God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1091 I teach (one more)

The surroundings suddenly fell into silence.

All the noisy voices seemed to disappear suddenly at this moment, only Yun Yi's extremely simple sentence echoed in everyone's ears, lingering in everyone's ears!

He said--

Qinger, come here.

The decisive and noble young master of the Yun Clan, how could he ever call a woman by her name in such an intimate and gentle tone?

Even though his expression was still cold, there was still that rare trace of gentleness between his brows and eyes that were perfectly sculpted by the heavens.

Like ice-melted spring water, with a hint of coolness, you can go down the river, and at the winding places, you can see bright flowers blooming!

With just this sound, he has clearly expressed his attitude!

Both women were walking towards the square, but in his words, only one person's name was mentioned, and only one person's figure was reflected in his eyes!

There has never been a clearer declaration than this!

From beginning to end, Mu Qinglan was the only one he cared about!

Luo Xiyan's footsteps paused slightly, and her originally straight figure suddenly swayed a little.

Although it is subtle, many people have never noticed it, but Luo Xiyan herself is very clear.

The expression on her face almost cracked for a moment.

She seemed to feel the countless gazes around her, like extremely sharp needles, piercing her body fiercely!

Every part of my body was excruciatingly painful!

For a moment, she even felt as if she had been stripped naked and bullied and humiliated at will!

Those eyes, surprise, ridicule, ridicule, gloating...

Both are the greatest contempt and insult to her!

Luo Xiyan almost gritted her silver teeth.

Since she was a child, she has a noble status and outstanding talent. No matter where she is, she is always on top.

When those people looked at her, they could only always look up.

She also liked this feeling so much that it became a habit.

Over the years, she has only experienced this feeling of being humiliated in public twice.

Once, now.

Another time, when he was in the Yun family, Yun Yi coldly and resolutely rejected her marriage contract in front of countless people.

Both times, Yun Yi gave it to her, and it was all because of the same person!

Mu Qinglan!

Luo Xiyan lowered her eyes, covering the waves in her eyes.

Then, her back straightened even more, her chin raised, she looked ahead, and walked forward step by step.

It seemed that she didn't care about the comments and eyes around her.

Ridiculous, how could she let these lowly people see her jokes?

Luo Xiyan walked to the table, stretched out her hand, and picked up one.

Luo Nanshan gave her a distressed look, but Luo Xiyan smiled lightly.

Everything is so decent and generous that one can't fault it.

Her appearance made those who originally wanted to see a joke stunned for a moment, and then felt that it was meaningless, and gradually stopped thinking about it.

Mu Qinglan patted Chong Shuangshuang on the head before walking towards Yun Yi.

Luo Nanshan looked at Mu Qinglan and said with a smile:

"There is one last piece, Miss Mu, please hurry up."

In fact, most of them have already been revealed, and Luo Xiyan has already taken the last two remaining pieces. As long as she announces the result, everyone can guess the result even if she doesn't take the remaining piece.

Luo Nanshan's move was undoubtedly aimed at Mu Qinglan.

Although he was smiling, who couldn't see the dissatisfaction and irony under his smile?

There was a moment of silence again.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows slightly, and before she could speak, she saw a slender hand reaching out to take away the last jade tablet.

"I took it for her, the same."

Yun Yi said lightly.

Luo Nanshan choked.

Afterwards, Yun Yi injected a little energy, and a "two" appeared on the jade tablet.

The opponent is Tianyan Mountain.

And the rest is Luo Xiyan, who undoubtedly has the number "Five" in her hand, and she is in a group with the Shui family.

Luo Xiyan smiled faintly, she didn't seem to feel embarrassed, and looked at the boy from the Shui family.

"It seems that we are fighting you."

As she spoke, the word "five" appeared on the jade tablet in her palm.

The young man's face was a bit bitter, and he looked at Luo Xiyan with a bit of amazement and obsession.

Such a beautiful woman smiled at herself, I am afraid that few men can completely restrain it.

Mu Qinglan walked to Yun Yi's side and said with a smile.

"It's just a few steps, what are you helping me with in such a hurry?"

Yun Yi put the jade token back.

"It's not that I'm in a hurry."

Luo Nanshan's complexion instantly became even uglier.

