God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1087: The Ancient Phoenix (3rd watch)

When he saw that line of handwriting, a slight look of disappointment flashed across the face of the young man standing in front of the Luoshen Monument.

Upon seeing this, Mu Qinglan asked, "Sixth grade earth veins? What does this mean?"

Wang Chan explained: "Qinglan, you should know that the top ten families on the top of the gods are all descendants of the God Lord?"

Mu Qinglan nodded.

"These descendants will more or less have the power of the gods in their bodies, which is the so-called power of the blood. Generally speaking, the purer the blood, the stronger the power of the gods will be, which is good for their own cultivation. There are more and more. Among them, it is generally divided into nine ranks and three veins. Below the third rank is the human vein, and below the sixth rank is the earth vein. If it goes up, it is the sky vein!"

Mu Qinglan understood.

"So he is a sixth-grade earth vein, and he is considered the top among the earth veins?"

"So what about the top among the earth veins, it still hasn't reached the level of the sky veins!" Wang Chan clicked his tongue and sighed, "In fact, his bloodline is already considered good, not to mention the Luo clan, even other aristocratic families Among them, being able to reach the sixth-grade earth veins is already very outstanding."

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows: "Then why do I see that he seems a little disappointed?"

"Everyone has expectations! Who doesn't want their blood to be stronger? If they can reach the Heavenly Vein, their future practice will be much easier! However, why is it so easy for the Heavenly Vein to appear?"

makes sense.

While speaking, the red light on the boy's body gradually subsided, and finally all of them poured into his body!

Afterwards, he clenched his fists, stepped back a few steps, and let the people behind him step forward to continue.

There are more than 20 people participating in the bloodline awakening this time. Although the first person did not reach the sky level, it is not disappointing.

And the people behind are basically at this level.

It wasn't until the appearance of the seventh boy that the originally quiet atmosphere became restless.

Many people from the Luo tribe seemed to be looking at him expectantly.

Mu Qinglan also followed everyone's gaze.

The boy looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a strong figure and a handsome appearance. Standing there, he had a certain bearing.

It's no wonder that some of the young women around him are showing admiration for him.

"That's Luo Chenxuan, I heard that the talent is also very good!" Wang Chan leaned next to Mu Qinglan and said in a low voice.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing.

"Xiao Chan, you seem to know these things very well?"

Wang Chan wrinkled her nose.

"Hmph, of course! The top geniuses of the great families still need to know the most basic information! Otherwise, if they meet in the family competition and don't know how strong the opponent is, wouldn't it be easy to suffer?"

Mu Qinglan nodded.

"In fact, it's not just us, people from other aristocratic families must have already inquired about it! Even if the exchanges between each other are not too frequent, everyone will be very concerned about the outstanding figures among the younger generation of each aristocratic family. .And, not only do we inquire about them, but they also inquire about us!"

Listen, this is an unspoken rule among the great families on the summit of the gods.

Mu Qinglan can also understand this point, after all, knowing the enemy and knowing yourself will never end in a hundred battles.

"If there is a genius who has awakened the Tianmai in any company, he will definitely be paid special attention!"

Hearing this, Mu Qinglan looked at Wang Xiaoping who was on the side.

Wang Xiaoping scratched his head in embarrassment.

"However, I also heard that this Luo Chenxuan and Luo Xiyan are childhood sweethearts, and they have always liked Luo Xiyan! It's just that Luo Xiyan doesn't seem to have any feelings for him. And Luo Chenxuan is also very low-key, everyone I know that Luo Xiyan is a genius of the Luo clan, but I don't have a deep impression of Luo Chenxuan." Wang Chan blinked, with a bit of teasing, "However, according to our understanding, Luo Chenxuan's talent , should be stronger than the phenomenon!"

The corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth hooked slightly.

"Then it seems that this Luo Chenxuan is most likely Tianmai?"

As soon as her words fell, Luo Chenxuan over there had already put his hand on the Luoshen monument!

Almost at this moment, the Luoshen Monument suddenly burst into a burst of intense light!

Compared with those few just now, I don't know how much stronger they are!

Everyone was shocked!

This light... doesn't seem to be a simple celestial vein!

Afterwards, the light on the Luoshen Monument also enveloped Luo Chenxuan again!

At the same time, a line of writing appeared on it!

"Eight-Rank Tianmai!"

The entire square fell into dead silence in an instant!

It's not just reaching the Tianmai!

He turned out to be an eighth-rank Tianmai!

You know, there is a huge difference between each grade!

Although the seventh-rank and eighth-rank are both Tianmai, the distance between the two is almost certainly greater than the gap between the sixth-rank and the seventh-rank Tianmai!

The Qipin Tianmai is very powerful, but it can be said that all the aristocratic families present have such existences!

Although few, but definitely there!

However, the eighth-grade Tianmai is not necessarily the case!

This can already be regarded as an excellent bloodline!

Everyone was shocked on the spot. They always thought that Luo Xiyan's biggest bargaining chip was Luo Xiyan, but they never expected that there would be such an outstanding genius!

The point is that I haven't heard his name much before!

How is this not surprising?

Luo Qingheng's face showed satisfaction, and his heart was secretly proud.

