God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1053 Burning Heaven Domain (Part 1)

Mu Qinglan rushed over immediately and held Yun Yi's arm.

Yun Yi closed his eyes tightly and passed out.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help feeling flustered.

She has known Yun Yi for so long, but she has never seen him pass out without warning! Even the few times when the blood line on his chest erupted before, it had never been this serious!

Mu Qinglan hugged him into his arms, and saw more clearly that his face was very pale, even a little blue.

"Yun Yi! Yun Yi!?"

Mu Qinglan called his name twice, but he didn't respond at all.

Mu Qinglan became more and more worried, quickly grabbed his wrist, and used a trace of energy to enter his body to investigate.

Seeing this, Mu Qinglan's heart immediately became half cold!

The Yuanli in Yun Yi's body has already become a mess!

When her Yuanli wanted to go deeper, there was a mysterious and fierce powerful force that immediately came towards her!

Sensing that aura, Mu Qinglan was startled, and quickly withdrew her power!

If there is a collision, she doesn't care, but what if Yun Yi is hurt?

Why did he become like this now, she didn't know at all, and Mu Qinglan was unwilling to do any dangerous possibility.

"Yun Yi?"

Mu Qinglan called him again, seeing that he was still silent, his heart was even more confused.

"He is killing himself, no wonder others."

Qing Lin walked behind Mu Qinglan at some point, folded her arms and looked at Yun Yi with raised eyebrows.

Mu Qinglan turned her head quickly: "Can you see what's wrong with him?"

Qinglin snorted softly.

"If you can't even see through him, I will be in vain until today."

Although the words were not pleasant to hear, in Mu Qinglan's heart, it was tantamount to igniting a glimmer of hope.

She looked at him expectantly, and hurriedly asked:

"Then what can you do?"

Yun Yi's situation is really not optimistic!

The previous time in the bamboo building of Xiling College, although she relied on the power of the black jade slip, she helped him once.

But this time, Mu Qinglan faintly felt that things were not that simple.

After the bloodline erupted, she was very clear about what was going on in Yun Yi's body.

But this time, it was obviously different from before!

That is very likely to be a bigger trouble!

Qinglin glanced at her with a worried expression.

"You haven't awakened yet, you are like a piece of trash, yet you still have so much time to think about men!?"

Mu Qinglan: "..."

Although I know that Qing Lin doesn't like to see Daddy and Yun Yi because of some reasons, but listening to these words, it is too poisonous...

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, her expression was extremely serious, and her tone was decisive:

"I just ask you, is there a way to save him? If so, save him now! You can ask for anything! But if not, I don't have so much time to waste on you now!"

As Mu Qinglan said, he put Yun Yi's arm on his shoulder, then got up, and brought Yun Yi into the wooden house.

"Hey - you girl!"

Qinglin's temperament has always been so blunt and fiery, and after so many years, in the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation, it is inevitable that there will be some backlog of emotions, so he said a few words that are not very pleasant.

Unexpectedly, this girl's temper is even more stubborn than her mother's!

Qing Lin walked in right after.

He still doesn't believe it, this girl can really do something to him!

But at this moment, Tuobayu, who had been staring closely at all this, finally found an opportunity, and quietly made a gesture.

On his hand, there is a mustard ring.

After he made that gesture, a dazzling light suddenly shone on the mustard ring!

He wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, showing a gloomy smile, which made him look a little more weird.

However, just when he was about to move, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing!

He raised his head in astonishment, but he was facing Shang Qinglin's eyes!

Those cyan pupils are like the clearest and most moist turquoise in the world, extremely magnificent.

However, at this moment, it was covered with a layer of extremely cold aura!

Tuobayu's heart suddenly beat violently!


This thought quickly flashed through his mind, before he had time to do anything else, he immediately braced his body to get up and run away!

But at this time, most of the strength in his body had been swallowed up, even the muscles and skin began to shrink, and he had no energy to do these things at all.

He barely moved his body, and immediately fell down again.


A slight rubbing sound suddenly rang in my ears!

Tuobayu was stunned for a moment, and then felt a sharp pain in his hand!

Looking down, it was his two hands that had been cut off from the wrist!

The wrist was shrouded in a layer of blue light, and then his two hands were quickly smashed into pieces!


He even heard the sound of his mustard ring shattering!

Tuobayu's chest trembled immediately, but he could hardly vomit any blood, and could only retch for a while.

Every part of his body hurts, especially his wrist, which is experiencing terrible torture!

However, he was so shocked and too frightened that he forgot to cry out in pain for a while, and only kept panting, but this breath was already much weaker.

