God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1059 How Lucky You Are (Part 2)

Yun Yi jumped up, quickly walked in front of Mu Qinglan, and said firmly:


Mu Qinglan snorted softly, her eyes fell on his chest, seeing that the color of the blood line seemed to be a little lighter than before.

It looks like it's getting better.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but still asked:

"you this--"

She stretched out her hand and tapped above the blood line.

"how's it going?"

Yun Yi's eyes were slightly warm, and he shook his head slightly.

"No problem."

But Mu Qinglan was still somewhat worried. This had been on him since the first time she saw him. It has been a long time now, but the problem of the blood line is still not resolved, and it will happen from time to time.

What if he couldn't control it once?

After all, this is an untimely bomb, buried in his body.

Just thinking about it doesn't give you complete peace of mind.

Seeming to see her worry, Yun Yi rubbed her hair.

"I'm already doing my best to suppress it, don't worry."

Mu Qinglan paused and asked, "Is this from your birth?"

Yun Yi paused, and Mu Qinglan noticed that his expression was slightly strange.


He nodded lightly, with a calm attitude, as if he didn't take this matter to heart.

But how could you really not care?

This is very likely to threaten his life and death!

Mu Qinglan frowned.

She couldn't see what it was, but Yun Yi, as the young master of the Yun clan, had such a big hidden danger in his body, so there was still no way to solve it?

Yun Yi once said that this is a great secret to him, and almost no one in the Yun clan knows about it.

But if it continues like this, it doesn't seem to be the solution.

"Is there no solution?"

Mu Qinglan's fingertips lightly slid across the blood line, and he kept recalling the scenes when the blood line erupted a few times before, and couldn't help but feel scared for a while.

Yun Yi was silent for a moment.

"I know how to do it, but I haven't done it yet."

Mu Qinglan quickly asked: "What way?"

Yun Yi raised his eyes, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, and looked at her fixedly.

"Breakthrough God Lord!"

The surroundings are quiet, only the sound of the water flowing continuously and the quiet breathing can be heard.

Mu Qinglan let out a breath slowly, and it took a while to understand the meaning of Yun Yi's words.


That is a more powerful existence than the legendary Holy Master, right?

The Divine Spirit Orb that her brother gave her belonged to the strong Divine Lord.

But how easy is it to break through and become a divine master?

There is no doubt that there is still a huge gap between Yun Yi and that realm!

Even if he can do it, when will he wait?

And before that, he still has to endure this huge danger?

Who can guarantee that he can spend it safely every time?

"Is there no other way?" Mu Qinglan murmured.

A smile flashed across Yun Yi's eyes.

It's his biggest secret, a matter of life and death, among many other things.

He almost never told anyone about it, even Xi'er didn't know about it.

He thought that he would keep this secret forever, and either die in one of its eruptions, or finally break through the Divine Master and solve it completely.

But I didn't expect that there would be a person who also knew this secret, and worried about him and cared about him.

That's enough.

He hugged Mu Qinglan into his arms.

"With you here, I will definitely reach the day when I become a God Lord."

Over the years, the blood line has indeed erupted several times, and each time is a life-and-death catastrophe for him.

What kind of pain and torture he has encountered in the middle, he can't remember clearly.

But now, he has no second choice.

—he must win!

For her, he must live well!

She won't know what she means to him.

If it weren't for her, maybe he would have died in a certain bloodline eruption, and he wouldn't have such a strong desire to live.

Mu Qinglan gently rubbed her head against his chest.

She knew it was his promise, but if possible, she hoped he would not have to.

Mu Qinglan suddenly thought of something and looked up at him:

"Wait, is there really another way, you just don't know?"

Seeing that Yun Yi didn't answer, Mu Qinglan hurriedly said:

"Did you forget that when you were at the fifth peak of Xiling College, your bloodline suddenly exploded that time, but in the end, you survived safely, didn't you?"

Yun Yi's eyes flickered slightly.

In fact, after he fainted that time, he lost consciousness, so he didn't know what happened in the middle.