These two people, singing together, aren't they openly mocking him?

But he couldn't say a word of rebuttal, because Mu Qinglan was indeed only a short distance away just now, and he urged that sentence just to save her some face, but he didn't expect Yun Yi to be so direct stand up!

This time, it seemed that he had a small belly!

Chong Shuangshuang, who was following behind Mu Qinglan, couldn't help whispering:

"Brother Yunyi, if you're not in a hurry, what are you calling sister Qinglan to do?"

Mu Qinglan gave Chong Shuangshuang a thumbs up in his heart.

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, and finally took a look at Chong Shuangshuang, and then a smile seemed to flash across the corner of his eyes.

"That's pretty smart at the moment."

Chong Shuangshuang trembled: Brother Yun Yi was saying that she was not smart enough just now?

But she hasn't seen sister Qinglan for a long time!

He must have known that Sister Qinglan was pretending to be Brother Ling Han, otherwise why would he have repeatedly rescued her?

Hmph, these people know how to bully her when she is young! Tell her nothing!

Fortunately, she thought that brother Yunyi would be sad for sister Qinglan for the rest of her life!

Chong Shuang pouted.

"Shuangshuang has always been smart!"

Didn't she grab sister Qinglan's hand just now? Brother Yun Yi's eyes... Tsk! It was terrible!

Chong Shuangshuang hid behind Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan frowned.

"Yes! Shuangshuang has always been very smart. Yun Yi, she finally came out to play once, so don't bully her."

Everyone: "..."

Those who dare to speak to Yun Yi like that, I'm afraid there are not many in the entire summit of the gods, right?

How courageous is this Mu Qinglan, or is he arrogant?

But someone like Yun Yi is not angry at all!

Not only was he not angry, but the way he looked at Mu Qinglan showed how much he cared!

Po Tong suddenly lifted his foot and left, heading towards his own position.

With his movement, several other people finally came to their senses and retreated one after another.

Helian Liefeng didn't care, folded his arms, looked at the two and asked coolly:

"I said, what do you have to say in a whisper? Yun Yi, you can't just ignore us just because your opponent is us?"

Yun Yi glanced at him.

"Are you sure you want me to pay more attention to you?"

His ending was slightly drawn out and raised, as if asking, but everyone could hear the threat in it!

Helian Liefeng gritted his teeth: "You are ruthless!"

Even if he didn't care, those members of the Helian family still cared!

Fighting against the Yun Clan, especially against Yun Yi, can undoubtedly improve your strength, but the key is... this is a family competition!

If Yun Yi really "cared" about them, he would have used a little more effort...

What if it's ugly to lose?

Helian Liefeng felt that his family's face was still very important.

What's more, maybe after the final elite battle, he will still have a chance to fight Mu Qinglan?

Thinking of this,

Is it really okay for you to flirt like no one else?

Look at the faces of those Luo people, how ugly are they?

But what does it have to do with him?

The others also left quickly.

Yun Yi looked at Mu Qinglan again.

"This time, I have something for you."

Mu Qinglan asked strangely, "What?"

Yun Yi's expression was a little unpredictable, and he seemed to smile.

"It's not too late to give it to you after everything here is over."

Mu Qinglan thought for a while, but couldn't guess what Yun Yi planned to give her, so she nodded.

Yun Yi suddenly took a step forward, and the distance between the two instantly shortened!

Then, he stretched out his hand like no one else was there, and brushed a strand of hair from Mu Qinglan's cheek behind his ear.

His fingers gently rubbed past the tip of her ear, with a slight coolness.

His expression was also extremely serious and natural, anyone who looked at him could tell that this must not be the first time.

Yun Yi...could he be so meticulous and considerate for a woman?

Everyone was shocked, but Yun Yi had already raised his chin and asked Mu Qinglan to go back. After seeing Mu Qinglan turn around, he returned to the position of the Yun clan.

From beginning to end, he never looked at anyone else.

Especially, Luo Xiyan!

Luo Nanshan took a deep breath, ordered someone to lift the table down, and then waved a wave of Yuanli.

"Five-Phase Array - Enlightenment!"

Following this sound, several bright lights suddenly appeared in the middle of the square!