Qinglin glanced at him coldly, a mocking smile curled up on her thin lips.

"Such indecent means are also trying to be used in front of me, do I really think I'm dead?!"

He was in a bad mood, and Tuobayu's move hit the muzzle of the gun.

After Qinglin finished speaking, he turned and walked into the room.

Tuobayu's body began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Wherever the cyan light went, everything was quickly wiped out!

Tuobayu's eyes were red, his eyeballs were protruding, and he was full of unwillingness, but his Adam's apple rolled a few times, and he felt sticky and sweet in his throat, and he couldn't utter a word.

Soon, his whole body was completely out of his wits!

Only that ray of blue light was left, which quickly dissipated among the countless stars.

As for the other two people, watching this scene, they were terrified, and it didn't take long for them to become two dead bones.

Mu Qinglan couldn't care about these things at this time.

She carefully put Yun Yi down on the bed, but saw that his face seemed to be paler than before.

The originally noble and incomparable face was now icy cold, lost all color, and even his breathing seemed to be about to disappear.

Only then did Mu Qinglan realize that his hands were much colder than before.

She subconsciously wanted to summon the power of Suzaku, but instead thought that the power of Suzaku is also extremely violent, and if she is not careful, it may cause even worse consequences.

She simply gave up and kept rubbing his hands with her hands.

But even so, it's still not very useful.

Mu Qinglan could even see white frost appearing on his long black eyelashes!

Her heart sank severely!

"It's useless for you to do this. In less than an hour, the energy in his body will be completely frozen. If he can't solve this problem within a day, he must be in trouble."

Qinglin stood by the door, looked at Mu Qinglan with his arms crossed, and raised his eyebrows.

Mu Qinglan didn't look back:

"You haven't answered the question just now."

Qing Lin's face suddenly became even more stinky.

These two mothers and daughters really have exactly the same temperament!

One will cause more trouble than the other!

If he really just watched like this, no need to think about what this girl is going to do to him!

With great difficulty, Qinglin suppressed the fire in his heart: "It's not impossible to save him. But—"

"Say it!"

Before she finished speaking, Mu Qinglan turned around, took two quick steps, and arrived in front of him.

In her eyes, there was panic and tension that could not be concealed.

Once upon a time, there was such a pair of eyes looking at him.

Curious, happy, excited, angry, sad, pleading, comforting...

He closed his eyes, suppressed all his emotions, then turned his gaze away, and landed on Yun Yi.

"There is a power in him that doesn't belong to him, can you feel it?"

Mu Qinglan frowned and nodded.

"That force is extremely powerful. Even with his current strength, there is still no way to completely suppress it. If you guessed correctly, his realm in the past year should have grown extremely fast."

Mu Qinglan frowned even closer.

This is true.

During the time the two of them were separated, his realm had indeed improved a lot.

When he was in Zafengwan, he suddenly appeared, and Mu Qinglan was very surprised by the strength he showed.

But she didn't care about it at the time, because Yun Yi's talent has always been top-notch, and her status is precious, so it seems reasonable to have such a breakthrough.

What really shocked Mu Qinglan was that Yun Yi went to Honghe City this time.

At that time, she was trapped in the heart of the huge lord peak, and she didn't know what happened outside, but when she came out later, when she saw Yun Yi, she felt that Yun Yi had broken through again!

And the realm has clearly improved a lot!

Only later did she know that Lord Yin Huai was defeated by him!

When Mu Qinglan knew about this, her heart was shaken a bit.

Yun Yi was clearly in the realm of the domain master before, why did the two see each other after a while, and he has the strength to compete with the powerful master?

Even if Lord Yinhuai had been attacked one after another at that time, and his strength was not as good as before, a mid-term strong Lord Yinhuai would definitely not be so easy to deal with!

But at that time, Mu Qinglan's thoughts were all on her brother and father, so she didn't think about it any more.

Looking back now, it was clear that something was wrong at that time!

Yun Yi was able to show the coercion of the Lord, Mu Qinglan once thought that he had broken through the Lord, but looking at it now, it was actually the mysterious power in his body!

His real realm should not have broken through to the Lord, nor has he cultivated the real body of the Lord.

And this mysterious force... was clearly the culprit that caused Yun Yi to faint suddenly!

Mu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment—if this is really the case, then it is very likely that he obtained this power in the Burning Heaven Realm!

Since then, such an indeterminate time bomb has been buried in his body!

She thought that he had successfully escaped from the Burning Heaven Realm, but she didn't expect him to be in such a huge danger!

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