant!

Yun Yi is still in this star array! She must hurry!

However, just as this thought flashed across her mind, she suddenly noticed that an incomparably vast aura descended on the star formation!

Countless stars condensed quickly!

Mu Qinglan was startled, and immediately opened her eyes!

But I saw a tall and thin translucent figure appearing in front of my eyes!

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