Then, there are countless barriers, which condense instantly!

The entire square was divided into five areas in an instant!

"This enchantment can block all the fluctuations inside, so even if five games are played together, there will be no impact on each other."

As Luo Nanshan spoke, his sleeves trembled, and he raised his voice:

"Now, all families, please send the first contestant to the stage!"

The first person is quite special.

After all, it represents the face of the aristocratic family, if it is eliminated too soon, it would be too shameful!

Therefore, basically the first one to appear on the stage, even if not the best, will definitely be top-notch.

Venerable Wang Yan looked back at the few people, and his eyes finally fell on Wang Chan.

"Xiaochan, this is the first match, how about you playing?"

Wang Chan seemed to have expected it, and nodded immediately.

"Patriarch, don't worry, Xiao Chan will not let you down!"

As she said that, she got up straight away and headed towards the No. 2 arena!

Others were a little surprised when they saw Wang Chan's figure—even if Mu Qinglan wasn't sent in Tonglinghai, she shouldn't have sent such a girl, right?

It seems that before... I haven't heard much about any outstanding figures in Tonglinghai's generation?

Wang Chan turned a blind eye to those eyes, and stood on the field pretty.

On the other side of Tianyan Mountain, a burly young man came up soon.

His steps are heavy, moving like a hill, and the whole gives people a huge sense of oppression.

In front of him, Wang Chan looked extraordinarily thin and petite.

But there was no trace of fear on Wang Chan's face, she raised her head and declared her name——

"Tongling Sea, Wang Chan!"

The burly boy opposite immediately laughed.

"Ha! Is there no one in Tonglinghai? Why did you send such a girl?"

The young man obviously didn't take Wang Chan seriously, and spoke very presumptuously.

Wang Chan clenched her fists, her knuckles cracked, and she smiled.

"What about girl movies? It's more than enough to deal with you!"

Hearing that, the boy laughed even louder, as if he heard some joke.

"Hahaha! Good! Now that's the case, you should remember it! Tianyan Mountain, Minglou! Don't worry, I will show mercy to women!"

Wang Chan sneered.

"Wait until you have that strength!"

After finishing speaking, she tiptoed and took the lead in attacking!


The boy snorted coldly, and immediately slapped out his big hand like a palm fan!

This attack was extremely simple and neat, purely to crush Wang Chan with physical strength!

There is a strong force in the palm of his hand, so that when he makes a move, the sound of explosions can be heard in the air one after another!

The people around didn't expect such a quick start here, and they all looked over in surprise.

When they saw that it was Wang Chan playing against that young man, they all showed disapproving expressions.

"Why did Tonglinghai send such a girl here for the first time? Could it be that there is no one who can do it except Mu Qinglan?"

"You can't say that, I see that Wang Chan's strength has clearly surpassed the domain master..."

"So what? Look at the Ming Tower, it's also in the same realm! With such the same realm, the Ming Tower undoubtedly has the upper hand! This blow is extremely powerful, and Wang Chan must be unable to dodge it."

"...that's what you said...wait!"

The people who were discussing suddenly looked at the field in shock.

The blow from Minglou just now clearly locked Wang Chan to death, but why...how did she escape?

Her movements were extremely dexterous, when Minglou's palm was about to be slapped, her figure swayed somehow, and she narrowly avoided it!

That tyrannical palm wind even made her hair flutter, but it still couldn't stop her movement!

Ming Lou missed a hit, and he was also very surprised and a little bit ashamed.

how come? He clearly felt that she could not escape, why—

"It seems that you are not doing well."

Wang Chan appeared obliquely behind him, smiling brightly.

"Could it be that you can't even hit me?"

This sentence successfully angered Ming Lou!

"I want to see how arrogant you can be!"

As he spoke, he turned his palms into fists and struck again!


A tiger roar suddenly sounded!

"White Tiger punches!"

Wang Chan tapped her toes and avoided his attack again!


This punch just smashed into nothing!

Everyone was shocked.

Elder Wang Huan and others on the other side were also very surprised.

"Xiaochan's body technique...she doesn't seem to have practiced this kind of technique before, right?"

Hearing this, Mu Qinglan blinked and said with a smile:

"Oh, that, I taught."

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