God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1062 Experience (Part 2)

Streams of silvery light flowed among the many stars, gradually connecting those dots.

The originally scattered stars gradually revealed some outlines as time passed.

But it didn't take long for Mu Qinglan's primordial power to be completely exhausted, and pain continued to hit her mind.

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

Everything was back to how it was before, but it seemed a little different.

What are the differences, Mu Qinglan couldn't tell for a while, but she knew that this was the subtle change that would only come about after comprehending the star array!

She held her breath and began to construct the scene she had seen before in her mind.

Compared with the first time, she has obviously improved this time.

When she first tried to comprehend the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation, she couldn't bear it even after watching it for a while, and she couldn't recall the appearance of the star formation at all.

But this time, she was able to recall the position and distribution of these stars around her.

Although there was only a small part of it, this progress still made Mu Qinglan happy.

After trying to build it, Mu Qinglan soon discovered that what she imitated seemed to be somewhat different from the real Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation.

Seems like...something is missing...

Mu Qinglan checked again carefully, and the position of every star is correct, but... it doesn't seem to be that kind of feeling...

She frowned, shook her head and dismissed all the thoughts in her mind, and then re-comprehended the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation.

After an unknown amount of time, she started trying to simulate again.


try again.

Still not right.

In this way, Mu Qinglan began to comprehend almost without stopping.

Her primordial power will be exhausted quickly when she comprehends the star array, but fortunately, when trying to simulate, her primordial power will gradually recover, and as time goes by, the time she can persist , is also becoming longer and longer, and the range of the simulated star array is also expanding.

From only her surroundings at the beginning, it gradually spread to the entire wooden house, and after that, it increased little by little.

The power of Mu Qinglan's primordial spirit, in these countless attempts, is undoubtedly equivalent to going through thousands of times of tempering, and it has become more and more solid and abundant.

And in such a process, there is no doubt that the power of the primordial spirit has also increased very quickly.

All of this happened imperceptibly, and Mu Qinglan's power of primordial spirit began to grow at an astonishing speed!

When a person devotes all his attention to one thing, time tends to pass very quickly.

A month's time is fleeting.

The simulated star array in my mind was broken again, but something finally became clear!

Mu Qinglan let out a breath slowly, opened his eyes, with a look of understanding and excitement on his face, and sighed:

"I see!"

This Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation is actually formed by the fusion and superposition of eight star formations!

She had always thought that the Eight Spirit Conferred God Formation was complicated, but it was only because its level was too high. She never thought that it was because it was composed of eight star formations!

That's why, she had been trying to simulate for a whole month before, but failed repeatedly!

——She always thought it was a star array, so she always put those stars on the same plane, so naturally it couldn't imitate the power and charm of the real Eight Spirits Conferred God Array!

It wasn't until she tried again and again that she finally realized that those stars belonged to different star arrays!

And the connection between them is naturally more complicated!

When Mu Qinglan tried again, she began to pay attention to distinguishing those stars.

The connection between those stars finally makes them change from a flat surface to a three-dimensional one!

And this time, the feeling that something was missing before finally disappeared!

However, Mu Qinglan is very clear that this is just the beginning!

Now she has just simulated the star array around the wooden house, but you must know that the Eight Spirits Conferred God Array has already controlled all the heaven and earth within the entire chessboard!

It is undoubtedly a huge project to comprehend and understand the entire star array!

day to day.

The expected time seems to be passing away very quickly, and without a trace.

Mu Qinglan's whole body and mind were devoted to comprehending the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation, almost regardless of day or night.

On the other hand, Yun Yi's situation is no better than hers.

In the woods, a white figure is as graceful as a dragon.

His movements were so fast that it was almost impossible to see his face clearly, only the silver sword light occasionally flashed, full of fierce killing intent!


Suddenly, a whistling sound came!

Yun Yi paused, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then the sword in his hand quickly stabbed out in reverse!


The sharp buzzing lasted for a moment, then suddenly disappeared!

It was Yun Yi who stabbed the silver sword into the ground!

A long and narrow green leaf is being nailed to the ground! The most middle position was pierced by the sharp blade with incomparable precision!

A light whistle sounded.

"Not bad. In three months, you can finally accept my move."

