God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1114: Yun Yi's Bottom Line (3rd)

Luo Chenxuan could only feel a force falling heavily like a hill, which almost instantly shattered his internal organs!

He clearly heard the sound of his ribs breaking! The blood spattered out of his mouth, immediately staining his face and neck with blood!

He grunted in pain, his eyes went dark, and he almost passed out!

Mu Qinglan looked down at him, grasping Fang Tianshen's halberd with one hand, and Qingyuan Zhan with the other hand, the saber light flickered!

Luo Chenxuan was about to move, but suddenly felt a chill on his neck!

But Mu Qinglan had already put a knife on his neck!

The sharp blade was tightly attached to his blood vessels, and the cold breath almost spread along the skin to his whole body!

Luo Chenxuan froze all over, not daring to move!

He had no doubt that if he acted casually, Mu Qinglan's knife would definitely pierce his neck severely!

The corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth twitched into a wicked smile, flaunting it!

"Admit defeat?"

Do you admit defeat?

No one would have thought that in just a blink of an eye, Mu Qinglan, who had no chance at all, turned the situation around in one fell swoop and uttered these words!

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the woman standing in the field. She described it tragically. Her fair and beautiful face was stained with messy blood, and even her eyes were stained with a trace of red! The eyes that were originally clear and clean, always filled with a loose smile, are now filled with a monstrous killing intent!

Probably because of wearing black clothes, the blood stained on her body has quickly disappeared without a trace, but she exudes a strong bloody smell all over her body! It makes people's hearts tremble!

She is like a god of killing who has stepped out of hell, arrogant and arrogant, decisive in killing!

At this moment, no one paid attention to her hand holding Fang Tianshen's halberd, and no one looked at her wounds that were bleeding continuously all over her body!

And absolutely no one will associate her with the word "wolf"!

Luo Chenxuan, who was lying on the ground and stepped on by Mu Qinglan, felt the most obvious.

He stared at Mu Qinglan in a daze, seeing the arrogance between her brows and eyes, and only then did he understand why she laughed just now!

——She has already determined that she will win this match!

Even if you lose one hand!

She is bound to win this game!

After being shocked, Luo Chenxuan gradually had a complicated emotion in his heart.

He is unwilling to admit defeat. For so many years, he has always been a highly regarded genius of the Luo clan. No matter who he fights against, he seldom loses!

What's more, Mu Qinglan's realm is fully two levels lower than him!

However, at this moment, with the knife on her neck, she could easily kill him with just a move of her finger! How could it be his turn to say no?

Thinking of Luo Xiyan at the side, the resentment and loss in his heart almost burst!


Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, and as soon as he moved his palm forward, Qingyuan Zhan cut Luo Chenxuan's neck soundlessly!

A stream of thick blood slowly flowed down!

"I surrender!"

Luo Chenxuan closed his eyes in despair, and said these three words dejectedly!

Throughout the square, the quiet needle drop can be heard.

When Luo Chenxuan said those three words, the faces of the Luo people were so ugly.

But no matter how ugly it is, they can't do anything about it.

The knife is on the neck, and whoever puts it on will make such a decision!

You can't let Luo Chenxuan risk his life to fight back, right? Maybe Mu Qinglan's knife had already fallen before he even made a move!

Mu Qinglan raised an eyebrow at Luo Nanshan.

"Now, can we announce the result?"

Something seemed to be stuck in Luo Nanshan's throat, and it was uncomfortably blocked. When he met Mu Qinglan's smiling eyes, it was as sharp as the tip of a knife!

He trembled inexplicably, and finally clenched his fist in his sleeve, gritted his teeth and said:

"I declare that Mu Qinglan wins the first round of the eighth round!"

Countless people looked at Mu Qinglan with complicated expressions.

she won?

She actually won!

Luo Chenxuan is a bloodline of the eighth rank, the pinnacle of the domain master, and he sacrificed Fang Tian's halberd, but he still lost!

That woman, how much strength does she really have! ?

For a moment, many people trembled in their hearts. Thinking of the many rumors before, they thought it was an exaggeration at first, but now... it seems that it is not impossible!

Mu Qinglan chuckled, turned her eyes, and finally looked at her own palm that had been strangled by Fang Tian's halberd.

She didn't seem to feel the pain, she just pulled out with a single effort!

A few drops of blood splashed on her face again, and there were faintly broken flesh and blood flying out.

The hearts of those watching this scene shrank, but Mu Qinglan didn't seem to feel anything.

She took one last look at Luo Chenxuan, with a half-smile.

"As you wish, this game is over."

Luo Chenxuan's blood surged, and he spat out another mouthful of blood!

