God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1066 Star Falling (Third) Revised

"Only you came out by yourself?"

Huo Zunting asked back.

The man nodded quickly, and took a nervous step back.

He came out with great difficulty, and now he is seriously injured, so he is definitely no match for these people!

If they were going to take his stuff...then he would have no power to resist!

But what surprised him was that these people really didn't seem to have other thoughts.

Huo Zunting continued to ask: "Are you sure, how many of them are not in the same place as you?"

The man nodded quickly.

"All of us who went in were together at the beginning. If, if they were there, then I would know for sure! I can be sure, they, I really haven't seen them!"

Huo Zunting glanced at him up and down.

"Although you are the peak domain master, among the people with you, there must be practitioners of this level, or even stronger? Why did you come out by yourself?"

The man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said tremblingly:

"That... I... Maybe I'm lucky... If I didn't give up this leg in the end, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get out..."

As he spoke, his hand fell on his broken leg unconsciously, with a sad expression on his face.

Huo Zunting didn't ask any more questions.

He only believes three points of this man's words at most.

He also came out from below. Even if everyone entered in different places, one thing is certain is that those places must be very dangerous.

In addition, those who rushed in inevitably had a fighting spirit among themselves, and the competition must have become more intense.

There are wolves in front and tigers in back.

Under such circumstances, the fact that this man was able to save his own life was enough to show that he was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

But Huo Zunting was not interested either.

The look on that man's face when he said that he had never seen those people was indeed not lying. As the Palace Master of the Xiejun Mansion, this can still be discerned.

So it's pointless to continue asking.

Huo Zunting fell into deep thought, his face was a little condensed, which made the atmosphere in the field a little bit cold.

The man looked at Huo Zunting carefully, and then stepped back carefully, but he didn't dare to go too far.

He knew that the only thing he could do now was to be quiet and obedient.

Otherwise, it would make these people anxious... He will definitely not be able to get out of Zangxuehai!

He lowered his eyes, thinking of what he got, he couldn't help being excited again.

The snow here has already begun to melt, as long as the Tibetan Snow Sea is completely closed, and the white snow on the red plain melts, he can leave here directly!

By the time…

Huo Zunting glanced at the man, his eyes were slightly cold, and then he looked at the vortex in the snow.

Time passed bit by bit, and after about a quarter of an hour, two more people came out.

It is an old man who has reached the level of a master, and a young man who is a peak domain master.

From the looks of it, they were clearly on one side.

Huo Zunting asked the two of them again, but got the same answer as the man just now.

The uneasy premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Even if there is any trouble, according to the skills of those people, they should be able to come out.

How come now, there is no movement at all?

At this moment, another person came out.

He is a very powerful person!

After seeing that person's face, Huo Zunting immediately frowned:

"Honor Wang Yan? Why are you here?"

He remembered clearly those who entered the snow field! Absolutely no Lord Wang Yan!

When did he enter the Tibetan Snow Sea?

While Huo Zunting was wondering, he heard the wind from behind!

He immediately turned his head and saw a few people who had been standing outside the snow field, but now they were running quickly!

Only then did Huo Zunting understand in his heart - so this is Lord Wang Yan's man!

"Patriarch! How are you?"

Wang Huan and the others had been waiting here for more than 20 days, and at this moment they finally saw Lord Wang Yan appearing, and they were naturally very excited.

However, as soon as Wang Huan opened his mouth, he noticed that Lord Wang Yan's expression was not good-looking.

With a "thud" in his heart, he realized that although Lord Wang Yan himself was injured a little, it didn't seem to be serious.


There is no one behind him!

He didn't find anyone? !

This speculation flashed through my mind, and immediately made Wang Huan and the others feel heavy.

Venerable Wang Yan looked around quickly, but he did not see the figure he wanted to see, and his brows frowned even tighter.

That girl...hasn't come out yet?

After he entered below, he realized that it was divided into several spaces, but he couldn't control where he entered.

After entering, he searched all over the place, but did not find the child.

At that time, he realized that they should be in different spaces.

Zangxuehai was closed, so he followed him out, originally thinking that maybe the girl had already come out, but unexpectedly...

Lord Wang Yan shook his head.

"hold on."

Wang Huan and the others had no choice but to nod.

Only then did Lord Wang Yan look at Huo Zunting again.