Luo Xiyan is indeed the most outstanding genius among their Luo clan generation, but if they think that there is only one Luo Xiyan in the Luo clan, they would be too naive!

On the one hand, it was because Luo Xiyan was too dazzling, and on the other hand, it was also because Luo Chenxuan's personality was cold and introverted, so among the Luo people, there were very few people who knew that he had such an amazing talent.

As for other families, I don't even know.

But for all of this, Luo Chenxuan didn't seem to care very much, or he knew it a long time ago, so it was not surprising at this time.

On top of his handsome face, there was no expression, except that when he withdrew his hand, his eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at Luo Xiyan who was not far away.

Luo Xiyan responded with a faint smile, very decent.

Luo Chenxuan clenched his fists and lowered his eyes to cover up the fluctuations.

After the red light on his body gradually subsided, the atmosphere on the square became restless again.

Now, most people's peaceful eyes on Luo Chenxuan are also quite different from before.

——Aside from other things, he must be a strong opponent in this family competition!

Luo Chenxuan retreated calmly.

With his astonishing performance, those behind seemed a lot more ordinary.

The reappearances are basically earth veins, some of the fifth rank and some of the sixth rank.

However, the Luo clan is still the Luo clan after all. They can occupy the second place on the top of the gods, and they even faintly want to compete with the Yun clan. They definitely have a hole card.

Therefore, four seventh-rank Tianmai appeared later!

Although this number is not too astonishing, don't forget that there is also Luo Chenxuan of the eighth rank Tianmai!

He alone is almost worth the value of those few people!

So when the people behind were awakening their bloodlines, the people in the square no longer had any fluctuations.

The overall atmosphere has become quiet and flat.

Until—the last person!

"Xiyan, it's your turn."

Luo Qingheng smiled and waved at Luo Xiyan. Although he was smiling before, it was obvious that his attitude towards Luo Xiyan was very different from those in front of him.

The Luo clan seemed to put her at the end on purpose, and everyone knew that she was the highlight of the day, so when it was Luo Xiyan's turn, they were shocked and sat up straight, their eyes fixed on her. she!

Luo Xiyan stepped forward slowly, saluted Luo Qingheng, then stretched out her hand, and gently placed it on the Luoshen monument.

Her delicate and slender hands were further contrasted by the bright red Luoshen monument.

Everyone held their breath——

Luo Xiyan, the most valued genius of the Luo clan, who is very likely to become the goddess of the Luo clan, does the Buddha really have the top bloodline?

But this time, the Luoshen Monument did not respond immediately.

During the brief silence, everyone's mood became inexplicably more tense! Watching without blinking eyes! For fear of missing something!

Then, there was finally movement on the Luoshen monument!

A dazzling red light suddenly burst out from above!

Brighter than everyone before!

Some people couldn't help raising their hands to cover their eyes, but more people would rather hurt their eyes than look!

I saw the red light on the Luoshen Monument gathering quickly and moving towards the top!

Seeing this situation, many people looked blank, but at the same time they seemed to feel something and couldn't help holding their breath.

If you look carefully, you can also see the liquid inside the Luoshen monument, which is also rushing towards it quickly!

The brilliant light quickly gathered at the top, gradually forming a huge figure!

Soon, someone recognized the shadow.

"My God! Could it be... Could it be an ancient phoenix!?"

As soon as this statement came out, it was extremely clear on the quiet square!

Almost everyone can hear clearly!

And that light is still gathering rapidly!

You can even gradually see the appearance of nine long tails!

——It really looks like an ancient phoenix!


At this moment, a clear sound resounded through the world in an instant!

Those who heard the sound felt their minds clear, as if there was an invisible force that cleared away all the distracting thoughts in their minds!


There was a sound of a drum, which echoed the phoenix Qingming!

Everyone looked and saw that the flames were burning more intensely on the red drum placed in front of the Luo Temple! The surrounding red flames almost surrounded the entire drum!

But the more so, the clearer the lines on the drum surface!

It seems to be a picture of a phoenix bathing in fire!


At this moment, the flame above the red drum suddenly rose up, and then formed a huge figure above the sky!

Then, he quickly moved towards the red figure on the Luoshen monument!


When the two collided, a powerful and unparalleled force erupted instantly!

Then, what appeared in front of everyone was a huge, fiery red——

Ancient Phoenix!

At this moment, a line of golden writing finally appeared on the Luoshen Stele!

"Ninth Grade Tianmai!"

It really is a top bloodline!

It even summoned the remnant soul of the ancient phoenix!

Luo Qingheng couldn't hide his excitement, and shouted loudly:

"Ninth grade Tianmai is the highest bloodline of our clan! Those who have this bloodline should be named Goddesses of the Luo clan! Own the supreme divine power!"


That clear cry seemed to be even more frightening.

Mu Qinglan was watching, and suddenly felt a heavy, itchy shoulder.

She turned her head and saw the fleshy and fluffy Xiaoyue nestled on her shoulder, her golden eyes coldly looked at the ancient phoenix remnant in the distance, licked her paws, and snorted coldly.



The impacted wisdom teeth are killing me, and I will pull out the teeth as soon as the inflammation is cured

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