God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1089 Wheel Battle (Part 2)

The sound is loud and the momentum is magnificent!

The members of the Luo tribe, looking at Luo Xiyan at this moment, are extremely eager and full of longing!

Goddess is an extremely sacred status symbol for them.

In the thousand-year history of the Luo people, there have only been five goddesses!

Now, Luo Xiyan has a top bloodline and has become the sixth goddess, which naturally makes them very excited!

Especially, Luo Xiyan is only seventeen years old today!

She has already crossed the threshold of the Lord!

This is at the top of the gods, and I'm afraid no one can match it!

You know, even Yun Yi, who is recognized as a top genius, never broke through this line when he was seventeen years old!

How can this not be exciting and thrilling?

Luo Xiyan nodded slightly, then walked forward.

She looked calm, with delicate makeup on her face, and an elegant and well-fitting skirt on her body, showing her beauty vividly and vividly in every place.

Anyone who reads it will have to sigh that she is indeed perfect.

It seems that there is not a single flaw.

Even at this moment, her blood was awakened, she became a goddess of the Luo tribe, and was surrounded by everyone. The lively and noisy atmosphere almost filled the entire square, but it still seemed to have no effect on her.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier all over her body, blocking all those things out.

In any case, it seemed that she would not be allowed to appear even the slightest imperfection.

She is always so luxurious, so delicate.

Finally, Luo Xiyan walked up to the nine steps.

As long as she walks up the steps and reaches the Luo Temple, she will officially become a goddess of the Luo tribe!

From now on, he will sit on an equal footing with Luo Qingheng, the patriarch of the Luo clan!

She lifted her dress and walked up.

Step by step, she walked neither fast nor slow, very steady.

At this moment, all eyes were on her.

The top of the gods, the top ten families, the heads and elders of each family, and the most potential genius in the future of these families...

Witnessed by so many people, it seemed that even her neatly combed hair was particularly shining.

This is a great honor.

Everyone knows.

Luo Xiyan, especially knew.

She walked step by step, her steps were slow, but when she fell, she was extremely firm and powerful.

Like, I want to step on something under my feet.

In her heart, it seemed that something was about to explode, but it was still suppressed by her forcefully.

Until you reach the top step.

She raised her eyes and saw that Luo Temple was right in front of her eyes!

The magnificent Luo Temple is extremely solemn.

Then, Luo Xiyan turned around.

Countless people are watching her.

Admiration, enthusiasm, admiration, envy, envy...

The smile on the corner of her mouth was slightly deep, and then there was almost no hesitation, her eyes looked at Yun Yi calmly.

Then, the smile on her face froze suddenly.

She wanted to see how Yun Yi would look at her.

Even if there is a trace of regret, a moment of temptation...

What she wanted was to create waves for her in those phoenix eyes as unfathomable as the deep sea!



Because Yun Yi didn't look at her at all!

Standing on the nine steps, she was condescending, and she could clearly see the movements and expressions of everyone in the square.

Nothing can escape her eyes.

Therefore, she also clearly saw that Yun Yi was leaning back in the chair gracefully, holding the armrest of the chair with one hand, and tapping lightly with the other hand, as if a little impatient.

His head was tilted slightly, and his eyes were looking in one direction from beginning to end.

Even though she stands here and can only see Yun Yi's side face, she can still follow his line of sight precisely——

Mu Qinglan!

She didn't look at her either, she was teasing a little primordial beast on her shoulder, and everything around her didn't seem to be attracted by that primal beast.

The black mass danced a few times on her shoulders, making her laugh.

Luo Xiyan looked at Yun Yi almost subconsciously.

Sure enough, seeing his original cold expression, it suddenly melted like ice like spring water, and a very faint and gentle smile appeared on his thin crimson lips.

At this moment, Luo Xiyan felt cold all over her body! However, in the chest, there seemed to be a flame that was about to explode!

Her mind went blank for a moment.

It seemed that there was a sharp voice constantly circling in his mind.



How can that Mu Qinglan compare to her?

She was born humble, uneducated, insidious and cunning!

And she, Luo Xiyan, is the woman who is most suitable for him among the top of the gods!

Even, now that she is standing in front of the Luo Temple, she is the focus of everyone's attention, but she is still not in his eyes!

Luo Xiyan really didn't understand why.

After a short period of blankness, endless resentment and resentment surged up!

Although she had envisioned it many times before, she always felt that Yun Yi was in a daze.

As long as he understands and wakes up, he will know that there is no one in the world who is more suitable to stand by his side than her!

But now she finally realized that Yun Yi didn't intend to wake up this time.

Luo Xiyan felt like magma rolled over every part of her body, almost burning her whole body.

But the bottom of my heart suddenly collapsed, leaving an incomparably empty space.

She suddenly felt that she was really ridiculous.

From childhood to adulthood, from the first time she met Yun Yi, in such a long time, she has put in so much effort.

Even standing here, all she wanted in her heart was to want his gaze.

But now she feels as if she has been slapped in the face - she has been refusing to admit that Yun Yi has no feelings for her before, but now, she finally realizes that maybe she is just a joke in Yun Yi's eyes.

Or... In his eyes, she has never been seen before!

Luo Xiyan's face turned pale for a moment, and Luo Qingheng below seemed to notice something, and frowned.

Just when he was about to remind Luo Xiyan, Luo Xiyan had already returned to normal, as if the stiffness and paleness just now were all illusions.

She spread her arms and raised her head slightly.

A flame flew out from between her eyebrows in an instant!

That ball of flame split into two, one half transformed into a small phoenix, which flew to her left hand with incomparable flexibility, and the other half transformed into a red ring again, wrapping her little finger together .