The eyes of the two collided.

Lord Wang Yan nodded.

"It should be that you have entered the Tibetan Snow Sea not long ago. I was worried that something might happen to the child, so I rushed here. I was trying my best to hurry up on the way, but it was still a step late."

He actually did this for Mu Qinglan?

Huo Zunting was slightly startled, but it was not surprising when he thought of what Venerable Wang Yan had done for Mu Qinglan before.

On the contrary, Lord Wang Yan looked Huo Zunting up and down, and after a moment of silence, he asked:

"Are you with them?"

Huo Zunting nodded.

Lord Wang Yan stared at him and asked again:

"The identity of that child...you knew from the beginning?"

Huo Zunting was a little surprised that Lord Wang Yan would ask this question, but he should already know what happened in Honghe City, and it is reasonable to think of it.

Huo Zunting couldn't help laughing and said:

"Honor Wang Yan is wise. Ling Han and I did have friendship for a long time. It was because of his entrustment that I went to save people. But I am Ling Han's big brother, the big brother of the two of them, these are the things that should be done I did it. I hope you will forgive me for not telling you before. However, this junior did not expect that you would come here in person. Even..."

It even entered the hidden snow sea!

It can be seen from this that he is really worried about Mu Qinglan.

Venerable Wang Yan waved his hand, knowing in his heart that these things were not until the critical moment, and it was indeed difficult to reveal them.

He didn't care about this, but he was a little regretful: "It's a pity that the child was not found."

Huo Zunting couldn't help asking: "You mean, you haven't seen Ling Han and Qing Lan?"

Lord Wang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that the "Qinglan" he said was the precious apprentice he was thinking of.

He nodded.

Huo Zunting frowned slightly.

Several groups of people have come out, but everyone said they have never seen those people...

"Half of the snow has melted."

Huo Zunting slowly clenched his fists.

On the chessboard, all the stars have gathered around Mu Qinglan!

The huge circular star array under her has also been divided into eight pieces, each containing those stars.

Because there are too many of them, these stars gather together, and they are incomparably bright!

Both Qing Lin and Yun Yi watched from the sidelines.

Compared with Yun Yi's calmness, Qing Lin was more nervous.

It's not that he doesn't believe Mu Qinglan.

It's because he knows too well how strong the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation is!

It is indeed very difficult to break it open!

This is Mu Qinglan's first attempt, and if there is any mistake, it will cause extremely serious consequences!

During the long years here, the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation has been perfectly integrated with this chessboard, and it would take too much power to completely separate and crack it!

On top of that, there are Yuan Lanterns…

His gaze shifted slightly, and landed on the gently shaking red yuan lamp beside him.

Once the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation is broken, the Yuan Lantern will surely fall!

If Mu Qinglan can't take over the Yuan Lantern...

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and suppressed all the emotions in his heart.


The star array under Mu Qinglan suddenly started to spin!

With this movement, those stars that were quietly floating around Mu Qinglan suddenly seemed to be stirred by a powerful force and scattered away!


Two floors!

The planetesimals in the eight areas that were originally distinct, dispersed into a layer the moment they moved!

Eight floors appeared in the blink of an eye!

And these eight layers quickly merged with each other!

Some stars fall down, while others go up against the wind!

The entire star array instantly enveloped Mu Qinglan in it!

And among them, countless silver streamers also illuminated Mu Qinglan's face!

An extremely complicated star array gradually revealed its true appearance!

Even though he had expected it, Yun Yi couldn't help holding his breath when he saw this scene, and his deep phoenix eyes were fixed on the woman in the middle.

Even if the surrounding stars are shining, they still can't hide her light!

She is like the most brilliant and dazzling pearl in the world, at this moment, she blooms with thousands of brilliance!

The wind howled, and the whole world began to shake!

Then, Mu Qinglan finally opened his eyes suddenly!

Those obsidian-like eyes are like the most shining stars! Dazzling!

"Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation——Break!"

Mu Qinglan shouted, and the thousands of stars around him suddenly stopped!

After a brief silence—


A loud noise came suddenly!

In an instant, the Milky Way shattered, and the stars scattered!

At the same moment, the red yuan lantern shook even more violently!

I forgot that Huo Zunting and Lord Wang Yan met before, and I modified some parts, everyone forgive me!

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