God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1064 Breaking the Formation (One More)

On the chessboard, more than a year has passed.

Looking around, everything is the same as before, very quiet.

In front of the wooden house, an exquisite figure sat quietly.

And around her, countless stars are silently shining!

From a distance, she seemed to be surrounded by a sea of ​​stars.

The faint radiance reflected on her delicate and jade-like face, making her appear more clear and moving.

Not far away, Qinglin crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame of the wooden house. Looking at this scene, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Her talent is indeed stronger than he imagined...

When the Yuanmai hadn't completely released the seal, it was able to break most of the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation in such a short period of time...

Even that woman back then was not able to achieve such a level...

At this moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly raised his hands.

The surrounding Xingzi also immediately floated with her movements.

She gently waved her delicate and white fingertips like green onions, and the stars around her began to be divided into several parts, and then began to merge again!

Streams of silver light flicked across gently, weaving a dreamy and moving scene that almost dazzled the viewers.

Even if Qinglin had stayed in the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation for a hundred years, he might not be able to fully understand it.

Therefore, when seeing this scene, Qinglin still couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a hint of admiration and admiration flashed in his eyes, like a shining turquoise, emitting a dazzling light.

Although Mu Qinglan had her eyes closed, she seemed to be able to "see" the scene in front of her clearly, with smooth movements and a calm expression.

It seems that all of this has been well planned.

Of course, it was because of this process that Mu Qinglan had gone through thousands of times!

In the chessboard, it has been more than two years, and she has been comprehending the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation almost day and night!

Here, she knows that time is precious, so she is not even willing to take a break, and puts all her energy on this star array with all her strength!

From the very beginning, even looking at it gave her a headache, but now, she has simulated how many times the construction of the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation has been performed in her mind!

Because the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation is too complicated, and according to her strength, it is too difficult to fully comprehend it.

So after knowing that the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation was composed of eight star formations fused with each other, she divided the entire star formation into eight pieces!

And these eight pieces, she divided them into countless small areas.

She began to comprehend from every small area, and broke down the extremely complicated star array into countless pieces. In this way, it will be easier and easier for her to gain enlightenment.

In the beginning, when she comprehended the first small area, it took a full month.

Because the entire Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation is formed by the fusion of many different star formations, filled with various laws of operation.

The piece she divided out is actually closely related to the entire star formation, and it is impossible to separate it completely.

When Suo Mu Qinglan first began to comprehend, he encountered many troubles and progressed very slowly.

But fortunately, after she bit the bullet and solved the first small area, the rest gradually became easier.

For example, in the follow-up process of comprehension, she will find that some rules are the same as the previous ones, or the unresolved problems in the previous ones can be connected with the later parts, so that she can be more clear about the layout of the entire star array.

The later, the more she comprehended and the more things she controlled, the more obvious this became.

In the beginning, there were only obscure fragments in her mind, but as time passed, she was finally able to gradually connect these fragments with each other.

A huge, clear outline gradually emerged!

Of course, during this process, Mu Qinglan's power of primordial spirit also increased rapidly after undergoing countless times of tempering.

As early as a year ago, her primordial power had actually reached the level of a sixth-level Star Array Master.

However, she didn't have time to break through the level of the main star, so she still looks like a fifth-level star formation master.

However, in fact, only she knows what level her primordial power has reached at this time.

Of course, except for Qinglin.

Although he is not a star array master, he has seen many more star array masters than Mu Qinglan, and almost all of them are of top level, so he can still see this.

Mu Qinglan's hand shook slightly again.


It seems that there is a huge force spreading towards the outside!

With her at the center, this huge sea of ​​stars started to make waves!

Countless stars gathered separately, and then rose and fell one after another!

In the blink of an eye, the stars around Mu Qinglan were divided into eight parts!

At a glance, it looks like eight galaxies, spreading from Mu Qinglan's body towards the outside! To the sky!

A look of surprise flashed in Qinglin's eyes, and he gradually lowered his arms, looking at Mu Qinglan in shock.

This, this is...

Is she going to try to crack the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation now?

But now it's less than two and a half years!

But no matter how unexpected Qinglin was, the scene in front of him has already proved his guess is correct!