Mu Qinglan turned around and left!

As soon as she stepped off the stage, Venerable Wang Yan and others rushed to meet her.

"Qing Lan!"

Although he won this match, Mu Qinglan was seriously injured, especially that hand...

Seeing the anxious expressions of several people, Mu Qinglan's mouth twitched.

"I'm fine... hey—"

Before she could finish her sentence, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Sensing the low air pressure around Yun Yi that was almost freezing to death, Mu Qinglan obediently closed her mouth, blinked her eyes, and gave a flattering smile.

When Lord Wang Yan and the others saw this scene, they also stopped tactfully and did not approach.

Just looking at the figures of these two people, Lord Wang Yan still feels wronged - after all, he is also a master, so why did he follow Yun Yi when he came?

Even if you want to go up and take care of your precious apprentice... this master is really...

There was no expression on Yun Yi's face, his whole body was like a huge ice cube, and even the temperature around him seemed to drop.

He didn't even look at Mu Qinglan, he just lowered his eyebrows and put Mu Qinglan's hand in his palm.

As if afraid of hurting her, his movements were extremely gentle.

He looked at the palm, Mu Qinglan's hand.

The flesh was bloody, the bones were broken, and even the white spikes produced by the broken bones could be seen in the scarlet flesh that was twisted.

His hand trembled undetectably suddenly.

Mu Qinglan wanted to say something, but when she saw the cold lines on his face and the tight jaw, she suddenly felt a little guilty, and obediently let him take out a jade bottle, then opened the stopper, and turned towards her poured something on his hand.

It was actually an extremely fine colored powder, and it looked like a lens, very translucent.

But the most shocking thing is the powerful power contained above!

The moment the colored powder fell on her hand, it melted quickly, and then penetrated into her flesh and blood.

Mu Qinglan immediately felt a warm and cool force spreading, and the severe pain dissipated a lot in an instant.

She was a little surprised and took a closer look, and saw that the scars on her hands had begun to coagulate and scab.

Yun Yi pinched her hand, picked out the broken bones, and then rejoined the broken bones.

Mu Qinglan flinched and said pitifully:


Yun Yi paused, and pursed her thin crimson lips into a cold straight line, slightly whitish.

He didn't speak, but his movements were much lighter.

Although, it can't be any lighter.

After all, if the broken bones are not connected properly, the impact will be greater in the future.

Mu Qinglan took a careful look at Yun Yi.

I seem to be more angry than before...

Besides, it seems that being coquettish this time doesn't work...

Just as she was thinking about this, a warm force suddenly came from her hand.

Mu Qinglan glanced at it casually, and saw that the hand that was horrible just now had returned to its original normal appearance!

Although the wound on it still looks terrible, the overall situation seems to have improved a lot.

That colored powder seems to be really effective...

Mu Qinglan was thinking in her heart, but she didn't notice that Lord Wang Yan's eyelids twitched when he saw that thing!

Yun Yi really spent a lot of money!

Not to mention that he didn't even have this thing, even if he did, he probably wouldn't use it until he was about to die.

Now Yun Yi actually took out so much for Mu Qinglan... to put on his hands? !

Venerable Wang Yan was both gratified and envious in his heart.

What is gratifying is that Yun Yi obviously puts Qinglan on the top of his heart, and what he envies is that he is not as good as a kid at his age...

It's so annoying to compare people to people!

Yun Yi didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. After binding Mu Qinglan's hands, he turned around and planned to leave.

Mu Qinglan was startled and quickly grabbed his sleeve.

"Yun Yi!"

Yun Yi stopped, but didn't look back, only frowning slightly.

It was only then that Mu Qinglan realized that Yun Yi's anger was really big this time!

She stepped on Yun Yi's bottom line!

In fact, Mu Qinglan herself knew that she was wrong. After all, Yun Yi had just told her that she must not let herself get hurt.

And she was not only injured, but... also directly crippled one of her own hands.

However, how could Mu Qinglan really make fun of her body?

Since she dared to do this, it was because she had confidence, and she would never ruin her hand because of it.

A mere Luo Chenxuan is not worthy of her.

She has cultivated the ancient real body, even if the physical body is completely damaged, she can still live well, it just takes some time and energy to reshape the physical body.

And she has the Resurrection Platform, so she has no worries at all in this regard.

What's more, she just broke a hand?

Even if Yun Yi doesn't help, according to her own physique, she can basically recover after half a month of cultivation.

The words of these explanations were stuck in his throat, but he couldn't say anything.

Because she knows, even if she doesn't say it, Yun Yi knows it too.

The reason why he was so angry was because she bet on herself.

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