Yun Yi raised his eyes and saw that Qinglin was lying on a branch, with a leisurely posture, but there was a rare trace of appreciation between his brows.


Just to deal with this move, Yun Yi spent a full three months!

If it is said, everyone's jaws will drop in shock. It takes Yun Yi such an astonishingly gifted genius that it takes three months to decipher one of the opponent's tricks!

Even this move is not a powerful technique at all, but just a flying leaf.

But except for Yun Yi, no one will know how much power is contained in this move!

Qinglin seems to throw a leaf at random every time, but in fact it changes a lot. Every time he displays the power and moves, it is completely different!

Yun Yi spends ten days each time comprehending these, constantly rehearsing the scene of the flying leaf flying towards him in his mind.

Every time you understand something, you will find that Qinglin's tricks become more complicated and difficult to deal with!

Therefore, it was not until today, three months later, that Yun Yi finally managed to stop this move.

In fact, Qinglin was really surprised.

He originally thought that it would take Yun Yi half a year to do this, but he didn't expect it to take only three months.

Yun Yi's talent is obviously stronger than it looks.

In other words, he is smart enough and hard enough.

For three months, he hardly ever rested.

Qinglin saw all of this.

This made him slightly change his view of Yun Yi.

If you practice more, it may be true in the future...

Hearing Qing Lin's appreciation, Yun Yi's expression did not change.

He knows that this is not enough!

With such strength, Qinglin was still unable to protect Qing'er's mother back then, which shows how powerful the threat they are facing behind them is!

On the other hand, he also hopes that he can break through as soon as possible and completely solve the problem of the blood line!

"Come again!"

Qinglin raised an eyebrow.


Isn't that simple?

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then he snapped his fingers suddenly!


In an instant, a gust of wind blew up!

The countless leaves around began to shake together!

Yun Yi immediately became vigilant!


In an instant, countless leaves began to fly towards Yun Yi!

The slender white figure was instantly submerged by the overwhelming leaves!

Above the red plain, a white line came into view.

Looking from a distance, it is actually a large expanse of snow!

The white snow covered the red plain, showing a kind of magnificent magnificence.

Seeing such a scene, Lord Wang Yan and the others finally slowed down, and they all looked at this scene in shock.

"This is... Hidden Snow Sea?"

"How can there be snow on the red plain? Look! It seems to have fallen from the sky!"

"Hiss—no wonder the vortex seems to have shrunk a lot. It turned out that it all shattered and fell down!"

Several people were discussing in low voices, seeing such a scene with their own eyes would feel even more unbelievable.

The so-called Tibetan Snow Sea...it turned out to be like this!

Lord Wang Yan looked around, then frowned.

These things that look like snow are actually extremely pure energy of heaven and earth!

This... Looking around, I don't know how much it is!

Even though they are on the edge at this moment, they can already feel the terrifying coercion. It is hard to imagine what it will be like after entering!

Several other people also noticed that Lord Wang Yan's attitude seemed a little strange, and they all followed his line of sight.

Soon, they also discovered that the snow that kept falling was actually full of power!

That is clearly——


"This is... what the hell is going on here?" A person couldn't help trembling.

Although the energy of heaven and earth in Tongling Sea is considered rich, it has never condensed into a solid like this before!

When this snowflake falls, I'm afraid it's just a pressure, pressing on the body!

If you accumulate more...

Venerable Wang Yan raised his palms, indicating that the few people are quiet.

"The Tibetan Snow Sea has been opened for several days now, and if you go in, you will face even greater dangers. Among other things, this "heavy snow" falling from the sky alone is a huge event for you. The test. I will go in first, and you will stay here now, without my permission, you must not take risks."

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"How can this be done? Isn't it dangerous for you to go alone—"

Lord Wang Yan shook his head.

"I've made up my mind, you just wait here."

After finishing speaking, he lifted his foot and walked inside!

The others looked at each other, although they were still a little worried, seeing that Lord Wang Yan could only walk on it, their situation would only be worse.

Maybe it will cause him more trouble at that time.

So, several people made up their minds together and waited quietly at the edge.

And the figure of Lord Wang Yan gradually receded and finally disappeared.

"Could it be... the Sea of ​​Snow Can't be closed until the vortex in the sky completely disappears that day?"

A person looked up and couldn't help murmuring.

Do you have a lot of people taking exams recently?

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