Because a huge silver disc had already appeared under Mu Qinglan's body!

She is really going to do it!

Qinglin opened his mouth slightly, his face was full of astonishment, looking at the starry sky, he couldn't help muttering:

"This girl... is she crazy..."

There are still three months left, why is she in a hurry! ?

If it fails this time, the damage caused cannot be repaired in three months!

But Mu Qinglan had already achieved this step, and Qinglin naturally had no time to stop it, so he could only watch helplessly, hoping that nothing would happen to her.


A faint buzzing sound moved towards the distance, almost echoing the entire world!

On the chessboard, at the point of view, countless stars seem to have sensed something, and began to flicker very regularly!

And the yuan lantern in front of the wooden house seemed to be swayed by a sudden wind.

Qinglin turned his head to look, and when he saw the Yuan Lantern shaking, a very complicated look flashed in his eyes.

Could it be, this time, can she really...

Under the continuous mountain peaks, in the hot springs, the spring water is still steaming and surging.

A figure loomed in the white mist.

The long black hair was wet and stuck to the broad and tough shoulders. There were drops of water flowing down the perfect line, and finally dripped silently on the surface of the water, causing ripples.

He seemed to feel something, suddenly opened his eyes and looked sideways.

The profile, as if carved by a magic axe, is actually a bit sharper than before.

But that pair of deep phoenix eyes became more and more deep and unpredictable.

The sound of the wind blowing the leaves came, and above the sky, the covered stars began to flicker!

He squinted his eyes, then jumped up, and the white robe quickly covered his body.

Yuanli was running, and in the blink of an eye, his body became dry.

When he stood on the shore, he had returned to his usual cool and dignified appearance.

Above the sky, those planetesimals seem to be attracted by some force, and they go in a certain direction!

Without hesitation, he immediately went in that direction!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were closed tightly, but in fact, everything that happened on the chessboard at this time was clearly presented in her mind.

All those stars covering the mountains and rivers are rushing towards her!

And in the process, those stars also began to connect with each other!

Streams of silver light kept appearing!

Qinglin frowned slightly.

If this girl can really do it...

Then, as if he had noticed something, he turned his head to look, and his expression became a little playful.

"It really broke through..."

Yun Yi and him looked at each other, and then immediately looked at Mu Qinglan.

At this time, the eight galaxies around Mu Qinglan were already shining extremely brightly.

Anyone who saw this scene would be amazed.

Yun Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qinglin whistled.

"This seat underestimated the two of you."

He thought it would take some time for Yun Yi to break through, so when he realized that he was coming, he was already planning to ridicule him, but he didn't expect to find out that he had already broken through after meeting someone.

It seems that the training during this period of time is still effective...

But this kid is also really able to resist fighting. For more than two years, the two of them have insisted on "discussing" once every ten days. At first, Qing Lin could easily control the overall situation, but afterward, Yun Yi made rapid progress, and gradually , Qinglin also need to spend some thought.

And this is why Qing Lin can still give Yun Yi a good face now.

——Although he can't get used to Yun Yi, it's only because he thinks he's not good enough for that girl Qinglan. But now it seems that it is really not bad.

Plus Qinglan likes it, so he doesn't have much to say.

"Is she going to break the formation?"

Yun Yi asked.

Qinglin raised her chin.

"if not?"

Seeing that Yun Yi didn't react when he heard this, Qing Lin couldn't help asking: "Are you not worried at all? If she fails this time, we will continue to stay here for a long time."

Yun Yi's eyes were still fixed on Mu Qinglan, and his voice was calm.

"I trust her."

Other than that, there is no extra explanation.

He will respect all her choices and decisions, even though this is an incredible thing in the eyes of many people, but since she has done this, he naturally believes it.

Qing Lin froze for a moment, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

He took a deep look at Yun Yi, then looked away.

The galaxy in the sky is constantly gathering towards Mu Qinglan!

At the same time, the people in Tonglinghai, who had been waiting on the red plain, gradually became nervous.

Above the sky, there was only the last remnant of the originally huge white vortex!

"The vortex will disappear completely soon, and the Zangxue Sea—is it about to close?"

Several people looked at each other, and couldn't help looking at the snowy field again.

"But...how come no one has come out yet?"

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