When he woke up in the morning, all he saw was that she was beside him, holding his hand, and fell into a deep sleep.

He didn't think much about it at the time, but now it seems...

His expression changed: "You mean...that time..."

Mu Qinglan nodded and said word by word:

"That time, it was the power of that thing in my body that helped you suppress the burst of bloodline."

Yun Yi never thought of this possibility before.

Because this blood line existed since he was born, so he always thought that there was only one solution.

He never thought that there would be another power in this world that could suppress it!

He knew that there was a very mysterious treasure in Mu Qinglan's body, and it was because of this that he successfully persuaded Mu Qinglan to go to the five colleges.

But he never asked what it was.

In this way, Mu Qinglan told Yun Yi about the black jade slip.

After speaking, Yun Yi was silent for a long time.

"I'm still not sure if taking that thing out will cause any movement, so I can't show it to you. But that time, I did rely on its power to help you suppress the bloodline that erupted."

In fact, Mu Qinglan felt that since the chessboard could hide the yuan lantern, it was very likely that the black jade slip could also be hidden.

But even so, she dared not take the risk.

Yun Yi nodded.

Now he finally understood everything about Mu Qinglan.

No wonder after coming out of Zhongyuan Secret Realm, her Yuanmai was completely destroyed, but she was still able to recover as usual, and her talent was even stronger than before.

And this also explains why she has cultivated the real body of the Lord before breaking through to the Lord.

Also... Di Qianjue has been chasing her closely, presumably because he has already noticed this.

Thinking of this, Yun Yi looked slightly cold.

Fortunately, the Black Demon Sect has been in chaos lately. Whether Di Qianjue can live is still a question, so there is no need to think about him for the time being.

"According to what you said, that is most likely an ancient formula."

Such things often have extremely strong and terrifying power, so it is no wonder that they can suppress the bloodline in his body.

But since it took the initiative to choose Mu Qinglan, it is enough to show that she is the most suitable candidate.

"Although I don't know why this is for the time being, it may indeed be a way."

Mu Qinglan nodded.

"It's a pity that this jade slip is still incomplete. When I first suppressed the power in your body, it was actually a little bit reluctant. If you can find it all, maybe you can completely solve your problem."

But the ancient divine tome had been scattered into four pieces, and she only had two pieces now, and there was no clue about the remaining two pieces.

I really don't know how long it will take to find everything.

Although Mu Qinglan said that, she was actually a little uncertain in her heart.

A person as wonderful as Dean Xiling only found one piece, and she was extremely lucky to get two pieces.

The rest...she really couldn't be sure.

Yun Yi saw her frowning slightly, but suddenly laughed.

Mu Qinglan was baffled—she was talking about this matter so seriously, and his life was at stake, how could she still laugh?

Yun Yi pressed her forehead and sighed softly.

"How fortunate to have met you."

If it wasn't for her, he might have died long ago.

If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't know what lovesickness is.

She made his original black and white world colorful.

After meeting her, he finally felt that he was also a person with flesh and blood.

Even, even his biggest threat, she just happened to be able to help restrain it.

He never believed in ghosts and gods, nor in the reincarnation of fate, but because of her, he was willing to believe that this was really the greatest gift from God to him.

It is the luckiest part of his destiny.

With her like this, what more can I ask for?

Mu Qinglan's heart softened.

"Me too."

There was another sentence that she didn't say.

——Even if there is only a slight possibility, she will make all efforts for it.

"What time is it, and you are still wasting time here."

A very disgusted voice came.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing, and turned to look over.

"Qinglin, thank you!"

If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have thought of a way to save Yun Yi.

So although he speaks with a poisonous tongue and hardly gives any good looks, in Mu Qinglan's eyes, Qinglin at this time is still a very pleasing existence.

Qinglin felt a little uncomfortable for a while, but seeing the smile on that face, she couldn't help being taken aback.

He tilted his head.

"If you really want to thank me, just break open the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation!"

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