The little phoenix in the left hand suddenly let out an extremely clear neighing!


The moment the sound fell, the Luo Temple behind her finally slowly opened the door!

A ray of light flew out instantly and came towards Luo Xiyan!

Then, that ray of light fell into Luo Xiyan's hands!

"That's the power of Luoshen!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd!

Everyone was secretly surprised.

It turns out that the so-called "possessing supreme divine power" refers to inheriting the power of a divine master! ?

Then her strength... I'm afraid it's even stronger!

And only by obtaining the power of this divine lord can one officially become a goddess of the Luo tribe!

On that red ring, a complicated dark pattern like an ancient phoenix spreading its wings soon appeared!

In this way, it can be regarded as the symbol of a true goddess—the ring of the goddess!

Luo Xiyan stood straight, looking at everyone, her face was holy and dignified——

"God Luo, bless my people!"

With a sound, everyone in the Luo tribe erupted into excitement!

"Long live the Goddess!"

"Long live the Goddess!"

The sound was loud and the crowd was excited.

The excited shouts of the Luo people echoed on the entire Phoenix Mountain!

And the people on the square saw this scene with different expressions.

Shock, surprise, envy, admiration, reverence, jealousy...

No one knows what a ninth-grade Tianmai means to a family.

What's more, after Luo Xiyan became the goddess of the Luo tribe, she also summoned the remnant soul of the ancient phoenix, and inherited the power of a divine master!

That is beyond the reach of countless people!

According to her current strength, although she has not cultivated the real body of the Lord, she may not be able to fight the real Lord Lord!

Even some of the elders present may not be her opponents, let alone the younger generation?

This time in the family competition, she doesn't know how much advantage she will have!

Everyone's mood is complicated, no one can really be happy after seeing their opponent become stronger.

But at the same time, there are also some people who have already begun to move around.

——Luo Xiyan's appearance, strength, identity, which one is not top-notch?

No matter which family it is from marrying her, it will definitely be a great help!

For so many years, the only stain on her body should be Yun Yi's refusal to marry her.

But that matter is not worth mentioning to her today!

No one will have any objections because she was rejected for marriage, but now they should consider whether they are worthy of her!

After today's Luo clan family meeting, Luo Xiyan will still become the envy and even the object of admiration of everyone!

And this is why the Luo people deliberately arranged the family meeting and the family competition together!

Although most people have already guessed it, it has to be said that this trick is indeed very effective.

Even because of the inheritance of the power of the divine master, Luo Xiyan's status in everyone's hearts has been raised even higher than expected!

With a flick of Luo Xiyan's fingertips, the little phoenix turned into a flame again and penetrated into her body.

Only the Goddess Ring in her hand is particularly eye-catching!

Luo Xiyan smiled slightly, and raised her hand to signal for everyone to be quiet.

Almost instantly, the shouts of Luo people in the square stopped abruptly!

People from other families couldn't help but secretly marvel.

It is impossible for many people to do this, but Luo Xiyan did it so easily!

It can be seen that the people of the Luo people respect the goddess, and it can also be seen that the powerful power she holds in her hands!

Although they became quiet, the faces of those people were still full of excitement, and there were endless sparks in the eyes looking at Luo Xiyan.

It seemed that even if Luo Xiyan asked them to die now, they would do it without hesitation, and they were still full of enthusiasm.

Luo Xiyan tapped her toes, and her figure flashed, and landed next to Luo Qingheng with incomparable elegance.

Just as she was about to salute, Luo Qingheng quickly supported her.

"Hey——Xi Yan, you are already a goddess now, and your status is the same as mine, so there is no need to be like this in the future. After all, your status is not comparable to that of everyone."

Luo Qingheng obviously had something to say in what he said. When everyone heard the words, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became cold for a moment.

Some people couldn't help but cast a glance at Wang Yan.

Venerable Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled inexplicably.

Who is inferior to whom is still unknown...

Luo Xiyan smiled lightly, then nodded yes.

Luo Qingheng turned around to look at the crowd, and cupped his hands, as if a spring breeze was blowing on his face, obviously in a good mood.

"Thank you all for coming today and witnessing the sixth goddess of the Wuluo tribe ascending the throne! Next, we will not waste everyone's time. The next family competition will be presided over by the elder Nanshan of my Luo tribe!"

After Luo Qingheng finished speaking, an old man with white hair and beard walked out beside him.

His appearance was very ordinary, but when he was standing next to Luo Qingheng, the indifferent aura around him was not compared by Luo Qingheng at all!

Everyone was stunned—Elder Nanshan has a very high status in the Luo clan, and he seems to have been in seclusion all the time, but he has already left the seclusion?

And his strength... seems to be unfathomable...

Luo Nanshan smiled, and cupped his hands at everyone.

"It's really unnerving to leave such a big event to the old man. If there is anything inappropriate, please forgive me!"

Everyone smiled and applauded.

Only then did Luo Qingheng take Luo Xiyan to his seat.

Her position is just behind Luo Qingheng, even higher than other Luo clan elders.

Among the top ten families, there are very few who can do this.

Take a few steps forward on Luonan Mountain and stand still.

"The Aristocratic Contest is a grand event where the various aristocratic families on the summit of the gods compete with each other. Today, all the young talents from the major aristocratic families are here! I think today's competition will be very lively!"

He glanced around and smiled very kindly.

"You all know the rules of the family competition. Each family sends a person up first, and blindly draws from ten jade cards. Those who draw the same name will automatically become opponents. Then, the wheel battle will officially begin!"

Mu Qinglan narrowed his eyes.

Wheel battle?

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